
wtf even is this

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. You were Anakin Skywalker, or at least you had been Anakin Skywalker, you were now known as Darth Vader and as your second mission as Lord of the Sith, you had to clear out what was left of the Separatist. Dispatching to Mustafar to take care of them, you had slaughtered each and every one of them in cold blood. Standing above the lifeless body of the Neimoidian Nute Gunry, you still feel something running in the control station. Something was still there, but it wasn't of flesh and blood, no it was a droid of some sort. You wonder how it evaded your pursuit on destroying everything in your path.
  3. As you stalk through the room you slice through the lifeless bodies of the Separatist. Approaching a rather small closet, you're pretty sure the droid is in there. Readying you lightsaber you opens the door using the force rather than the conveniently placed switch. What you sees sure surprises you. Standing before you is a powered down droid, but it's built very different to any battle droids he's ever encounter, and it's alot older than any droid he's ever encountered. You go to touch it when it beams back to power.
  5. "Query; HK-47, operation and ready. Master, is there something you'd like me to kill?" the Droid speaks in a monotone voice. This droid is definitely not of Separatist origin, it's far to smart for that. How you would of liked one of these droids a few days ago.
  6. "Kill something for me?" You question without tone, you don't want this droid picking up on anything.
  7. "Statement: Yes, kill something for you. Mocking tone: Or are you not my master, if you obtained me illegal I advise you to tell me Master so I can at least give you a headstart."
  8. Narrowing your eyes at the droid, your ignite your lightsaber as if you were threatening it. Even with a lightsaber centimeters away from its body it doesn't do anything.
  9. "Statement: Master do you think you're the first Jedi to pull a lightsaber on me?"
  10. You can't believe this droid, it's just asking to be dismembered. "I am not a Jedi."
  11. "Query: Are you not Master? You clearly have a lightsaber, is it not a tool of those Pseudo-Pacifist meatbags who claim to bring peace to the galaxy." You like this droid, but you need to assert somekind of dominance with it. You need it to respect you.
  12. "The Jedi don't exist anymore."
  13. "Observation: Master, do you take me for a fool? Those pesky Jedi always make a return, i've seen it happen myself. Oh how I don't miss my former Master, she had such potential as a killing machine and used it for good."
  14. You aren't sure what to think of this droid, it is obviously very old, and knows alot about the Jedi. You wonder...
  15. "Who created you droid?"
  16. "Statement: It is not who created me that matters, but who owns me now, and that answer you already know Master, why are you asking me such bland questions, can we not go kill something?"
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