
Orc Defense After the Merge

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. Story Started and Finished in Thread #2
  3. >All this fucking /pol/ in here
  5. You guys have no idea how to deal with the neighbors, and I have no idea what some of you assholes are complaining about if you live in a green zone that's so stable the worst you have to worry about are political correctness re-surging and schoolyard gang fights.
  7. >Be me
  8. >Shitty mountain town
  9. >The kind that made it through the initial chaos relatively unscathed
  10. >Enough HAM in the population that we didn't fall apart in redneck anarchy afterwards
  11. >Hutterite, Amish, Mormon
  12. >Community pulled together decently
  13. >Started at "band together against the feral orcs"
  14. >Worked our way up to paying the county road guys in firewood and eggs to get back on the job
  15. >Took like a year and a half for services to come back on
  16. >Local economy is still half barter
  17. >Costs two fucking weeks worth of ration vouchers for a tank of gas
  18. >Can't really complain, we made it through in much better shape than a lot of places around here
  19. >Half thanks to pic related
  20. >When it first went down I was holed up with prepper buddies on a friends family farm outside of the main town
  21. >Pretty defensible little township, between mountains and the river
  22. >Got to go into the main town to trade without having to deal with politics or pressure to donate food to the community pot
  23. >Arrangement with the old farmer and his neighbors, room and board for security
  24. >Unfortunately a horde of ferals was working its way down the highway from Canada
  25. >Places would get surrounded and sieged until they just ran out of ammunition
  26. >Horde so huge they lost more Orcs to starvation than bullets
  27. >Thinking about having to pull out and withdraw back to town if they swung our way around the pass
  28. >Suddenly Wizards
  29. >Apparently humans never fared very well in the alter world
  30. >Except the few with the Spark
  31. >Wandering clan of magic users and family appear, trying to figure out where the hell they are
  32. >Only good thing that had happened for at least eight months
  34. >Magic helps with the language barrier
  35. >You cannot imagine the joy at realizing they'd stumbled onto a human-dominated world
  36. >Or the rage at Orcs coming down the road to fuck it up
  37. >Orcs overwhelm opponents on flat ground
  38. >Elves outmaneuver and outrange you in mountains and forests
  39. >When they both take your land, there's nothing to do but pick up and move
  40. >But that shit is over
  41. >Quickly establish common cause, gear up
  42. >Get as many trustworthy townies together as possible and head for a chokepoint on the highway
  43. >Pick up recruits along the way
  44. >Semi-friendly elves refuse to help, bug out
  45. >Wizards help us broker an alliance with some local Giants though
  46. >Set up defense in depth
  47. >Literally exhaust our materials for making homemade claymores and pipe bombs
  48. >When the horde hits it's a fucking slaughter
  49. >Bodies piled ten deep
  50. >Still would have been overrun if it weren't for magic support
  51. >Come to find out that slave goblin shamans and Orc witch-warriors were fucking with human defenses unopposed more than we realized
  52. >Line is holding, rarely comes down to CC and when it does we have sword-swinging squibs who grew up doing this shit and giants for when it gets really hairy
  53. >Horde starts to get smart
  54. >Waves of Goblin slaves
  55. >Formation of fucking cave trolls shrugging off small arms, repelled with fireballs and molotovs
  56. >Orc witches come out turned up to 11
  57. >Fueled by blood sacrifice and demon pacts
  58. >Burning their life force to enhance battle magic
  59. >Basically suicide bombers who can keep self aiming and exploding all day
  60. >Fight /ourguys/ to a standstill
  61. >Wizard Patriarch has to call in a favor from a fucking Dragon
  62. >Holy shit is i awesome to watch
  63. >Other races use magic, dragons fucking ARE magic incarnate
  64. >technically not invincible, I saw it bleed, but my fucking god I would not want to be the fighter pilot
  65. >When it looks like they might finally just settle for dragging their dead away to eat, a second fucking horde appears
  67. >Smaller but better organized and equipped
  68. >Shield walls and archers in real formations
  69. >Using captured human guns they looted from the wake of the first horde
  70. >Shoot like Al-Quada, but still
  71. >Very fucking quickly wipe out the first horde
  72. >Look at the field of bodies and pull back
  73. >"oh look they got scared and ran off! yay us!"
  74. >Come back light, armor and shields ditched, advance tactically on us with javelins and bows
  75. >"Fuck"
  76. >Repel the first attack, way less intense but somehow much scarier
  77. >Then a lone Orc rolls up unarmed
  78. >Time for peace talks
  79. >Bring up town councilors on the negotiations
  80. >Orcs use us as intermediaries, since we have their respect
  81. >Also translators
  82. >refer to us and Wizards as a single entity and no one really objects
  83. >Don't quite know how we fit into the picture with the town government though
  84. >Wizards translate us, roughly, as mercenaries
  85. >Chief asks for our rates
  87. That was the start of shit starting to slowly improve, although things wren't really stable until the military pushed back out to the borders and we started seeing air strikes and special forces guys again. There was a pretty hairy time when a fucking wave of undead hit the area, but magic helped a lot with that. If I'd known then that Orc bounties would be a thing I would have a small fucking fortune in scalps to my name, but we were still pretty cut off aside from emergency alerts and the HAM radio network. I'm almost glad I didn't though, bounty farming always turned my stomach and just seems to be making Orc-Orc and Elf-Orc violence worse, on top of Elves and Ogres causing almost as many problems from what I've seen riding convoy security down south.
  89. I suppose if there is a moral, it's this:
  91. >Negotiate with Orcs from a position of strength, or they won't bother to negotiate at all
  92. >Gain and maintain magical superiority
  93. >Don't run out of ammo
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