
Ronan vs Yasuyoshi

Sep 2nd, 2019
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  1. [20:57] Yasuyoshi asks, "Didn't I fight you in Gehenna's field?"
  2. [20:57] Ronan Is hooded
  3. (Ronan)
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. [20:58] Ronan says, "Hmnn..."
  7. [20:58] Helos Fengari says, "It's probably not the same person."
  8. [20:58] Ronan says, "< So, this -is- the one from before. >"
  9. [20:58] Yasuyoshi looks at the clothing, skin, and staff.
  10. (Yasuyoshi)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [20:58] Yasuyoshi says, "Hm...."
  14. [20:58] Yasuyoshi says, "Speak."
  15. [20:58] Ronan says, ". . ."
  16. [20:58] Ronan says, "< I should be careful around this one. >"
  17. [20:58] Ronan says, "< He's aggressive if I recall correctly. >"
  18. [20:58] Yasuyoshi says, "Helos, go forward. This'll get messy if they don't speak in the next ten seconds."
  19. [20:58] Helos Fengari says, "-"
  20. [20:58] Helos Fengari says, "Wow, that didn't take much."
  21. [20:59] Ronan says, "< Looks like I'll be able to avenge him sooner than later. >"
  22. [20:59] Yasuyoshi says, "SPEAK."
  23. [20:59] Ronan snarls.
  24. (Ronan)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [20:59] Helos shrugs.
  28. (Helos Fengari)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [20:59] Helos Fengari says, "Right, right."
  32. [20:59] Helos Fengari says, "Have fun."
  33. [21:00] Ronan says, "< Odd, they don't have an issue seeing me. They must be well attuned to illusionary artistry like me. >"
  34. [21:00] Yasuyoshi asks, "Snarling like a dog now, are we?"
  35. [21:00] Yasuyoshi is an illusion magi.
  36. (Yasuyoshi)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [21:01] Ronan figured as much.
  40. (Ronan)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [21:01] Yasuyoshi says, "If you don't start speaking, I will start burning everything here. You're given a chance to say something, -anything-."
  44. [21:01] Ronan says, ". . . . . Try it."
  45. [21:04] "So those are the only words you have left, hm?" Scorching the ground, flames that wrapped around the pillars and the cave, raising the temperature to the hundreds and letting some of the rock on top of the cave start to fall. His gaze still resting upon them, and a simple growl. His right hand coming to the wooden-mask and putting it on, letting a single red spark come from the eyes.
  47. "Why were you following me? Why are you so incapable of speaking? What is -wrong- with you, hm?"
  48. (Yasuyoshi)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [21:14] All he could remember, when he saw this individual:
  53. … Was Zhurong, being brutalized, by an infuriated Yasuyoshi.
  54. There wasn't anything he could do back then.
  55. He was still, merely a novice in the arts -- But through the hatred that burned within his very soul.
  56. Through his constant pain, that urged him...
  57. Though, his resparked vigor for a realized dream? He kept on, until he was face to face with the kitsune himself.
  59. This individual had been one of the many, that had pushed him through pain and humiliation.
  60. Never again.
  62. The ground underfoot was scorched into flames. Ronan hovered above it, but the atmosphere's temperature grew uncomfortable. The caverns were illuminated, and the stalactites above begun their skewering drops into the earth around them.
  64. Why was he following him?
  65. Why was he so incapable of speaking?
  66. What... Was wrong with him?
  68. … In truth, he was too angry.
  69. He never thought he'd see the day that he'd stumble across this man again, stronger and more realized.
  70. He never thought of what he'd say, when he got the chance.
  71. … He never thought, he had a chance...
  73. Was this, his chance?
  75. There were no words, only a breeze that lightly tickled from behind the pyromancer.
  76. Both illusionists could discern that this was certainly of the true realm around them, and as the seconds came to pass? The origin was revealed.
  77. Within the palm of Ronan's open right hand, burned from a previous encounter - The very flames summoned just moments prior were pried in a circling fashion by intense gravitational forces: A singularity, determined to siphon the flames to dampen the heat put out.
  78. Falling rock slowed in its descent to crumble to dust, whisking over towards Ronan's conjuration - circling him to collapse on the single point.
  80. What light did manage to showcase from beneath the shadow of his hood, were the enigmas that were their mystically borne crimson eyes - glaring back at his old antagonist.
  82. It was a silent taunt.
  83. He wanted a rematch.
  84. (Ronan)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [21:22] The slightest intimidation, that was all he needed to be set off, and when he came face to face, the little spirit within him - that flame - started to spark. When Yoshi looks into the eyes of Ronin, he was just reminded of the faces that were ready to attack him on all ends. The three people, Azera, Alberit, and the other Cultist. Hands were fidgeting and his eyes dialated with that same intense hatred.
  89. The light wasn't there, Jiuweihu couldn't reach him, the sounds, the luxurious sounds of peace were coming forth, and the flames that were destroying the cave that they were in started to form into a simple ball that levitated around his figure before resting on top of his hand.
  91. Inch by inch.
  93. Little by little.
  95. The scorch of the flames were able to burn the palms, fully absorbing the flames and encasing himself in this same flame. The entire figure of him was being aligned with this flame and his sight was becoming a simple stain of red and yellow. He didn't know enemy from friend and neither did the flames.
  97. In his ears, Destroy all that hurt you, destroy all those that will hurt you - burn it all and rebuild it in your image were ringing loudly, coating his mind with the ideology. The tail that was fluffy started to scorch that same flame as the entire 'anger' started to wrap and turn them.
  99. He had no words, he had nothing to say - but the flames wanted to add another mark, to burn another mark.
  101. To burn and rebuild them.
  102. (Yasuyoshi)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [21:26] Xuinon says, "hey.."
  106. [21:37] The flames in the cave weren't merciful, and the flames that were scorching at his skin, cracking the bones and marking the skin along his limbs were going haywire. The flames of anger, how devious were they when they came down to battle, for not only was it increasing the temperature of his flames, but they were also increasing the out of control illusionary prowess of Yoshi.
  108. When Ronan thought he was getting closer, he was simply taking ten steps back. When he was ready to control the field with his mastery over the metaphysics - gravity for sorts, it didn't do much but to anger the enraged Kitsune. Flames were marking the caves and with a simple push forth, the Kitsune's own usage of the metaphysical was more than capable of knocking them to the rocky edges of the cave.
  110. However, if only it could end there, Yoshi's impressive speed and flames only got close. Sharp claws of the Kitsune were infused with that flame with his right arm wide and out before scratching the very surface of his clothing. Flames sparking the jacket and going into the skin before the massive impact and force of the flames and his physical prowess shown to be too much to be blocked.
  112. Ronan would find himself being swung across the caves, making a new entrance. Yoshi simply jumped forth with a simple snarl escaping him and letting the temperature raise once again.
  114. The flames were angry that it didn't consume.
  115. But, the flames were more than happy to continue it's pursuit.
  116. (Yasuyoshi)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [21:47] So... He had forgotten.
  120. This was not merely an illusionist, they also controlled gravity itself!
  121. To think, he'd ever find his very control over the metaphysical being contested? He completely forgot.
  123. Thus, he was launched back -- Out of the cavernous setting for a much more... Blinding realm.
  124. The outdoors.
  126. Where his inertia had begun to fade, his own control over gravity propelled him, keeping as much distance between himself and the kitsune as they proceeded with their aerial assault.
  127. Though, they were outside -- Perhaps, it was in the darkness that he lacked as much of an advantage against someone with the same level of prowess.
  129. … How did that fact hold up, in an open field that they'd find themselves on?
  130. The plains were crashlanded upon, feet first -- Blasting the earth underfoot with a gravity induced shockwave to carve a crater: Not defeated yet, just licked enough by the flames to incite his own fury.
  132. To pursue this readied Ronan would mean taking first-row seats to the violent eruption of lavender mana, launching up for the heavens. The unearthly howl only got louder, the closer the kitsune encroached - So, this was the power he unlocked in the time between their last encounter?
  134. Still, no words...
  135. Just a black silhouette standing within a white-hot miasma, encompassed with purple lining: Mana's conceptualization of tangible time, in malevolent form.
  136. It subsided as quickly as it was borne, now taking the shape of cackling fulmination of the same hue.
  138. The image of Ronan glitched, as though Time had begun to grow uncertain as to his next move.
  139. (Ronan)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [21:53] Even TIME wasn't enough to stop the violent on slaught of the flames and the Kitsune. The anger that was there seemed to be able to pulse through time itself in order to grab Ronan and continue on with the pursuit that he had. A smile that was wide on his face, and a destructive scream that caused the cavern to continually shake. The flames started to rise, and even more, the heat started to take place.
  144. The further he went, the further he wanted. The more he saw that he could continue with the violent pushes of gravity, and destructive usage of the mind which cause them to fade through the sight and the darkness, the confusion and the steady minded, the more that Ronan would be compelled to see just how much anger he had.
  146. Yet, it wasn't for him, no, it was for what he represented. Ronan was a clear depiction of everything that bothered the young and naïve Yoshi and his pursuit of the Phoenix Cult. The day that he budded in, the option was there. However, when he was working through his anger, working through everything wrong with him, everything just seemed to fall back. Just when he was being consistent with his life, he just went backwards...
  148. ...and the flames of that anger just took all of that and grew. Sweat dripped down his face, but the shroud of flames that were ever growing and expanding were only forcing him to do more. He kept going, and when Ronan was dazed, confused, and lost? A giant, massive fist of flames met with their cheek, thus pushing them through the cavern into another field.
  150. A giant screech came from the kitsune, and the anger continued to grow.
  151. (Yasuyoshi)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [22:04] How did a gravity mage, overcome another gravity mage's influence?
  156. How did an illusionist, manage to out swindle another illusionist?
  158. How was time, not catching up to this kitsune pyromancer?
  160. Ronan felt the sing of flames... It was all familiar. Too familiar.
  161. Everything about it only wrought forth memories of his failures, of his defeats... Of the Phoenix.
  162. It was all that pushed him now - Now that Adonis was gone, and Yasuyoshi allegedly vanquished the inklings of the remaining members?
  163. All Ronan could feel was hatred.
  165. All he wanted, was to inflicted the same pain back unto him.
  166. To make him feel, every loss, every defeat, every painstaking and mind-numbing blow that demoralized even the strong, to a true death.
  168. A death to hope...
  169. To faith...
  170. To purpose...
  172. Ronan's previous burns sizzled a bit, alongside the bruises and sweat that beaded across his body. He was covered in soot that was once stone, and his clothing, growing tattered as the battle progressed.
  174. "You... You're the reason... YOU'VE TORMENTED ME FOR TOO LONG!"
  176. The flames had tasted Ronan's flesh, and through them he rose -- Ascended, allowing the refracting air to quiver in his presence.
  177. These weren't his flames to control, and as far as he was concerned - the kitsune would pay reparations.
  179. Whether that was now...
  180. Or later...
  181. One thing was certain, Yasuyoshi was cemented in Ronan's mind as a nemesis.
  183. He pried what semblences of his senses that he could, to focus himself on his charging soul.
  184. He intended on meeting this warrior head-on?!
  185. A complete change of tactics, from a man that deemed intent on bashing the kitsune over the head with his staff.
  186. (Ronan)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [22:22] The flames roared, and through them came a ravenous Ronan swatting at Yasuyoshi!
  190. Though, it seemed as though they... Missed? No, the kitsune could see through this ploy - The true Ronan hovered much higher, using the refracting light as his guise for the illusionary veil to move him nigh undetectable.
  192. Within his burned hand manifested a sphere of lavender energy: The very manifestation of time-accelerating mana, turned unto the land below. It seemed as though Ronan was less than successful in his endeavor, for his strike was still too slow, crashing down upon the burning soils below to expand for a dome of alabaster. It carved away at the land, coupled with gravitational influence to sending debris awry.
  194. The first blast missed, though the infuriated magi wouldn't have it.
  195. Another glimmer of lavender light manifested within his grasp, continuing the cannonade of decaying essence upon the land below.
  196. Near-misses, but closer every time.
  197. He was gettingfaster, more tuned -- Or, the kitsune was growing fatigued.
  199. He soared down for the kitsune taunting the next bombardment of flame, only to physically splint into two doppelgangers, signified only with a brief flash of light: Another cheap trick. Both images of Ronan shoved out their staffs from opposing ends, intent on stabbing at the man's abdomen.
  200. Though, gravity denied him such an endeavor.
  202. He was launched back to the ground... Into the lands swathed in pyre below.
  204. --and it was within these flames, that his images faded.
  205. Vanquished... For a final time?
  206. The flames stirred, transcending what was once a sea of fire into a whirlpool of saffron and gold. At the centre of this maelstrom, was the tenacious Ronan, conjuring a singularity within his free, burnt hand. The very black hole suckled away at the flames, using it as its fuel? The flames rapidly died away, to be consumed by gravity --
  208. No... They were not dead.
  209. Simply, pulled away, condensed into a hyper-compressed point betwixt Ronan's clutched digits, forming the tightest fist he had ever held in his life. From the grounds below, he turned for his target: Yasuyoshi, likely doggedly charging his person.
  211. " TOOOOO LOOOOONG! " He repeated, for the final time.
  212. The clenched fist swung upward, opening his palm to expel the contents of his singularity back at the pyromancer.
  213. Certainly, he could not conjure flames.... But he could absolutely redirect them.
  215. It was the illusionary domain that he manipulated in tandem, to intensify the very radiance of these flames, giving them a sapphire taint in their eruption for the kitsune: A beam, of concentrated fiery energy, forged of every attack Yasuyoshi turned on Ronan thus far.
  216. Its very execution wrought a vacuum to the atmosphere.
  217. (Ronan)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. [22:35] The trickery, it was an amazing thing that Ronan could do, and since he was enraged and deluded by all things, and the flames were blinding him, he couldn't tell left from right with his eyes. But with his mind, and the anger that was coming, he could just feel it within the rush of the moment. His entire body moving to the left and right, dodging the clones swift strikes and the lavender balls that were coming.
  222. He wasn't slowing down, but he was feeling something else, a weakness. The screams were sending waves into him that only caused him to slow down and start to take such lavender balls straight to the chest. Blow after blow, blast after blast, but none of that could contest to the overwhelming durability that the flame was giving him. Even though it was also giving him power, it was helping him be a protective shield.
  224. Yet, that shield was slowly being broken as the fight went on. Some of the flames were starting to lose it's heat, yet it continuedto provide him with the power needed to fight. However, what he saw next was something he could live an entire life time without seeing. The beam that was coming to him, full of his rage, full of his desire to do battle - it was glorious.
  226. Yet, he slammed his hands to the ground, clads of his boots knocking into the ground and staying there as his maw went wide with the flames coming. A spiral of sorts before he closed his mouth and let it grow until his very cheeks fluffed up, before finally, a beam of his own - a massive wave of fire to counter such a thing.
  228. The beam of lavender, the wave-like beam of flames - the glorious amount of pressure and power between the two were seen to be even. His beam pushed forth, but Ronan's beam started to show true weight. The flames were still lurking, screaming, etching him to continue yet something was telling it to stop.
  230. Yasuyoshi's own willpower, the orginal one - the one that was done with the hate was coming and trying to stop it. And because of the interference, the beam of lavender was enough to push him out of the caves and into the lush green land. The wrapping of flames that were around him died down, and within his head, was another battle.
  232. You dare...try to control me...?
  233. I don't need you...I never needed you - your flames are nothing.
  234. You need wouldn't have gotten this far without it-
  235. I was able to defeat a whole cult without y-
  237. Then I don't WANT YOU HERE!!
  239. The internal struggle was met with the flames dispersing. Arms that were swinging to the side were cracking and skin and bone tearing open and showing. The only thing that was keeping him steady was the desire to live, desire to fight.
  241. "I don't need it...I can do this on my're nothing...NOTHING!"
  243. The flames wrapped around him - but not one of anger, but one of absolute security. He knew he can win, he knew that he was able to keep pursuing without it. Even with his limbs being nearly unusable, he had this unmoving wit, this passion to keep going.
  245. And he did...
  247. "Come...finish this, show me your resolve."
  248. (Yasuyoshi)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [22:45] It was over, but to say that I wasn't a good damn fight would be a lie. Ronan's resolve matched Yasuyoshi's in every single right, and the lavender balls and skillset of the Metaphysics was enough to prove it all entirely.
  253. Yet, it wasn't enough to stop the relentless amounts of flames that were coming. Out from the cavern's that were nothing more than hot, steamy masses of flames were the two on simple grass land. The ground was full of flames, burning the green and life-stock that were there. Yet, nothing would stop that darkness and ash.
  255. It was good, too good, the thrill of battle was enough to satiate both the beast inside and the beast that Yasuyoshi was prone to becoming. Within the midst of it all, the gravity that pushed him down was enough to cause additionally cracks in his bones, and the heat of his own flames were enough to scorch his jacket as well.
  257. Yet, nothing would stop that battle, nothing would cease him, he refused to desist and he continued on. A stomp on the ground was enough to conjure the flames and from it, an arrow that was wide enough to consume and push them back, yet not enough to destroy. Clearly he was able to stand up just enough just to see what was happening next -
  259. A great wave of fire that were able to consume the green, turning it black, and burn at the jackets and leave simple burns amongst them. They were on the ground, and they were defeated - and just when he was ready to bring the finishing blow to end their life, to bring them to their next life - something told him to stop.
  261. He stopped, and walked away satisfied with his victory, a single hint of the metaphysics movement and he was gone - ghost, done...
  263. Yet, a simple 'Try again' was all he said.
  264. (Yasuyoshi)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [22:53] Blasted, and toiled offwards…
  268. He may've been angry and determined but...
  269. He was growing fatigued.
  271. Sure, he was not the strongest he had ever faced, but he was certainly amongst the more ferocious of opponents.
  272. His muscles twitched, screaming for him to give rest - To simply lay, and not rise up again.
  274. … But he couldn't...
  275. Not for Zhurong…
  276. Not for the rest of the Order...
  277. Not for himself...
  279. The ground around him ignited in flames, but he dared to fly over them. The heat caught him off-guard, but he could evade the majority of the damage... Or so he thought. He made a target out of himself.
  280. An arrow struck him down, dragging him back to a burning earth. He snarled at the agonizing pain, yet...
  281. Through the fire and flames, he carried on... forcing himself back up to his feet, only to be swept off his feet by a tsunami of flame. Its very blitz nigh rendered his image to naught but a silhouette against its brief white-hot intensity.
  283. … Though, it was on flames he lied, incapacitated - still trying to push himself up from the flames, simply accepting its sing for his flesh.
  285. This was it...
  286. He had attempted... And he had failed.
  287. He could feel it, the kitsune illusionist was closing in for the final blow.
  289. … Yet, he felt determined to die, attempting to rise back up into the fray.
  291. But for whatever reasoning, the final blow never quite came? He had enough time to strain up to his feet and whip around in fury -
  293. Nothing.
  295. Absolutely Nothing.
  297. Nothing but the words:
  299. "Try again."
  301. It burned him, beyond the flesh... But the soul.
  302. This wasn't over... Not at all.
  303. (Ronan)
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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