
Fulm Gen Drop

Apr 16th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. os.pullEvent("key")
  2. print("Checking Fulmination Generator status")
  3. os.sleep(1)
  4. print(".")
  5. os.sleep(1)
  6. print(".")
  7. os.sleep(1.5)
  8. print(".")
  9. os.sleep(2)
  10. print("Fulmination Generator Online.")
  11. print("Begin Fuel Addition?")
  12. input = read()
  13. if input == "y" or "yes" then
  14.     while true do
  15.         term.clear()
  16.         term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  17.         print("Establishing connection to fuel providing service... Please stand by...")
  18.         os.sleep(1)
  19.         print("Server Found... Sending Packets...")
  20.         os.sleep(1)
  21.         print("Packets Received... Linking")
  22.         os.sleep(2)
  23.         print("Link Acquired! 20 Seconds Until Detonation, Please Remove Non-Essential Staff from area")
  24.         redstone.setOutput("left", true)
  25.         os.sleep(5)
  26.         term.clear()
  27.         term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  28.         for i = 15, 1, -1 do
  29.                 print(i .. " seconds remaining")
  30.                 os.sleep(1)
  31.         end
  32.         redstone.setOutput("right", true)
  33.         print("Fuel Cell Dropped, Please Remain At Distance Until Explosion")
  34.         os.sleep(5)
  35.         redstone.setOutput("left", false)
  36.         redstone.setOutput("right", false)
  37.         print("Terminating Server Connection... Refuel Successful...")
  38.         os.reboot()
  39. end
  40. end
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