
Albero Harkinshire

Jan 9th, 2015
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  1. Goldenhold, Capital of the Empire, Seat of the King and Eye of the Realm.
  3. Frenrick has been thrown from the Guard.
  4. Albero is trying to offer him some council.
  5. Albero is annoyed that the King has burnt Theo Woods.
  6. The King burnt Theo Woods.
  7. “Ser Frenrick!” shouted Lord Albero hurrying, Frenrick paused from his walk down the corridor and swung around to face him. “Yet another satisfied look from a Shireling. The King has already said his Duty. i need not your sympathies.” and he continued walking on, ignoring the Lord.
  8. “Come now, you know what he is like recently.” He pulled up in front of the Knight. ”fucking Whores makes him more of a shitty King than his Father.” he had the usual Harkinshire grin on show. his hair was still the typical golden locks which ran through the Family.
  9. The aged Knight sighed and pushed past him without a thought “Go back to your ‘King’ we both know he has no right.” he said as he walked swiftly away from the Lord.
  10. “Where will you go?” Albero shouted, the Knight kept walking and replied “I don’t know, maybe go East, North, West. what ever direction is away from here!”
  12. 0o————————————————o0
  14. Lord Albero poured himself a wine “I couldn’t help him you know, he seemed pretty struck by the King’s words.” he took a mouthful and returned to his Desk.
  15. He sat and took smaller mouthful “The King is more of a fool than the Fool. Burning the Woods, demanding his best guard leave.”.
  16. Lord Arran moved in his seat as his armour moved. “The King is a fool, everyone see’s that. but i cannot see what you can do to even change the King’s mind. i have to speak my mind. but the City is going to be sieged in the end.”.
  17. Albero nodded, he had suddenly lost his taste for wine. he looked at his hand, still scarred from long ago. “that is the only answer to the King’s actions. he is terrified.” he said. They both nodded in agreement when Arran started “Finally I am in mutual respect with a Shireling. You lot must be scrapping the barrel.”.
  18. “A common insult Lord Arran, i wouldn’t think you of all people would drop to Commonly used things. i am shocked.” sassed the Lord.
  19. Just as they admired their mutuality the door opened and Lord Kravon entered looking pale and fearful. “What are you two doing here! The King has ordered everyone of moderate importance to the Throne Room!”. Albero stood up in reaction.
  20. “How long ago?” before he got a reply Lord Kravon had left in a hurry. the Lord glanced at Arran and they both followed the troubled Lord.
  22. 0o————————————————o0
  24. The entire Council, Guard and Nobility had gathered in the Throne Room before the King. “What is this?” shouted the King standing before his Throne. The Lady Stabber looked grim and threw a Helm at the feet of the King.
  25. “Dwarves my Lord. They are rallying to the Wolves.” the King kicked the Helm with a force in defiance towards the wall.
  26. “ARGHHH!” he cried as his foot cracked and then cringed onto his Throne from his foot. “What kind of Half-Man bastards do they think they are! REBELLION!” he cried, Lady Stabber picked the Helm from the wall “The Burning of the Woods provoked them my Lord. It was not a wise move.” he said.
  27. The King blasted down towards Lady Stabber and knocked his sword from his hands in one almighty whack from his golden club. “Do not name my judgement with such words! Do you want your head sawed and thrown into the River?” he threatened when he grasped the Knight by his collar.
  28. The Guards pointed their swords towards the Knight. “My mistake my Lord. i meant no offence.” he said.
  29. The King released his collar and limped back the the Throne. “These bearded bastards must be dealt with. If Fear does not work, Steel will. Burn them all!”
  30. Albero sighed and placed his face in his hand.
  32. 0o————————————————o0
  34. Albero walked with Lady Killer towards the Lord’s Office. “How many were their?” Albero started.
  35. Cae sighed “countless… my troop was killed in minutes. i managed to retreat by horse and power. they move to Henri. if the King stands any chance of beating the bastards, he will have to keep Henri under his Crown.”.
  36. They continued down the corridor, they passed a balcony where they stopped and looked out.
  37. “The King is becoming steadily worse when it comes to Commanding Troops, Armies or even the Guard. He starts something, we have to finish it.” said the Lord.
  38. They looked out unto the City. the sun was starting to dip into the hills.
  39. “What are we to do now? Henri needs defending not to mention the Elves now move to Grene. We are outnumbered my… a large proportion.” started Cae.
  40. Albero leant against the wall deep in thought when after a moment or two he said “We need to confront the King. If he still has an ounce of who he was then we will allow me to take over command.” Cae faced the Lord “My Lord. what if fighting for the King is not always fighting for good.”.
  41. The Lord chuckled and pulled a caring face and put his hand on Cae’s shoulder “Right now, we are fighting on the wrong side. We could abandon the King and save ourselves, we could kill the king and save the Realm or we could fight for the King and command ourselves then save both.” Albero went to leave the balcony “its called Fighting for the Realm. If you really care for the Empire, you fight for the Realm and not the King.” and he left.
  43. 0o————————————————o0
  44. Lord Albero had arrived at his Office, the drank the last of his Wine and sat behind the Desk. What the gods is this? He saw a scroll on his Desk. he examined it and saw the Dwarven Sigil on the Wax. Daeven… He thought as he broke the seal and began to read.
  45. As he read, his face slowly filled with fear. War upon The Empire… Independence… Me as…Commander… The Scroll stated the declaration of War upon The Empire. “It is my me, King Daevern of Dwarven Regiment of the North. offer you the title of Commander of Legion under the Dwarven Banner.” he put down the scroll with fear in his face. I have to leave… he thought. before he could think again Lady Killer entered the room as quickly as Lord Kravon before.
  47. “My Lord! The King! He is threatening to behead Lord Daegar!” breathed Cae as he took in deep breaths.
  48. the Lord stood on his feet in an instant. he hurried around his desk and looked him in the eye.
  49. “What?” he spluttered. “The King is going to behead Lord Daegar on charge of Traitor Charges!”. before he could finish Albero sped out of the room.
  51. 0o————————————————o0
  53. Albero reached the room and fell to his knees beside the Throne. The King stood before the throne, drunk on Wine “I King Edward Harkinshire, Ruler of the Empire, First of his Name, etc. etc. etc. hereby sentence you to Death over Traitor Charges.” smiled the King. he swayed uncontrollably and took a large mouth of Wine.
  54. He cast the Wine glass onto the floor which crashed and shattered into pieces.
  55. Lord Daegar was on his knees in chains. his sword and armour split and broken upon the floor. The King stood slouched in front of him.
  56. “Speak your last words, let the Gods write them into Scrolls, etc. etc. etc.” the King laughed, he gently pressed his sword onto Daegar’s cheek which bled. “My King Harkinshire. i am knelt here before my King and his Council. You believe i have performed as a Traitor to my King. i deny these charges. i…” The King swung his sword and it dropped upon Daegar.
  57. “Nooo!” cried Albero, but his scream was drowned by the crowd’s screaming. he eyes were fixed upon the King who had revered from the swing and began continually thrusting his sword into the blooded mass.
  58. How can this happen! what…. How can this happen!? His mind was screaming, but it still wasn’t as loud as the crowd had dispersed into a screaming riot. The Throne Room began getting stained with blood. “Fight my Guards! Kill them all! We are all going to be fucked by the Dwarves…” the King was struck by a rock, his crown has been knocked off. he collapsed onto his throne with a face of blood.
  59. But still he screamed and shouted at the riot. “Kill the fucking bastards! Get the Dwarves to fuck them in their arses!” the riot had reached the King. the hundreds of peasants which had watched what he did were now screaming and beating their way to the King. He had his sword in his hands and licked the blade slitting his tongue. He spat the blood at the people attacking the guards. he laughed
  60. Albero stood on his feet and hid behind the Throne, the screams and curses were getting louder. He covered his ears and screamed in agony and fear.
  61. “Kill the Bastards!” the King shouted and then he screamed in agony.
  63. Albero felt something hard on his head and he saw no more.
  65. 0o————————————————o0
  67. Albero woke up. He was under something heavy and cold. Where am i? Argh… my head… he thought as he placed his hand on a blooded part of his head.
  68. It was quiet in the room. he looked around him and he saw smoke and rubble. He looked at the large object over him and he saw the King’s Throne had been toppled and broken. the Gems had been ripped and stolen from it’s surface. The King… where is he? Daegar… he wanted to weep, Men do not weep easily. but this one time Albero shed a lone tear for his lost Brother, The King was no longer his Brother. What Brother causes such brutality towards one of his blood, for the rest of Albero’s life, he could not see why.
  69. He pulled himself from under the Throne grasping anything he could grab.
  70. He felt ash and charcoal when he finally pulled himself to his feet. Gods… What is this… the Lord was astonished at what he saw. it would haunt him till his last days.
  71. He saw a burnt Hall. the fires had died and the crowd had gone. The King had gone. all that was left was the Crown. sitting broken and blackened against the wall.
  73. Albero picked the Crown up. it was as heavy as ever but yet felt much heavier.
  74. Before he could examine more, a troop of figures came marching towards him.
  75. “My Lord!” called a voice. the figure came into view.
  76. Lady Stabber started “My Lord Albero! Thank Gods you alive. We need to leave. The King is dead, The Riot rages still down in the lower City.” Albero seemed just glad to see the beaten Knight again.
  77. Lady Stabber had scars and cuts everywhere. He and his small troop had burns and wounds from the riot.
  78. “What happened? I blacked out when the King took a rock to the head.” mumbled the Lord.
  79. Freddye stepped forward “The King was ripped limb from limb. The Riot burnt this Hall and set the City Ablaze…” Cae interrupted “Albero we do not have the time. I have seen and read the Dwarvish Scroll. We are going to them. for the betterment of the Realm.” Albero gave a vacant smile and followed them out of the Hall.
  81. 0o————————————————o0
  83. They travelled down Halls, Tunnels, Through stairs even Albero did not know.
  84. “Cae, Where are we heading? Dwarves of the North live above ground.” asked the Lord as they hurried down the stair.
  85. Cae took time to answer “These are the secondary Dock Stair. they lead right into the River Dock. the Rioters haven’t reached it yet.” and they spoke no more until they reached the Dock.
  86. They exited the long dark tunnel right into the Docks.
  87. It was a small Dock compared to the main which lay much further down the river. “My Lord, get on board and go below. We cannot be seen leaving the City.”
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