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a guest
Aug 10th, 2018
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  1. ############################################
  2. # db `7MM"""Mq. `7MMM. ,MMF'#
  3. # ;MM: MM `MM. MMMb dPMM #
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  9. ############################################
  11. # If you are creating a sell-region you can write this instead of the price in the last line of a
  12. # sell-sign and ARM will calculate the price by multiplying the square meters of the region
  13. # with the number standing here
  14. AutoPrice:
  15. example1: 1
  16. example2: 0.5
  18. # If you activate one of these functions you have to fill in the MySQL data
  19. AutoResetAndTakeOver:
  20. # If enabled the region will be resetted and released after the
  21. # owner was not online for the amount of days standing at 'autoresetAfter'.
  22. # It's recommended for BUNGEECORD servers to install ARMProxy in order to
  23. # update the 'last online'-table if a user joined on another server in your network
  24. enableAutoReset: false
  25. autoresetAfter: 60
  26. # If enabled all members of a region will have the opportunity to take over a region
  27. # if the owner of it was not online for the amount of days standing at 'takeoverAfter'
  28. # The members will be notified via GUI.
  29. # It's recommended for BUNGEECORD servers to install ARMProxy in order to
  30. # update the 'last online'-table if a user joined on another server in your network
  31. enableTakeOver: false
  32. takeoverAfter: 50
  33. mysql-server: 'localhost'
  34. mysql-database: 'database'
  35. mysql-password: 'password'
  36. mysql-user: 'user'
  37. mysql-prefix: 'arm_'
  39. # A region can have a regionkind. If it has, members can find it by searching for a free region with a specific kind
  40. # via command or GUI. You have to select a MATERIAL that will be shown as icon for the region and regionkind in the GUI
  41. # You can also describe your regionkind by writing the information in the lore.
  42. # If you don't want to write a lore just write "- ''"
  43. # (List of all Materials:
  44. # To search and buy a region with a regionkind the user needs to have the permission 'arm.buyregion.REGIONKIND'
  45. # (for example 'arm.buyregion.examplekind1')
  46. RegionKinds:
  47. starter:
  48. item: WOOD_SPADE
  49. lore:
  50. - 'A region for everyone'
  51. small:
  52. item: STONE_SPADE
  53. lore:
  54. - 'A bit larger and good for small'
  55. - 'groups'
  56. medium:
  57. item: IRON_SPADE
  58. lore:
  59. - 'A mid-sized region'
  60. large:
  61. item: DIAMOND_SPADE
  62. lore:
  63. - 'A really large region'
  64. shop:
  65. item: EMERALD
  66. lore:
  67. - 'A shop where you can sell your stuff'
  69. # Limits can be assigned to players by giving them the permission arm.limit.LIMITGROUP
  70. # you can set limits by writing a regionkind and the limit behind it. Not existing regionkinds
  71. # will be ignored. If you want to limit regions without a kind use 'Default'. If you want to
  72. # limit the total amount of regions a player can have write total. With '-1' you can set the limit to unlimited
  73. # If a player has more than one limit group ARM will compare the groups and give him the best limits from
  74. # his groups. By default all player have no limit. The permission 'arm.admin.bypasslimit' will set the limit
  75. # to unlimited too.
  77. Limits:
  78. examplegroup1:
  79. total: 2
  80. Default: -1
  81. starter: 1
  82. small: 1
  83. medium: 0
  84. large: 0
  85. shop: 1
  86. examplegroup2:
  87. total: 10
  88. Default: -1
  89. starter: 1
  90. small: 2
  91. medium: 1
  92. large: 1
  93. shop: 1
  94. examplegroup3:
  95. total: -1
  96. Default: -1
  97. starter: 1
  98. small: 2
  99. medium: 2
  100. large: 2
  101. shop: 2
  103. Other:
  104. # If users have the permission 'arm.resetownregion' they can reset their own regions via GUI (only!) the number below
  105. # is the cooldown for the next reset in days.
  106. userResetCooldown: 7
  107. # If set on true the user will be teleported in the middle of their region if they buy one.
  108. TeleportAfterSellRegionBought: true
  109. TeleportAfterRentRegionBought: false
  110. TeleportAfterRentRegionExtend: false
  111. # If players have the permission 'arm.member.resetregion' they can sell their region
  112. # back to the server (who resets it) via GUI.
  113. # You can define the percentage they will get back here. If they don't have the permission the button will
  114. # be removed from the GUI.
  115. paypackPercentage: 50
  117. #Here you can change the Blocks that will be shown in the GUI. You can use
  118. #this ( as a List for possible blocks.
  119. #You can change the names of the item and the lore of the items in the messages.yml
  120. GUI:
  121. RegionOwnerItem: ENDER_CHEST
  122. RegionMemberItem: CHEST
  123. RegionFinderItem: COMPASS
  124. GoBackItem: WOOD_DOOR
  125. WarningYesItem: MELON_BLOCK
  126. WarningNoItem: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  127. TPItem: ENDER_PEARL
  128. SellRegionItem: DIAMOND
  129. ResetItem: TNT
  130. ExtendItem: WATCH
  131. InfoItem: BOOK
  132. PromoteMemberToOwnerItem: LADDER
  133. RemoveMemberItem: LAVA_BUCKET
  135. #Do not change this
  136. Version: 1.1
  137. # Programmed by Alex9849
  138. # If you like my plugin you are free to donate me via PayPal
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