
Zendak/Raze Kid Fluff

Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. “Zendak!” The deep voice echoed through the thick stone walls, the passing warriors shaking their heads and laughing.
  2. “Zendak, it is time to stop hiding!”
  4. She stopped, resting her head against a dresser, silently swearing in orcish. She heard foot falls approaching and turned, a sigh as Raze padded out of their living quarters.
  6. “I still haven’t found him Dagwren, he hid REALLY good today.”
  8. She smiled softly at the small boy, his wings and tail drooping to the floor behind him. She crouched down, getting as close to the kids level as she could.
  10. “Hey, remember the spell I taught you a while back?”
  11. “Locate creature?”
  12. “Yes that one, can you cast it?”
  13. “I can try!”
  15. The boys face lit up at the request, the smile revealing his glinting teeth. She looked him over, taking in the oddly sharp features for a child of 11. The way his tail twitched and curled around his leg. She still failed to get shirts that fit him fair, his wings a challenge greater than her.
  17. She sat patiently as he held a small prismatic crystal in his hand, the other tracing a series of sigils in the air, each glowing arcane symbol flaring in smooth waves as they rippled away.
  19. “FUCK!” His face scrunched up as the spell fizzled out, a sharp spark of arcane energy burst from the crystal. She fell back on her rear laughing as the outburst and the small pouting stomp, his bare foot quite against the stone. “Repeat after me Raze, Reka Manlíkan!”
  20. “Reka Manlíkan” He repeated, his voice immediately calm and dignified.
  22. “Perfect, next, hold the crystal out, In a fist.” She gestured, waiting for him to follow.
  23. “Like this?” He scrunched up half his face in hesitation.
  25. “Mmhmm. Just like that!” She gave him a thumbs up, making him shake his head and giggle.
  26. “Now, Raze, trace the patterns with me.”
  28. Their hands trailed lazily around their clenched fists, gentle arcane sigils appearing as they went.
  30. “REKA MANLÍKAN!” Raze hissed the phrase, immediately falling over and clutching at his eyes, the flaring Arcane energy revealing his friends location. “Dagwren!” He cried lightly, a faint sob as the unfamiliar arcane power flowed through him.
  32. “Oh Raze….” She pulled his hands away from his face, a quick dispel cast over him to sooth the fright. “You did good Raze, I should have warned you.”
  34. “I'm sorry for crying, it was just really bright…” He rubbed his eyes again, clearing the tears, but the orange skin remained red tinted.
  36. “Hush little one,” she brushed his hair back, taking note as it was approaching Zendak’s length. “There is no shame in tears. Few your age could cast such a spell, let alone hold it through the pain. You will… you are, a great spellcaster Raze.”
  38. “Thank you Dagwren!” He threw his arms around her neck to hug her, a surge of pride went through her at the action.
  40. “Hold on and lead me to Zen!” She stood, swinging the little demon around so he was on her back. His wings moved, hooking around the front of her neck. “You make, an absolutely terrible cloak Raze!”
  42. “Hey!” He pouted playfully. “I'm an excellent cloak!”
  44. “Where is he hiding Raze, did you get an idea?”
  45. “Mmhmm!”
  46. “Gonna lead the way?” She stood patiently.
  47. “Umm, sure!” He moved his hand over her eyes. “Forward!” Raze chimed the direction
  49. Raze guided her through the halls of the Dusklight Bulwark, the pair eliciting chuckles from the Bastions in the halls. Dagwren’s increasing ire for the task growing.
  51. She stopped, 12 minutes into the task and pulled Raze from her back. She held him before her, his shoulders slumped as she held him aloft. A wide smile cracked his face, his ears raising from the effort.
  53. “Where is he Raze?”
  55. “He got stuck in the wardrobe in our room.” The grin fell away, his wings folded in around him. “He asked me to try and keep you long enough so he could get out.”
  57. “How long has he been stuck in a wardrobe?”
  58. “Ummm.”
  59. “Raze!”
  61. “1 hour, 47 minutes….”. He waited, tail flickering. “48 minutes.”
  62. “By the hells Raze, why wouldn’t you have me free him!”
  63. “He said he'd be too embarrassed.”
  64. “You two are running me up a gods damned wall.”
  66. She pulled Raze tight, pinning him to her as she stalked to their quarters. She tried to hold back a grin at the stupidity that embroiled her. Raze sat stiffly under her arm, his tail trailing across the floor.
  68. “You’re not in trouble you know.”
  70. “Yeah, I know!”
  72. “Then why are you stiff as a board Raze?”
  73. “...You’re pressing my wings really tight and I can’t move.” He wriggled his toes a bit. “Very little movement!”
  75. She set him down, patting his shoulders, a quick angry look shot at a passing Bastion who sniggered as she hugged the tiefling and apologized. She took his hand and let him lead her to the room the boys shared.
  77. Raze pointed to the small wardrobe that housed much of the two boys clothes, a slight rattle as it shook. They approached it slowly. raze’s feet padding against the stone till he knelt down by it.
  79. “ZEN!!! Are you still stuck!”
  80. “Nope, I was free and just decided to get back in the box… Dagwrennnnnn I need Help!” His voice broke as he called her name.
  82. She moved to the wardrobe, taking the latch in hand and turning it, the cold brass fitting steadfast against her efforts.
  83. “Well, you live in there now!”
  84. “Dagwren Pleeease!” The soft voice wavered as tears began rolling down the face, still locked away.
  85. “Hold on Zendak, i will get you out.” She pulled a small dagger from her waist and shoved it into the latch, prying the mechanism open. She pulled the small Drow from the box, holding him tight and rubbing his head in reassurance as he sobbed gently.
  87. “Hush, your fine Zen, you are safe. Raze came and got me as soon as he could, even with your games he was clearly worried.” She held him out from her, brushing his long hair out of his face. The damn pink hair clung to him with sweat and tears. “With us here, nothing will harm you, okay?”
  89. “I know, it just got really lonely and dark.” He wiped his face with the hem of his shirt, the dark blue cloth similarly damp from so long trapped. “I'm sorry Dagwren…”
  91. “For what Zen? You two where playing, you did no wrong.” She pulled him close again, touching her forehead to his, she felt Zendak’s sobbing slowly ceasing. “Are you okay Zendak?”
  92. “Yes Dagwren, Thank you!”
  93. She brushed the hair down, smiling at the soft face before her. “Now, go wash up little one. I love you but you smell the wrong side of a fish market.”
  95. He jumped up and hugged her for a moment, before turning to Raze and hugging the older boy.
  97. “I'm sorry I ruined our game, I hope you’re not mad at me…”
  98. He pulled Zendak to him, Dagwren marveled at their similar heights. The tiefling gave him a gentle pat on the back as the embraced, a barely perceptible blush across his orange face.
  99. “I'm not mad at you, but im super glad to have you out of there!”
  101. “Raze, you should also bathe, we need to set out tonight for the sky port, i want you two to look presentable!”
  103. “Shit i forgot about that!” Raze quickly moved to the wardrobe and grabbed some clothes for the two of them. “Come on Zen, we gotta be quick!”
  105. “And watch the swearing Raze!” She laughed as the boys ran off bare feet slapping against the stone. “For fucks sake how did i end up with two goofballs.”
  107. Dagwren stood and left the boys room, their privacy reinstated as the door clicked behind her. She smiled softly, and set off to change, thoughts of what armor to wear dominating her mind.
  109. ~~~~~
  111. Zendak and Raze where staring over the edge of the sky ship, the moonlit countryside far below enrapturing the kids. Dagwren watched them, smiling as they jabbered about the geography. Using what she taught them to find their location. Zendak pulled Raze from the port railing and led him excitedly up to the sterns observation deck.
  113. “Lay down with me, we are high enough that the clouds won't block the stars!” Zendak was almost shaking with excitement. “WAIT!”
  115. He threw his heavy cloak on the deck, the thick black wool falling flat. “Here! More comfy!”
  117. “Thank you Zen!” Raze sat down, gently lowering himself, his tail wrapped around his left leg. “Here, beside me.” His left wing unfurled as he gestured to Zendak. “Here!”
  119. Zendak gently laid down in the fold of the wing. The two boys where close, as the wing closed, half covering Zendak, the other wing opened to cover them, the thin wings offering slight warmth in the cold night air.
  121. Dagwren approached, slowly lowering herself down. She laid back, resting her head by the boys. Her hands ruffling both boys hair.
  123. “What up nerds! Doing some star gazing?”
  124. “Dagwren!” The boys cried in unison.
  125. “What we studying tonight?” She asked them, softly mimicking a childlike voice.
  126. “We were trying to determine where we are based on the location of The Eye as it sits compared to the horizon…” Raze began,
  127. “But we are to high up, and the horizons elevation is fu… messing up” the Drow quickly stopped himself from swearing, “ messing up our measurements.”
  128. “So,” Raze took the conversational helm again, “ we decided we’d come do some star gazing and maybe nap up here for a bit!”
  129. “The gazing is fine, but if you need to sleep, please go to the cabin, I don’t want either of you getting a cold.
  130. “Yes Ma’am.” Again they spoke in unison.
  133. They stayed there is silence for a while till they heard the soft snoring of Raze. Zendak moved away. Wrapping his best-friends wings up, and closing his cloak around the sleeping boy. He hefted him up, a look of pride from Dagwren went unseen as he slowly carried the older boy to bed. When he reappeared he saw Dagwren looking out over the railing, he approached, the metal of his boots ringing in the thin night air.
  135. “Zendak, I figured you lay down with Raze.”
  136. “Not really tired.” He grabbed her arm, burying his face into her. “I'm scared.”
  137. “Of what?” She knelt down, her hands gentle on his shoulders. “We are here for you Zen, and what could scare such a strong boy as you?” She smiled, a soft genuine smile that hid the pain she felt at the sight of his tears. The often composed boy now teetering on the edge of sobbing.
  138. “What if Raze’s mom want him back and I lose my best friend.” The voice was quiet, a whisper almost stolen by the wind.
  140. Dagwren was torn between joining the teary eyed boy in crying and laughing. She pulled him close, rubbing his head as she felt the warm tears on her shoulder. Blinking away a faint haze in her eyes she gathered her breath.
  142. “Zendak, iv known Raze’s mother Byrn for literal Centuries. She just wants us to visit for a while.” She pulled Zendak closer as his sobbing picked up a bit. “Oh my little Shadow.” She sat down, back to the railing. Holding the Drow in her lap as he clutched her neck. “Zen, She entrusted me to watch him till he is old enough to care for himself. We both know he won’t leave you, the two of you are inseparable!”
  144. He looked up at her, the blue eyes watery and red tinged. She smiled, and saw his mouth twitch in comfort at the gesture.
  146. “And besides, Byrn is gonna love you, you have the same shade of hair after all.”
  147. “Really?”
  148. “Yeah, shes gonna find you adorable, im more worried about her stealing you than Raze!”
  150. She pushed her fingers into his sides to tickle him, the light snorting giggles drawing the attention of the few others on the deck, she let his laughter fade, wiping the last tears away.
  152. “Come, we should get some rest. Where did you two estimate out location at anyways?”
  153. “Somewhere over Eseld?”
  154. “Very good! You two are astounding at astronomical navigation.”
  156. She looked down at the kid. His head resting against her shoulder as he slept, the quiet, slow breaths of an elf in their restful trance. She held him to her as she walked.
  158. She set him gently with Raze, tossing the blanket over them before crawling into her own bed, the cold pillow against her face knocking her out in seconds, still smiling at her wards having curled around each other in their sleep.
  160. ~~~~~
  162. The sky-ship docked over Titan Falls, the port found near the lower side of the city, they found themselves with three day holdover for cargo transfer. The boys stood patiently while Dagwren talked to the captain, reassurances that they would be informed and gathered before take off.
  164. She led them by the hand down the gantry, their feet crunching in the fresh snow. She heard the boys jibber excitedly at the snow, the crunching sound grew louder as they jumped and stomped, their giggles echoing through the streets and drew many soft and joyful looks from the residents.
  166. She led them to an inn, supported by the Bastion, and centrally located near the city square. The building stood 4 stories tall, the stone resplendent in the falling snow.
  168. “Boys, play out here for a while if you want, i will go to secure the room and find me at the counter when you’re done.”
  170. She smiled as they ran off a bit, Zendak quickly dropping into the snow and jumping back up, hurling two snowballs at Raze. She chuckled as she turned into the doorway, the warm air brushing over her.
  172. Once inside she moved quick to the counter, a light haired dwarf stood behind the counter, their hands quickly organizing bottles and glasses. Their toes tapping loudly to the bard in the far corner.
  174. “Evenin Nher Fulgra Thorvin, how's the cool treating you?” Dagwren leaned into the counter, taking a seat as she spoke.
  176. “Can’t complain really. Pretty good town actually, though, some of the local children cause a bit of mischief…” she looked Dagwren over, “Reminds me of your little wards, didn’t realize I missed them... hey, you here on business? You don't use my shape name often!”
  178. “Can’t I be a bit formal?” She looked hurt, an exaggerated frown and a huff. “Sometimes I just act professional!”
  180. “Since when!” Fulgra chuckled, pulling a large matte black bottle from under the counter. “Last I recall, You called a king a… ahh fuck what did you call the little shit?”
  182. “A shit mouthed runt with a face like rotting meat.”
  184. “Yeahh, hahaha. The look on those snobby court goers. Thought the Queen was gonna pass out.”
  186. “That would have been a sight for sure. But that was nearly 8 years ago so is it so hard to believe iv grown as a person?”
  188. “After nearly… fuck what is it 1500-sumthin years? Yea, I don’t think you’re gonna grow much!”
  190. “Fuck you Fulgra… Are you gonna pour the whiskey or just cradle it like baby!”
  192. “If ya keep up the attitude im keep cradle it like a baby!”
  194. “Just pour the drink you short lump of stone.”
  196. “Ahh shut up.” Fulgra slid two glasses out, the thick reverberation as the cork was pulled from the glass.
  198. The dwarf poured a viscous liquid into the glasses, a sickening glug as the jug emptied. The bottle set aside as she slid a glass to Dagwrenz. The two women toasted, throwing back the thick liquor. Fulgra coughed and scowled, a trail of acrid smoke pouring from her nose.
  200. “How the fuck do ta drink this shit Dagwren, its like…. shite there isn’t anything like this!”
  202. “Nope!” Dagwren exhaled, a similar acrid cloud rolling from her as she grinned. “Dragon-Blood Whiskey, tastes like shit, burns like hells.”
  204. “A fucking mad woman…”
  206. “Aye, damn right!” Dagwren laughed, Fulgra joining in as they pushed the bottle away. “It’s pretty nice to share a drink with you again, Yarha cant hold her liquor for shit!”
  208. “Really? Dags is no better. Get her a single shot of plain old bourbon and she's out.”
  210. “Give her a glass of juice and tell her its wine, shes gets so insulted!”
  212. “Ha, good one, if I tried that id end up tied to brahma heading for the hills.”
  214. “Ay, she is rather temperamental.”
  216. “Hey Dagwren, what brings you here anyways?”
  218. “Just passing through, we are heading up to Lethillion.”
  220. “WE! Well where are the little shits!” Fulgra hopped onto the counter, get into Dagwrens face. “I already said I missed them and yet you kept me in the dark! Dagwren this is shameful!”
  222. “Outside playing, let's go join them!”
  224. Fulgra smiled as she sprinted out the door, the bar patrons confused by the increasingly odd pair. Dagwren followed behind her, nodding to a rather exasperated human who took up position behind the bar.
  226. Dagwren sighed as the cold air embraced her, the crisp smell of it made her long for home as her eyes drifted up to the mountain peak in the south. The broken peak of the Eastern Fang still filled her with fury and fear in equal doses.
  228. A squeal of terror and a cold thump to her face brought her back as a large snowball collided with her. The bustling square seemed to go dead as everyone watched on. The snow falling around them the only movement.
  230. Laughing as she brushed the snow away, eyes opening to see Raze standing knee deep in the snow, his hands over his mouth and eyes wide while Fulgra rolled in the snow, slowly burrowing down as she moved and laughed.
  232. “Oh shit, Dagwren i'm sorry I was aiming for Zen I swear!”
  234. “You definitely swore!” She chuckled taking a step and stopping, eyes widening with relizationtion. “Wait foe Zen, where is he?”
  237. Dagwren turned, looking up in time to see a large snowball thump into her face again. She stumbled back with surprise as the cold pact snow hit her. The laughter stopped from the onlookers as they anticipated anger from the large woman.
  239. But again Dagwren laughed, a loud playful bellow as she knelt down, brushing snow from her hair. Raze mumbled Zendak’s name under his breath in exasperation as he watched Dagwren.
  241. Fulgra came to her feet beside him, buried in the snow she stood a few inches shorter than him. She gave him a pat on the back, knocking him forward in the snow, his wings flapping as instinct. She apologized and set a hand on his shoulder, whispering to him.
  243. “Watch carefully little one. I know you know Dagwren pretty well, but I don’t know if you've seen her in combat.”
  245. “Only sparring.”
  247. “Can you see Zendak?” The dwarf looked to the Inn’s roof, unable to spot the small drow. “For how he looks, he sure blends in well.”
  249. “Well, The Loremaster has declared that Zen is to be trained as an assassin. He’s spent the last two years training.” The boys face grew sad, almost angry as he spoke. “He comes back to the room sore from exercising and sparring. He just lays down, sometimes crying softly.” Fulgra felt the tension in his shoulders, saw his hand tightened into a fist, and for a moment she sword she saw steam when snow landed on the child. “Supposedly by the end of the winter his training will be completed. Said on Zendak’s 10th year we will have a feast to welcome the new Bastion fully.” She saw the composure return to the face, the sharp features softening back to normal. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him safe… and i know Dagwren will too!”
  251. “By Kords hairy ass, you mean that bastard is forcing a child to train to kill people!”
  253. “Yes, It's why Dagwren brought Zen on this trip. She wants him away for all that for a while.”
  255. “You are a child as well Raze, you shouldn’t have to worry about this…” She saw him pull his wings tights, drawing his cloak tight with it. “Try to…. oh shit!” She turned her attention as she saw Raze’s grin.
  258. She watched as Dagwren tossed a snowball at a spot of the roof, a heavy thud as the head sized ball fell apart on contact, she watched the bright pink hair flash, the dark grey skin visible a moment later. She saw Zendak fall, landing softly in the snow and growling.
  260. He stood, shaking the snow from his clothes, the growl rolling into a giggle as Dagwren pelted him again, giggling herself as the snowball knocked the boy to his ass. The group quieted and moved into the inn, the warmth of the large room quickly drying the boy soaked hair, their cloaks laid flat before the hearth to dry.
  262. They pulled seats at a table near the hearth, Fulgra setting some bowls before the kids. They thanked her and set to the stew, a small plate of bread disappeared as they ate. The two women talked, catching up on the last year of adventures and stories.
  264. Zendak yawned, stretching and leaning into Raze, who was himself listing off to sleep. The two boys heads sat against each other as their eyes slowly closed.
  266. “Looks like they wore themselves out, i don't have any three person rooms Dagwren. Single, pairs and group rooms, we don’t exactly do family stays.”
  268. “A two bed suite will work.” She looked at the sleeping boys, a soft smile creasing her face. “They tend to share a bed anyways, they are rarely apart these days.”
  270. “Mmhmmm.” Fulgra looked from the kids to Dagwren. “Raze was telling me of Zendak’s training… an assassin, Dagwren this is ridiculous.” Her voice stayed low and jovial, not seeking to gain attention from the other patrons.
  272. “I am aware. He wanted to train, to learn how to be stealthy, a Ranger id hoped. But…” she ran her hand down the pink hair, the pointed ears that stuck out twitching slightly. “The Loremaster saw it otherwise. But, once his training is done he will only ever go on a mission I take him on, at least until he is old enough to decide.”
  274. “And when are you old enough to decide to kill?” Fulgra threw back a shot of some clear liquor. “Fucking child soldiers Dagwren…. I thought we were the heroes who stopped shit like that.”
  276. “I knew what would happen when I chose to raise Zendak. I could have left the Bastion, but the danger within can’t be ignored. And…” she paused with her hand on Zendaks cheek, the two sleeping boys a reminder of what she fights for. “And eventually they will have the choice to use the skills they have learned, but their will be no wrong answer.”
  278. “Aye, with you raising them, iv got no doubt about their safety. But i don't like The Loremaster for doing it!”
  280. Her fist pounding into the table jostled the boys. Raze’s eyes narrowly open, wing flinching out a few inches. Zendak moved like a blur, grabbing the discarded spoons like knives, his blue eyes watery with sleep and fear. Dagwren reached out her hand to his hair, the soft gesture reassuring him as he blinked away the tears.
  282. “Dagwren, where's the beds, im sleeby.”
  284. “Shhh little shadow, I will get you two to your room.”
  286. She stood, slowly lifting the two boys, she paused as she took note of their size, realizing how big they had grown. She looked to Fulgra, cradling the two boys in her arms, and saw the small dwarf smiling through the bushy blond beard.
  288. “You deserve a break Dagwren.”
  290. “Damn right, but that's why we are on this little vacation.”
  292. “Fair enough ya big softie, here, I'll take you to the best rooms.”
  294. “Thank you Fulgra.”
  296. “Ayy ayy… don’t thank me, Bastion run inn, I just pour the liquor.”
  298. Fulgra held the door for Dagwren as the larger woman slid into the room. The large room was dimly lit by a set of glowing crystals hanging from the ceiling. Their soft reddish glow made the room feel warm. Dagwren moved gently to the large bed far in the back, setting the two boys down together, smiling as Zendak unconsciously grabbed Raze’s hand.
  300. She turned to Fulgra, the small dwarf quickly brushing a tear from her face. “Going soft on me.” Dagwren crouched down to the dwarfs level. “Thank you Fulgra, it was nice seeing you again.”
  302. “I'm not dying Dagwren, just retiring. You know you will always have the softest bed at my inn.”
  304. “Oh yeah, finest gravel in all of HammerHeim… lively offer old friend.”
  306. “Ahh fuck you…. There I thought we were friends.”
  308. “My most sincere apologies my lady.”
  310. The ladies laughed before heading off for the night. Dagwren sat on the smaller bed, the soft mattress seamed to call her name. Falling back on the mattress staring at the ceiling, the crystals pulsing. Drifting to sleep she thought of all that had changed in her life. The two sleeping boys she cared for brought her peace as she fell asleep, excited for the rest of their trip north.
  313. ~~~~
  316. The three of them walked down the street towards, the streets clean as the marched, the snow cleared away in the night. Zendak and Raze walked closely behind Dagwren, giggling and talking about the city, so different from their own. Raze was telling Zendak about Lethillion, telling him of the large ice flows at the shore, and the ice forest around it.
  318. She laughed quietly as Zendak made sounds of awe and amazement, Raze’s theatrics clearly inherited from his mother. The streets picked up as the sun rose, the people going about their days, smiling and laughing as they passed.
  320. The streets widened as they approached the edge of the city, the view of the valley below breathtaking. The boys rushed up to the wall along the ledge. The thick stone carved out of the mountain itself, the dark grey stone speckled with slivers crystal embedded in it.
  322. “Woah!” Zendak looked over the ledge, the forest below stretched forwards them, sharp peaks of the Coniferous forest stretching out to the taiga bellow. The sound of the wind blowing down the mountain, rustling the trees into a calming rhythm.
  324. “It so pretty Zen, dang… I was hoping to see the ocean from here.”
  326. “Raze, we are like… uhhm. Probably like a fortnight out from the coast maybe more.”
  328. “I can hope. I just like seeing the ocean, the view from Lethillion is ground level. I wanted to see it from higher up, watch it spread across the horizon!”
  330. “Nerd.”
  332. “Wait till you see it Zen! You’ll understand after that. After you see the lights reflecting off the ice and water. I don’t think there is anything so pretty as the aurora!”
  334. “Will we see it once we are there, at your home?” His voice was a mix of excitement and sad fear, afraid Raze would want to stay with his mother, and not with him.
  336. “My home is with you, Zendak.” The older boy looks at him and smiled, the orange skin did little to hide the blushing cheeks, but Zendak didn’t notice, his gave still out over the trees. Raze’s smile fell away as he saw Zendak shivering, the cold cutting through his cloak.
  338. Dagwren watched them both, listening and smiling at them. She too frowned at the shivers, turning her gaze to the shops lining the road. A sturdy building caught her eye, the light orange glow betrayed its nature as a forge. She leaned against a tree, watching the boys point and talk, before joining them. Crouching behind them and setting a hand on both their shoulders, stealthily placing her cloak over Zendak.
  340. “Do you two see that smear of brown on the horizon?”
  342. “Yes, but what is it?” Zendak asked as he started to dig i to his pack for a spyglass.
  344. “It’s a forest for sure. But what’s important about it?” Raze asked, looking up at Dagwren in confusion.”
  346. “Raze, i'm surprised you do not yet know of Necropolis, you grew up so close to it.” She pointed to the spot on the horizon. “One of the biggest cities of magical study, along with Mooracer and Synoun. The city may have a grim name and appearance. But it is one of the safest cities I can name.”
  348. “How many cities can you name?” Zendak asked, a snarky grin as he pulled the spyglass from his bag.
  350. “Hmm, enough that you will hit the trees after i toss you from this cliff.”
  352. “You wouldn’t! You love me too much!” He gestured articulatly with the spyglass, the snarky grin spreading into a toothy smile.
  354. “She picked the boys up as she stood, accidentally knocking the spyglass from Zendak’s hands. She swore violently as she saw it slip from the surprised grip. She heard Raze mumbling and his hands moved. But before he trailed off as they both saw Zendak throw his hand out.
  356. A pale pink hand, ghostly and with a smokey trail shot out quickly appearing under the falling brass tube. The arcane hand pulled close to him till he clutched the spyglass, a triumphant giggle. He looked at the others, his laughter stopped as he saw them staring.
  358. “Zendak! When did you learn to do that?”
  359. “Oh shit, Zen that’s awesome!”
  361. The two looked at him in awe, zendak looking down at the spyglass in his hands. “I’ve seen you two do it and sometimes I try to see if I could and it doesn’t usually work though like I can feel it sometimes but can't see anything so I don’t think it usually works and I saw the spyglass you two got me falling and I panicked and I tried hoping it would work and it worked and it caught the spyglass and now two are smiling weird and oh fuck, I actually used magic.”
  363. The pink hair boy looks in awe at his hands, tightly gripping the spyglass. He looked to his friends, their beaming smiles made him feel warm, despite the piercing cold.
  365. “Come little ones, we should get some warmer clothes for the little mage!”
  367. “Im fine, it's not that cold!”
  369. “Zen, if we put you in a tub of milk we would have butter, your shivering so bad. Come on!” Raze tugged on Zendaks hand.
  371. The two boys began chasing each other, running around Dagwren and giggling as she moved, a slow amble to the blacksmith. On the approach she read the sign, a wrought iron sign reading “Titans Arms” the iron sign depicting an arm of stone holding a large ax.
  373. “Boys, come. Into the shop!”
  375. The two kids lined up behind her as she entered, the well lit interior showed an indoor forge, a few racks held swords, daggers, axes and polearm heads. The opposite end held a few suits of armor and to Dagwrens relief a wall with some cloaks hanging loosely.
  377. The boys moved over to the blades, Raze listening with rapt attention as Zendak talked about the different style blades, explaining the benefits of each kind of weapon.
  379. “Hello friend, hohoo, your a big lady!” A large drow, perhaps one of the most muscular elves Dagwren had ever seen. “What can I can you with?”
  381. She took in his short blue hair, the sky blue color common amongst drow, clearly the forge master here. She approached him, hand resting on her head, smiling at the kindness offered.
  383. “Truth be told master blacksmith, my little one there,” she gestured to the kids. “He’s not used to the cold. I was looking for a thicker cloak for him.”
  385. “Ahhhh…” he looked over at the kids, he smiled almost sadly at the sight. “Underdark doesn’t prepare ya for this damnable cold, been here nearly 14’years and i still get sick as a pup every winter. May i?”
  387. He gestured to the kids, Dagwren nodded, reading his intentions as noble. He called the kids over, their surprise at his size made laugh as they gawked, never having seen so large a Drow. He introduced himself to the trio as Beol Stone-Wrecker, shaking each of their hands.
  389. He moved back to the counter, a loud whistle brought out another drow, this one shorter than Beol. Longish hair pulled back tight, a clean close fitting suit set a stark contrast to the smoke smeared smith with arms bare. The piercing red eyes looked softly at the kids, as he introduced himself as Risgos Glory-Seekers
  391. “Interesting names for Drow. They sound more like that of Orcish decent.”
  393. “Our wives.” Risgos said, his voice light and charming.
  394. “Aye that, Stone-Wrecker made for a better smiths mark than Zulath anyways.” A hearty chuckle. “Hey Ris, the little ones.” The big smith sighed, a hint of tears in his eyes as he looked at the children. “So little one,” he focused on Zendak. “Your guardian here says you need a warmer cloak. Well, go pick one out and we’ll get it trimmed to size for ya!”
  396. Zendak ran to the far wall, coming back with a thick white fur cloak, a trim of brown fur along the hood. He held the bundled fur up to the large smith.
  398. “Well boy, your gonna lose yourself in the snow with this. But, well ya seam like a smart little one so, i'll get this trimmed up for you quickly.” He gave Dagwren a nod as he moved to the counter. A pair of shears and a sewing kit pulled out as he set to work.
  400. “So, ma’am, what brings you to Titan Falls?” A hint of worry in his voice made Dagwren laugh, drawing weird look from Beol at his counter.
  402. “What are you two talking and over there!”
  404. “Your compatriot here thinks im chasing some danger, but i can assure you sir, it's just a vacation with my little family here. We may be Bastion, but we are avoided the danger for a while.”
  406. Risgos relaxed at the words, until Beol bellowed.
  407. “BASTIONS! By the All Hammers anvil, I didn’t know you were bastions. Risgos, you knew, and didn’t tell me?” He looked hurt, throwing a look at his friend. “My apologies ma’am, i'd like to offer you a discount for your services!”
  409. “Beol! How did you not see… my… you'd lose your nose if it were it not attached.”
  411. “Risgos! Hush! Ma’am, as I said. A discount for tour services in protecting the people.”
  413. “Well…” Dagwren chuckled at the men. “I appreciate the offer, but my job it to Help the people, not just protect them. So I would not want to deprive you of your hard earned coin. So, please charge me the standard rate, it is my pleasure to be your customer.”
  415. “Well, if you insist. Cloak will be 50 silver, but we are tossing in the tailoring for free.”
  416. “And don’t try and fight it!” Beol tossed in after the smaller man spoke.
  418. “Course not.” Dagwren shook her head and truned to the boys, crouching to their level. “Zen… Raze, would either of you like anything else while we are here?”
  420. “Zen, where’s our money?”
  421. “OH… Uhhh hold on!”
  423. Raze bounced from foot to foot as Zendak dug in his bag and pulled a small learher pouch out a minute later. He held the pouch out and dumped the small treasure into Razes hands.
  425. “Uhhh, 12 gold… 20 silver and… is this your lucky rock Zen?”
  426. “I thought I Lost it!”
  427. “What can we get with that do you think?”
  429. The two boys turned their heads to Dagwren, watching as she shrugged and gestured their freedom. They moved together over to a rack holding smaller weapons. Zendak handes Raze an ax, both of them shaking their heads in silent communications. All three adults watched the enthusiastic boys till the pair settled and walked to the counter.
  431. “How much are these sirs?” Zendak asked. Setting the daggers on the counter.
  433. “Oh, you two have good taste.” Beol lifted the two daggers, spinning them around his hands. “The Seax is my favorite dagger to make, and a matched pair, glad to see they will stay together!” He handed them back to the boys. “As for the price, it's about 5 gold for the set, and you will get a sheath for them, I don't want you to hurt ourselves after all.”
  435. Zendak handed over the gold. “Thank you Mr. Stone-Wrecker!” He turned sharply towards Dagwren and Risgos, “and thank you Mr Glory-Seeker! Dagwren! Look at the seax’s!”
  437. “They are very well made. Here, the gold for the cloak. It was a pleasure to meet you two, May our paths cross again.” She bowes her head as she ushered the boys out the door.
  439. “I know Beol, tour really missing Raith, wanna close early and get a drink?”
  440. “Yes, sounds like a good plan Ris!”
  442. The large smith wrapped an arm around his old friends shoulder as they set out through the door, the excited voices of his customers echoing down the street behind them made him smile sadly.
  444. ~~~~
  446. The skyship was bustling, the cold sky the preferred way to reach Necropolis to avoid the dangers of the taiga below. The thick forest of trees towered, hundreds of feet above the ground.
  448. Dagwren sat in their cabin, a black leather bound tome sitting closed in her lap. Zendak and Raze in their side room getting changed for the night. She heard them talking excitedly about Necropolis.
  450. “What do you think it's like there Raze?”
  451. “I read its build over an ancient titan, makes it a nexus for Arcane powers.”
  452. “Wooah”.
  454. Dagwren chuckled softly at the muffled sound of awe from the younger boy, picturing his expression made her smile.
  456. “Apparently there is a forest surrounding the city,”she heard a thud and a laugh as one of them fell, the laughter assuaging her worries. “Anyways, the forest is these weird birch trees, but they bleed if you cut them.”
  457. “That gross.”
  458. “Its just sap, but it has a deep crimson color and they use it for potions and salves.”
  459. “Oh! That’s pretty cool then, I can’t wait to see it!”
  460. “Me too! Maybe someday we will be there long enough to explore it.”
  461. “We will, I promise!”
  463. “Zendak those are my pants.”
  464. “Oh, sorry I was distracted.”
  465. “Idiot, here catch!”
  467. Dagwren smiled, feeling the inky cold from the book seeping into her hand resting on the tome. The edges of her eyesight turned misty and inky, the whispering voices of her warlock patron drowning out the other sounds, the faint sound of the boy giggling and playing the last sound to go.
  469. She sat there for the night, until the rough communion with her patron ended abruptly. Sound came back to her like thunder. She fell onto her hands and held her eyes closed tight, gritting her teeth as the pain subsided. The light through the window showed her late dawn.
  471. She stood, weak on her feet and stopped as she heard giggling from the boys room. Pushing it open she saw Raze sitting on Zendak‘s legs with his tail holding the drows hands, while Raze tickled the shirtless elf. Dagwren looked at them confused for a moment before hearing their joined laughter.
  473. “What are you two doing?” She asked, leaning against the doorframe as aloofly as possible.
  475. “Zen said he could escape anything, im proving him wrong!”
  477. “Ahhh,” she held a serious face until Raze turned back to resume his efforts. “I see, I see.”
  479. She stepped lightly to them, Raze’s wings low and limp to his sides. He was also shirtless, an easy mark to her. Lightning quick she pushed him beside Zendak and began tickling the two of them. Their light giggling filling the room, and with her deeper chuckling woke their neighbors, so early in the day.
  481. The laughter fell away slowly as they regain their composure. Dagwren stood stretching out the nights cramps and soreness. The room looking like and explosion of clothes as they quickly stripped and redressed.
  483. Zendak was tieing Raze’s shirt closed between his wings and began asking Dagwren about Necropolis. She verified the statements made by Raze the previous night. The awe in the boys face always bringing a smile to her own face.
  485. “Is it true the leader if the city is a lich?”
  487. The question hit Dagwren like a stone… where could Raze have heard that she wondered, such rumors were rare, and carried much danger. She thought quickly…
  489. “Yea, Raze.” The truth, nothing less than what boys deserved. “Mirx the Underlord, she’s rather kind, only about 350 years old, though the bet is she will succumb to the arcane energies within the century.”
  491. “Woah,” again the awed gasp from the boys.
  492. “I wanna meet a lich!”
  493. “I wonder what spells they know!”
  494. “Do you think they are a skeleton!”
  495. “Wait, what does succumbing to Arcane energy mean?”
  497. “Not so fast, we are just in town for a day while they reload supplies for Lethillion. We will see the city someday. But I can take you to see some of the city yes, i have an associate to meet while there.”
  499. “Another Bastion?” Raze asked, face contorted in confusion.
  501. “Nope, one of the teachers in the Arcanium. Soren is a follower of Bahamut and one of the foremost experts on Elemental magic, I just need to ask him to get me something.”
  503. “Ohh… sounds boring.” Zendak proffered his thoughts, his ears drooping as he huffed the words.
  505. “It will be, it's your payment for all the fun.” She ruffled his hair. “Come, we will be docking soon!”
  507. She smiled, ready to be off the ship and on solid ground. The kids hopped from their beds, quick to follow. Their excited chatter grew as the city came into view in front of them.
  509. “Dagwren! Why is there a red fog?”
  511. She smiled at the light terror in Zendaks voice.
  512. “Zendak, that is the Blood Haze.”
  514. “What the fuckkkkk” he whispered the expletive in abject horror at the words.
  516. “Zendak! Watch your tongue.”
  518. “Oh sorry.” He looked down towards the railing, still terrified by the mist.
  520. “Why is it red Dagwren?” Raze asked, attempting to peer through the fog.
  522. “The Blood River is high in iron which gives it a thick red color. It is believed to be from the titan at Titan Falls and the one beneath Necropolis.”
  524. “Thats cool. I wanna find a book about it while we’re here.”
  526. “Of course. Now. Any other questions?”
  528. ~~~~
  530. The city loomed over them, the white marble buildings shining in the midday sun as they walked. Dagwren was giving them a history lesson about the city, the boys dove in and out of the lesson. The boring parts falling on deaf ears as they gawked at the day-to-day lives of the citizens. The occasional skeleton moved through the city leaving the boys unnerved, even Dagwren was uncomfortable with the blatant display of necromancy.
  532. They approached the large castle, the Arcanium, according to Dagwren. The large adamantine gates guarded by two guards and a few skeletal warriors.
  534. “Bastion business! I request passage into the Arcanum.”
  536. “For what business Ma’am?” The first guard motioned to her, their armor clinking as the moved.
  538. The second guard moved to the gate, a small carven idol placed into the gate way made the metal slide apart, their passage unbarred.
  540. “A meeting with Elementalist Soren, on the topic of private matters.”
  542. “Very good my lady, please, take care in the Arcanium!”
  544. They passed through the gates, the air felt sharp and cooler than the rest of the city. They had walked halfway through the courtyard before they noticed the lack of snow, the flagstones dry, and the grass crisp and green.
  546. “Dagwren, how do they do that?” Raze pointed to the grass with his free hand, the other holding Zendak’s hand, the pair sticking close together, their interest dimmed by odd warmth of the area. “I don’t know of a magic that can warm an area!”
  548. “Its druidic Raze, not something anyone can really just learn. You have to be connected, spiritually, to the world, feel the natural flow of the earth below you.”
  550. “Ohhh…”
  552. She heard the disappointment in his voice, unsure of what to say as they walked in silence. The lack of the boys talking made the courtyard feel dull, the looming buildings seemed now to merge with the white sky above.
  554. “Where is everyone?” Zendaks voice broke the silence. She turned to glance back at them. The small Drow was beside Raze, clutching the older boys shirt even as the orange wing wrapped around him protectively.
  556. She knelt down, rubbing Zendak’s cheek to cheer him. “They are about the city, or sleeping in. Its is an off day for the Arcanium. Best day to try and meet with an instructor, like my friend Soren!.”
  558. “No guards or anything though, its… its like everyone left or…. or died.”
  560. “Zen, you worry to much. We are safe. And with your knife at your side, I think we are in capable hands!”
  562. “I left my knife on the ship cause I didn’t want to get in trouble.”
  563. “Oh… we are doomed to an eternity of pain then.”
  565. “Noo, Stop!” He pouted, trying not to laugh at her joke. “Be serious!”
  567. “Zendak, I won't let anything happen to you as long as im near by, you know this.”
  569. “I know… but it feels weird here, it…” he rubbed at his ears, the only thing he could never control, as they expressed his fear. “Its creepy, the tall buildings and the weird warm air.”
  571. “Well, lets get inside where it's just normal, regular building!”
  573. “You are a terrible liar Dagwren!”
  575. She stood and walked away, waving at them, “Eh, we have business, Come on, we can have fun after my meeting okay!” Her tone light as she bid them follow.
  577. They boys sighed, Raze gripped Zendak’s hand tightly to reassure him. “Come on Zen, we can arm wrestle with mage hand while she's busy!”
  579. Zendak hugged Raze, his head buried into Raze’s neck. “Okay, lets go!” He pulled Raze forward a few steps before stopping. He turned and gave him a quick kiss on the nose, giggling as he ran to catch up with Dagwren. Raze blushed, covering the lower half of his face with his wings before also running to catch up.
  581. ——
  583. The interior of the building felt cozy, the vaulted ceilings of the main hall drew gasps from the boys, eyes wide in awe at the White marble. Statues of ancient heroes lined the walls, from the founding of the Arcaneum, to the most recent Bastions to have passed from their halls.
  585. A round desk sat a few meters into the hall, a robed person sat behind the desk, a copper skull mask hid their face. They stared at the three as they approached, Raze and Zendak gasped and hid behind Dagwren when they saw the mask.
  587. “Herald of Bone, I seek an Audience with Elementalist Soren Wintersbane.” Her words fell flat through the halls.
  589. The masked figure nodded slowly, pulling a small carven slate and holding it out to Dagwren. Taking it with a nod the Herald moved back into place, the vacant stare towards the doors. The boys held tight to her as she walked past, setting a quick pace as she felt their unease.
  591. She pushed through large gilded doors, a hallway stretching before them.
  593. “I hate old magic.” an Orcish swear followed the words.
  594. “Dagwren!”
  595. What?” she looked at the shocked Drow. “I am allowed to swear, I am an adult!”
  596. “But that was vulgar, Even for an adult!”
  597. “...” Dagwren’s face fell as she remembered the boy had picked up Orcish from her. “I am Sorry Zen, You are correct, I should not subject you to such words.”
  598. “Thank you!” The smug look made her crack a grin, shaking her head as she set off down the hall.
  600. “Zen, what did she say?”
  601. “I’m not gonna repeat it, it’s really mean though!” He gestured to Dagwren slightly for Raze to see, his hands making a small gesture, their secret code. Raze grinned slyly as Zendak informed him that he would tell him later.
  604. The hall seemed to repeat, windowless and bland, the carven marble floors a repeating pattern guiding them ever further down. They bumped into Dagwren as she held the slate up to a door, a glowing rune pulsed as she faced it towards a large wooden door. She sneered at the magic and pounded on the door. 4 loud knocks echoed through the halls.
  606. “Soren is a newer bastion, Granted the rank of Informer at 22 and places here at the Arcaneum to monitor the lay lines of the area and keep the Loremaster informed of any potential Dangers.” she looked down at the boys. “I hear he is training a boy your age Raze, maybe we can meet him?”
  607. “That'd be fun!”
  608. “Yeah definitely!”
  609. “I wonder what they look like.”
  611. The door opened, and the boys went silent as a dragonborn stood before them. Nearly as tall as Dagwren with a long doat of black and gold falling around him. He nodded at Dagwren, and looked at Zendak and Raze. A huff as he looked back to Dagwren.
  613. “I have enough children to handle Lady Hulwen, I don’t need two more.”
  614. “The Children are mine Soren, im here to deliver the artifact, now if you would move so we may enter.” She pushed past him, the boys quickly following. “Soren, im told you have been training a child much like Raze, perhaps he could show the boys around while we discuss the artifact?”
  616. “Unfortunately he is off in one of his few group classes, the children will have to stay.” Soren sat at a large desk, coated in various items from alchemical tools to books and crystals.
  618. “Zendak! Raze! Play in the corner while we discuss some stuff please?”
  620. “Yes ma’am.” They responded in unison as they moved to the corner closest to the door.
  622. “So Soren, how have you been?”
  623. “Being a teacher is not quite where I saw my time as a Bastion going, but id say it's fulfilling. My pupil is Scale-born. Almost seams fated.”
  624. “Scale-Born?” Dagwren almost recoiled at the term. “Why have you refrained from mentioning it before now?”
  625. “Scale-Born... Dagwren, hardly means anything major.”
  626. “But still special…”
  629. The boys attention drifted out from the adult conversation as they sat on the floor, the stone surprisingly cold.
  631. “Remember how to cast it?” Raze asked, holding Zendaks hand.
  632. “Yea yea. Like this!”
  634. Zendak held out his other hand, palm up as he said a few unintelligible words. An arcane hand appeared over his, a faint pink hands shimmered in and out of view.
  636. “Fantastic Zen!” Raze quietly cheered Zendak on, squeezing his hand excitedly. “Now have it grab mine!” His other hand traced a quick circle, “MUND!” The incantation brought forth a deep red hand, the fingers faintly sharpened into claws.
  638. The hands clasped, a stream of arcane sparks falling from the clasped palms. They both lowered their hands to the floor, doing their best to mimic the actions of arm wrestling.
  640. “Okay Zen, on the count of 3 ready!”
  641. “Yeah!”
  642. “1…. 2…. 3!”
  644. They both scrunched their faces as they tried to force each other’s spell to the floor. Raze watches Zendak’s ears twitching as he concentrated. His own tail curled tight around his waist as he fought for control.
  646. “Your doing awesome Zen, just a bit…” he watched Zendak’s mage hand disappear, the drows face looking sad. “Ohhh, you held it linger than befo…” Raze suddenly rolled into Zendaks giggling as the invisible hand tickled between his wings. “Hehey! Th-That's Cheating!”
  648. “Nope! You won! But hey, I noticed i can do other spells too!”
  649. “Show me show me!!” Raze sat up, almost bouncing with excitement. “How did you learn them?”
  650. “I was playing around, trying to summon the mage hand and I did this…” he held his hands out, a small sparking appeared between his palms, like a small ball of static held in stasis. “It doesn’t do anything, but I can put our room candles out without moving when in use this magic!”
  651. “Ohhh, its Presdedigitation!”
  652. “Presdedigia… I give up.”
  653. “Yeah I think I said it wrong too.”
  654. “At least we are wrong together!”
  655. “I'd rather be right…”
  656. “Rude, I thought we were a team!”
  657. “We are, but I am the smart one.”
  658. “What am I then?”
  659. “The strong one duh!”
  662. Dagwren and Soren tried to focus on their conversation, the occasional laugh at the children as they spoke and played.
  664. “So, why the tuff guy act when they were watching?” She leaned into his desk, the thick oak creaking.
  666. “Appearances, as well as to discourage them from eavesdropping.”
  668. “I trust them not to tell what they hear if i tell them its secret.”
  669. “There are ways to pull magic from the minds of the unprepared.”
  670. “And your student?”
  671. “A fast learner, but that’s not why you are here. You found it correct?”
  672. “Yes, the first bit of proof we need.”
  673. “The Heart of the Stormslayer… where was it?”
  675. Dagwren looked back at the boys, distracted in their own little world. Sighing and looking back to Soren.
  677. “Hollow Haven. Not anywhere near where he was said to have been laid to rest. I feel it confirms it.”
  678. “You are not wrong, But we need the others still. I will store this in the Undercroft, Please, let me know if you get wind of the others. What have Yarha and Dags found?”
  679. “Nothing yet. The Grove of Tem’Var is silent, we did find the tomb at the Ember Throne, to well guarded, we need a druid for it, Find One!”
  680. “I may have one we can trust, Now, go to your vacation. My pupil will be back soon and i don’t want him involved!”
  681. “Understandable, Take care Soren, and be careful please.”
  682. “You to Dagwren, we need you.”
  684. She clasped his hand, slipping a small silver bangle onto his wrist. “Careful with it, nobody will be able to figure it out as long as it stays hidden.” She moved towards the boys, “Zendak, Raze, lets go get some food!”
  685. “Okay!”
  686. “YEAH FOOOD!”
  688. Soren watched them go, holding the bangle now wrapped around his wrist. “By Bahamut, what terror comes for us now…”
  690. ~~~~~
  692. The snow swirled around the skyship, the heavy winds buffeting it around. They sat in their cabin. The magical lights low as Dagwren slept in the bed chamber.
  694. The boys at the window, blankets and pillows piled around them in the alcove as they watched the blizzard rage. They gravitated close to steal each others warmth as the cold of the glass seeped into them. Raze pulled the smaller boy into his lap and curled his wings around him, piling blankets over them till just their faces peaked from the fuzzy cloth.
  696. “Look Raze. You can see the smaller towns”
  698. Zendak pointed out the low squat villages that dotted the landscape. Haphazard masses of homes spread far apart as farmland faded into snowy tundra.
  700. “It’s really pretty this far north. I bet you excited to move back someday.” Zendak was hushed in tone, a thick sadness to him.
  702. “I like the south a lot though, but Bastion or Lethillion or anywhere else, I just want you to be with me and i'm home wherever I go!”
  704. Raze hugged Zendak close, feeling the shivers as he tried to warm up his only friend.
  706. ———
  708. The sky ship broke past the storm later that night. The moons now high as Harvest came to its final hours. The boys snuck onto the deck of the ship. The crew locked away in the control room for the night.
  710. The snow sat thick on the deck, soft and lightly crunching as the boys trod through it. The cold air fogged around them as they breathed.
  711. Raze was shirtless, even his pants rolled past his knees as he laughed and bounded through the snow. Zendak was bundled tight. His heaviest clothes and his newer warm cloak, the cold frosted over his skin and left his cheeks white as he laughed and played with Raze.
  713. The crew woke to find the deck filled with a crowd of snow men. The captain laughed as he walked to the large cabin. He straightened his face to the best composure he could as he knocked and waited, the occasional giggle slipping bast his mustache.
  715. “Oh! Captain Thedelain, is there danger?”
  716. Dagwren pulled her crossbow to her hand upon seeing the captain at her door.
  718. “Oh no no, iv come to check on the little cargo!”
  720. “What did they do?” She leaned on the cross bow, the thick mythril arms pressed to the floor. “And how much is it to fix?”
  722. “Oh No Lady Hulwen. No such thing, this time. Are they awake?”
  724. “No, sleeping still.”
  726. “Ahh, well, would you like to come for a stroll up deck. It's quite lovely this morning!”
  728. “Of course, let me check they are still asleep.”
  730. Dagwren moved to the window where the boys had set up a makeshift bed surprised to find their nest emptied. She scrunched her face in mild amusement as she moved to the other bed chamber. Inside the boys were piled on the bed, Raze’s wings curled over Zendak as the blankets sat in a mound over them.
  732. “Whatever they did they wore themselves out.”
  734. “Looks like it… come lets get some fresh air.”
  737. Dagwren hefted the crossbow over her shoulder as the Captain opened the door to the top deck. The bright lights and cold air forced her eyes closed as she strode out, the snow crunching under foot.
  739. As her sight adjusted a group of snowmen came into view. Each snow person was stationed like crew of passengers. The other passengers gawked at the display, thinking it intentional from the crew as entertainment for the trip.
  741. She marveled at the effort, the snow people were shaped like actual people. Pact together in intricate shapes as she saw what looked like crew members holding spare rigging and passengers gawking over the edges all made of snow.
  743. “They certainly where busy.”
  745. “Yes, i don't even know how two children did such amazing work, they may not have small details, but arms and legs are pretty hard to do. But not ice, packed snow, its rather impressive!”
  747. Dagwren watched the small gnome captain as he inspected what looked to be a snowy imitation of himself. Smiling she turned back to the door that led below deck and headed for their cabin. She felt uneasy leaving the sleeping boys alone again.
  748. —-
  750. Zendak sneezed, the high pitched sound startling Raze. He felt Zendak shake as he continued to sneeze, he frowned as he felt Zendak shivering. He pulled the younger boy into a tight hug under his wings as he wrapped the blankets close around them.
  751. —-
  753. Dagwren heard the sneeze as she opened the door, Raze’s voice soft as he tried to lull Zendak back to sleep. She smiled as the crossbow was set gently away. She gathered her own blankets and snuck into the boys room.
  755. Raze was stroking the pink hair, slowly braiding it while Zendak fell back to sleep. He smiled dropped as Raze craned his head backwards, his hair falling back from his face as he looked at her.
  757. “Zen got sick.”
  759. “I see that, what ever could have caused such an unfortunate thing like that?”
  761. “We were just having fun…”
  763. “I know little one, you are not in trouble.” He started to wrap the boys in the extra blankets as she spoke. “Here, keep him warm, we will be at the sky port by evening, we can find a cleric to get him back on his feet then okay?”
  765. “Got it!”
  767. Dagwren stood and moved from the room, she waved her hand and let the magical lights lower to a faint shimmer, the room now shrouded in shades of grey.
  768. She smiles as she left, walking back to the deck to enjoy the cool air.
  770. ~~~~
  773. The cleric of Eilistraee had met them at the skyport, smiling as he lifted the cold from Zendak. He complimented the boys. The pale blue tiefling was in awe at the snowmen that dotted the ship.
  775. “They are quite lovely, you said you two did it?”
  777. “Yup! We spent all night on the deck shaping them so they wouldn’t break!”
  779. “Quite the effort.” He moved his hand from the pink hair as a faint white glow diminished. “How are you feeling little one?”
  781. “Better, cold but better! Thank you!”
  783. Zendak ran over and stood by Raze, the large orange wings engulfing him for warmth again. He listened as Raze began telling him about the town and its history.
  785. “See the big tower? That's the ever watch, the lighthouse was built after Gersunn Stormayer killed the leviathan, the town was just a small fishing village. But the king moved here afterwards and made this the capitol. The large small castle over by the far side of the city see it? Thats the royal keep ... that's where my brother and father live… I don't wanna have to visit them though.”
  787. “Dagwren won’t make you if you don't wanna, you know that!”
  789. “I know, ohhh look?”
  791. He pointed out towards a large crowd that had begun hanging decorations, the deep browns and gold, as well as vibrant oranges lit the boys faces with joy they held hands and quietly squealed in dight.
  793. “Lunar Take!”
  794. “The lunar Gaze!”
  796. Zendak looked up at Raze grinning, “that still sounds weird to hear, lunar gaze… it's prettier.”
  798. “Just wait till you see the Gourd-Geists!” Raze exclaimed, eagerly looking down the streets for the familiar shapes
  800. “Whats a gourd geist?” Zendak’s voice was tinged with fear at the words. He pulled closer to Raze, not hearing Dagren draw near from behind.
  802. “They are large winter squashes, hollowed out and carved with faces to ward off the bad spirits. It used to be tradition across Arluin to carve them. But the gourds no longer grow south of the Fire Fangs, so now they wear masks to hide or scare the bad spirits during the eclipse.”
  804. “So no masks here?” Zendak’s fear dropped away to mild sadness as he spoke, his ears taking a dramatic plummet.
  806. “Oh no Zen, they still wears masks too, don't be sadddd!” Raze scooped him into a hug, gently kissing the top of his head in what he hoped would be a secret gesture.
  808. “Yup, Raze is right! And guess what?”
  810. “What?”
  811. “Huh?”
  813. “Byrn has masks just for you two, whole costumes all made to fit!” Dagwren ruffled their hair. “Your gonna be adorable!”
  815. “Awwww…. i wanna be scary though!”
  816. “Zen, your as scary as a kitten!”
  817. “Hey!”
  818. “Come on children! Byrn is waiting at The Wanderers Rest, lets go!”
  820. She pushed the two boys forward down the gangplank of the skyship, the crew waved at them, the captain smiling at the boys as Dagwren hurried them along. She smiled as she saw Zendak looking around in awe, the unfamiliar buildings seemed to amazing him. The dark stone structures edged in wooden logs, the roofs covered in sod and snow, now all strung over with festive decor.
  822. They rounded the street to the city center and Dagwren had to Hold Zendak as he shrieked in shock at the large Gourd-Geist that sat near them. The 4 foot tall plant was carved with a menagerie of faces, a deep red glow pulsed from inside. Dagwren moved her hand to his head, gently rubbing behind his ear as they flattened to his head, a shiver of fear ran so jarringly through him she had to restrain a laugh.
  824. “Zen, are you okay?”
  825. “I really don't like that… Dagwren? How far is it to where we are going?”
  826. “Zendak? Do you want me to cover you so you don’t have to see it?” Raze moved in front of him and cupped his face, Dagwren watched silently as the golden eyed boy tried to help his friend. “Here, look at my eyes okay?”
  827. “Okay.”
  828. “Im gonna keep you covered from it okay? Just hold my hand and we will be at my mom's place soon!”
  829. “Okay…”
  831. Raze spun Zendak around so he was facing forwards, his wings still blocking the drows line of sight while he laid an arm over the smaller boy’s shoulder. They walked slowly forward, Dagwren grinning stupidly at their actions.
  833. They walked, a few of the locals looking and smiling at the action, even giggling as they heard Raze’s soft encouragements to the hidden child.
  835. Raze gasped excitedly as the Wanderers Rest came into view, the 4 story building towered over the rest of the city square. The stone building was etched with designs, and a large signs depicting a sleeping knight adorned the front.
  837. “Zendak, do you wanna see the building? It's pretty!”
  838. “Are there anymore Gourd-Geists?”
  840. Raze quickly looked around, even looking up at Dagwren for confirmation. She shook her head, smiling to let him know they were clear.
  842. “Nope! Your good if you want me to unwrap you?”
  843. “Maybe just my head. Its still pretty cold.”
  844. “Okay!” Raze laughed as he moved his wings, lowering them so just the bright pink hair poked out. “Hows that!”
  845. “Raze i cant see!”
  846. “Oh no…” he moved them again, this time covering Zendak’s eyes with his hands. “What about now?”
  847. “Raze… you’re not funny!”
  848. Raze was laughing as he saw Dagwren holding back a chuckle, her brow furrowed as she put on a serious expression.
  849. “Okay okay, here see!”
  851. He dropped his wings under Zendak’s neck, pulling him a bit closer so to keep him warmer. He heard the barely audible gasp as Zendak looked around the building. The boys ears twitched with excitement, as his head darted around taking in the building.
  853. “Woah! You lived here?”
  854. “Yea, not as big as the Dawnlight Bulwark though.”
  855. “Yeah, the Bulwark is boring. This looks climbable!”
  856. “NO!”
  857. “No.”. Raze and Dagwren said in unison .
  858. “I wasn’t going to…. it just looks climbable is all…”
  861. They walked up to the door, dagwren taking the lead. She knocked on the door, three loud thumps. Quickly the door opened to reveal a taller woman. She stood in a dress of deep purple, gold embroidery scrawled around it. Her skin was the same orange as Raze, here eyes a bright pink. Zendak noticed her horns where smaller than Raze’s and only barely crested her forehead.
  863. “You’re here!” Byrn smiled wide her face filled with joy at the sight. She looked at Dagwren fondly, then down to Raze.
  864. “My little Golden Boy!” She crouched low, ready to hug Raze when she stopped and looked at Zendak, her smile widened as she reached a hand down to him.
  866. “Oh hoho… you must be the brave Zendak, Raze has told me so much about you in his letters.” He hand approached his face, halting before contact. “May I?”
  868. “Mmhmm.” Zendak quietly agreed, gently nodding his head as well.
  869. “Thank you little one.” She gently ran her hand down the kids hair, admiring it. “Zendak, you hair is the prettiest, would you be so kind as to let a pretty lady braid it?” Her smile almost seemed to warm the are as Zendak nodded more vigorously this time.
  871. “Oh you are already my favorite little guest. Raze my Prince, would you kindly unfold from him?” She pet Raze’s head as Dagwren bit her lip in an effort not to laugh. Raze let his wings fall away. His tail still gently wrapped around Zendak’s hand.
  873. “Oh, look at your little winter clothes! Oh a handsome traveller! Dagwren, you didn’t tell me you were bringing me two gentlemen!”
  874. “Everyone needs a surprise from time to time Byrn.”
  876. “Its cold out here… can we go inside please?”
  877. Zendak’s voice was soft and pleading as he began to shiver.
  879. “Yes yes, come inside dear, we have special rooms just for you three.”
  881. “Are me and Raze sharing a room?” Zendak looked up at Byrn with a sad look as his ears dropped slightly.
  883. Byrn frowned at the sad look, gently cupping the kids face in one hand. “Little Zendak, of course you two can share a room if you’d like, while you are here, this is your home! And anything you want is within reach!”
  884. “Mom… that’s cheesy!”
  885. “But true. And i bet little Zendak here likes cheese right?”
  886. “Yea. You can call me Zen if you want to ma’am.”
  888. Byrn made an exaggerated face of adoration. “Ma’am… oh you are adorable Zen. More respect than half this town!”
  889. She leaned in and kissed Zendak on the forehead shaking his head by his ears as he giggled. “Come come, into the warmth!”
  891. She led them through the double doors, Zendak agog at the wondrous interior. The foyer was filled with a large round stage that currently was empty save for a few Kobolds who were cleaning. He took in the rich warm colors around him, but still he shivered in the cool of the room.
  893. “Oh my, Zen are you still cold?”
  894. “Yeah…. its not as bad though.”
  895. “Maybe, but it shall not do to have a special guest be cold in my home.” She snapped her fingers, waiting as a kobold quickly came scurrying up. “Thendailin, would you like to earn some extra gold today?”
  896. “Sorry mistress, plans today.”
  897. “Oh, your good Thendailin, do you know who might be up for it?”
  898. “Sharm might, they are trying to save up for some gear. I’ll get them for you Madam Byrn.”
  899. “Ohh, thank you, and here!” She handed a hand full of gold to the kobold. “I appreciate the assistance.”
  901. He nodded and scurried off soon replaced by a tall broad shoulders orc. Their voice was soft as they spoke.
  902. “Madame Byrn, Thendailin said you had an offer of extra coin?”
  903. “I do, my little visitor here is nor accustomed to the cold, could you run down to the arcanist and see if they have anything that might help. Here some coin to lay for it and when you get back we can discuss the full bonus?”
  904. “Of course Madame.” Sharm gently took the bag and left, ducking under the large doorway.
  906. “Such a dear that Sharm. Pleasure to have them around. Raze, would you be a dear and show Zen to your room, it should be less drafty.”
  907. “Okay Mom, bye!” He wrapped his wings around Zendak again, “Come on Zen, my rooms the coolest!”
  909. Dagwren and Byrn watched the boys hobble off, cracking up into soft laughter as they disappeared up the stairs.
  910. “My my Dagwren, you sure made Raze into a little gentleman didn’t you. The way he's so protective of Zendak is just astounding!”
  911. ”Little terrors more like, they have pranked nearly half the Bastions back home. Thankfully the Loremaster is pretty lighthearted about it, even with his general disposition.”
  912. “Yes, you mentioned he was training Zendak as an assassin?”
  913. “Yes, the scaley bastard is running him ragged, it's part of why we took this trip the… well, the not quite conventional way. By the end of winter Tharsik says. Hopefully we can figure out his schemes before for much longer.”
  914. “Is Bastion safe Dagwren?”
  915. “Yes, I don‘t think Tharsik is a danger, just,” she exhaled loudly as she leaned against the stage shaking her head, “I think he has misjudged how to protect the world and may need to lessen his grasp on the Bastions.”
  916. “Well, I know that if you say it's safe, then there is nowhere safer for the boys. How is Raze doing?”
  917. “Never seen anyone take to magic as fast, he is rather special.”
  918. “Him and Zendak, they are rather cute. So I take it they get along well?”
  919. “Urhg… inseparable Byrn, they were friends almost immediately.”
  920. “That's good to hear, i was worried Raze would be stunted growing up here. Hardly the environment for a child. But was it right to send him away? I can’t teach him what he needs, but I am always with him, a moment away now.”
  921. “The teleportation circle? Its finished?”
  922. “Yes dear, took a but less than planned. Lots of adoring mages come by after all, and everyone is willing to do anything to pay less coin.”
  923. “You extorted the work from them?”
  924. “I'm a demon Dagwren it's what I do! Oh wipe the smirk off your face, you know they traded their services for my brothel’s fair and square.”
  925. “Oh trust me, I know how you work. How have you been faring with Raze down in Bastion, I Know it was not an easy decision?”
  926. “I already said he needed a better place to learn.”
  927. “And I asked how you are doing Byrn, you know what I meant!”
  928. “Yes Dagwren, I did. It's tough, sending my child away, I wanted Raze for so long, and then I realized I couldn’t give him everything he needed, that's not easy. But we can talk, and with the circle we can see each other more.”
  929. “Byrn, you could come to Bastion, we can set you up with a building there after all.”
  931. Byrn looked sadly at Dagwren, smiling all the while. “This is my home, and im not a big fan of how big Bastion is.”
  932. “Its the worst!”
  933. “Okay country girl, We know how you feel.”
  935. They laughed as they headed off to find the children
  937. ———
  939. The boy excitedly stumbled through the door to Raze old bedroom. The large circular chamber sat atop the building. A window wrapped around the walls allowing a panoramic view of the snow clad city. Zendak scurried over to look out at the shore off to the north, the tall masted ships swaying gently in the midday breeze.
  941. “Woah!” Zendak pressed his face against the glass as he stared unblinking out.
  942. “It’s pretty huh!” Just wait till the moons are out, the light catches on the snow and the decorations and the city glows!”
  943. “No way!”
  944. “Yea, and if it snows you can just stare at it as it swirls around.” Raze stood behind Zendak and rested his head on the smaller boys. “Don’t tell my mom but I used to sit outside naked when it snowed sometimes.”
  945. “Why!”
  946. “It felt good, I don’t really feel the cold that bad, or the heat. Just kinda feels the same!”
  947. “But why naked?”
  948. “Wet pants and undies feel gross you doofus.”
  949. “That's fair… Wait! Then what do you wear to swim?”
  950. “Iv never been swimming Zen.”
  951. “What, why not?”
  952. “The ocean here is always frozen, even in summer its icy, there IS a point i feel the cold.”
  953. “Do you wanna go swimming when we get back to Bastion? There is a really nice lake a little ways up the mountain behind the castle, nobody goes cause its hard to climb!”
  954. “Sure! I think it will be fun.”
  956. They looked out the window until they heard a knock on the door. Raze ran over and let Dagwren and Byrn in, the women laughing at some unheard joke. Raze watched Dagwren scan the room, nodding her head as she saw his old book collection in a set of low bookcases under the window.
  958. “Quite a collection Raze.” She almost beamed with pride at him. “Certainly a better view than the library back at Bastion.”
  959. “Oh yeah!
  960. “Byrn did say you were an avid reader, but I never guessed you had so many books already, you are an outstanding child Raze.”
  961. “I know, but thank you!” He beamed at the women, his sharp teeth glinting I’m am unsettling grin. “Hey Zen, what are you looking at?” He bolted into the air on his wings, gently settling on the smaller boys shoulders. “Oh, the king is coming… Moooooom, did you have to?”
  963. Byrn chuckled as her son dramatically flopped off his friends shoulders, laying flat on the cold floor. His wings splayed out as his tail gently curled around Zendak’s leg.
  964. “Oh don’t be like that. Your father is good, he’s probably just gonna pop by to see you and then head back.”
  965. “Well ma’am, it looks like a party!”
  966. “Ohhhhh….” Raze groaned as his wings folded to hide him.
  967. “Oh? Let’s take a look!”
  969. Byrn walked to the window, gently side stepping her child. She gasped as she saw the royal procession approaching, the large party including a flag herald. She sighed, rolling her eyes.
  970. “Fuck… you didn’t hear that!” She pointed towards the kids as she swore.
  971. “Dagwren has said worse.”
  972. “Raze you rat!” Dagwren forced a hurt look towards the cocooned boy.
  973. “Dagwren!” The women started at the half-orc “Role Model!”
  974. “Where? I was told “teach him to use his power safely”... nothing about being a positive role model!”
  975. “You really are just. The. Worst. Friend.”
  976. “Eh, he would hear those words anyway, at least I can teach when it’s appropriate to use them.”
  977. “Okay yea, want to help me go greet a stubborn king?”
  978. “Id would be my honor!”
  980. The women stopped at the door, turning to the boys.
  981. “Come on, we must be cordial.”
  983. They waited on the stage, Zendak and Raze reading a book pulled from his room while the woman waited by the door.
  984. “So, this wizard studied dragons to learn what could and couldn’t be used from their bodies?”
  985. “Yea. Like see here, this diagram shows the method to remove the heart intact so you can get the heart gem.”
  986. “What IS a heart gem?”
  987. “Well, according to this guy they are a shard of the dragons magical will that powers them. In one of his other books on death and necromancy and healing magic he talks about how highly magical creatures actually leak their arcane essence into similar crystals. He posits that angelic creatures as well as demons and the like seep their own essence aswell. But a demon or a deva quickly deteriorate and cant be fully studied on our plane!”
  988. “Woah, so then, what use does a mage have for a heart gem?”
  989. “Well, its a powerful focus and can be used to make enchanting easier.”
  990. “Neat, i’ll have to get you some someday!”
  991. “We’ll get them together!”
  994. “Does the king known i'm raising Raze?” Dagwren looked out the window beside the doors as the party approached. “Please tell me he doesn’t? I would enjoy seeing him shit himself at the prospect.”
  995. “Dagwren! That’s inappropriate. And no, he doesn't know. All he knows is Raze is being raised by a close friend in Bastion.”
  996. “Oh im gonna love this.”
  997. “Raze was right I shouldn’t have told him…” Byrn had her face in her hand as she walked through the door into the street.
  999. The king was nearly at the brothel when his party stopped, he jumped off his horse, helping down his wife and son from their own horses so as to approach on foot.
  1001. As they approached the king and Queen smiled at Byrn, happy to see their friend. Queen Lisona hugged Byrn tight, laughing at the other woman's tension.
  1003. “Byrn relax, we wont be here long, and besides you know we bring the business.”
  1004. “You do bring me patrons everytime you visit yes. Lord and Lady Gjallahorn are still banned mind you!”
  1005. “Yes yes, we hear about it constantly, but come on Byrn, it was funny.”
  1006. “Funny to everyone except my coin purse which was significantly lightened by it.”
  1007. “Byrn!” The king swooped in, a half bow of respect. “How fares your establishment?”
  1008. “Just fine Croum.”
  1009. “Oh you are as dismissive as ever, surely you are happy to see us.”
  1011. “She sighed, setting her face in her hands.
  1012. “Yes Croum I am happy to see you, but did you need to bring your retinue? And the fucking Flag Herald!”
  1013. “Protocol!”
  1014. “Oh shove your protocol where the gods can’t see. Just…” she paused, breathing out slowly as she saw the look of amused shock on the queen's face. “Just come inside…”
  1016. As Byrn walked past Dagwren she held a finger up, the lewd gesture silencing the larger women as she held her laughter. She sat down on the stage, pulling Raze into her lap as she slowly brushed his hair flat with her hands.
  1017. “They won't be here long my little prince, just a formality.”
  1018. “I know mommy. Did they bring Torstien with them?”
  1019. “Oh… I didn’t look, but i'm sure they did.”
  1021. The royal family entered through the front doors, King and Queen walking as regal as possible when from around their legs bolts a small deep red Tiefling boy. He ran forward, tripping over his own feet as he tumbled, rolling a but before landing flat. The room was silent as Zendak darted forward to help him up.
  1023. “Hey! You okay?”
  1024. “Prince Torstien looked up at the smiling drow, gingerly taking the offered hand as the younger kid pulled him to his feet.
  1025. “Yeah, thank you! What's your name?”
  1026. “Im Zendak! Im Raze’s best friend!”
  1027. “Nice to meet you, i'm Prince Torstien Telthrend.”
  1028. “You have a cool name!”
  1030. Raze hopped off his mother's lap and walked over to his half brother, awkwardly hugging the excited boy.
  1031. “Hello again Torstien.”
  1032. “Raze you’re sad?”
  1033. “I'm not a fan if all this royalty stuff. I just wanna be me.”
  1035. “Raze…” Croum knelt beside his sons. “There is no shame in being royalty.”
  1036. “I don’t feel shame, I just don't like the attention of it.”
  1037. “I see… you get that from Byrn!” He stood, ruffling Raze recently neated hair. “I did come for a reason, more than just seeing my child. It should be… im sorry, if forgotten myself. Little Zendak, thank you for helping my dear Torstien when he fell, the kindness is much appreciated. And Byrn, where is the guardian who you said was watching these boys?”
  1039. “You should learn to watch your surroundings Your Majesty. You just breezed right by.” Dagwren walked forward from the half wall that lead to the stage. “I don’t think introductions are necessary.”
  1040. Croum gasped as he saw the half-orc approach, her plate armor appearing out of the air around her.
  1042. “Queen Lisona, pleasure do meet you. Dagwren Hulwen, Bastion.” She gave a partial bow in the direction of the king and queen. “I see you know me, good, Raze is in perfectly capable hands. Well on track to be a bastion as well .”
  1043. “Lady Hulwen, I certainly did not expect such a respected member of the Bastions to be training Raze.”
  1044. “Not just training Raising. Him and Zendak are my fanily, anyone who wants them. Goes. Through. Me.”
  1045. Her voice dropped low one the last words, the threat palpable in the air.
  1046. “Yes… um well.” Croum recomposed himself. “Well, I have faith that with your guidance, and little Zendak here’s unwavering friendship, that Raze will be perhaps the best of us all.”
  1048. The king righted himself, straightening his pristine coat. “Final things to note, should you desire them, your party does have rooms available in the castle, with Byrn more than welcome to stay as well.” A small head nod in her direction. “Now, we will be off and out of your hair. Raze, do have a fun time while your home. Lunar take is soon after all! Ahh come Torstien, we do need to retrieve your costume from the taylors while we are nearby. Does the city good to see us amongst them, mustn’t let them forget we are just people the same as them!”
  1050. The royal procession dispersed into the early evening sun, the Wanderers Rest light up as Byrn reluctantly opened back up. The foyer filled with the large buildings workers. Zendak felt more at home as the people moved around, feeling like he could disappear into the crowd.
  1052. “Threck!” Byrn called out, “Threck, over here please!”
  1054. A large Goliath woman approached, a thin tunic of shimmering cloth sat over half seen shorts.
  1055. “Madame Byrn, what can I assist you with?”
  1056. “Threck, no need to be formal, but, oh what a weird thing to ask. Dear, do you know what's for dinner tonight?”
  1057. “Byrn…”
  1058. “I know, I know. Iv just been busy and excited for Raze to come visit i lost track.”
  1059. “Understandable.” She looked down at Raze. “Well, you've gotten big Raze!” She gently patted the small boys head. “Dinner tonight should be ram steaks.”
  1060. “Ohh thank you Threck, have a good night dear.”
  1062. The group set off back upstairs, the boys leaning on eachother as the walked.
  1064. “What's for dinner? Do you not choose what you Byrn?”
  1065. “Sometimes Dagwren, but i have the best cooks in the city in my employ, I let them set the standard menu.”
  1066. “So no dinner at the King’s place then?” She nudged the smaller woman with her arm playfully.
  1067. “I will poison your ram steak Dagwren, don't doubt me.”
  1068. “Good influence remember!”
  1069. “You hush!”
  1071. “Raze, is ram steak good?”
  1072. “Yeah! Kinda tough and chewy, but i think you will be fine. I can have mom order yours more well done if you'd like?”
  1073. “I’ll be fine, Dagwren said I have “Predator Teeth” when she gave me a really tough steak once.”
  1074. “Oh! If you ate her cooking you will be fine, they don’t serve rocks here.”
  1075. “Rocks huh? Is that how you would call my cooking?”
  1077. Zendak and Raze froze as they heard Dagwren speaking, their attempt at hushed whispers failed. Dagwren set her hand in their shoulders, leaning between them.
  1078. “More like wood isn't it? You can at least chew that!”
  1079. She smiled with them as they laughed, giving them a lush up the stairs to get them going again.
  1081. “You’re really good with kid Dagwren.”
  1082. “Iv had plenty of experience. When I was young we raised our kids as a village. Did the same in both orcish and elvish society. Not as big outside of Orcish families now though.”
  1083. “Yes, it does seem times have changed. But they always will Dagwren, nature is changing constantly. Look at me, I was once just a drab human farm girl with no big dreams. And now i have a so. I love more than creation and a friend like you to watch over him as he grows in ways I can’t guide.”
  1084. “I was just idly chatting but you got a bit emotional, have you been day drinking Byrn? Without me!”
  1085. “Oh you big meanie. Go get the boys to their room while I get their costumes. I'm very excited to see them wearing them!”
  1087. Dagwren watched the lady briskly walk down the hall, her wings and tail tucked tight to her body as clients and employees moved like bees to their desired rooms. She looked back to find the boys skittering up the stairs on all fours, giggling. She followed them, shaking her head at their antics the whole way.
  1089. Dagwren came up to the room, greeted by silence. Wary of the situation she placed her palm upon the door. Her eyes rolled over with inky shadows as the spell seeped into the room.
  1091. (Her vision faded out before returning sharply, she looked now around the room, a faint distortion to her sight. The room was silent and still. Not hide nor hair of the boys, she huffed, looking again, harder. They couldn’t hide from her, she knew better. UP! A flicker of movement as Raze’s tail fell briefly from the shadows. But she knew better. If they were up there then Zendak was good as invisible.)
  1093. She cast away the spell, locking her legs as he vision returned to normal. The deep chuckling of her Patron rebounding inside her head as she shook off the fuzz. She sighed, pushing the heavy door open and jumped in the room. She looked up, hoping to catch sight of the kids above. A quick glimpse of Raze as he drifted to another beam, eyes trained on her.
  1095. Then a brief sound, she turned, quickly trained reflexes activated as she moved to catch Zendak mid attack. There was empty air as she moved. Cursing for falling for a cantrip. Zendak dropped onto her, the light frame catching on her shoulders and head giggling as he tapped her with a wooden blade.
  1097. “Gotcha!” He laughed as she spun in a circle, grabbing his arms to hold him secure. “Raze we got her!”
  1098. “Yeah! Sweet!” He glided down, tackling the smaller boy into a roll as the giggled now in a heap on the floor.
  1099. “I am quite impressed, to think i would fall for asimple sound distraction.”
  1100. “I sensed the sensor, so I knew you were cautions.”
  1101. “How did you see it?” Dagwrens face read with amazed shock at the statement. “Can you always see invisible objects?”
  1102. “Not see, felt. I know my bedroom, and your sensor made it cold.”
  1103. “Thats a special talent Raze!”
  1105. Raze shrugged as he moved onto his bed, Zendak scrambling after him, pulling his cloak tight as he shivered slightly in the cool air. Raze pulled a blanket up with his tail and draped it over the kid.
  1106. “Here Zen!” Excitement ever present as he helped his friend. Raze moved closer to Zendak, wrapping an arm, and then a wing over him to try and warm him.
  1108. “BOYS! I have a gift for you!”
  1109. Byrn stepped into the room, two larger packages of crushed velvet were laid at their feet. They looked down, their faces filled with excitement.
  1110. “Not so fast, Zen, I also have this,” she handed him a small box, with a small silver ring inside. “Slide that on and that insufferable cold, should bother you no more.”
  1112. Zendak eagerly slipped on the magical ring. Feeling an immediate warmth, almost hot as the blanket and cloaks became too much. Raze moved his wing back, a look of loss at the ended closeness, he locked eyes briefly with his mother, catching a wry smile in his direction.
  1113. “Come Dagwren let's give the boys some privacy to change. I'm so excited to see how cute they look!” She ruffled Zendak’s hair before leading Dagwren from the room.
  1115. “What do you think the costumes are Raze?”
  1116. “I don’t know. Let's open yours first!”
  1117. “Okay!”
  1119. They pulled the first package close, the velvet covered box clanking lightly. They looked at each other in confusion, Zendak gently peeling the top of the box away to reveal thin metal plates. Shimmering metal, they pulled it out laying out a full suit of armor, thin and decorative, perfectly fitted to Zendak.
  1121. “Woah!”
  1122. “Raze your mom got me a cool suit of armor!”
  1123. “There is clothes under the armor too.”
  1124. “Ohh wow… Raze!” Zendak excitedly pushed the next box into his friends lap. “Open yours!”
  1125. “Right!”
  1127. The second box was turned on it end, a similar suit of armor clanged as it fell out. They laid it all out, side by side. The decorative armor shimmering and contoured made it look almost like metallic gourds.
  1129. Raze watched as Zendak began tossing his clothes onto the bed. The kid, he had pulled his cloak off, the heavy clothes discarded as he fumbled at his shirt. Raze watched in amusement as Zendak pulled the tunic from the back of the neck, the long pink hair flopped over his face, Raze giggling as Zendak shook his head furiously to fix it.
  1130. “Zen, can you get the buttons under my wings for me?”
  1131. “Huh? Oh, Yea.”
  1132. He felt Zendak’s hands on his back as the smaller boy unsnapped the buttons. The light fabric falling limp, Raze was quick to pull the shirt away, enjoying the cold air on his now bare chest. He stretched, arms and wings spread wide as he groaned with the effort.
  1133. “Thank you Zendak!” He pulled Zen into an appreciative hug. “Oh look, mom even got us new undies!” Zendak chuckled As Raze held up a pair of bright yellow briefs.
  1134. “Get changed Zen!” The yellow fabric bumped his face as Raze tossed it.
  1135. “Hey!”
  1136. “Oh hush, it’s just cloth.”
  1138. Raze stepped out of his pants, kicking the clothes onto his bed. His tail absentmindedly scooped up the yellow briefs from his costume, waiting as he tossed his current pair aside as well. He puffed his cheeks out at the vibrant color, unsure why his mother would pick them.
  1140. “Raze, I accidentally knotted by boot laces and cant get them undone… can you help me please?” Zendak’s voice came quick and quiet. The embarrassment at the situation apparent.
  1141. “Of course Zen, im always here to help you!”
  1143. Raze turned fully towards Zendak, who was sitting on the floor with his hands in his lap, one boot off with the other still tied securely to his leg.
  1144. “Hey, Zen, don’t look so sad.” He dropped into a squatting position, his hand gently brushing the long pink hair back. The boys long ears twitched and moved slightly as he heard Zendak take in a sharp breath.
  1145. “Zendak, what's wrong?”
  1147. Raze spoke low and soft, trying to mimic how Dagwren often comforted him. “Zen, is everything okay? You know i'm here for you.”
  1149. “Is that what's always brushing against me when we are sleeping?” Faze saw Zendak was looking at him, the bright blue eyes focused on his dick
  1151. Raze blinked, eyes wide as Zendak looked up at him, he felt his face flush at the continued look.
  1152. “What?”
  1153. “Your… thing. It's very different from mine.”
  1154. Zendak, later.”
  1156. Raze was blushing, the orange cheeks red, as Zendak looked back down. Stomach twisted in a knot as Zen reached a hand out, gently breathing out as the smaller boy grabbed his boot and looked up.
  1157. “I really can't get this untied… sorry.”
  1159. Raze sat down, pulling the booted foot into his lap to fix it. His hands worked the knot, but he could feel Zendaks eyes on him.
  1160. “Zen, your staring.”
  1161. “I'm sorry.”
  1162. “Its okay, I know you're curious. Its one of the things I love about you!”
  1163. “Except when it gets us in trouble.”
  1164. “Even then!”
  1165. “You're a loser!”
  1166. “I guess, but im happy with it. Here's your boot!”
  1167. He handed Zendak the now untied boots, a gentle shove rocking the boy onto his back.
  1168. “Now hurry up!”
  1169. Raze tugged on Zendaks pants, causing the small drow to giggle as he untied the waist.
  1170. ————
  1171. “They are being pretty loud for putting on costumes. Byrn… what did you get them?”
  1172. “Oh just wait, and let them be, they are just goofing around i'm sure. Cooped up on a skyship? Dagwren, come one, they just wanna play a bit i'm sure.”
  1173. “Well I’M Sure that they got plenty of goofing around on the ship. They spent the night making snowmen on the deck.”
  1174. “Yes, you told me dear. The boys are a bit stir crazy let them have fun, they are children, it's not like they can get into any danger in a bedroom.”
  1175. “Byrn, they are the danger.”
  1176. “Oh? Did you rehearse that line?”
  1177. The women laughed as they talked, waiting for the kids to finish.
  1178. ————
  1179. Zendak watched Raze wiggle into his new underwear, amused at the boy as he scrunched his face. Raze caught him staring and huffed, tossing His own new clothes at Zen.
  1180. “Get dressed Zen. Or i'm gonna dress you.”
  1181. “Your doing a great job dressing yourself!”
  1183. Zendak stood, swapping his own briefs for the bright blue ones Raze had tossed at him. He watched Raze fidgeting with the thin straps of his underwear, adjusting them around his legs and tail.
  1184. “Do you need help?”
  1186. Raze looked up, his gae unbothered by the nude boy.
  1187. “No. And if you can't put your own on how could you help me?”
  1189. “Hey, I can get mine in just fine! See!”
  1190. He quickly slipped on the underwear, Raze grinning as he watched Zendak smugly pose as he finished.
  1191. “See! Just fine.”
  1192. “Really? They look off to me.” Raze quickly pulled them down with his tail giggling as Zendak swatted it away.
  1193. “Hey!”
  1194. “Hahaha, Zen, come one. It was funny.”
  1195. “Still rude though.”
  1196. “Remember when you put a smoke bomb in my back pocket? That was my revenge.”
  1197. “Raze… you suck at revenge…”
  1199. Raze tightened up his pants at the words, turing to Zendak.
  1200. “Yea, i'm too kind I guess… put some pants on before you catch another cold.”
  1201. “Make me!”
  1202. “Zen…”
  1204. Zendak lunged to the side, darting out of Raze’s reach as the older boy made a grab. Raze giggled as he jumped up into the air, hanging for a moment before landing behind Zendak. The small drow jumped back, nearly standing at their armor. Raze quickly double cast.
  1205. An illusion of himself darted down towards Zendak, while he turned invisible, he moved quickly to where Zendak would end up, perched on the edge of his bed waiting.
  1206. Zendak skittered back, laughing as he avoided the illusory grapple. Raze pounced. Carrying him down to the floor as his spells ended.
  1208. “You cheated!”
  1209. “I used my skills, you used yours.” Raze st down kn Zendak’s chest, his back turned to the smaller boys head. “Now sit still while I dress you, you lazy bum.”
  1210. Hey, i'm not lazy?”
  1211. “No, but you are barely dressed.”
  1213. Raze pulled the other pair of fancy black pants over to him with his tail, quickly pulling them down Zendak’s legs, thanking him for cooperating. He pulled them over Zendak’s hips, tying them for the boy so he couldn’t waste more time.
  1215. He spun around, placing his hands kn Zendak’s chest as he leaned in close to the smaller kids face.
  1216. “Let's get dressed, we can play more later okay?”
  1217. “Okay…. your tail tickles.”
  1218. “Yes, im doing that on purpose.”
  1220. He stood up, pulling Zendak to his feet with him. They began putting in the armor, helping each other with straps and laces. Zendak buckled the special plates on Raze’s back, the holes for the wings gilded around the edges with small knotworks.
  1222. They stood there looking at each other, taking in the armor designs when they heard a knock at the door. Raze’s tail swished in surprise az Zendak called an all clear to the women.
  1224. “My you two sure took your time!”
  1225. Dagwren called as she opened the door. She stepped in, Byrn rushing in with a look of delight.
  1226. “Oh my Litte Knights!” She swept Zendak and Raze into a small hug. “Oooohhh you two are so adorable. Dagwren look at our boys.”
  1227. Dagwren held a wide goofy smile as she looked at them, the armor was a deep black with decorative gold and white patterns. It dawned on her that the pattern evoked the looks of bones.
  1228. “Adorable? No, clearly these are powerful warriors ready to do battle!”
  1229. “Oh, oh I almost forgot. Someone told me that You like masks Zendak, so…” Byrn set an ornately embroidered bag in front of the drow. “Enjoy!”
  1231. Zendak carefully opened the bag, pulling a lightly colored mask in the visage of a skull. Deeply carved metal with a harness designed to each of the boys heads. The others watched in delight as Zendak’s eyes lit with joy. He pulled the mask over his face, and attempt an evil cackle, making the room fill with laughter.
  1232. Raze grabbed his own mask, a similar skull like motif emblazoned upon it, and slipped it over his horns.
  1233. The boys locked arms and danced around, a chorus of silly voices as they pretended to act menacing.
  1235. “Save your energy for the festival. You don't wanna fall asleep before then do you?”
  1236. “Dagwren, dont be rude. They are not staying up all night. Besides, The festival starts at midday here.”
  1237. “WHAT!” Dagwren pulled an offended face. “You start at noon! Huh, youngins and your disregard for tradition!”
  1238. “Hush you old whiner. Boys? Do You want to head into town now, they will have food and games available!”
  1240. “Yeah!” They responded in unison, their excitement showing as they continued to dance around.
  1241. “Oh, one more thing for your costumes!”
  1242. Dagwren pulled two small decorative swords from her pack, the shorts blades pulled from the magic space within.
  1243. “Here! Sling it around your waist like a proper knight!
  1245. Byrn turned to Dagwren and punched her shoulder with little effect.
  1246. “Swords? Really?”
  1247. “Can't be a knight without a blade!”
  1248. “They are safe right?”
  1249. “Of course Byrn. They have both had great weapon training!”
  1250. “Dagwren!”
  1251. “Calm down Byrn. They are training blades, no edge, no tip. Just fun tonight.”
  1252. The women watched as Zendak expertly tied the belt around Raze’s hips, the arrow like tail patting the smaller boy on the head in appreciation.
  1254. “They are very cute together aren't they Dagwren!”
  1255. She looked over at the Byrn, the sly grin as she spoke directly into Dagwren’s mind.
  1256. “They are children Byrn.”
  1257. “To you, I can see their hearts. This is the start to an unyielding relationship Dagwren.”
  1258. “Soul mates then?”
  1259. “I do believe so yes. See how Raze tries not to linger on Zen? He feels ashamed for his feelings. But I can tell, Zendak doesn’t mind, he likes it right?”
  1260. “Yes, hes said as much to me. Raze gives him comfort, makes him feel needed he said. It was very sweet of him.”
  1261. “What little charmers! I can tell Dagwren, they are gonna be together forever.”
  1262. “I think your right Byrn. But let them discover their own path, they are just kids.”
  1264. Byrn patted her back, moving forward to the kids.
  1265. “You boys ready to go into town?”
  1266. “Miss Byrn, what's there to do at the festival?”
  1267. “Bit different from Bastion for sure. Instead of door to door, the city gathers at the square and throws a party. There will be some games, im sure your training will let you be the best at a few of them too!” She smiled as she smoothed out Zendak’s hair. “A bit later on there will be some competitions as well.”
  1268. “Ohh cool! Zendak was bouncing with excitement, the costume armor jingling as he moved.
  1270. “Oh shit! Zen wa..”
  1271. “Language!” The two women chided Raze softly.
  1272. “Zendak was scared by the big Gourd-Gheist.what should we do so he’s comfortable!!”
  1273. “I’ll be fine…”
  1274. “Zen… you don't have to act tough, we all have our fears.” Dagwren sat on the floor beside him, pulling him into her lap to comfort him, slowly braiding his hair.
  1275. “Oh little one…” Byrn knelt beside Dagwren, laying a hand on Zendak’s should. “Raze was scared of them once. Think of how brave you’ll look! Strutting around those Geists in your armor!”
  1276. “Can i stab them?’
  1277. “No Zendak, you unfortunately can not stab them.”
  1278. “Awww, okay.”
  1279. “Dagwren, do you have a costume?”
  1280. “I have a mask.”
  1282. They watched as she pulled her hand in front of her face, he armor warping into a deep shimmering red, scaled and spiked appearance, as a mask like a dragons head materialized in front of her face.
  1284. “Dagwren, that's rather overboard, i love it!”
  1285. Byrn laughed at the startled looks on the boy’s faces, their masks pulled back now as they gazed up at their guardian.
  1286. “Come boys, lets go. Mid day festival, such madness should be fun.”
  1289. They stepped out into the city center, the crowd already growing. Drift Globes of deep red and amber hovered across the plaza, large signs over booths selling food and trinkets.
  1291. At the center were an arena of games for adults and kids alike, the women watched the boys eyes light up at the sight.
  1293. “Come now, lets see what fun is to be had!” Byrn excitedly skipped forward, the boys chasing behind her as Dagwren sighed with a smile.
  1295. Zendak pulled up at a booth of knives, a worn target nearly 20 feet back. And aboveboard it was another set 40 at the back of the booth. Raze pulling Bryn back so they could watch.
  1297. “Well, you a little one, think you got the arm for the challenge child?” The large tiefling smiled at the group. “Ahh, Madame Byrn, how's the new cutlery faring?”
  1298. “Still sharp Gerald, my friend Zendak here is interested in your challenge, but whats the prize?”
  1299. “Haha a bold child. If someone can get all 5 daggers in the far target, dead center, they get a Dagger of Returning. No ones gotten more than two in though.”
  1301. “Byrn, wanna make a wager on Zen’s skills?” Dagwren leaned on the booth, looking down on the other three. “Nothing much, few gold!”
  1302. “No Dagwren, I don’t make losing bets.”
  1303. “Sir, can I play?”
  1305. Gerald looked at Zendak and smiled warmly. “Aye lad, if you get at least 2 in the close target you get a writ for a free pie from my brothers bakery booth a few stalls over, so try to aim well.”
  1306. “Okay!”
  1308. Zendak smiled as he spoke picking up the first dagger. Many of the adults in the are turned at the sight, a few chuckles as Zendak tested the blades weight. He frowned and glared at Gerald as he tossed the dagger in the air, grabbing the blade before hurling it at the far target.
  1310. The crowd silenced as the thunk echoed, people drawing closer. He picked the next blade, twirling the dulled steel through his fingers before back handing it into the target, a perfect bullseye. Without any flare he picked up the next dagger in his left hand, a haphazard throw that once again buried itself into the target.
  1312. The gathered adults whispered, a few noting Dagwren’s presence. Gerald looked at Zendak in shock and fear as the kid smiled with the last two daggers in his hands. The crowd cheered as he tossed both at once, the blades burying themselves between the others.
  1314. “Well, thats fuckin unreal!”
  1315. “Language!” Zendak chided the man, smiling as Dagwren chuckled.
  1316. “Alright, alright! Byrn, did you set me up?”
  1317. “I knew he was a Bastion, but I never would've expected that.”
  1318. “Right, well. Bastion or not! That was an outstanding show of skill little one. I feel like this dagger may be in the right hands with you, use it wisely now!”
  1320. Gerald set a dagger in Zendak’s waiting palms. The vibrant blue leather sheath and hilt with a dark grey steel. Without hesitation he tied it around his left leg. He smiled up at Gerald, his sharp teeth unsetting the large Tiefling.
  1321. “Thank you sir! I had fun!”
  1322. “Aye, you put on quite the show.”
  1325. They moved further into the festival, the boys leaning on each other and talking until Dagwren pulled them to a stop. A small booth with a collection fresh gourds, and the special tools to carve them.
  1326. “Boys, would you enjoy carving your own Gourd-Geists?”
  1327. “Yeah!”
  1329. The boys responded in unison, a chuckle from the woman behind the booth. A small gnomish lady stood on a stool looking down at the boys.
  1330. “Aye wold ye look’t ye two.” The thick accent made the boys giggle. “See’in as yer two mightly frighenin lads, i think yed do splendid!” She hopped down out of view, quickly coming around the booth dragging two large gourds behind her. “Ere! An dun worry bout the mess, i can prestidigitation ye right as rain!”
  1332. The gnome smiled at Byrn as she slid a gold across the booth before sliding it back. “I preciate it mama, but I do it fer the joy on their faces.”
  1333. “A kind gesture Celia, thank you.”
  1336. Zendak and Raze carried the large gourds to a small table, an assortment of tools laid before them.
  1337. “What are you gonna carve Zen?”
  1338. “I wanna make a face that has a bunch of eyes like a spider and big teeth like mine!”
  1339. “Wooooah. I wanna make something grinning, with fire for eyes!”
  1341. Dagwren and Byrn watched, low conversation as they tried not to interrupt the boys focus. Their chittering conversation mixed with playfully throwing bits of gourd at each other.
  1343. Within the hour the two boys had finished, each now covered in the stringy meat of the hollowed out gourd. The snaring face of Zendak’s gourd-geist stared out at the crowd, a dull blue glow from the candle inside. While the grinnings face if Raze’s sat crooked and leering at passersby, the faint blue flickering making the carved flames dance as if they were real.
  1345. “Hmm, you lads av’some experience wit blades I see, ay… ay. Is a spectacular display ta scare off any bad spirit in the year ta come.”
  1347. As they walked around they noticed Zendak was less startled by the growing number of Gourd-geists, his quick glances turning to delighted looks as he saw the details of their crafting. Byrn smiled everytime he excited skipped over to inspect one, her eyes darting to the grin of joy on her sons face as he watched his friend’s excitement.
  1350. Within a few hours the boys had gathered a hoard of candied snacks and prizes from various games, the two women often looking stunned as the two divided their snacks with other children, none left without a sugary treat. The boys pace of excited exploring slowed to a crawl as they leaned on each other. A long yawn prompting Dagwren to scoop the boys into her arms as the illusory armor faded away.
  1352. “Okay boys, I think it is time you slept.”
  1353. “Zen already passed out.”
  1354. “My eyes are just heavy!”
  1356. Raze pulled Zendak closer to him in Dagwrens arms, wrapping his wings around the younger boy as another yawn escaped them both. Dagwren and Byrn shared a look as they turned for the Wanderers Rest.
  1359. ~~~~~
  1362. Dagwren set the boys down gently on the soft bed, carefully pulling the decorative armor form them as they slept. A soft chuckle form Byrn as she watched the boys cuddle close, Raze once again bundling them together in his wings.
  1364. “He really does like doing that doesnt he?”
  1365. “Yes, terribly adorable isn’t it.”
  1366. “Truly my son it looks.”
  1367. “Hehe, I did tell you they were quite inseparable.”
  1368. “You big softie, you undersold it….”
  1370. Byrn trailed off as she watched Raze’s tail curl around the other boys leg, the black pants shifting.
  1371. “How long will they get to keep this much innocence Dagwren. When will our boys have blood on their hands like us?”
  1373. She started at the orcish woman, her stoic face dropping in a sad frown as she looked at the sleeping children. Byrn saw the tears welling in the large woman's eyes as their gazes met.
  1375. “Too soon Byrn, too soon. I will keep them safe, this I promise to you.”
  1376. She smiled up at her old friend, her heart aching as she saw the tears roll down the green skin. Hand raised to Dagwrens shoulder as her other hand wiped away the tears, a moment of panic at the coldness of the woman's skin.
  1377. “It’s always nice seeing you, lets get you some whiskey. I think its about time you hit the hay as well.”
  1378. “Lecturing me on sleep now?” she led the way out of the boy’s room, a soft smile as she looked back at them sleeping. “Just like the old days huh…”
  1380. Byrn gave the boys a smile, her eyes watering with her own tears, quick to wipe them away.
  1381. “No Wren,I think they are better now.”
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