Guest User


a guest
Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. DeliveryPanda joined the room.
  2. DeliveryPanda cancelled matchmaking.
  3. Holzfuß joined the room.
  4. You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team.
  5. DeliveryPanda joined the room.
  6. Holzfuß joined the room.
  7. Kazlunnxd joined the room.
  8. FW Magolas joined the room.
  9. QG Phoma joined the room.
  10. FW Magolas : DeliveryPanda do you know Blizzik ? i know your name
  11. DeliveryPanda : yes i do
  12. DeliveryPanda : why?
  13. FW Magolas : :D
  14. QG Phoma : ban poppy please
  15. FW Magolas : kk dann weiß ich woher ich dich kenn xD
  16. QG Phoma : rip zed
  17. DeliveryPanda : luckily a former teammate :^)
  18. DeliveryPanda : u like blizzik? :'D
  19. FW Magolas : her streams are good :D
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