
Ponepocalypse: Hearts and Hooves Day

Feb 19th, 2017
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  1. Another entry to the Ponepocalypse AU
  2. Contains: sex, bestiality, oral vore, soft vore, digestion
  5. A skip to his trot and a smile plastered on his face, Time Turner could not believe it was Hearts and Hooves day already. Despite the sizeable crate sitting on his back he could not feel light in his horseshoes. The stallion trot down the streets of Ponyville bidding good day to others until he stopped outside of his destination. The house of Derpy, the mailmare who the doctor had grown affectionate with during war time with the humans. Today was Derpy’s day though.
  7. His trot not skipping a beat Time Turner ascended the small staircase to the door, rapped on the door three times and waited.
  10. It was 5 mins and no answer. Another knock and another 5 mins passed. Time Turner worried, maybe Derpy forgot.
  12. “Oh dear, maybe Derpy made plans with somepony else,” Time Turner muttered.
  14. “Oh no, that would be awful,” A voice above him said “Well, you are more than welcome to spend today with me if you want,”
  16. Looking up, Time Turner was met with the concerned face of Derpy, just hovering above him with a basket of muffins in hoof, seemingly waiting likewise.
  18. The door swung open and Derpy stepped in with Time Turner behind her, carefully angling the crate on his back to get through the doorway. Once inside, the doctor set the crate down while Derpy took off to the kitchen. The main room was quaint. A couch, positioned in front of a double paned window. Two chairs and simple lamp on a stand separating them sat in a corner of the room, near two wall shelves, one shelf filled with books and the other with human paraphernalia.
  20. The other worldly devices were varied and many, some recognizable and others strange and confusing. A collar, rubber mallet, a small, poseable, humanoid wooden figure, a multi-colored box with moveable parts, a plastic frisbee disk named H&R. Odd stuff
  22. “Oh, I am so happy you came by doc, I have tickets to a raffle at the park tonight after the Ponytones perform! They have ‘The largest human’ up for grabs,”. Derpy said pulling her ticket off a end stand.
  24. “Well actually, if it’s human you are needing, my dear, I have something for you!’ Time Turner said and with a smooth move, kicked the crate on the edge.
  26. The crate shuddered and shifted back some before sitting silent and stoic. The doctor looked back at the crate and then to Derpy, then back to the crate…Kicking it again and getting the same results, the doctor started banging on the crate to get it to fall open.
  28. “I’ll get a crowbar,” Derpy said
  30. Derpy gasped with glee as the crate walls fell away. Sitting on a pile of hay and bound at the wrist and ankles with Equestrian Taffy, a marshmallow gag muffling her pleas was a human, naked and ready for consumption.
  32. “She’s amazing! Oh and so small too, she will go down plenty easy! Oh doctor, doctor, thank you, thank you so much!” Derpy just gushed, her wings fluttering in excitement as she planted kisses all over the good doctor's face.
  34. Time Turner giggled, embracing Derpy and met one of her many kisses with one of his own before she trotted over to the human. Looking her over, the tanned skin, the dark hair. Derpy gave a test lick, loving the taste, and the recoil from the morsel.
  36. “Yes, she is an Ay-Shun breed, smaller in size for quick consumption. Eating her should leave you mobile and able to go out and about tonight!” Time Turner said.
  38. Derpy pushed the small girl over onto her belly and took a long, tasty lick from the base of the her spine to the nape of her neck before laying her full weight down on the human and smacking her lips.
  40. “See, these humans are fascinating really. A populace of creatures that seem especially tooled to be food for pony-kind. So delicious and perfect to eat!” Time Turner began but Derpy was no longer listening.
  42. Underneath Derpy the small girl struggled to breath. Derpy was by no means a light filly, her body padded softly, especially around the tummy area. She squealed each time Derpy suckled on her shoulders and arms, leaving a hickey behind as she went. Derpy was so happy, she loved the taste of humans, this one would be her 3rd since they became publicly available for pony consumption. Each lick was as good as the last and unlike a lollipop she would never get smaller.
  44. Well...smaller than she was right now.
  46. Derpy looked up at Time Turner, the eccentric thinker had launched into one of his lectures. She watched the doctor pace back and forth, a human trinket in hoof as he spoke to a mare who heard him speaking but wasn’t listening. Derpy’s tongue still hanging from her mouth she thought of a way to shut him up and enjoy the human with her. Standing up, she smacked her lips and walked towards the stallion. Derpy wrapped a wing over his barrel, and plants a soft kiss to his cheek before nuzzling her head under his chin. The lecture stopped and Time Turner attention shifted.
  48. “O-oh my. You are quite affectionate, more so than I initially thought,” Said the Doctor
  50. “Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” Derpy replied leaning up to his ear
  52. The two lovebirds shared a moment of mumbling, planning and giggling. The human had an opportune moment to escape. Bound at the wrists and ankles with a gag to muffle her she inchworm crawled her way to the door. Trying to be a stealthy as possible, the human managed to get to a kneeling position and turn the knob using just her fingers. There wasn’t a plan after this other than hopping down the street like mad, but she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.
  54. The door opened just a crack, revealing the thatched roof buildings and colorful equine predators walking the streets until just as quickly the glimpse came, it was gone. The knob was pulled from her tenuous grip and the door shut, the brown hoof of the stallion closing her only chance at freedom.
  56. “I’ll get things set up here, my dear, you grab the lubrication,” Time Turner said before looking at the human “as for you, you behave yourself like a good meal or it’s back to the crate with you,”
  58. Scooping up the human and slinging her bound form across his back Time Turner trotted to the couch in front of the window
  60. “Freedom from the crate is a privilege, not a right little lady,”
  62. Pulling out the couch from the wall, the doctor examined the the furniture. Spying a hinge mechanism and levers, as well as support bars at the top and bottom of the couch, it was pretty clear to time Turner how this worked. The girl was less than helpful, the constant struggling was distracting and stallion helped her along with buck of his hips, tossing the wiggler off his back and dropping her unceremoniously to the floor.
  64. “What was that?” Derpy called coming back into the room with a crystal decanter labelled “Olive Oil” under her wing.
  66. “Oh! The poor girl just fell is all,” Time Turner said, reaching down to the lever on the underside of the couch.
  68. “Aww, you poor thing. You should really be more careful, I don’t like bruises,” Derpy cooed setting the decanter down and hugging the girl.
  70. Time Turner put weight on the back of the couch and in one smooth motion, the couch became a bed, the two support bars dropping down to support the increased length of the couch. A laugh of success he jumped up onto the bed/couch combo and looked down at Derpy smiling triumphantly.
  72. “I bet her little digits could have done it quicker,” Derpy said, ruffling the humans hair.
  74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  75. Time Turner rolled his eyes playfully, hopping down off the couch to kiss Derpy. Derpy laughed and drew close to her stallion, and broke the kiss first, nibbling his lip as she left. The two ponies embraced, Time Turner taking a particular delight in the soft pudge on Derpy’s hips. Little smacks of lips, each separation punctuated with a giggle, then coos, lastly moans as the ponies deepened their affections, much to the squashed humans chagrin between them.
  77. Derpy put a hoof to Time Turner chest, and with barely any pressure pushed the doctor back against the edge of the bed. The human fell similarly into the stallions lap her back to him, breathing a sigh of relief before getting a lick across her cheek from the cross eyed mare. The Doctor shared in the treat sitting in his lap and took a taste, licking the human from the nape of her neck up to her left ear. The human tried best to stop them from covering her in their spit, but when Derpy started to lick her toned belly she couldn’t help but laugh.
  79. “Oh! Hold her still doc! I found her tickle spot!” Derpy teased
  81. Doing just as as asked, Time Turner held her at the waist and chest, leaving the midriff exposed for Derpy to attack. Derpy drug another lick up the girl’s stomach, and smiling as another wave of squealing laughs could be heard from behind the humans marshmallow gag. Alternating between long licks and short ones, it wasn’t long before the girls belly was coated in a thin layer of slime. The Doctor had no problem holding her still, despite her struggles to get away from Derpy’s tickling onslaught.
  83. Then Derpy blew raspberries on to the girl’s stomach, sending saliva to every direction.The effect was immediate, the human, jerked with a sudden burst of energy that caught the doctor off guard. The soon to be meal arched her back and let out a wail of laughter before Time Turner got her under control.
  85. “You are a bit of a messy eater,” Time Turner said
  87. “Why yes, yes I am. Hold her legs,” Derpy replied with a smile.
  89. The Doctor did just as asked and spread the human girl’s legs with his own and watched as Derpy licked lower and lower. Derpy pressed her tongue into the girl’s pussy, and with a quick swirl around the mound, the human shuddered and moaned head looking down at the pony eating her out. Derpy didn’t think she could produce so much saliva, each pass of of her tongue over the the girls soft pussy wet her appetite, she could hardly wait. A little bump against her chin let Derpy know that she would have to entertain two for a moment. Looking down, she was met with her dear doctor’s hardening length.
  91. Both sets of eyes looked down as Derpy tended to both human and stallion, bobbing her head on one and then switching to lap tenderly at the other.
  93. “Real switch hitter, isn’t she?” Time Turner moaned into the human’s ear, switching his grip from a hold to a hug around her waist.
  95. The girl moaned in agreement.
  97. Without warning, Derpy stopped and jumped onto the couch turn bed and lay on her back her wings spreading out in excitement. She opened her mouth wide, unable to wait a moment longer for her meal.
  99. “Ah, show time!” Time Turner said, shifting the human off his lap and grabbing the decanter of Olive Oil.
  101. Popping the top Time Turner began pouring the contents on the girl with one hoof and smearing it over her skin with the other. Finishing with the bottle, the stallion put it off to the side using the excess to smear his cock.
  103. “Before we get started, do you want me to get any other seasonings on her?” Time Turner asked
  105. “Nope! They’re delicious enough plain!” Derpy chirped
  107. The human was less than cooperative, struggling as the doctor pulled her over to Derpy and lined her head up with Derpy’s maw. It was the only moment the human was still, looking down the throat of the pegasus as drool hung in warm sticky strands near the back her gullet, the pink tongue presented like a welcome mat, all leading back to a dark tunnel that light couldn’t reach, but she would soon enough.
  109. Pushing firmly, the head of the human passed over Derpy’s lips and into her mouth with minor effort. Derpy tasted the Olive oil, the taste of human and then the marshmallow gag. Derpy held her hoof up and Time Turner stopped. Derpy’s eyes closed in delight as she moaned about the tasty human, trying to pull back from her lips.
  111. The Doctor mounted the human girl, lining his member up and gently prodding at the girls sex. Derpy cracked an eye, to see the doctor trying to get his bit of pleasure she got a devilish idea. Lowering her hoof, she suddenly released the hold her mouth had on the human, the fierce tugging launching her backwards spearing the Doctor’s length into her and just as she emerged from the mouth of Derpy the mostly dissolved gag allowed her a brief moment to speak.
  113. “No, please, wait! I-” was all she said before the doctor lurched forward, driving the girl into Derpy’s throat past her shoulders in one lustful thrust.
  115. There was a pause, to process what happened, the human squealed in Derpy’s throat as the Doctor shuddered from the tightness around his cock and the bulge of human in his mare friends throat.
  117. “You are mynx, miss Derpy. You know that, yes?” The Doctor said
  119. Derpy only swallowed, and winked at the doctor.
  121. Pulling back, and thrusting forward, Time Turner began fucking the human into Derpy's stomach. Each thrust pushing her into the mare's mouth as the screams became ragged moans. Derpy let him do all the work, the smokey flavor...was it smokey? No, more...salty? Derpy could never place the taste of humans no matter how hard she tried, but that's what made eating them so much fun. The taste was always different, impeccable, long lasting. The taste of sweet passed over her tongue and Derpy put up her hoof, as her tongue began lathing over the Equestrian Taffy bonds on her meal.
  123. Time Turner stopped thrusting at the signal and took a breather. Even slickened, she was a tough hole to pound, though pleasurable nonetheless. Watching Derpy murmur with delight, the doctor's eyes were drawn to a wriggling outline in Derpy’s stomach. Reaching a hoof over, the good doctor tended to his wife's belly, rubbing it softly while giving gentle thrusts so as to not lose his erection. Derpy lowered her hoof.
  125. The Doctor began fucking the meat again, one thrust after another as the girls lower back disappeared into Derpy’s maw, her cheeks beginning to bulge out slightly as her slim hips followed shortly after. Hooves was almost there but, judging by the rate that Derpy was swallowing her food, she would be finished before he did. Thighs slipped out of sight and Doctor Hooves pulled out.
  127. The moaning squeals from the human softened, the poor thing tired from all the play. Derpy flipped over onto her belly and pointed to the bound ankles. The good doctor knew just what to do and placing his hooves on the soles of the meats feet and gently pushed her the rest of the way in. Derpy’s tongue hit the second bonds and raised her hoof and stopped everything to taste, flapping her wings in delight before sitting up onto her haunches and finishing off the rest of her Hearts and Hooves Day treat. The feet slipped past her lips, over the gums, and Derpy closed her mouth, giving a few more swallows to seal the deal. Time Turner got up onto the bed and sat down next to his lover.
  129. “These ones make the cutest bulges,” Time Turner said, rubbing Derpy’s newly acquired pot belly.
  131. “She’s missing cream,” Derpy stated with a half belch.
  133. Without another word, Derpy leapt off the bed, her gut bumping against the floor. As she placed herself between the Doctors thighs and dragged her tongue up his length, licking new life into the neglected phallus. A quick moment to turn her head and burp and Derpy went back to lapping up the pre-cum at the tip of the Doctor’s dick. Fluttering her eyelashes she looked up into the Doctor's face and hummed sweetly at the goofy smile on his face, with one of his forehooves draped across his muzzle hiding his blush and handsome blue eyes.
  135. Derpy stepped up her game. The first few inches of the Doctors cock into her maw and swirled her tongue around the underside while gently suckling on the rest she bobbed her head at a steady pace; enjoying the salty taste of her colt-friend, the sweet sounds of his whimpers and the weakening struggles of the delicious meal in her belly. Reaching her forehooves up, Derpy gently rubbed the good doctors thighs as he tried his best to keep from thrusting his hips, his moans now coming in time with the throb of his aching cock.
  137. Removing Time Turner length from her mouth Derpy continued her ministrations “Hey doc, let me see your eyes, huh?” Derpy said
  139. The Doctor breathed heavily and peaked at the pegasus from underneath his forehoof.
  141. “No no, I wanna see those baby blues Doc,” Derpy purred, dragging another lick up his shaft.
  143. Time Turner complied, and put his fore hoof down to look her in the eyes.
  145. That’s what Derpy wanted to see. Keeping eye contact, she devoured the stallions cock, popping it into her order to bury her muzzle into his crotch before coming back up at the same pace she went down. Folding her tongue around his dick and cradling it, she suckled a bit harder. The doctor traded his whimpers with groans and bit his bottom lip, he couldn’t keep his sense about him, while those slightly off marigold eyes dragged his orgasm kicking and screaming from his body.
  147. Kicking and screaming indeed, the doctor began to wail in pleasure as Derpy refused to let up on her oral love. Gulping down each spurt, each spurt renewing the thrashing in her belly as Derpy milked her stallion dry. Time Turner could only stare at the ceiling while his mind pulled itself back together.
  149. “I love Hearts and Hooves day,” Derpy said
  151. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  153. The night was certainly one that would be remembered. Doctor and Derpy, one super long scarf wrapped around their necks as they lay cuddling on a blanket listening to the Ponytones sing to a crowd of hundreds of swooning couples. Unicorns lit magic balls of light that wobble in time with the music, pegasi wrapped their wings around their loves, and earth ponies laughed and sang alternate lyrics to their favorite Ponytone songs. Derpy’s meal had long since settled, soon to be nothing but another plump layer on her.
  155. The raffle came and they weren’t kidding about the prize, the human was huge. Derpy didn’t win, Pinkie Pie won the raffle; an explosion of confetti marking her victory cheer. Derpy won a year's supply of cereal though as a conciliatory prize, which was good enough. It wasn’t long after the raffle that both Time Turner and Derpy agreed to call it a night.
  157. Derpy insisted that Time Turner sleep at her house. Not on that dreadful couch, bed thing but in her bed upstairs. Time Turner couldn’t agree quick enough, and in short time both found themselves cuddled together under the covers, dozing as Derpy’s darling doctor rubbed her soft, pudgy belly.
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