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Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. "Micheline used to come to our house and knock on our door". A construction worker leaning on a small fence takes a drag of his cigarette while he stares at nothing in particular. The man holding the sign fidgets in space. I jump over the hole in the middle of the street and walk up the steps. "My dad would answer and say what do you want girl and she’d say “can I take a bath with Mark?”". The covered walking area creates a wind tunnel effect; the gusts of wind hit my face and make me sniffle.
  3. ​The sky is grey and cloudy; brainlike. Walking along, remembering the first time I had heard this song. The smell of the green plastic air mattress, the quilted comforter, the paradoxically spacious computer room of Nana and Papa’s house. "My dad would say my son ain’t here and send her home and shut the door and we’d all laugh, and Micheline would walk down the street glowing and smiling like she’d just gotten Paul McCartney’s autograph." Tears only a fifteen year old could muster. Embarrassing, looking back. I walk along, up a set of concrete stairs, and look at the small patch of blue visible in the sky. The beach in Saint Augustine, towel laid out on the sand, shirtless. Girl in sunhat and newly-purchased bikini. Intense melancholy of moments lost in time. “Rollercoaster”. I sigh. Wind stings my face, and my eyes start to tear up.
  5. ​I see that kid. I’ve seen him before, I think. He looks like me: red hair, chubby, hair unkempt. Do I know his name? Certainly not. But maybe. "I went to see him in Ohio, he had a horseshoe shaped scar on his scalp and he talked real slow. We played pool like we did in our teens and his head was shaved and he still wore bell bottom jeans." June. Blue Florida skies on a car ride to dinner. Some cultures don’t have a word for blue, only light, dark, and red.
  7. ​I’m walking down the hill; my feet can feel the coldness of the concrete through my tennis shoes. Everyone is walking against me. "It was the first time I had saw a hummingbird or a palm tree or a lizard or saw an ocean or heard David Bowie’s “Young Americans” or saw the movie Benji in the theater." I enter the building and open the door for the counselor’s office.
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