
Fire Emblem Quest: Part 5 Summary

Jul 20th, 2015
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  1. Part 5 Link:
  3. Part 5 Summary:
  5. -Ellen comically threatened Stefyn at breakfast while showing off her ravenous eating habits.
  6. -Tired as she was after her chat with Quidel stretched on last night, Ellen still remained vigilant on the trip from Tarvos Valley to Rakche at Yvette's insistence.
  7. -This ultimately paid off, as she and Quidel both spotted a robed, hooded figure. Ellen went closer to speak to the person, only to feel significantly weaker the closer she got to them.
  8. -She wound up realizing that this person was most likely deaf when she got close enough to see them signing some sort of spell (also making out a slight amount of blond(e?) hair), but collapsed when she tapped their shoulder and couldn't see this person's face as they turned around. They warped away.
  9. -Moments later, Ellen was face-to-face with an incomplete Dracozombie, presumably created by the deaf sorcerer. She ran away, barely avoiding its deadly breath, only to find the rest of the guard split up and fighting three other incomplete Dracozombies. She felt the need to turn around and face the one chasing her herself.
  10. -Its attacks were, for the most part, highly telegraphed, and she was able to avoid taking any damage from this mighty lich, but she misread its attempt to bite her as an attempt to spew its fiery breath, catching her entire arm.
  11. -While she got out of this and finished off the Dracozombie, its jaws snapped shut upon death, catching her (non-dominant) right hand's ring and pinky fingers. Still having her middle finger, she used it to flip the dead(er) Dracozombie off before going to help the others.
  12. -While everyone else was doing fine, the Dracozombie being fought by Garrus, Yvette, and the farmhand (who she later finally learned is named Reese), with Natalie supporting them in particular, had caused a lot of trouble. She arrived just as Reese was thrown out of commission and as Yvette was badly hurt, constantly being healed by Nat. She rushed in, distracting the bulky Dracozombie with a series of sword strikes while shouting to Garrus to go for weak spots in the monster's neck. She was barely tackled out of the way of the Dracozombie's deadly breath by someone she could not identify, and then she fell out of consciousness.
  13. -About a week later, she woke up to Biff and Byron's voices, punched Biff in the face (again), and found out that she was in a hospital in Rakche. Biff and Nat have since become a couple and Yvette's wounds have been the final step in pushing her out of her prime (she's still absolutely raring to go, though). When she's able to leave the hospital, Byron escorts her to the royal castle for an audience with King Drasma.
  15. Confirmed Party Members (as of end of thread 5):
  17. -Ellen (pre-mercenary Trainee Class) The player character, a young woman raised in the village of Orsin. As vaguely-defined in personality as any earlygame quest protagonist.
  18. -Natalie/Nat (Cleric) Ellen's only living friend from Orsin, who works with staves and kept up the local church. Has a cold exterior despite being sensitive. Collects the most things.
  19. -Reese (Soldier/Villager Class) A farmhand from the same town as Ellen, Nat, and Lambert. Has a lot of zeal, but might be a bit of a slimeball. The most dedicated to a goal.
  20. -Biff (red cavalier) Biff is enthusiastic and outgoing, but tends to be misinterpreted. The most likely to act on instinct.
  21. -Byron (green cavalier) A social knight with Garrus' personal guard. Unlike his friend, he is collected and somewhat reserved. The best judge of character.
  22. -Robert (Fighter Class) A loud and rude lumberjack who was with Orsin's local guard/militia. The most argumentative.
  23. -Jay (Fighter Class) A silent and passive lumberjack who was with Orsin's local guard/militia. The best listener.
  24. -Garrus (Axe Lord) The crown prince of Neir, son of King Drasma. Surprisingly timid and small-framed, but capable of waving a regal axe with relative ease. The most eager to please.
  25. -Yvette (Paladin) A middle-aged retainer for Prince Garrus. Often speaks in his place due to his timidness, and has a motherly quality to her which can sometimes turn scary. The loudest when angry.
  26. -Mitchell (Thief/Outlaw Class) A former thief who seems to be friendly enough. Has friends in unsavory places, and sometimes does something amoral, but isn't malicious. Has the best dreams.
  27. -Quidel (Horseman/Nomad Class) A son of the nomadic Tarvos tribe that primarily exists in the Johan region, on good terms with the royalty of Neir. The biggest history buff.
  28. -Cheryl (Pegasus Knight) A cheerful Pegasus Rider who often acts as a messenger for Garrus, the middle child of three sisters. The most upbeat.
  29. -Stefyn (Myrmidon) A cowardly swordfighter who was tangled up in the Johalva bandits. Seems to genuinely want to reform, but Ellen absolutely despises him for killing Lambert. Sleeps the least.
  31. Names to keep in mind:
  33. -King Drasma (Wyvern Monarch) The king of the nation of Neir, and the father of Prince Garrus and Princess Salia. A warrior king who ordered his son and his small band to wipe out a notorious group of bandits.
  34. -Khozen (Wyvern) A silver-scaled wyvern older than Neir itself, having loyally served the rightful ruler of Neir since Queen Hauteclere hatched him with the Scepter of Katri. Riding him, she was able to lead a Revolution and found Neir.
  35. -Hauteclere (Wyvern Monarch) The first queen of Neir. Famous for hatching Khozen and starting a persevering alliance with the Tarvos Nomads, both essential actions in a successful revolution against the Gerxel empire. Considered one of the most important figures in Teege history.
  36. -Gorman (Mercenary Class?) The former captain of Orsin's local guard, replacing (and then being replaced by after he left) Lambert's father. He taught Ellen and Lambert how to fight with a sword, emphasizing a balance of all of one's physical traits. Universally considered the toughest guy in the town, he recently resigned from his post to become a mercenary. No one in town knows why, and none have heard from him since. The recent increase in bandit attacks on Orsin is attributed somewhat to his disappearance. Some five-ten years older than Ellen and Lambert. A tall, bronze, muscular fellow with dark, curly hair and a distinctly big nose (Ellen and her Orsin friends would know).
  37. -Antiman (Nomadic Trooper, presumably) Quidel's uncle, younger brother to the chief of the Tarvos. A trusted friend, advisor, and diplomat to King Drasma.
  38. -Salia (Class Unknown) Garrus' younger sister. Went to live with the Tarvos at the age of six, much earlier than younger siblings of either royal family tend to (typically they wait until they're just slightly younger than Quidel, which is to say how old she would be now).
  40. Deceased units:
  42. -Lambert (Mercenary Class, died in thread 2) The son of the captain of Orsin village's guard and Ellen's closest friend, a real showy bastard. A talented swordsman who was found half-dead after a fight with a myrmidon with Stefyn (when he was with the Johalva). He died early the next morning despite the best efforts of Garrus' knights and Nat. The least confident.
  44. Defeated bosses:
  46. -Tabat (Berserker, died in thread 3) The leader of the fearsome Johalva bandits, who terrorized Tarvos valley and most recently destroyed Orsin village. Garrus' father, King Drasma, tasked him with wiping this faction out. While alive, he personally oversaw the capture of Natalie and Ellen, and was the one who ordered Stefyn to kill Lambert. Personally killed by Ellen, with the aid of Prince Garrus, in the former outpost his group had taken over.
  47. -Incomplete Dracozombies (died in thread 5) Four Dracozombies, summoned by a deaf, fair-haired, signing spellcaster whose face Ellen didn't see. They were all in various states of incompleteness, making them look even more dead than the much more threatening complete Dracozombies. Apparently sent to kill prince Garrus, as by far the strongest of the quartet was focusing primarily on fighting him.
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