

Feb 24th, 2014
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  1. entityType "Buff"
  2. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  3. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  4. stackingLimit 1
  5. allowFirstSpawnerToStack FALSE
  6. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  7. isInterruptable TRUE
  8. isChannelling FALSE
  9. numInstantActions 1
  10. instantAction
  11. buffInstantActionType "PlayPersistantAttachedEffect"
  12. instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay"
  13. delayTime 0.000000
  14. effectInfo
  15. effectAttachInfo
  16. attachType "Center"
  17. smallEffectName ""
  18. mediumEffectName ""
  19. largeEffectName ""
  20. soundID ""
  21. numPeriodicActions 1
  22. periodicAction
  23. actionCountType "Infinite"
  24. actionIntervalTime
  25. Level:0 -0.000000
  26. Level:1 -0.000000
  27. Level:2 -0.000000
  28. Level:3 -0.000000
  29. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerNoFilterNoRange"
  30. instantActionTriggerType "OnWeaponFired"
  31. numWeaponClasses 2
  32. weaponClassForWeaponPassive "LASERPSI"
  33. weaponClassForWeaponPassive "PLASMA"
  34. passiveWeaponEffectChance
  35. Level:0 1.000000
  36. Level:1 0.950000
  37. Level:2 0.900000
  38. Level:3 0.800000
  39. buffType "Buff_PerfectDefense2"
  40. numOverTimeActions 1
  41. overTimeAction
  42. buffOverTimeActionType "DrainAntiMatter"
  43. drainAntiMatterRate
  44. Level:0 6.300000
  45. Level:1 5.000000
  46. Level:2 4.600000
  47. Level:3 4.200000
  48. numEntityModifiers 1
  49. entityModifier
  50. buffEntityModifierType "ChanceToBeNotOptimallyTargetted"
  51. value
  52. Level:0 0.100000
  53. Level:1 0.200000
  54. Level:2 0.300000
  55. Level:3 0.400000
  56. numEntityBoolModifiers 1
  57. entityBoolModifier "CannotBeDamaged"
  58. numFinishConditions 2
  59. finishCondition
  60. finishConditionType "OwnerChanged"
  61. finishCondition
  62. finishConditionType "AntiMatterDepleted"
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