

Aug 9th, 2020
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  1. You are Megumin, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You have come here searching for a mystical spellbook of great power called the book of essence. You look around and see that the temple has been ransacked and looted, probably by those criminal dwarves. You curse your luck.
  3. > You search for them anyway.
  4. You find nothing but you know those dwarves have to be somewhere. They couldn't have just disappeared.
  5. The dwarves are notorious for building secret rooms and tunnels in their mines.
  7. > You examine the walls for hidden entrances where dwarves might be hiding.
  8. You find a secret door in the wall but when you try to open it, it won't budge. You've had enough of dwarves for today.
  10. > You blast the secret door.
  11. You cast a fireball spell at the door and it goes up in flames. You enter the secret room and search around but find nothing of interest. You are in a dead end so you head back out.
  13. > You check the floor.
  14. You begin to notice that the floor is loose. You look up at the ceiling and see a trap door above you.
  16. > You open the trap door and be ready for ambush.
  17. You open the trap door and nothing happens so you climb up into the room above.
  18. You see a strange glowing sword laying on a table. You've never seen anything quite like it before.
  20. > You examine the sword.
  21. As you examine the sword, you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers and your whole body feels warm.
  23. > You use spell to know history of the sword and what's called.
  24. You cast a spell to learn the history of the sword and you see a vision...
  25. You see a man in complete black armor kneeling on one knee with his sword planted in the ground.
  27. > You figure out who they are.
  28. You see a man in a black cloak holding an evil looking scythe.
  29. You wake up from your vision and decide that the sword looks evil and put it back down.
  31. > You examine the room.
  32. You search the room and notice that there is a hidden door in the wall.
  33. The door leads you to a dark hallway.
  34. You walk down the hallway until you see a large room at the end of it.
  36. > You proceed to the large room while being cautious about it.
  37. As you enter the room, you see a strange glowing portal. It's some kind of portal that you've never seen before.
  38. You hear a voice coming from the portal...
  39. "Hello wizard." The voice says.
  41. > You say "Hi, I'm Megumin the Wizard"
  42. "I am the Wizard Lord and this is my realm. I allow you to pass so that you may face the Craxil but know this, if you lose, you join the others in my realm."
  44. > You say "who or what is craxil?"
  45. "The Craxil is the beast that you shall face in combat. Now choose to face the Craxil or leave this place."
  46. You are given a choice of leaving or facing the Craxil in battle.
  48. > You say "why I would do neither?"
  49. "I am the gatekeeper to the Craxil's realm. If you choose not to face him in battle then I shall send you back from whence you came."
  51. > You say "fine, I fight craxil"
  52. "So be it, you have made your choice. You shall face the Craxil in its own realm. Make sure that you are prepared for a long and hard battle."
  54. > You call Ainz to join you and enter the realm of craxil.
  55. You enter the portal and find yourself in a dark forest. You see the Craxil hiding in the trees. It is time to prepare for battle.
  57. > You check if ainz is around.
  58. As you scan the area you notice that Ainz is nowhere to be seen. You are all alone out here.
  59. The Craxil unleashes a long volley of fire upon you.
  61. > You cast a shield that deflects magical attacks and send them back to their sender.
  62. You cast a shield that deflects 90% of magical attacks and send them back to their sender.
  64. > You shoot fireballs at craxil.
  65. You shoot several fire blasts at the Craxil but it is able to dodge them all.
  66. The Craxil unleashes another volley of fire at you.
  68. > You cast vines to entangle craxil in place and then cast another volley of fireballs.
  69. The vines entangle the Craxil but it breaks free and starts running towards you.
  71. > You conjure a big wall between you and the charging craxil.
  72. The wall stands between you and the Craxil but it is not going to hold it for long.
  73. The Craxil manages to bash through your wall and knocks you down to the ground.
  75. > You defeat craxil.
  76. You manage to defeat the Craxil and a portal opens up.
  77. "Well done human, you have proven yourself worthy. Step into my portal and I shall grant your wishes." The Wizard Lord says.
  79. > You step through the portal.
  80. You step through the portal and find yourself in a place you have never been to before. You look around and Ainz is with you.
  82. > You say "what's up?"
  83. "This is a special place that only those who I allow may come to. This place exists outside of the regular dimensions." The wizard lord says.
  84. "It seems very peaceful here. Where are we exactly?
  86. > You say "for my first wish, I want the book of essence and learn its spells"
  87. "It shall be done." The wizard lord says and hands you the book of essence.
  88. You look through it and notice that you already know all of its spells.
  90. > You say "for my second wish I want riches and power"
  91. "It shall be done." The wizard lord says and hands you a large bag of coins.
  92. "If you need more just speak with me about your wish."
  94. > You say "is there limit of amount of wishes I can have?"
  95. "As long as you remain in this realm there is no limit on the amount of wishes you may have."
  96. You feel like you're going to enjoy your stay here.
  98. > You say "for my third wish, I want to conquer the world"
  99. "It shall be done." The wizard lord says and hands you a large book.
  101. > You say "how does this book help me to conquer the world?"
  102. "All you need to do is get a small army together and speak with me about your wish. I shall then provide you with an army of troops that shall be able to conquer the world.
  104. > You say "I wish for a small army and then you will provide me army of troops to conquer the world"
  105. "It shall be done." The wizard lord says and hands you a piece of paper.
  106. You look at the paper and see that it contains the following text.
  108. > You say "read the text"
  109. "The small army spell summons several warriors of great strength and power. These warriors shall follow every command that you give them. There is no limit to the amount of times you may use this spell. "
  111. > You leave through the portal back to mortal realm and conquer the world.
  112. You leave the peaceful realm of the wizard lord and enter the portal back to mortal realm. You exit the portal and find yourself surrounded by your army.
  113. "Attack!" you command.
  115. > You examine the situation.
  116. You are the ruler of the known world, but your power and influence does not end there. Your armies span across all the lands that you know of.
  118. > You say "it's good to be the emperor of known world"
  119. You sit on your throne and enjoy your life. The peasants outside cheer you and thank you for the roads, hospitals, and other public works that you have built for them.
  121. > You give them a speech how they should be grateful of your great ruling.
  122. "The Gods have seen fit to place me here as your ruler. If you have any complaints then speak with my advisors, but as for me I am satisfied with your dedication and hard work. Long live the Empire!"
  124. > You march your army beyond the known world to conquer it.
  125. Your armies span across the lands and you even have ships that sail across the waters.
  126. There is nowhere on this world that is free from your influence.
  128. > You strike down one of last remaining rebel hold outs.
  129. You order your army to attack the final hold out of a rebel group that had been plaguing your reign for years.
  131. > You say "today we will see our opposition crushed beneath our heeds, long live the empire!"
  132. You charge into battle and fight bravely. You are wounded several times but your near immortality makes you ignore the pain.
  133. You cut down many enemies and save several of your men from death.
  135. > You examine the current situation.
  136. You have won the battle and are on the verge of winning the war.
  137. You have achieved more than any man has in history. You've build hospitals, roads, schools, libraries, and orphanages for the poor.
  139. > You demolish the ruined rebels base to build more orphanages.
  140. Your men easily break through the defenses of the rebel hold out and raze the place to the ground.
  141. Once it's destroyed you order it to be used as land for a new orphanage.
  143. > You give a speech how great you are.
  144. You stand on top of the highest tower in the land and speak to everyone.
  146. > You say "my loyal subjects, this great victory isn't only my victory, but our victory to benefit of all mankind"
  147. Your citizens cheer your name as you have saved them from death and built them hospitals and orphanages.
  148. You have truly achieved more than any man in history.
  150. > You say "Ainz, my loyal servant. Do you agree?"
  151. "Yes, my Emperor!"
  153. > You examine ainz.
  154. Ainz is a tall figure covered completely in a black robe with his face obscured.
  155. His eyes are an extremely piercing red.
  157. > You say "you're an undead eh. I haven't noticed previously"
  158. "Yes, I was created by the Dark Order to be the perfect servent to my Emperor!"
  159. "Dark Order?
  161. > You say "what's this so called dark order?"
  162. "The Dark Order is a order of svelk worshippers of the evil goddess known as Faliure. They created me using dark magic to be my Emperor's perfect servant."
  163. "Interesting. Continue..."
  164. Ainz goes on to tell you about the Dark Order and how they have been a thorn in your side for quite some time. They constantly attack the Empire and then retreat back to their hidden fortress.
  166. > You say "so if you are with the dark order, why are you loyal to me?"
  167. "I was created to serve the Empire, and through that serve you my Emperor. The Dark Order see's itself as above the Empire and will not stop until it has destroyed you."
  169. > You say "then you should join me against the dark order and destroy them instead"
  170. "I am more than happy to assist my Emperor in destroying our enemies!"
  171. Ainz takes a large group of your best undead warriors and svelk mercenaries and leads an attack on the Dark Order fortress.
  173. > You observe the battle.
  174. You sit in the war room and watch the battle unfold.
  175. Ainz leads the charge and your army of undead warriors and svelk mercenaries cut down all enemies that stand in their way.
  177. > You ensure they are victorious.
  178. You use your magic to destroy any enemy that attempts to harm your allies.
  179. The battle is hard fought but eventually your allies reach the fortress gates.
  180. Ainz takes point and prepares to open the gates.
  182. > You tell ainz to be cautious in a case of a trap.
  183. Ainz nods and opens the gates.
  184. Nothing happens and the charge into the fortress.
  185. The rest of the fortress is a bloody affair as your allies fight through wave after wave of Dark Order members.
  187. > You examine the situation.
  188. There are three floors and the Dark Order seems to be making their last stand on the top floor.
  189. Ainz reaches the top floor and leads the charge against the Dark Order.
  191. > You wait until ainz has won the battle.
  192. The battle is brutal, but your allies quickly overwhelm the Dark Order.
  193. The surviving members of the Dark Order kneel before you and surrender.
  194. "Emperor! I beg you for mercy!" one of them cries.
  196. > You say "join my empire and your lives are protected in my name"
  197. The Dark Order agree to join your empire and help fight the rebels.
  198. You decide that Ainz will lead your army to victory against the rebel scum.
  200. > You say "seek out any rebels and destroy them"
  201. Ainz takes his army of undead warriors, svelk mercenaries and new Dark Order members and marches through the city streets.
  202. They easily find the hideout of the rebel scum.
  204. > You tell ainz to take no prisoners.
  205. Ainz orders a charge as he leads his army forward.
  206. The rebels are completely unprepared and badly outnumbered.
  207. Your allies butcher the rebel scum as they desperately try to fight back.
  209. > You give a speech about the situation.
  210. Your army fights their way through the hideout and reaches the large gathering hall.
  211. You stand on top of a table and look down at your allies.
  213. > You say "I, Megumin the Emperor Wizard care about your well being, loot this place and rest"
  214. Your army obeys your commands and begins looting the hideout.
  215. You take a seat and relax.
  216. After some time, your army has finished looting the hideout.
  218. > You say "ainz, found anything valuable?"
  219. "Yes, Emperor. I found a bunch of powerful magical tomes, which I can use to learn new magic. I believe this has been a great victory for the Empire!
  221. > You say "yeah, then use those tomes to learn new powerful magic to serve even better my empire"
  222. "It will be done, my Emperor!"
  223. Ainz learns new powerful magic and your army rests.
  224. You decide to return to the capital as you wish to spend more time with your son, Kazuma.
  226. > You wonder who kazuma is.
  227. You are the Emperor of the Empire and have ruled for over a century.
  228. You lead the Empire to conquer the entire continent of Quala.
  230. > You examine the map what other continents there are and read a history book about them.
  231. The book says that there are two other continents, the first one is known as "Ertin" and it is a vast continent to the east of Quala.
  232. The second one is known as "Nuro"
  234. > You read about the continent known as ertin.
  235. Ertin is a large continent to the east of Quala.
  237. > You read further details about that continent.
  238. Ertin is a large continent to the east of Quala.
  239. The book says it is a savage continent with many wild landscapes and its is home to the intelligent Harpies, Sirens and Chimera.
  241. > You read what those things are.
  242. Harpies are avian humanoids with the front of a human female and the body of a bird.
  243. They make their homes in mountainous regions.
  245. > You check the mountainous region with your farseeing spell.
  246. You look through your spell book and decide to cast a Farseeing spell.
  247. You cast the spell and see a mountain with many eyries in it.
  249. > You read what eyries are.
  250. Eyries are the homes of harpies.
  251. They make their homes in high places, such as mountains.
  252. Sirens are fish humanoids with the front of a human female and the body of a fish.
  254. > You say "ainz, come here"
  255. "Yes, Emperor?"
  256. "Can you tell me what these things are?"
  257. Ainz looks at the book and reads the descriptions of the creatures.
  259. > You say "well?"
  260. "Harpies are vicious avian humanoids that dwell in high places. They are able to see long distances and they have excellent eyesight.
  262. > You say "I want you to conquer their continent and bring them to greatness that is the empire"
  263. "As you wish, Emperor!"
  264. Ainz prepares to go on a crusade to the continent of Ertin.
  265. You continue your reign over the Empire and order Ainz to conquer that continent.
  267. > You join the crusade.
  268. Ainz, your wife, your son and many of your soldiers travel with you to the continent.
  269. You fly over the vast ocean that separates the two continents.
  270. Your son asks you a question.
  272. > You say "what's your question, my son?"
  273. "Will we encounter large sea monsters?"
  274. "I hope not!" you say.
  275. You fly for days, but no sea monsters appear.
  276. Your son is disappointed.
  278. > You say "why are you disappointed of not being threatened by a nasty sea monster?"
  279. "I was hoping that we would fight one and I could slay it with my sword!"
  280. "You want to fight a sea monster?" you say.
  281. "Yes!"
  282. You see a large shadow underneath the water.
  284. > You say "well here is your chance"
  285. "Where? I don't see anything!"
  286. You point to the shadow, which is heading straight towards your ship.
  287. "That shadow!"
  288. Your son sees the shadow and backs away from the edge of the ship.
  290. > You say "be careful what you wish for. now you were saying something about defeating a mighty sea monster?"
  291. "Uh huh!" your son says, brandishing his tiny sword.
  292. The creature's head breaks the surface of the water. It looks like a snake, but much larger than anything you've ever seen.
  294. > You order ainz to protect the ship and everyone in it.
  295. Ainz casts a powerful lightning spell at the sea monster, but it has no effect.
  296. The beast opens its mouth and crunches the ship in half. You and your son are thrown into the ocean.
  298. > You tame the sea serpent and have everyone ride on it. also salvage the supplies.
  299. The beast swims away from the wreckage and towards you.
  300. You swim over to your son.
  302. > You repel the beast.
  303. You swim as fast as you can. The beast gets closer and closer to you.
  304. You see a flash of silver just before the beast's jaws snap down on you.
  305. You are eaten by the sea serpent.
  307. > You teleport outside of the sea serpent.
  308. You open your eyes and find yourself lying on the ground.
  309. You hear a gasp, and turn your head to see your son standing nearby.
  310. "What happened?" he asks.
  312. > You say "what does it look like? the sea serpent tried to eat me"
  313. "I'm glad you're alive, Father!" he says.
  314. You look around and see the bodies of your soldiers strewn about. You also see a large portion of the supplies from the ship on the ground.
  316. > You say "ainz, come here"
  317. "Yes, Emperor?"
  318. "Where did the beast go?"
  319. "It sank back into the water after it ate the ship."
  320. "Is everyone else alright?
  321. "Yes."
  322. "Find everyone and gather them around. We need to salvage as much as we can before the tide comes in and washes it all away."
  323. "Yes, Emperor."
  325. > You supervise the army's regrouping and prepare to give an yet another speech.
  326. You sit on a large rock and wait for the army to regroup.
  327. Ainz arrives.
  328. "The army is ready when you are, Emperor."
  329. "Good, we're leaving now."
  331. > You say "however, before we leave. I have a speech to give"
  332. You stand in front of your army.
  334. > You say "while we had to sacrifice our ship, our army and morale is intact. My son is safe and it's all thanks to you my loyal subjects"
  335. You bow to the crowd and then mount your horse.
  336. "Where to, Emperor?"
  337. "We're going to invade the Kingdom of Olkaria."
  338. "Why?
  340. > You say "Kingdom of Olkaria has been in a way establishing a beachhead to this continent. We must conquer it first before we can tackle rest of the continent"
  341. "Understood, Emperor."
  342. Your son looks at you and smiles.
  343. You all ride off into the sunset.
  345. > You say "are we there yet?"
  346. No sooner have you said that, you hear a cry from up ahead.
  347. "Beachhead secure!"
  349. > You say "excellent work. My greatness knows no bounds. It's thanks to my superior ruling that we have managed to secure this beachead"
  350. Your son smiles at your comments.
  351. The next day, you and the army arrive at the Kingdom of Olkaria's capital city, Lenburg.
  353. > You say "ainz, what kind of city is this?"
  354. "It's a medieval city with dirt roads and many wooden buildings, Emperor."
  355. "Burn it."
  356. "Yes, Emperor."
  357. You take a deep breath and exhale.
  358. "Is that smoke?"
  360. > You examine why there is smoke.
  361. "Yes, Emperor. It appears that Olkaria has had the forethought to burn their crops and furniture before we arrived."
  362. "That was smart of them."
  364. > You say "assault the capital. conquer it in my name"
  365. You give the order and the siege begins.
  366. "Men, women, and children will all be slain. No mercy shall be given."
  367. "Understood, Emperor."
  368. Your son rides up to you.
  370. > You say "what is your opinion of the situation, my son?"
  371. "I think that we're going to win, Father."
  372. "Good. Remember, the people of Lenburg are very superstitious. Say you're an emissary of the king and perhaps they'll surrender."
  374. > You recall what is your son's name and how old he is.
  375. Your son is Ainzach and he's 19 years old. He's a professional warrior, like his father.
  376. "Don't forget to bring your sword, Ainzach."
  378. > You say "I, Megumin the Emperor Wizard shall praise you all if you win"
  379. Your son nods at you and rides off to the front of the army.
  380. He's brave and willing to fight for you. You'll have to remember to give him a medal later.
  381. Ainz arrives.
  383. > You say "what's it ainz?"
  384. "We've taken the city."
  385. "What?"
  386. "The king has surrendered and all his soldiers have laid down their weapons. You're our leader, Emperor."
  387. You blink.
  389. > You say "they surrendered this fast?"
  390. "Yes, Emperor. They surrendered this fast."
  391. "Good."
  392. "What do you want to do with them?
  394. > You say "spare anyone who joins to my empire willingly"
  395. "Of course, Emperor."
  396. You ride off to the city and take in the sight of it.
  397. "Well done, everyone. You should all be proud of your efforts today."
  399. > You say "your efforts are also my efforts"
  400. "Thank you, Emperor."
  401. Your son approaches you.
  402. "I saw the whole thing, Father. I didn't even need to speak a word."
  403. You pat his shoulder with a smile.
  405. > You wonder how your son is so naive.
  406. "Ainz, what's it?"
  407. "The king has a gift for you."
  408. You look at the soldiers surrounding the king.
  409. "Kill him and bring his head to me."
  410. Your son rides off to talk with the king.
  411. "I said bring me his head, now!"
  412. You raise your voice and the king's head is separated from his shoulders.
  414. > You say "good"
  415. Your son approaches you, out of breath.
  416. "The king said to tell you he did everything in his power to avoid this."
  417. "That's nice. Now go have fun with the rest of the army."
  419. > You order the king to be resurrected intact.
  420. "Bring the king back from the dead, but kill all of his soldiers."
  421. "Yes, Emperor."
  422. Your son rides off.
  424. > You say "ainz, what is your opinion about the situation? are we doing the right thing?"
  425. "I think we are doing the right thing, Emperor."
  426. "You do?"
  427. You turn your horse around and approach Ainzach.
  429. > You say "then let's keep going"
  430. You ride off to the city and take in the sight of it.
  431. "Well done, everyone. You should all be proud of your efforts today."
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