

Aug 16th, 2021
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  1. Change the base type of TaskManagement.Models.CustomExceptions.InvalidUserInputException so that it no longer extends System.ApplicationException. This base exception type does not provide any additional value for framework classes. Extend 'System.Exception' or an existing unsealed exception type instead. Do not create a new exception base type unless there is specific value in enabling the creation of a catch handler for an entire class of exceptions. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\InvalidUserInputException.cs, line 5)
  2. Provide correct arguments to formatting methods (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 34)
  3. Unused field 'StatusChangesAreMadeMessage' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 13)
  4. Unused field 'ParametersCountMustBe' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Listing\Filtration\FilterTasksWithAssignee.cs, line 17)
  5. Member 'ParseIntParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 38)
  6. Member 'ParseDoubleParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 47)
  7. Member 'ParseBoolParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 56)
  8. Member 'BugStatusParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 65)
  9. Member 'FeedbackStatusParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 75)
  10. Member 'StoryStatusParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 83)
  11. Member 'PriorityParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 91)
  12. Member 'SeverityParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 100)
  13. Member 'SizeParameter' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Contracts\BaseCommand.cs, line 109)
  14. Member 'ExtractCommandName' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\CommandFactory.cs, line 73)
  15. Member 'ExtractCommandParameters' does not access instance data and can be marked as static (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\CommandFactory.cs, line 80)
  16. Test for empty strings using 'string.Length' property or 'string.IsNullOrEmpty' method instead of an Equality check (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\Engine.cs, line 29)
  17. Member 'isInitialized' is explicitly initialized to its default value (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\WorkItem.cs, line 10)
  18. Parameter args of method Main is never used. Remove the parameter or use it in the method body. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\StartUp.cs, line 9)
  19. Remove the underscores from namespace name 'TaskManagement.Core.Commands.Add_and_Remove_Commands' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Add and Remove Commands\AddCommentToTask.cs, line 9)
  20. Remove the underscores from namespace name 'TaskManagement.Core.Commands.Change_Commands' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Change Commands\ChangeFeedbackRating.cs, line 9)
  21. Remove the underscores from namespace name 'TaskManagement.Core.Commands.Create_Commands' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateBugInBoard.cs, line 12)
  22. Remove the underscores from namespace name 'TaskManagement.Core.Commands.Print_Commands' (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Print Commands\PrintBoardActivity.cs, line 8)
  23. 'String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)' is always 'false'. Remove or refactor the condition(s) to avoid dead code. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 23)
  24. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Validator.StringLengthValidation(string, int, int, string)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 17)
  25. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Validator.StringIsNullWhiteSpaceOrEmpty(string, string)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 25)
  26. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Validator.CollectionIsNull<T>(IList<T>, string)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 33)
  27. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Board.Board(int, string)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Board.cs, line 32)
  28. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, params object[])' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Board.AddTask(IWorkItem)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Board.cs, line 57)
  29. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Bug(int, string, string, IList<string>, Priority, Severity, IMember)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 34)
  30. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Priority.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 59)
  31. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Priority.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 64)
  32. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Severity.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 85)
  33. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Severity.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 90)
  34. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Status.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 113)
  35. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Bug.Status.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Bug.cs, line 118)
  36. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Feedback.Feedback(int, string, string, int)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Feedback.cs, line 25)
  37. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Feedback.Rating.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Feedback.cs, line 46)
  38. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Feedback.Rating.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Feedback.cs, line 51)
  39. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Feedback.Status.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Feedback.cs, line 71)
  40. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Feedback.Status.set' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Feedback.cs, line 76)
  41. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Member.Member(int, string)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 31)
  42. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, params object[])' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Member.AddTask(IWorkItem)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 59)
  43. The behavior of 'string.Format(string, object, object, object)' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Member.RemoveTask(IWorkItem)' with a call to 'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 74)
  44. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Member.AddTask(IWorkItem)' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 59)
  45. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Member.RemoveTask(IWorkItem)' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 74)
  46. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateBoardInTeam.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateBoardInTeam.cs, line 31)
  47. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateBoardInTeam.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateBoardInTeam.cs, line 31)
  48. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateBugInBoard.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateBugInBoard.cs, line 31)
  49. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateBugInBoard.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateBugInBoard.cs, line 32)
  50. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateMember.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateMember.cs, line 25)
  51. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateMember.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateMember.cs, line 25)
  52. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateTeam.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateTeam.cs, line 24)
  53. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'CreateTeam.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Create Commands\CreateTeam.cs, line 24)
  54. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'FilterByEnumerators.FilterByEnumerators(IList<string>, IRepository)' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Listing\Filtration\FilterByEnumerators.cs, line 20)
  55. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'FilterTasksByAssignee.Execute()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Commands\Listing\Filtration\FilterTasksByAssignee.cs, line 27)
  56. The behavior of 'string.ToLower()' could vary based on the current user's locale settings. Replace this call in 'Engine.Start()' with a call to 'string.ToLower(CultureInfo)'. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\Engine.cs, line 35)
  57. Method 'void Engine.Start()' passes a literal string as parameter 'value' of a call to 'void Console.WriteLine(string value)'. Retrieve the following string(s) from a resource table instead: "Command cannot be empty.". (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\Engine.cs, line 31)
  58. In externally visible method 'void Validator.StringLengthValidation(string value, int min, int max, string propertyName)', validate parameter 'value' is non-null before using it. If appropriate, throw an ArgumentNullException when the argument is null or add a Code Contract precondition asserting non-null argument. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 15)
  59. In externally visible method 'void Board.AddTask(IWorkItem task)', validate parameter 'task' is non-null before using it. If appropriate, throw an ArgumentNullException when the argument is null or add a Code Contract precondition asserting non-null argument. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Board.cs, line 57)
  60. In externally visible method 'void Member.AddTask(IWorkItem task)', validate parameter 'task' is non-null before using it. If appropriate, throw an ArgumentNullException when the argument is null or add a Code Contract precondition asserting non-null argument. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 59)
  61. In externally visible method 'void Member.RemoveTask(IWorkItem task)', validate parameter 'task' is non-null before using it. If appropriate, throw an ArgumentNullException when the argument is null or add a Code Contract precondition asserting non-null argument. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\Member.cs, line 74)
  62. In externally visible method 'ICommand CommandFactory.Create(string commandLine)', validate parameter 'commandLine' is non-null before using it. If appropriate, throw an ArgumentNullException when the argument is null or add a Code Contract precondition asserting non-null argument. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\CommandFactory.cs, line 28)
  63. Change the base type of TaskManagement.Models.CustomExceptions.EntityNotFoundException so that it no longer extends System.ApplicationException. This base exception type does not provide any additional value for framework classes. Extend 'System.Exception' or an existing unsealed exception type instead. Do not create a new exception base type unless there is specific value in enabling the creation of a catch handler for an entire class of exceptions. (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\EntityNotFoundException.cs, line 5)
  64. Type 'Validator' is a static holder type but is neither static nor NotInheritable (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\ExtensionMethods\Validator.cs, line 8)
  65. Type 'StartUp' is a static holder type but is neither static nor NotInheritable (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\StartUp.cs, line 7)
  66. Do not declare visible instance fields (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\WorkItem.cs, line 10)
  67. Add the following constructor to EntityNotFoundException: public EntityNotFoundException() (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\EntityNotFoundException.cs, line 5)
  68. Add the following constructor to EntityNotFoundException: public EntityNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException) (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\EntityNotFoundException.cs, line 5)
  69. Add the following constructor to InvalidUserInputException: public InvalidUserInputException() (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\InvalidUserInputException.cs, line 5)
  70. Add the following constructor to InvalidUserInputException: public InvalidUserInputException(string message, Exception innerException) (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\CustomExceptions\InvalidUserInputException.cs, line 5)
  71. Modify 'Start' to catch a more specific allowed exception type, or rethrow the exception (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Core\Core\Engine.cs, line 45)
  72. Abstract type 'WorkItem' should not have public constructors (TaskManagement\TaskManagement.Models\Models\WorkItem.cs, line 8)
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