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FKG update history

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Sep 5th, 2016
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  1. January-February 2015
  2. - Service begins; Lavender event follows a week afterwards
  3. - Edelweiss event begins; Cattleya, Camellia and Lilac added to gacha
  4. - ?-7 and ?-8 of Edelweiss event are readjusted to be easier following player feedback
  5. - Search feature implemented
  6. - Raid boss rate up campaign (raid boss appearance rates doubled between February 13 - February 16)
  7. - Gacha rate up campaign (silver and gold rates doubled between February 27 - March 10; note that these rates were 15% and 3% back then)
  8. - 100,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between January 30 - February 8)
  9. - 200,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between February 9 - February 18)
  10. - First month of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between February 27 - March 10)
  11. - 23 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  13. March 2015
  14. - Mountain Lily event begins; Dendrobium and Cymbidium added to the gacha
  15. - Mountain Lily skill flowers are readjusted to give 100% skill up chances following player feedback
  16. - Moonvine event begins; Rose, Chocolate Cosmos and Anemone added to gacha
  17. - Tachibana event begins; Gerbera, Waterlily and Fritillaria added to gacha
  18. - The gacha rate up campaign is made permanent after widespread demand
  19. - Bonus stage system implemented, secret gardens can now appear following stage clears
  20. - Raid boss battles gain the "SKIP" button for fast-forwarding
  21. - Character limit extended to 250
  22. - Using a flower stone for stamina recovery now sets you to your maximum stamina + stamina you had before refill
  23. - Cosmos and Cactus have their skills buffed (1.3x -> 1.6x modifier for Cosmos, 2.2x -> 2.3x modifier for Cactus)
  24. - 250,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between March 17 - March 27)
  25. - Two months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between March 30 - April 9)
  26. - 20 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  28. April 2015
  29. - Star Lily event begins; Flowering Peach, Peach and Cyrtanthus added to the gacha
  30. - Area 13 added to the main campaign
  31. - Knightmaster level cap raised to 150
  32. - Ampule system implemented
  33. - Character, evolution, sale and fusion menus revamped (things like autoselling 2* girls and some sorting options are added here)
  34. - Stages now come with recommended power rankings
  35. - Following level-up, raid points and search points are also recovered in addition to stamina
  36. - Two silvers (Hinoki and Sweetpea) are now available for gold exchange; the girls that can be purchased change every two weeks
  37. - Anemone, Rose and Gerbera have their skill trigger rates buffed
  38. - Great success chance up campaign (April 6 - April 13)
  39. - Gold rate up campaign (April 27 - May 1)
  40. - 300,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between April 13 - April 23)
  41. - Three months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between April 27 - May 6)
  42. - 2 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  44. May 2015
  45. - Lechenaultia event begins; Dogwood, Leucocoryne and Strawberry Candle added to gacha
  46. - Lechenaultia event's popularity poll amended so that #10, #20 etc. girls will be considered for new SD sprites/new versions (for golds/rainbows)
  47. - Popularity poll amended a second time so that the first-ranking grass/bronze/silver girls will also get new SD sprites, while the first-ranking gold potentially gets a new version
  48. - Geranium event begins; Daisy, Anthurium and Iris added to gacha
  49. - Hypericum event begins; Kerria, Setaria and German Iris added to gacha
  50. - First set of ultimate maps implemented
  51. - Quests implemented (and promptly broken)
  52. - Life crystal system implemented; crystals drop in event maps
  53. - All players are given a one-time free 5* character; new players are also set to get this upon joining
  54. - Equipment screen revamped (multi-equipping, bulk equipment sale)
  55. - Equipment limit raised from 100 to 150
  56. - You can now switch between base and evolved forms of your secretary on the main screen
  57. - Dogwood and Leucocoryne get their abilities modified
  58. - 350,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between May 8 - May 18)
  59. - Four months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between May 22 - June 1)
  60. - 3 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  62. June 2015
  63. - Southern Cross event begins; Cherry, Cherry Sage and Lupine added to gacha
  64. - Canna event begins; Dianthus, Queen-of-the-Night and Japanese Iris added to gacha
  65. - 100 DMM point offers start
  66. - Second set of ultimate maps implemented
  67. - Character limit raised to 300
  68. - New daily quests added, existing dailies adjusted to be easier (there was a daily that required you to clear 10 secret gardens...)
  69. - Beginner's campaign implemented: New players now get a bunch of flower stones, fairies and other rewards for their first 10 days of play, culminating in a 5* ticket
  70. - Existing players are given the beginner campaign rewards over the next 10 days
  71. - Twitter campaign begins and passes the required milestones; rewards are 11 flower stones, exhibition at TGS and commissioning of a light novel
  72. - 400,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between June 5 - June 15)
  73. - Five months of service milestone campaign (2 flower/day between June 29 - July 9)
  74. - 17 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  76. July 2015
  77. - Calla event begins; Ionocidium, Woodsorrel and Dahlia added to gacha
  78. - Calla event readjusted to remove the character lock mechanic following player feedback (which took the poor fellows an entire day to handle)
  79. - Three premium tickets (more or less a gacha roll on a ticket, but with a 1.5% rainbow chance) added to life crystal exchange (part of the day-long maintenance apology)
  80. - Life crystal drop rates increased for Calla event maps (see above)
  81. - Dipladenia event begins; Nerine, Gardenia and Justicia added to
  82. - Character quests implemented; Nerine, Gardenia, Justicia and Strawberry are the very first girls to receive theirs
  83. - Area 14 added to the main campaign
  84. - Third set of ultimate maps implemented
  85. - Nation defense dailies implemented
  86. - Equipment limit raised from 150 to 200
  87. - The assisting team now always defaults to the first team of your first set instead of switching to the last set you used
  88. - You can now manually select the girl who is displayed on the main page instead of her defaulting to the first girl in your team
  89. - When requesting back-up for raid bosses, you can now choose to send a request to allies only or to everyone
  90. - 450,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between July 13 - July 23)
  91. - Six months of service milestone campaign (2 flower/day between July 27 - August 6)
  92. - 15 flower stones and 3 of each slashing-type dragons for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  94. August 2015
  95. - Mirabilis event begins; Victoria, Evening Primrose and Night Phlox added to gacha
  96. - Monotropastrum event begins; Lycoris, Epidendrum and Snapdragon added to gacha
  97. - Character quests: Yellow Tulip, Lavender, Oncidium, Dipladenia, Mint, Evening Primrose, Night Phlox, Victoria, Lilac, Edelweiss, Sakura, Alstroemeria, Snapdragon, Lycoris, Epidendrum, Royal Princess, Mirabilis, Sanguisorba, Mountain Lily, Plum
  98. - Revival events begin with Lavender; subsequent revivals follow original event schedule and will not be noted, each also come with a revival of their relevant gacha
  99. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 350 and 250, respectively)
  100. - Two sets of new stages added to the nation dailies
  101. - Fourth set of ultimate maps added
  102. - Area 15 added to the main campaign
  103. - SD updates to Alstroemeria, Royal Princess, Cephalanthera, Tricyrtis and Sakura for being top rankers of the popularity contest (top 3 is not eligible for this purpose, so no Cactus/Oncidium/Camellia here)
  104. - Album added to the game: Past event stories, flower knight theaters and character quests can be viewed again here
  105. - Character album updated to display SD sprites
  106. - Nearly every single-target skill in the game is readjusted with higher multipliers (first wave of major skill buffs)
  107. - Raid boss-related abilities of Sakura, Cherry, Cherry Sage, Red Tulip and Cyrtanthus are buffed
  108. - 500,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between August 10 - August 20)
  109. - Seven months of service milestone campaign (2 flower/day between August 24 - September 3)
  110. - Special campaign for returning users who had been inactive for more than 30 days
  111. - 4 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  113. September 2015
  114. - Robinia event begins; bride versions of Oncidium, Camellia and Cactus added to gacha
  115. - Lunaria event begins; Lagurus, Pitahaya and Susuki Grass added to gacha
  116. - Character quests: Bride versions of Oncidium, Camellia and Cactus; Monotropastrum, Moonvine, Purple Tulip, Cattleya, Lagurus, Pitahaya, Susuki Grass, Pitahaya, Robinia, Amaryllis, Tachibana, Red Ginger, Tricyrtis
  117. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  118. - Area 16 added to the main campaign
  119. - Fifth set of ultimate maps added
  120. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 400 and 300, respectively)
  121. - SD updates to Cyclamen and Saintpaulia, as part of the popularity contest rewards
  122. - 550,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between September 7 - September 17)
  123. - TGS exhibit celebration campaign (2 flower stones/day between September 18 - September 24)
  124. - Eight months of service milestone campaign (2 flower/day between September 28 - October 8)
  125. - 8 flower stones and one set of slashing-type dragons for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  127. October 2015
  128. - Gaillardia event begins; Helenium, Nasturtium and Laurentia added to gacha
  129. - Oxydendrum event begins; Maple, Eucalyptus and Ginkgo added to gacha
  130. - Character quests: Lunaria, Laurentia, Helenium, Nasturtium, Anemone, Star Lily, Gaillardia, Saintpaulia, Eucalyptus, Maple, Oxydendrum, Ginkgo, Lechenaultia, Flowering Peach, Violet, Rape
  131. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 450 and 350, respectively)
  132. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  133. - Area 17 added to the main campaign
  134. - Sixth set of ultimate maps added
  135. - Equipment can now be locked (as with characters)
  136. - Equipment can now be leveled (by fusing, again like characters)
  137. - Players now have 6 team sets (was previously 5)
  138. - 600,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between October 9 - October 19)
  139. - NND broadcast 50,000 watchers campaign (2 flower stones/day between October 19 - October 24)
  140. - NND broadcast 90,000 watchers/260,000 comments campaign (2 flower stones/day between October 26 - November 2... and yes, that's the same broadcast, did they forget about the last week?)
  141. - Nine months of service milestone campaign (2 flower/day between October 26 - November 5)
  142. - First special pick-your-rainbow campaign (11x roll with a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  143. - 5 flower stones and event items for Mountain Lily, Gaillardia and Oxydendrum for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  145. November 2015
  146. - Gentian event begins; Pumpkin, Lantana and Apple-of-Sodom added to gacha
  147. - Fatsia event begins; Viola, Pentas and Echinacea added to gacha
  148. - Sandersonia event begins; Mistletoe, Apple and Ivy added to gacha
  149. - Character quests: Pumpkin, Lantana, Apple-of-Sodom, Gentian, Kerria, Geranium, German Iris, Setaria, Viola, Pentas, Echinacea, Fatsia, Cherry, Anthurium, Hypericum, Snowflake
  150. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 500 and 400, respectively)
  151. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  152. - Area 18 added to the main campaign
  153. - Seventh set of ultimate maps added
  154. - Stories added to the first three areas of the main campaign
  155. - World map added to the game; information about various locales visited in past (and future) events can be obtained there
  156. - Knightmaster level raised from 150 to 200
  157. - Guest party system is implemented, events (and later story maps) now come with a pre-set party featuring the new girls for the event in question
  158. - 650,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between November 9 - November 19)
  159. - Ten months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between November 20 - November 30)
  160. - Second special pick-your-rainbow campaign (11x roll with a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  161. - 3 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  163. December 2015
  164. - Holly event begins; Christmas Rose, Poinsettia and Fir added to gacha
  165. - Pine event begins; Ardisia, Sarcandra, Nandina and Kale added to gacha
  166. - Character quests: Dianthus, Southern Cross, Cosmos, Magnolia, Christmas Rose, Holly, Poinsettia, Fir, Canna, Ionocidium, Red Tulip, Hinoki Cypress, Ardisia, Sarcandra, Nandina, Kale, Pine
  167. - Limited-time Christmas voices added for every character in the game
  168. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 550 and 450, respectively)
  169. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  170. - Area 19 added to the main campaign
  171. - Stories added to areas 4-6 of the main campaign
  172. - Eighth set of ultimate maps added
  173. - 700,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between December 7 - December 17)
  174. - Christmas log-in bonus campaign (6 flower stones, fairies, affection items and various other gifts if you log in for a total of 10 days between December 15 - December 28)
  175. - Eleven months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between December 21 - December 31)
  176. - New Year's log-in bonus campaign (6 flower stones, fairies, ampules and various other gifts if you log in for a total of 5 days between December 29 and January 5)
  177. - Third special pick-your-rainbow campaign (11x roll with a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  178. - New Year's special DMM point purchase campaign (no guaranteed rainbow, but grants Kale and gold/rainbow slot flowers as additional gifts)
  179. - 8 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  181. January 2016
  182. - Adonis event begins; Garden Peony, Moutan Peony and Lily added to gacha
  183. - Rainlily event begins; Acacia, Poppy and Heliotrope added to gacha
  184. - Character quests: Calla, Daisy, Convallaria, Casablanca, Moutan Peony, Garden Peony, Lily, Adonis, Cactus, Strawberry Candle, Hibiscus, Maiden Lily, Acacia, Poppy, Heliotrope, Rose
  185. - Voices added to various character quests (that didn't previously have them)
  186. - Garden is implemented; characters can be placed and posed here
  187. - Dandelion, Sanguisorba, Rape and Casablanca get new SD sprites
  188. - Gold up campaign (1.3x gold between January 4 - January 12, first arm of the anniversary event)
  189. - Great success chance up campaign (between January 12 - January 18, second arm of the anniversary event)
  190. - Raid boss recruitments are now sent to 50 people instead of 30
  191. - You can now get raid boss recruitments by clicking the home button (rather than having to refresh the game/feed affection items etc. to shortlist yourself)
  192. - NND challenge dungeon added
  193. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 600 and 500, respectively)
  194. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  195. - Area 20 added to the main campaign
  196. - Stories added to areas 7-9 of the main campaign
  197. - Ninth set of ultimate maps added
  198. - 750,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between January 4 - January 14)
  199. - First anniversary log-in bonus campaign (48 flower stones (not a typo), fairies, ampules and a guaranteed 5* ticket if you log in for a total of 10 days between January 19 - February 15)
  200. - Anniversary special campaign (one guaranteed, random rainbow plus a gold of your choice for 5000 DMM points, also comes attached to a 11x roll)
  201. - 8 flower stones, 405,479 gold (number of comments at the broadcast, if you're wondering), fairies, ampules and affection items are sent as NND viewership rewards
  202. - 1 flower stone for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  204. February 2016
  205. - Ranunculus event begins; Hoya, Balloonvine and Veronica added to gacha
  206. - Primrose event begins; Euonymus, Bergenia, Stewartia and Zephyranthes added to gacha
  207. - Character quests: Dendrobium, Cymbidium, Leucocoryne, White Tulip, Hoya, Veronica, Rainlily, Balloonvine, Black Baccara, Ranunculus, Iris, Gladiolus, Euonymus, Bergenia, Stewartia, Primrose, Fritillaria, Camellia, Gerbera, Zephyranthes
  208. - Voices added to various character quests (that didn't previously have them)
  209. - Valentine's messages added for every character in the game (including the fairies, ampules and dragons)
  210. - New SD sprites for Snowflake and Hinoki
  211. - New locations added to world map
  212. - Transparency setting added to text boxes
  213. - You can now hear voice samples from new characters on the gacha screen
  214. - Various new garden objects, including a jukebox (these are added regularly from here onwards and will not be listed)
  215. - Characters in garden can be set to stop, move or display their attack/battle won animations
  216. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 650 and 550, respectively)
  217. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  218. - Area 21 added to the main campaign
  219. - Stories added to areas 10-12 of the main campaign
  220. - Tenth and eleventh sets of ultimate maps added
  221. - Lantana, Red Tulip, Cherry, Tachibana, Cyrtanthus and Hypericum had their abilities adjusted
  222. - Shine crystal drop abilities now stack only to a total of 75% bonus
  223. - Enemy attack decrease abilities now stack only to a total of -70% attack
  224. - Defending mechanics added to battles; characters with high defense now get chance-based damage reduction (a shield with appear in front of them when that happens)
  225. - Raid battles that allow solar drive also let you auto-use solar drive when you skip them
  226. - Bronze (3*) characters can now be auto-sold (using a toggle)
  227. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between February 15 - February 22)
  228. - Valentine log-in bonus campaign (23 flower stones, fairies, ampules and a garden commission item if you log in for a total of 10 days between February 9 - February 23)
  229. - Thirteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between February 22 - March 3)
  230. - Fourth special rainbow campaign (grants you a 11x roll with a guaranteed rainbow and a gold slot flower for 5000 DMM points)
  231. - 2 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  233. March 2016
  234. - Cineraria event begins; Mimosa, Rosemary and Delphinium added to gacha
  235. - Mugwort event begins; Apricot, Hop, Heather and Rowan added to gacha
  236. - Character quests: Mimosa, Rosemary, Delphinium, Cineraria, Dogwood, Chocolate Cosmos, Cyrtanthus, Yellow Pansy, Apricot, Hop, Heather, Mugwort, Peach, Waterlily, Sweetpea, Novalis
  237. - Voices added to various character quests (that didn't previously have them)
  238. - New SD sprites for Centaurea and Magnolia
  239. - New locations added to world map
  240. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 700 and 600, respectively)
  241. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  242. - Area 22 added to the main campaign
  243. - Stories added to areas 13-15 of the main campaign
  244. - Twelfth set of ultimate maps added
  245. - 100x draw option added to normal and equipment gacha
  246. - Saturday's daily (Gold Rush) is now available everyday, with an upgraded "Gold Boost" map replacing it as the daily map
  247. - Defense up abilities are buffed to boost the extra damage reduction mechanic as well
  248. - You can now visit other players' gardens or post yours on Twitter
  249. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between March 14 - March 21)
  250. - 850,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between March 7 - March 18)
  251. - Fourteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between March 25 - April 4)
  252. - Spring log-in campaign (22 flower stones, fairies, ampules and a garden commission item if you log in for a total of 10 days between March 15 - March 29)
  253. - Step-up gacha introduced; grants you two guaranteed golds for 490 DMM points
  254. - 2 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  256. April 2016
  257. - Russelia event begins; Saffron, Aster and Snake Gourd added to gacha
  258. - Satsuki Azalea event begins; Snowdrop, Liriope, Aloe and Erythrina added to gacha
  259. - Character quests: Russelia, Aster, Snake Gourd, Saffron, Rowan, Wintersweet, Nymphaea, Woodsorrel, Snowdrop, Liriope, Aloe, Satsuki Azalea, Dahlia, Lupine, Erythrina, Blue Lotus
  260. - Whale airship and maps added to the game; a total of 40 characters can be used to alter the strength and attribute of the whale
  261. - Contents of daily log-in sheets are changed; mid-grade gifts replace low-grade gifts, gold and life crystals replace gacha seeds (you still get 2 flower stones every sheet)
  262. - Weekly quests are added to the game; they work much like longer-term daily quests
  263. - Cumulative log-in bonuses added; long-time players get all their accumulated rewards at once (57 flower stones if you've been playing since the game started); a special 6* character (later revealed to be Alstroemeria) announced for a total of 350 days,
  264. - You can now take 20 non-character (including fairies etc.) items from the gift box
  265. - Voices added to various character quests (that didn't previously have them)
  266. - New SD sprites for Sweetpea, Purple Tulip, White Tulip and Yellow Tulip
  267. - You can now opt to display a random character every time you hit the main screen
  268. - New locations added to world map
  269. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 750 and 650, respectively)
  270. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  271. - Area 23 added to the main campaign
  272. - Stories added to areas 16-18 of the main campaign
  273. - Thirteenth set of ultimate maps added
  274. - NND challenge maps return
  275. - Second wave of balance adjustments, almost every early girl is buffed slightly, many single-target skills get HP drain components, "hit a random enemy 3 times" skills are substantially boosted
  276. - Lavender's event is permanently added back to the game
  277. - You can now buy new team sets (beyond the first 6) for 3 flower stones each
  278. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between April 11 - April 18)
  279. - Golden week dungeon campaign (fairy dungeons can be entered everyday, great success up, and higher chance to get high-tier dragons in dailies between April 25 - May 9)
  280. - 900,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between April 4 - April 14)
  281. - Fifteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between April 18 - April 28)
  282. - Golden week log-in campaign (48 flower stones, fairies, ampules and a garden commission item if you log in for a total of 10 days between April 26 - May 16)
  283. - Golden week special campaign (11x roll plus a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  284. - 18 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  286. May 2016
  287. - Belladonna event begins; Iberis, Shion Aster, Lisianthus and Forget-me-not added to gacha
  288. - Alyssum event begins; Hollyhock, Greenbell and Allium added to gacha
  289. - Fuchsia event begins; Habranthus, Oxalis and Knotweed added to gacha
  290. - Character quests: Iberis, Shion Aster, Lisianthus, Belladonna, Forget-me-not, Phalaenopsis, Japanese Iris, Queen-of-the-Night, Hollyhock, Greenbell, Allium, Alyssum, Cherry Sage, Centaurea, Osmanthus, Kurenai, Habranthus, Oxalis, Knotweed, Fuchsia
  291. - Second set of whale maps added
  292. - Equipment fairies (オキタエール) added to the game, they provide large amounts of experience to equipment
  293. - Second affection system added; bloom hearts are used to unlock it (requires 100% affection) while a new set of affection items are required to increase it; maxing it out grants you 2 flower stones; second H-scenes are planned but not yet implemented
  294. - New SD sprite and skill animation for Hibiscus; her altered skill is now called Crimson Tornado
  295. - Facial expressions added to all characters
  296. - Character and equipment limits increased by 50 (to 800 and 700, respectively)
  297. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  298. - Area 24 added to the main campaign
  299. - Stories added to areas 19-21 of the main campaign
  300. - Fourteenth set of ultimate maps added
  301. - Panel missions added; you can gain 11 flower stones and fairies/dragons by completing various tasks (mostly intended for beginners)
  302. - Up to 15 objects can now be displayed in the garden (was 7); objects can now be rotates left/right
  303. - Edelweiss' and Mountain Lily's events are permanently added back to the game
  304. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between May 9 - May 16)
  305. - Great success up campaign (May 23 - May 30)
  306. - 950,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between May 2 - May 12)
  307. - Sixteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between May 16 - May 26)
  308. - 1 million users milestone campaign (32 flower stones, fairies, ampules, a garden commission item and a bloom heart if you log in for a total of 10 days between May 31 - June 20)
  309. - 1 million users special campaign (11x roll plus a gold slot flower and a gold of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  310. - 8 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  312. June 2016
  313. - Gazania event begins; bride versions of Victoria, Flowering Peach and Ardisia are added to the game
  314. - Ficaria event begins; Serissa, Woodsorrel (Tanabata) and German Iris (Tanabata) are added to the game
  315. - Character quests: Ipomoea, Calystegia, Marigold, Heliconia, bride Victoria, Flowering Peach and Ardisia, Platycodon, Bistort, White Pansy, White Clover, Serissa, Ficaria, Woodsorrel (Tanabata), German Iris (Tanabata)
  316. - Third set of whale maps added
  317. - Bond crystals added to the game; they are received for selling/fusing bronze and higher rarity girls and are used for buying second affection items
  318. - You can now synthesize 5% and 10% second affection items using 100/50/33 of 1%/2%/3% regular affection items
  319. - Insect album added to the garden, you can buy flowerpots to grow flowers and capture the pests they attract; this gives some stamina and gold and can be repeated every 5 hours
  320. - Skill challenge map added; skills get huge multipliers (for both you and the pests) and skill rate-increasing abilities are boosted in these maps
  321. - 100 DMM point draws now reset daily instead of being limited to once per gacha
  322. - Two new sets of stages added to the nation dailies
  323. - Area 25 added to the main campaign
  324. - Stories added to areas 22-24 of the main campaign
  325. - Fifteenth set of ultimate maps added
  326. - Moonvine's event is permanently added back to the game
  327. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between June 6 - June 13)
  328. - Great success up campaign (June 20 - June 27)
  329. - Seventeen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between June 13 - June 23)
  330. - 1,050,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between June 27 - July 7)
  331. - 15 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  333. July 2016
  334. - Plumeria event begins; Epidendrum (swimsuit), Chocolate Cosmos (swimsuit) and Cattleya (swimsuit) added to gacha
  335. - Seemannia event begins; Water Hyacinth, Epimedium and Broom added to gacha
  336. - Character quests: Sasanqua, Jasmine, Purple Pansy, Spiraea, Plumeria, Epidendrum (swimsuit), Chocolate Cosmos (swimsuit), Cattleya (swimsuit), Astragalus, Marguerite, Salvia, Globe Amaranth, Seemannia, Water Hyacinth, Epimedium, Broom
  337. - Second evolution and its associated items added; evolution requires two type-matching birds (slashing/crushing/piercing/magic), two nation-matching elixirs (Blossom Hill/Lily Wood/Banana Ocean/Winter Rose/Bergamot Valley) and a rarity-matching elixir (gold/rainbow)
  338. - New, permanently available dungeon added for elixirs; nation quests are made to drop their associated petals
  339. - Petals and birds are added to the life crystal shop and birds to the whale medal shop
  340. - Second evolutions and second H-scenes implemented for Gazania, Sakura, Evening Primrose, Waterlily, Nerine, Justicia, Setaria and Edelweiss; these characters also get their fourth character quests added
  341. - New single-party challenge map added; only your first team is allowed to enter
  342. - Fourth set of whale maps added
  343. - Limited Tanabata lines added for all characters
  344. - You can now switch the skins of each character individually, between their base, evolved and second evolved states
  345. - Area 26 added to the main campaign
  346. - Sixteenth set of ultimate maps added
  347. - Tachibana's event is permanently added to the game
  348. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between July 4 - July 11)
  349. - Great success up campaign (July 15 - July 25)
  350. - Nazuna day (7/27) festivities: 1.727x gold between July 27 - July 31, plus 3 flower stones and Nazuna cakes for logging in for three days during this time
  351. - Summer log-in campaign (29 flower stones, fairies, ampules, a garden commission item and a bloom heart if you log in for a total of 10 days between July 1 - July 19)
  352. - Eighteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between July 11 - July 21)
  353. - 1,100,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between July 25 - August 7)
  354. - 1.5 year anniversary special campaign (11x roll with a guaranteed rainbow that you didn't previously own and a gold slot flower for 5000 DMM points)
  355. - 20 flower stones, piercing-type evolution dragons and Plumeria/Rainlily event items for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  357. August 2016
  358. - Clematis event begins; Viola (yukata), Plum (yukata) and Dogwood (yukata) added to gacha
  359. - Abutilon event begins; Ghost Spurge, Chinese Lantern and Paederia added to gacha
  360. - Character quests: Carnation, Ajisai, Sunflower, Cyclamen, Clematis, Viola (yukata), Plum (yukata), Dogwood (yukata), Agave, Sinclairiana, Dandelium, Wolfsbane, Ghost Spurge, Chinese Lantern, Paederia, Abutilon
  361. - Second evolutions (and fourth character quests): Cherry, Lantana, Tricyrtis, Southern Cross, Saffron, Oncidium, Susuki Grass, Geranium, Viola (yukata), Cosmos, Camellia, Lavender
  362. - Character equipment readjustment: A dedicated slot is added for this purpose and character equipment can now be obtained in multiple copies
  363. - New challenge map added for solar drive; only the first two parties can engage the map, shine crystal and solar drive abilities are boosted greatly
  364. - Rainbow Alstroemeria implemented and sent to everyone who has played for more than 350 days
  365. - Fifth and sixth sets of whale maps added
  366. - Limited summer lines added for all characters
  367. - Highest tiers of fairy and dragon dailies can no longer drop 5-year fairies/dragons
  368. - Area 27, 28 added to the main campaign
  369. - Seventeenth and eighteenth sets of ultimate maps added
  370. - Stories added to areas 25-28 of the main campaign
  371. - Gold up campaign (1.5x gold between August 1 - August 15 and between August 29 - September 5)
  372. - Great success up campaign (August 15 - August 22)
  373. - 1.5 year anniversary milestone campaign (27 flower stones, fairies, ampules, a garden commission item, a bloom heart and a guaranteed gold ticket if you log in for a total of 10 days between August 1 - August 26)
  374. - Nineteen months of service milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between August 8 - August 17)
  375. - 1,150,000 users milestone campaign (2 flower stones/day between August 22 - September 1)
  376. - Summer special campaign (11x roll with a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points)
  377. - Hanahime collaboration, Katakuri added (guaranteed for 5000 DMM points) and various FKG goods implemented for the folks who have purchased the game
  378. - 5 flower stones, fairies, dragons and other goods from NND broadcast rewards
  379. - 6 flower stones for various emergency maintenances and bug fixes
  380. - 130 flower stones, five sets of slashing and crushing dragons, 500,000 gold, 400 life crystals, 4 petals of snowy wilderness, 4 petals of everlasting summer, 7 of each 100-year fairy and a bunch of Ranunculus/Clematis event items in compensation for the 3-day emergency maintenance following the equipment update
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