Guest User


a guest
Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. ===================
  2. Creating the log...
  3. ===================
  4. [21:38:39 INFO]: Loading console utils...
  5. [21:38:39 INFO]: Console utils were loaded successfully.
  6. [21:38:39 INFO]: Loading message utils...
  7. [21:38:39 INFO]: Message utils were loaded successfully.
  8. [21:38:39 INFO]: Loading report system...
  9. [21:38:39 INFO]: Report system was loaded successfully.
  10. [21:38:39 INFO]: Loading 1.8 version utils...
  11. [21:39:00 INFO]: Checking if plugin folder contains outdated files...
  12. [21:39:01 INFO]: There was a problem in the connection, re-connecting...
  13. [21:39:01 INFO]: Solved problem with the connection, connected successfully.
  14. [21:39:01 INFO]: NONE secondary system loaded.
  15. [21:39:01 INFO]: Loading sound manager...
  16. [21:39:01 INFO]: Sound manager was loaded successfully.
  17. [21:39:01 INFO]: Loading location manager...
  18. [21:39:01 INFO]: WorldGuard support was not loaded because server does not have WorldGuard plugin...
  19. [21:39:01 INFO]: Factions support was not loaded because server does not have Factions plugin...
  20. [21:39:01 INFO]: Towny support was not loaded because server does not have Towny plugin...
  21. [21:39:01 INFO]: Location manager was loaded successfully.
  22. [21:39:01 INFO]: Mana system is loading...
  23. [21:39:01 INFO]: Custom permission 'advancedabilities.mvp' was added.
  24. [21:39:01 INFO]: Custom permission '' was added.
  25. [21:39:01 INFO]: Mana system was loaded.
  26. [21:39:01 INFO]: Loading profiles manager...
  27. [21:39:01 INFO]: Profiles manager was loaded successfully.
  28. [21:39:02 INFO]: Starting the profiles settings.
  29. [21:39:02 INFO]: Profiles were loaded without problems.
  30. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading the abilities...
  31. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'adrenaline_boost' is loading...
  32. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'adrenaline_boost' was loaded.
  33. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'aggressive_mode' is loading...
  34. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'aggressive_mode' was loaded.
  35. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'antidote' is loading...
  36. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'antidote' was loaded.
  37. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'arrow_tank_skin' is loading...
  38. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'arrow_tank_skin' was loaded.
  39. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'explosive_arrow' is loading...
  40. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'explosive_arrow' was loaded.
  41. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'feather_weight' is loading...
  42. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'feather_weight' was loaded.
  43. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'fire_resistance' is loading...
  44. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'fire_resistance' was loaded.
  45. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'legendary_protection' is loading...
  46. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'legendary_protection' was loaded.
  47. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'mining_luck' is loading...
  48. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'mining_luck' was loaded.
  49. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'pirate' is loading...
  50. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'pirate' was loaded.
  51. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'sword_push' is loading...
  52. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'sword_push' was loaded.
  53. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'triple_arrow_shot' is loading...
  54. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'triple_arrow_shot' was loaded.
  55. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'vampire_mode' is loading...
  56. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'vampire_mode' was loaded.
  57. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'woodchopping_luck' is loading...
  58. [21:39:02 INFO]: Ability 'woodchopping_luck' was loaded.
  59. [21:39:02 INFO]: woodchopping_luck: blocks were loaded.
  60. [21:39:02 INFO]: Abilities were loaded successfully.
  61. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading abilities by the API.
  62. [21:39:02 INFO]: 'bubble_arrow.yml' ability was created, this file will be created if the 'creator' folder not exists!
  63. [21:39:02 INFO]: Created abilities 'creator' folder...
  64. [21:39:02 INFO]: Creating abilities 'creator' folder...
  65. [21:39:02 INFO]: Reading 'bubble_arrow.yml' ability file...
  66. [21:39:02 INFO]: 'bubble_arrow.yml' ability file was read...
  67. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading the main system...
  68. [21:39:02 INFO]: MONEY system loaded.
  69. [21:39:02 INFO]: System was loaded without problems.
  70. [21:39:02 INFO]: Checking if the database is outdated...
  71. [21:39:02 INFO]: Database version was checked.
  72. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading the database manager...
  73. [21:39:02 INFO]: Database manager was loaded successfully.
  74. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading the hologram manager...
  75. [21:39:02 INFO]: The hologram manager was loaded.
  76. [21:39:02 INFO]: Money manager is loading...
  77. [21:39:02 INFO]: Money manager was loaded.
  78. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities menu' was registered.
  79. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities help' was registered.
  80. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities help <page>' was registered.
  81. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities menu <page>' was registered.
  82. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities list' was registered.
  83. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities open <player>' was registered.
  84. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities stats' was registered.
  85. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities stats <player>' was registered.
  86. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities hologram create' was registered.
  87. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities hologram list' was registered.
  88. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities hologram remove' was registered.
  89. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities reset <player>' was registered.
  90. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities reset confirm' was registered.
  91. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities select' was registered.
  92. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities select <player>' was registered.
  93. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities level add <ability_id> <amount>' was registered.
  94. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities level set <ability_id> <amount>' was registered.
  95. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities level player add <player> <ability_id> <amount>' was registered.
  96. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities level player set <player> <ability_id> <amount>' was registered.
  97. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities mana add <amount>' was registered.
  98. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities mana set <ability_id> <amount>' was registered.
  99. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities mana player add <player> <amount>' was registered.
  100. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities mana player set <player> <amount>' was registered.
  101. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator ability <ability_id>' was registered.
  102. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator conditions' was registered.
  103. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator effects' was registered.
  104. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator events' was registered.
  105. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator options' was registered.
  106. [21:39:02 INFO]: Command '/abilities creator info' was registered.
  107. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading plugin events...
  108. [21:39:02 INFO]: Events were loaded successfully.
  109. [21:39:02 INFO]: Creating needed classes...
  110. [21:39:02 INFO]: Loading commands manager...
  111. [21:39:02 INFO]: Commands manager was loaded.
  112. [21:39:02 INFO]: Needed classes were created.
  113. [21:40:30 INFO]: Disabling needed classes.
  114. [21:40:30 INFO]: Needed classes were disabled.
  115. [21:40:30 INFO]: Finishing log...
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