
K/L business

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. <avariceIncarnate> =+=START=+=
  2. * avariceIncarnate has begun pestering ruthlessProcureur
  3. <avariceIncarnate> Lyra.
  4. <ruthlessProcureur> Mm?
  5. <avariceIncarnate> I have a vial of your blood.
  6. <avariceIncarnate> What am I supposed to do with this.
  7. <ruthlessProcureur> Ah, the one in the jewelry box that held that godawful necklace Father sent me? I would like you to send it to Eth.
  8. <ruthlessProcureur> Er, Ethnos.
  9. <avariceIncarnate> You sold blood to Ethnos?
  10. <avariceIncarnate> For what reason?
  11. <avariceIncarnate> Actually-I don't care.
  12. <ruthlessProcureur> Well, *sold* is not really quite right.
  13. <ruthlessProcureur> Oh. Alright.
  14. <avariceIncarnate> What am I receiveing from Ethnos.
  15. <ruthlessProcureur> Some of her own blood, I believe.
  16. <avariceIncarnate> You two swapped blood?
  17. <avariceIncarnate> Odd.
  18. <avariceIncarnate> I'll require compensation.
  19. <avariceIncarnate> Uranium is hard to come by.
  20. <avariceIncarnate> You said you were quite wealthy yes?
  21. <ruthlessProcureur> My, but I admire your penchant for cutting to the heart of things! And yes, I have a fair amount of funds.
  22. <avariceIncarnate> In that case, I need a wire transfer to this bank account.
  23. <avariceIncarnate> 6617221284274899411
  24. <avariceIncarnate> 10,000 USD or an equivalent in Swiss Francs.
  25. <avariceIncarnate> I'll also require a promise.
  26. <avariceIncarnate> You are a Law Student correct?
  27. <ruthlessProcureur> This is correct.
  28. <avariceIncarnate> If I do encounter any legal trouble I need connetions, which you certainly have.
  29. <avariceIncarnate> In addition, I might attempt to rescue Chuck's inheritance.
  30. <avariceIncarnate> I'll need legal backing.
  31. <ruthlessProcureur> Legal trouble on Earth? You realize my study is to prosecute criminals, not defend them.
  32. <ruthlessProcureur> Nonetheless, I might be able to get some help.
  33. <avariceIncarnate> Yes, contacts is the goal.
  34. <ruthlessProcureur> I can make it work. How do you intend to "rescue" Chuck's inheritance?
  35. <avariceIncarnate> Unsure.
  36. <avariceIncarnate> Either-.
  37. <avariceIncarnate> Just a second.
  38. <ruthlessProcureur> Very well.
  39. <avariceIncarnate> Alright this channel is encrypted.
  40. <avariceIncarnate> Delete any logs of this afterward.
  41. <ruthlessProcureur> Hm. Very well.
  42. <avariceIncarnate> I intend to inimidate Chuck's brother into either handing over evidence or the money, probably via psionics.
  43. <ruthlessProcureur> Hm. I see. I shall try to keep my distance, aside from providing the legal connections. It seems somewhat unsavory.
  44. <avariceIncarnate> It will be.
  45. <avariceIncarnate> But Chuck's brother is more unsavory.
  46. <avariceIncarnate> I have no qualms with intimidating or damaging him to acheive my goals.
  47. <ruthlessProcureur> I can imagine.
  48. <avariceIncarnate> I believe it goes without saying that you are not to tell Chuck of this.
  49. <ruthlessProcureur> Certainly. This turned into a very complicated negotiation. I shall wire you the money presently, and maintain the promise of provided legal support when you need it.
  50. <avariceIncarnate> Excellent.
  51. <avariceIncarnate> Thank you Lyra.
  52. <avariceIncarnate> I hope we can do business more in the future.
  53. <ruthlessProcureur> No problem. We shall speak again.
  54. <avariceIncarnate> Very good.
  55. <avariceIncarnate> Farewell.
  56. <ruthlessProcureur> Good bye.
  57. * avariceIncarnate has concluded business.
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