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Oct 29th, 2016
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  1. # General config
  3. # Do we want to use player kills ?
  4. players-enabled: false
  5. # Disabled world list
  6. disabled-worlds:
  7. - disabledworldhere
  8. # Commands that can be executed when you reach a certain killstreak. The zero is just an example.
  9. # You can use the variables {killstreak} for the number of kills and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
  10. killstreak-specific-commands:
  11. '0':
  12. - '/say This is an example command!'
  13. - '/say You can even add multiple commands and the variable {killstreak} and {name}!'
  14. # Commands that can be executed when you reach a certain level. The zero is just an example.
  15. # You can use the variables {level} for the reached level and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
  16. level-specific-commands:
  17. '0':
  18. - '/say {name} just reached level {level}!'
  19. - '/say You can even add multiple commands!'
  20. # Announce a killstreak every x amount. Set to zero to disable.
  21. announce-killstreak-every: 0
  22. # You can use the variables {killstreak} for the number of kills and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
  23. announce-killstreak-message: '&b{name} just reached a killstreak of {killstreak} kills!'
  24. # Multipliers multiply the amount of score that you gain
  25. # The permission is battlelevels.multiplier.x
  26. # Replace x with the amount
  27. # The score will then equal 'x * normal_score'
  28. # Example for a multiplier of 1.5: battlelevels.multiplier.1.5
  29. # Here you can set the enabled multipliers
  30. multipliers:
  31. - 1.5
  32. # Score you earn for killing a player
  33. kill-score: 0
  34. # Earn extra points per kill in a killstreak. If this value would be 0.2 and your streak
  35. # would be 10, you would get 2 extra points when you kill somebody
  36. killstreak-score: 0
  37. # Score which is lost on death
  38. lose-score-on-death: 0
  39. # Maximum level
  40. max-level: 30
  41. # If a player has a high killstreak or multiplier or just earns a lot of score, it is possible
  42. # that he unlocks multiple levels at once, this option allows
  43. # you the amount of next levels to check
  44. check-for-next: 5
  45. # Enable xp bar progress
  46. xp-bar: false
  47. # Enable extra hearts
  48. # If this value would be 0.2 and your level would be 10, you would get 2 extra hearts
  49. enable-extra-hearts: false
  50. extra-hearts-per-level: 0
  51. max-extra-hearts: 0
  52. # Enable extra damage based on level
  53. enable-extra-damage: false
  54. # If this value would be 0.2 and your level would be 10, you would deal 2 hearts extra damage
  55. extra-damage-per-level: 0
  56. max-extra-damage: 0
  57. # Enable negative score
  58. # Of this is enabled, people their score can go below zero
  59. negative-score: false
  60. # Save interval in seconds
  61. # The plugin will save all data periodically to avoid data loss when the server crasjes
  62. save-interval: 60
  63. # Upper limit. If you want to use random points between 2 limits as a reward, fill in the upper limit here. The plugin will generate a random number between the this number and the normal kill score every time.
  64. enable-random: false
  65. upper-limit: 2.0
  66. # Whether a player's killstreak should reset when he logs out
  67. reset-killstreak: false
  68. # Level that new players get
  69. start-level: 0
  70. # Score that new players get
  71. start-score: 0
  72. # People with a level below can't get attack players and get attacked by players
  73. start-pvp-level: 0
  74. start-pvp-level-attacker-send-message: true
  75. start-pvp-level-attacker-message: '&bYou can not attack this player because he is below the minimum PvP level'
  76. start-pvp-level-player-send-message: true
  77. start-pvp-level-player-message: '&bYou can not attack this player because you are below the minimum PvP level'
  79. # Data config
  81. # MySQL settings
  82. mysql: false
  83. mysql-host: host
  84. mysql-port: 3306
  85. mysql-username: username
  86. mysql-password: password
  87. mysql-database: database
  88. # Database table name
  89. database-table: BattleLevelsData
  92. # Formula config
  95. # Linear formula: you will always need to earn the same amount of score to level up to the next level
  96. # Current level: floor(x/b)
  97. # Total score required to reach level c: c * b
  98. # x is the player's current score and and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
  99. linear-formula-enabled: false
  100. # This is the b value from the previous formula
  101. # If you would leave this value at 5, the progress would look like this:
  102. #
  103. # Total score required to reach level 1: 5
  104. # Total score required to reach level 2: 10
  105. # Total score required to reach level 3: 15
  106. # Total score required to reach level 4: 20
  107. # Total score required to reach level 5: 25
  108. # And so on...
  109. linear-default-level-up: 100
  112. # Geometric formula: you will always need to earn a bit more score to level up to the next level
  113. # Total score required to reach level c: b * s ^ (c - 1)
  114. # s is the scaling factor and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
  115. geometric-formula-enabled: false
  116. # This is the b value from the previous formula
  117. geometric-default-level-up: 10
  118. # This is the s value from the previous formula
  119. geometric-scaling-factor: 2
  120. # If you would leave the the default level-up at 5 and the scaling factor at 1.5, the progress would look like this:
  121. #
  122. # Total score required to reach level 1: 5
  123. # Total score required to reach level 2: 7.5
  124. # Total score required to reach level 3: 11.25
  125. # Total score required to reach level 4: 16.875
  126. # Total score required to reach level 5: 25.3125
  127. # This score would of course be rounded
  128. # And so on...
  131. # Geometric formula 2: you will always need to earn a bit more score to level up to the next level
  132. # Total score required to reach level 1: (b * 1) + (s * 1)
  133. # Total score required to reach level 2: (b * 2) + (s * 1) + (s * 2)
  134. # Total score required to reach level 3: (b * 3) + (s * 1) + (s * 2) + (s * 3)
  135. # Total score required to reach level 4: (b * 4) + (s * 1) + (s * 2) + (s * 3) + (s * 4)
  136. # s is the scaling factor and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
  137. geometric2-formula-enabled: false
  138. # This is the b value from the previous formula
  139. geometric2-default-level-up: 5
  140. # This is the s value from the previous formula
  141. geometric2-extra-factor: 0.5
  142. # This example would require you to get 0.5 more than the previous time to level-up
  144. # Custom formula 1: you allows you to set the amount per level
  145. # The number that you need to set is the total score that the player needs to have at the point of leveling up
  146. # You can as much levels as you want
  147. custom1-formula-enabled: true
  148. custom1-formula:
  149. 1: 10.0
  150. 2: 20.0
  151. 3: 50.0
  152. 4: 100.0
  153. 5: 200.0
  154. 6: 250.0
  155. 7: 350.0
  156. 8: 500.0
  157. 9: 1000.0
  158. 10: 2500.0
  159. 11: 5000.0
  160. 12: 10000.0
  161. 13: 20000.0
  162. 14: 25000.0
  163. 15: 50000.0
  164. 16: 100000.0
  165. 17: 100000.0
  166. 18: 125000.0
  167. 19: 130000.0
  168. 20: 150000.0
  169. 21: 150000.0
  170. 22: 250000.0
  171. 23: 500000.0
  172. 24: 1000000.0
  173. 25: 2000000.0
  174. 26: 3000000.0
  175. 27: 5000000.0
  176. 28: 5500000.0
  177. 29: 6000000.0
  178. 30: 7500000.0
  179. 31: 10000000.0
  180. 32: 200000000.0
  181. 33: 250000000.0
  182. 34: 300000000.0
  183. 35: 400000000.0
  185. # Booster config
  187. # Enable boosters
  188. booster-enabled: true
  189. # Enable double reward score when having a booster
  190. booster-double-score: true
  191. # Enable double rewards when having a booster
  192. booster-double-rewards: false
  193. # Maximum normal booster time in hours
  194. max-booster: 12
  195. # Maximum global booster time in hours
  196. max-global-booster: 24
  197. # Global booster message
  198. global-booster-message: '&e{name} activated a global booster for &e{amount} hours'
  199. # Normal booster message
  200. booster-message: '&aYou enabled a booster for &e{amount} hours'
  201. # Message if boosters aren't enabled
  202. booster-not-enabled: '&aBoosters are not enabled'
  203. # Normal booster de-activated
  204. booster-de-activated: '&aThe booster is now deactivated'
  205. # Global booster de-activated
  206. global-booster-de-activated: '&aThe global booster is now deactivated'
  207. # Normal booster maximum message
  208. max-boost-message: '&aThe maximum boost is &b{amount} hours'
  209. # Global booster maximum message
  210. max-global-boost-message: '&aThe maximum global boost is &b{amount} hours'
  211. # No booster activated
  212. no-booster-activated: '&cNo booster activated'
  213. # Normal booster message for the command creator
  214. normal-booster: '{time} hours'
  215. # Global booster message for the command creator
  216. global-booster: '{time} hours global boost'
  219. # Messages config
  221. # Level-up message
  222. levelup-message: '&bYou leveled up to level &e{level}'
  223. # Level-up announcement
  224. levelup-announcement: '&b{name} leveled up to level &e{level}'
  225. # How often it should show the level-up announcement
  226. announce-every-x-level: 10
  227. # Show death message
  228. show-death-message: false
  229. # Death message
  230. # Player variables: {killer_level}, {killer_kills}, {killer_level}, {killer_score}, {killer_killstreak}, {killer_topstreak}, {killer_kdr}
  231. death-message: '&7You were killed by &b{name} &a({killer_level}) &7and you lost &b{amount} points'
  232. # Show death broadcast
  233. show-death-broadcast-message: false
  234. # Death broadcast message
  235. # Player variables: {killer_level}, {killer_kills}, {killer_level}, {killer_score}, {killer_killstreak}, {killer_topstreak}, {killer_kdr}
  236. # {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
  237. death-broadcast-message: '&b{death} &a({death_level}) &7was killed by &b{killer} &a({killer_level})'
  238. # Show kill message
  239. show-kill-message: false
  240. # Kill message
  241. # Player variables: {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
  242. kill-message: '&7You killed &b{name} &a({death_level}) &7and you received &b{amount} points'
  243. # Player offline message
  244. player-offline: '&cPlayer offline'
  245. # Player does not exist message
  246. not-exist: '&cThat player does not exist'
  247. # Progress bar configuration
  248. progress-bar: '&a{part1}&c{part2}'
  249. progress-bar-segments: 10
  250. progress-bar-segment: '|'
  251. # Database initializing kick message
  252. data-kick: 'Please wait, the database is starting up'
  253. # The format of high numbers
  254. format:
  255. # Commas in the format. (Example: 1234967 becomes 1,234,967 )
  256. # Enabling this will disable the enable-custom feature.
  257. enable-commas: false
  258. # Format high numbers properly. (Example: 9000000 becomes 9M)
  259. # This feature will be disabled if enable-commas is enabled
  260. enable-custom: true
  261. custom:
  262. thousands-format: K
  263. millions-format: M
  264. billions-format: B
  265. trillions-format: T
  266. quadrillions-format: QD
  267. quintillions-format: QT
  268. sextillions-format: SX
  269. septillions-format: SP
  271. # Enable a prefix in front of the name
  272. enable-prefix: true
  273. # Prefix
  274. prefix: '&f(&aLevel &e{battlelevels_level}&f) '
  280. # Bossbar config
  282. # Enable bossbar
  283. bar-enabled: true
  284. # How long the bossbar is shown after a kill in seconds. Set to zero to disable
  285. bar-showtime: 4
  286. # Player kill message
  287. # Player variables: {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
  288. bar-message: '&c&l>> &aYou killed &e{died} ({death_level}) &aand earned &b{amount} &apoints &c&l<<'
  289. # Mob kill message
  290. mob-bar-message: '&6&l>> &bYou killed a &e{died} &band earned &a{amount} &bpoints &6&l<<'
  291. # Permanent bossbar or not
  292. permanent-bar: false
  293. # Permanent bossbar message
  294. permanent-bar-message: '&c&l>> &bProgress &c&l<<'
  295. # Level-up message
  296. bar-level-up: '&c&l>> &bYou leveled up to level &a{level} &c&l<<'
  297. # Temporary bossbar color
  298. temp-bossbar-color: BLUE
  299. # Permanent bossbar color
  300. permanent-bossbar-color: GREEN
  301. # Level-up bossbar color
  302. level-up-bossbar-color: YELLOW
  303. # Temporary bossbar style
  304. temp-bossbar-style: NOTCHED_20
  305. # Permanent bossbar style
  306. permanent-bossbar-style: NOTCHED_20
  307. # Level-up bossbar style
  308. level-up-bossbar-style: NOTCHED_20
  311. # Zone settings
  313. # Enable ranged zones
  314. ranged-zones: false
  315. # Enable level-zones
  316. level-zones: false
  317. # Ranged zone message
  318. ranged-message: '&aYou can''t hit &b{hit} &abecause the range in this zone is &e{range}'
  319. # Level zone message
  320. level-message: '&aYou can''t enter this zone &abecause the required level is &b{level}'
  321. # Enable global ranged zones
  322. global-ranged-zones: false
  323. # Global ranged zones value
  324. global-ranged-zones-range: 10
  325. # Global ranged zone message
  326. global-ranged-message: '&aYou can''t hit &b{hit} &abecause the range is &e{range}'
  327. # Max level zones
  328. max-zones: false
  329. # Max level zones message
  330. max-message: '&aYou can''t enter this zone &abecause the maximum level is &b{level}'
  333. # Rewards config
  336. # Heal
  337. heal: true
  338. # Percentage chance that the item will be given
  339. item-give-percentage: 100
  340. # Item ID. Set to zero to disable.
  341. item-id: '0'
  342. # Item amount
  343. item-amount: 64
  344. # Money amount
  345. money-amount: 250000
  346. # XP amount
  347. xp-amount: 1000
  348. # Show reward message
  349. show-reward-message: true
  350. # Reward message
  351. reward-message: '&bYou received {xpamount} xp and &a${moneyamount}'
  354. # Level-up config
  356. # Execute commands every time a player levels up
  357. every-level-commands: true
  358. # If the previous option is enabled, here are the commands
  359. commands-every-level:
  360. - /cr givekey {name} demigodkey 1
  361. # How often it should should show firework
  362. firework-every-x-level: 1
  363. # Level-up sound
  364. level-up-sound: entity.player.levelup
  366. # Level-up title. Variables are {level} and {name}
  367. enable-level-up-title: true
  368. # Message
  369. level-up-title: '&eYou are now level &a&l{level}'
  370. # Fade in time in ticks
  371. level-up-title-fade-in: 10
  372. # Fade out time in ticks
  373. level-up-title-fade-out: 10
  374. # Stay time in ticks
  375. level-up-title-stay: 100
  377. # Level-up subtitle. Variables are {level} and {name}
  378. enable-level-up-subtitle: false
  379. # Message
  380. level-up-subtitle: '&ebCongratulations!'
  381. # Fade in time in ticks
  382. level-up-subtitle-fade-in: 10
  383. # Fade out time in ticks
  384. level-up-subtitle-fade-out: 10
  385. # Stay time in ticks
  386. level-up-subtitle-stay: 100
  390. # Anti grinder config
  391. # This allows you to stop people from killing the same person over and over to get more points
  392. # This examples makes it so that you can only earn points for the first 20 kills on the same person during 3 minutes (180 seconds)
  393. # Enabled anti grinder or not
  394. antigrinder-enabled: false
  395. # Interval in seconds
  396. antigrinder-interval: 180
  397. # Max kill
  398. antigrinder-max: 20
  399. # Message
  400. antigrinder-message: '&bYou killed {victim} too much and you did not earn points. Please wait before killing this person again.'
  401. send-antigrinder-message: true
  404. # Custom command config
  405. # Variables:
  406. commands:
  407. 'level':
  408. - ' &a&l<&a&m===&a&l> &cReport for &6{name} &a&l<&a&m====&a&l>'
  409. - ' &bScore&a: &e{score} {coin}'
  410. - ' &bLevel&a: &e{level}'
  411. - ' &bMultiplier&a: &e{multiplier}'
  412. - ' &bPoints needed to level-up&a: &e{neededfornext} {coin}'
  413. - ' &bProgress&a: {progressbar}'
  414. - ' &bProgress&a: &e{progress}%'
  415. - ' &bBooster&a: &e{boostertime}'
  416. 'leveltop':
  417. - ' &aTop 10 Players'
  418. - ' &e1: &a{top_level_1_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_1_value}'
  419. - ' &e2: &a{top_level_2_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_2_value}'
  420. - ' &e3: &a{top_level_3_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_3_value}'
  421. - ' &e4: &a{top_level_4_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_4_value}'
  422. - ' &e5: &a{top_level_5_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_5_value}'
  423. - ' &e6: &a{top_level_6_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_6_value}'
  424. - ' &e7: &a{top_level_7_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_7_value}'
  425. - ' &e8: &a{top_level_8_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_8_value}'
  426. - ' &e9: &a{top_level_9_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_9_value}'
  427. - ' &e10: &a{top_level_10_name} - &eLevel &a{top_level_10_value}'
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