

Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. Watch episodes 1-56
  2. Skip at 57-70
  3. 71 - Last 10 min or so is manga material. But is relevant for the next arc.
  4. Pick up at 72-89
  5. Skip at 90-111
  6. Pick up or Skip - 112 - Last 10 min or so is manga material. But is relevant for the next arc. You will see eye burning filler but all you need to know is that the akatsuki captures the three tails.
  7. Pick up at 113-143
  8. Skip at 144-151
  9. Pick up at 152-169
  10. Skip at 170 & 171
  11. Pick up at 172-175
  12. Skip at 176-196 (Some of this arc has filler mixed in with manga material so for those who care about the 100% completion and dont mind seeing a little burning lol, check out the spoiler below.)
  14. Pick up at 197-222
  15. Skip 223-242
  16. Pick up at 243-256
  17. 257 - half filler/half manga
  18. Skip 258-260
  19. Pick up at 261-278
  20. Skip 279-281
  21. Pick up at 282-283
  22. Skip 284-295
  23. Pick up at 296-302
  24. Skip 303-320
  25. Pick up at 321-346
  26. Skip 347-361
  27. Pick up at 362-375
  28. Skip 376-377
  29. Pick up at 378-388
  30. Skip or watch 389-390 (These two episodes are tied to the Final film. Its debatable if you want to see this as filler or not cause the final naruto Movie is cannon.)
  31. Pick up at 391-393
  32. Skip 394 - 413
  33. Pick up at 414 -onwards
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