
Awful Opera

Mar 6th, 2020
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  1. act [Anloralhe] steps into the gondola's south cab, followed by her war band. She paces to the north cab and back again, eyes darting every which way, looking for hidden dangers.
  2. sing I hope this journey will rest our weary bones.;Gods know, we've earned it!;What care I who sits upon a throne.;Mother can have it!
  3. sm at the members of her small band, slapping a back here, gripping a shoulder there -- each and every one "Friends and comrades", hardened by trail and skirmishes with the Dragon Priests. The gondola lurches gently as it pushes off from the platform.
  4. sing I will be the first to stand us all a round;Drinks on me, you deserve it!;I hope you drink deeply... ;Hold!.... What is that sound?...
  5. act [Anloralhe] spins to face the north cab. The gondola shudders as if a great weight has been thrown against the cab's wall. She rushes through the door to see a huge snowbeast killing one of her guards and gasps as it knocks her sprawling into the benches as it speeds past her into the south cab.
  6. act [Anloralhe], her back to the south cab, shivers violently at the sounds of screams and carnage behind her as a misty image of a tall pale Elf with silver eyes and black braided hair sneers at her.
  7. E: unhide
  8. E: sm and chuckles maliciously at Anloralhe.
  9. act [Anloralhe] shudders again as the image flickers, as if it is not really there.
  10. E: sing Do you like my pet??
  11. E: laugh maniac
  12. sing Who are you?;What is that beast??;Why are you killing us?
  13. E: sing Oh, come now. Are we not well met?;You know *meee*!
  14. E: sm and sneers. His silver robe waves in an imaginary breeze.
  15. E: sing Your mother and I are well acquainted, don't you see?;Perhaps I am your brother. Or...
  16. E: snicker
  17. E: sing Perhaps I am your father!! Could this be a sign?
  18. E: laugh evilly
  19. E: sing shrilly (?) You are mine!! All that your mother claims is mine! And I give you to That which is Mine!!
  20. E: hide
  21. act [Anloralhe] expels the breath she is holding as the vision vanishes, her skin prickling with the sudden knowledge of who she has seen. Turning quickly, she races back into the south cab of the gondola to join the fight against the enormous snow creature.
  22. act [Anloralhe] slices into the back of the beast as it takes down another of her men -- only one other and herself remain of her band.
  23. sing Oh Mother! What have you done?;You had said if trouble came; it would be from that one!;Well, came, he did, and my life is lost!;Just as my comrades are shed like dross.
  24. act [Anloralhe] grimaces in determination as the beast turns to her, its final foe. Its claws rip into her, rending her armor like butter, gashing her deeply across the neck and chest. The godola softly bumps the norhtern platform and the doors open. She plinges her blade into the beast's chest as she falls, only to hear it scream in pain as it leaps over her and out through the north cab and off the gondola.
  25. fall
  26. sing quietly Oh mother, I'm dead. Only this did I dread...;The last of your children to love you is gone.;Now what will you do, you are alone?;If only hate hadn't beaten you down...;If only you hadn't desired *That* crown....
  27. act [Anloralhe] closes her eyes as her life bleeds away into the wooden floor of the gondola, staining it forever.
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