
Exovaryn Haruke: Visions

May 6th, 2015
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  1. Conflict with the Malpercian Pureblood, Savant, had left Exovaryn with a far greater comprehension of darkness. It swept him aside with such ease, that one couldn't help but ponder upon the matter. It was a dream come true to come close to the epitome of the Occult- A stygian artistry so commonly deemed controversal when casted to the perception of Valmasian inhabitants. It was an underappreciated art in Voss' eyes, and one that must be understood, if he ever hoped to ascend to match the might of the previous Harukean Patriarchs.
  3. With one's patience mised to the test, and defeat festering background frustrations to boil over to the surface, the Harukean loitered in his place, standing idle without location to traverse to and time to burn. Eyes were shut and mind fluttering free midst the ebony abyss that was his own concentrated mind. To one's surprise, he was sleeping- standing and likely mobile in this pseudo-conscious state.
  5. The swathing miasma of Darkness smoldering over the apparel he adorn himself within was but a mere byproduct to the dream he was ensnared within. It was one, that possessed his vessel, leaving him locked in a prism of one's own mentalty, bombarded with the images of the once illustrated goddess of his people: Lyperion Utovex. She flashed before his very eyes, flickering her image prior to vanishing to the scenes of his life in which he suffered anguish.
  7. There was no voice that called to him, but the incrementing hiss laced within the ambience of his dream sung for complementary effect, capturing the poor Harukean adolescent betwixt the feelings that were fear and delight, concocting a spell that petrified him where he fell in the bottomless abyss that was the void engulfing his visions, vanquished with the light emanated from reality, breaching the parting eyelids of his personage: He had awoken.
  9. A gasp escaped his startled person, and slight stammering signalled consciousness. Switching pupils behind the shadow casted from Voss' hood locked upon a sole protrusion from the enviornment encompassing him, rendering out to be that of Alucard, the very same child he had encountered months prior, still alive considering his appearance here.
  11. "...So, you've found me out here?... It's a wonder, a kid like you could make it this far." He commented in his typical dull voice, eyes refining their focus upon the staff in one's possession.
  12. "I shouldn't be too surprised, magi, young and old are capable of truly impressive feats... But in the end, you're all Valmasians... That is what limits you, afterall."
  14. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  16. Tilted his head in curiosity as he watched the man sleep while standing until he finally awoke. It was.. more than odd. Alucard had never seen someone sleep as they stood, nor did he think it actually posible. As for Exovaryn's comments over how he found it interesting that he had made it out here, in the deadly marshes of the east.
  18. Although Alucard held some form of proficiency with his few, basic arcane arts that ran mostly on emotional triggers for him to use them to their full potential, the dangers of the marsh had not shown themselves in their most horrendous forms yet. The Crellus resided deeper in the marshes, and Alucard and Exovaryn alike where just within the part of the swamp closest to the Trystle Caves.
  20. The lad spoke to Exovaryn, sounding a bit intregued by what he ment by his last comment.
  22. "What do you mean by 'being Valmasian'? Aren't you Valmasian too? You /were/ born here right? And... what are the limits you're talking about Mister Exovaryn?"
  23. (Alucard B. Carden)
  25. There was no reason to answer immediately, and thus one responded with silence, only approaching midst it to instill an underlying theme of dread that reaked throughout one's facade. It was a message of boisterious volume, weighing down heavily upon the shoulders of the unsuspecting. In reality, it was truly a gravitational field in flux, intensifying the weight of one's unphased mass against the earth, leaving movement relatively restricted, though far from outright barred.
  27. "Valmasians are those whom were born on this land, and transcended from others born on this land, for all that there ever was. What classifies one as a Valmasian is their belief that they truly belong in the paradigm instilled. My roots point elsewhere, and I will not classify myself as those whom would choose to murder my people... No, I am no Valmasian, boy." He finished with venom laced throughout.
  29. "What limits you is the simple fact that you are another member of this evergrowing fungus that is Valmasia. Though, there is means of redeeming youself, even as one, as young as you..." He went on, nearing the closure of his speech.
  30. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  32. Alucard took a step back, the intimidating nature of the mans occult powers beginning to show themselves as emotions of dread and fear began to wash over Alucard as the spoke. It seemed that Exovaryn had taken his question a bit to seriously. It was times like these that he wished he had someone to hold onto...
  34. ... Like Saeko.
  36. Alucard however, did not hide his tail and run just because of Exovaryn's intimidating actions. He grit his teeth and stayed, his curiosity getting the best of him. He paced around back and forth a little bit, never keeping his eyes off of Exovaryn. As he walked around a little, grabbing a severed arm he had stolen from a yokai's corpse and picking at the muscle tissue beneath the skin and over the bone that stuck out from it's broken end, he said to Exovaryn.
  38. "W-What...", he cleared his throat, trying to make it seem like he was not scared at all, putting on that nonchalant and cold face of bravado, "I mean... what do you mean redeem Mister Exovaryn? What could I do to redeem myself?", he squeaked. He sounded like a regular child now, being over-shadowed by something greater than he.
  40. No matter how cold and unintimidated he looked on the outside, if you looked into his eyes, you'd see the look of a nervous nine-year old trying to not choke on his own words.
  42. (Alucard B. Carden)
  44. In the end, he was just talking down to a mere child, speaking as though one was competent to grasp hold of anything he spoke of. The probablility of one so youthful, taking comprehension of the philosophy that the Harukean claimed to uphold at such a young age was slim. It was because of such, that Voss stopped placing explicit efforts into the matter, as noted during such initiation of inbound conclusion.
  46. A sigh from the figure came with the halt of his approach, looking down with the gleam of his inverted eyes locked upon the shorter child.
  47. "There is no point in bothering with the conversation any further... You're far too young to understand." He finished, glaring over the boy with further silence forced into the confrontation...
  49. "...Go, go on back to your village... To Alteros with you. " He ordered, "You're too young to be traveling anyways. You don't belong out here, boy.."
  50. With that, he turned his back, flailing his mantaeu with the likeliness of a cape, hardly fluttering in the non-existant breeze, and making his departure northbound.
  51. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  53. =================================================================================================================================
  55. =================================================================================================================================
  57. With a potential ally in the south, Innoruuk crept back toward the citadel in the hopes of procurring more of his kin, or perhaps even mercenaries, to come to his aid in solidifying his new bond. Though to get there, he had to pass through the woods in front of Byson, a dangerous place for his kind, especially now with war looming on the horizon.
  59. For the most part, his journey was peaceful enough. The yokai who were weaker than him kept their distance, animals scurried away, and the typical lower rungs of the bandit rings of course knew better than to attack him, but there was always the potential of something even more dangerous than him lurking in the shadows.
  60. (Innoruuk)
  62. Left to his solitude, hopes of obtaining solace began to wither with the haunting visions, the bombarding images of his beloved deity. It was nigh possessing, leading him to develop insomniac symptoms. The body grew limber and body weight reduction shown throughout the Harukean's physique. He was growing weaker, albeit still naturally growing thanks to undeveloped physicality, muscularity was receding to display the rib cage wrapped beneath the flesh.
  64. Movements were commited to via laxed tread across the unfamiliar scape. The vacant eyes of the traveler strained to gaze into the foliage encompassed horizon, failing to peer beyond that, that was simple greenery. Life was everywhere, but within his perception, and thus could only be detected through the sounds he managed to come across in his aimless wander.
  66. No destination determined, and no plans to enact considering the current events. With the Black Gate closed down, he was stuck upon the eastern regions of Valmasia, to wander and rethink his plot...
  67. A sigh escaped his personage, finally succumbing to the urge to rest, falling backfirst against a tree and falling still, immobile without a thing in mind aside from his hauntings...
  68. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  70. When the other forms of life surrounding the yokai were roused by the presence of another, Innoruuk began to glance around to see if he could locate the source. Thin strings of mana were sent through the yokai's feet through the earth, searching vigilantly for the cause of the distraction, and when he finally located the source of the distraction on the very outer reaches of his tendrils of mana, he began to close the distance between himself and whatever creature was unfortunate enough to find themselves in his presence.
  72. If he weren't actively searching for him, Innoruuk would have missed the lithe man beneath the cover of the trees, swathed in dark clothing to aid in his incidental camoflauge. As he approached the resting man, he half wondered if he were on the verge of death, this was hardly the place to sit down, he was one of many reasons not to do so. Though he didn't get too close, and from a safe distance he barked out to them,
  74. "Tiny creature, why are you out here in the forest..? Are you here to thin the horde of yokai before the war..? Or are you an unfortunate traveller..?"
  75. (Innoruuk)
  77. The resting, was unresponsive; Unmoving for the moment the Yokai spoke, and shifting with time alloted to signify pending response. He had heard and processed the words said unto him, and came to conclude that perhaps this individual whom approached him was speaking of events he had grown ignorant to. Perhaps, there were scenarios of the society inhabiting the city-states about that would impose a threat to his well-being? From the sound of one's short mention over to him, it was something to think about: War...
  79. The figure pivoted to face the voice's origin, turning to meet the facade of Innoruuk, a Terras that towered over his own form in height. "War?" He echoed in query, "Is there a war coming that I should know of?" He asked, prior to standing upright, drowsy as he was prior.
  81. He failed to answer the question aimed towards him, focusing on aspects he deemed more important to himself, rather than the beast. Though, this was merely because his vision had not alligned well enough to clarify what surrounded him just yet, and thus, to him, this encounter could've been when an unhealthy traveler passing by.
  82. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  84. With several moments passing before he even received a response, the yokai had taken a step backward and prepared to pivot on the balls of his feet to leave a corpse be, but when the rustling of movement said otherwise, he halted abruptly. Innoruuk nodded once as he stated plainly,
  86. "Tilandre and Byson are on the brink of war, it's only a matter of time before the actual fighting begins. Quite a good time to make a name for oneself...forge alliances..At least in my opinion. Though it isn't only Tilandre and Byson that will be fighting, I hope. These woods are brimming with my kn and humans who are...less than desirable in most of their 'civilized societies'. I'm hoping to gather up as many as I can and aid in the war effort...Make Byson fight on two fronts..."
  87. (Innoruuk)
  89. The Harukean didn't know how to take this news, coming to learn that like him, there were others looking to fight against what he dubbed 'Valmasian'. However, couldn't these personages be classified as Valmasian as well? "Byson, fighting on two fronts?" He asked, "For what, might be the cause?" He requested, prior to making assumption.
  91. "I've heard of the laws that forbade any of the Occult... Would it be due to their discrimination? Rebellion against their law? What reason would there be, to do battle against their land aside from what I've come to assume." He replied, shifting forth with naught but a single leg to fortify a stance, implying regained and strengthening consciousness.
  92. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  94. As initial shock set in, of course came the questions, ones that brought a thin smile to the yokai's face. As he chuckled lightly, a dismissive wave of his hand was thrown out in front of himself and a shrug of his shoulders was given he replied quite bluntly,
  96. "The reasons that Tilandre and Byson are going to war are of little concern to me. All I care about is the utter destruction of Byson. My reasons for joining the fight are my own, and are uninfluenced by human politics, though they aren't exactly hard to figure out either.
  98. With Tilandre attacking from the south, and whatever forces I can muster attacking from the north, both sides of Byson will not be able to properly defend itself, at least ideally. They achieve their ends, I achieve mine. So, I'll ask you again, are you out here to cull the horde and thin out my potential numbers, or simply a traveller who has lost their way in the woods?"
  99. (Innoruuk)
  101. As much distaste as the Harukean had for Valmasian kind, he was far from a contradicting murderer and failed to find sufficient cause to join up in their fight. He sighed at the restatement of the question, falling to silence whilst pondering on the opportunities that could unfold.
  103. There was experience and further knowledge of the sides and opposition should he had badgered himself, but there was no motivation to coincide with those he percieved as beneath him, unless it was their aid to his own cause.
  105. ...But could the implied individuals supporting this Yokai's cause back his own? Perhaps their stygian mastery within the arts could accelerate the manipulatible capacity at his disposal? But what guarantee did he have? The silence was broken with an answer that would break the building tension-
  107. "...I suppose from what I've heard. I have no part in this fight... I'm a traveler with his own goals and intent in mind." His head rose enough to reveal a glint of the nasal region, hardly allowing light to peek upon the occular region of his face, to prevent recognition.
  109. "A traveler whom stands for a cause surrounding what is: Equivalent Exchange that has yet to be instilled in this society of transgressors. I'll be passing by now..."
  110. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  112. With each moment of silence that passed, Innoruuk began to grow impatient. To him, it was a simple question to answer, though apparently it required more pondering than he'd initially thought. However since he had his answer, all be it a cryptic one in and of itself that revealed next to nothing to him, the massive creature took a step closer toward the Harukean and inquired calmly,
  114. "Equivilent exchange, hm? You may need to explain to me at a bit greater length than simply stating what your aim is so vaguely. What are you seeking, and how do you personally value what's exchanged for it..?"
  115. (Innoruuk)
  117. The Yokai requested further information from him, rather than relinquishing him from their conversation-- Apparently, there was some potential seen in what the Harukean had to say. Perhaps, the Yokai was persistant in his efforts to recruit as mentioned prior? Voss couldn't be sure, but certainly wasn't pained against explaining further. Any individuals interested in partaking in his practiced philosophy were encouraged, as portrayed.
  119. "Explain it?" He replied in an echo, "There is naught much more to explain. For what there is to be lost, to be destroyed, to be vanquished, there must be something regained, something created and reimbursed to compensate. This is nature's law, and that of what I and my people have condoned to for as long as I've come to know and learn." He answered, "If I'm commiting to any task, such as revolution as I am assuming you and others are hoping to accomplish-" Already, the Harukean proved inept to the Yokai's purpose and volition wished to be enacted upon Byson.
  121. "I suspect means to justify the means.." He finished. "For every life vanquished in a hunt, another is fortified, whilst every murderous member of society executed leaves way for many more of innocence to flourish in their place."
  123. "How do I value from this?" He asked in the form of introduction to his preceeding statement.
  124. "It is not a matter of mere benefit... But a matter of morality... Morals: Something I assume Yokai simply fail to sustain. Though, purpose does not coincide this disadvantage. Your lot are slaughtered for this flaw amongst other stereotypes, and I feel some sympathy, though that is digressing from the topic."
  125. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  127. As the harukean unveiled a bit more about what exactly he believed, he nodded a few times, actively listening and engaged in the conversation. There seemed to be a slight chance that he could be bent to his side, though from the sounds of things, his effort would need a reward to match it, something that he had no objection with, those who he had found loyal were always rewarded quite well.
  129. Since he didn't want to allow an opportunity to slip through his fingers, he beamed the man a pleasant, but merely political smile as he inquired boldly, "And what would you view as proper justification for an act such as waging war? I view my cause as morally good as anyone elses. Byson strikes at the heart of our weak and young children before they can even fight back, putting them down once and for all would put an end to it and allow our kin to fourish, as much as they can within our society anyway."
  131. He left out the bit about them eating each other, though that was neither here nor there.
  132. (Innoruuk)
  134. Innoruuk's choice of argumentive evidence was well-placed, leaving the Harukean to falter to it and succumb to silence. His departure was postponed, if not outright ceased to formulate a proper mental field to process the conflict betwixt Yokai and mankind. He had known Yokai to be relatively violent and aggressive, tainted with the facade of malign creatures-- However, it all had justifying causes in his perspective.
  136. - The need to feed
  137. - Xenophobia
  138. - Masters of the Occult
  140. The three factors in conjunction with dozens more varying to the innumerable cases throughout Valmasian history were prone to spark defensive and agitated responses upon the members of a race that discriminated and genocided their kindred for so long. It was burned into history time and time again, with such length that not even the Harukean could fathom a time where Yokai existed with dominance nor stature that ever threatened humanity.
  142. Yokai, to him, were like Harukeans...
  143. Genocided and often times, hunted, and frowned upon for generalization within the stygian arts; Maybe this Yokai had sufficient reasoning, considering the points that could've been raised.
  145. "Yes... I see.." He replied, "So, they've taken from you and your kind, and you wish to exact fair trade. "They've murderized without true purpose, and you wish for vengence. Understandable.." He nodded, "In that case, I can stand to fight against transgressors of that magnitude. Persona under that guise are subject to eradication... That is the Will of the Gods of Fate."
  146. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  148. Today was a lovely day! What all with another bandit camp raided for no other reason than shits and giggles and to fulfill the unending bloodlust of the womanly fiend. The scent of human blood was very fresh in the air; and her figure for a moment; embraced such lovely smell. Her white jacket, black-leather attire; and tan-appearing skin were dirtied by the vital liquids of her prey.
  150. For a time, she sat absent-minded in the center of where the bandits once camped. In a way; she was doign society a favor by getting rid of such cretins...and it also helped that no one would really miss them and hunt her down for her choice of victims. But all fun must come to an end, and like any being hunted by the majorities of society; she must continue her nomadic life.
  152. Hours were spent slowly trudging along, still distracted by the scent, taste and texture of her last one-woman banquet. Upon hearing another individual talk in the distance, her speed hastened and her body appeared in what would seem like a blink of an eye to those not trained with advanced preception skills beyond the human norm. The manaless woman simply sat near the tree. Her bandaged up woman-of-choice resting between her arms and legs, leaning agianst her shoulder. The nails of the woman seened to have ripped through her gloves. Black as night, and sharper than even most Yokais.
  154. A single lollipop was in her mouth, and her figure still reeked and appeared covered in blood. "People will prosecute against what they don't understand. Instead of accepting the beautiful diversity. Humans are cowards who when their pride or lusts are threatened they grow envious or fearful. Fearing what they don't understand leads to violence...and death. Lots and lots...of beautiful artwork." Her tone of voice seemed bored and expressionless, yet her voice was hymn-like. Her features expressed someone rather youthful, but she clearly spoke as someone with a tainted form of wisdom.
  155. (Carmine Amaranth)
  157. As things started to tilt into his favor, his smile became a bit more genuine. Despite being forced to work alongside humans, and other humanoid creatures who had more often than not regarded his kind as little more than mindless beasts, the few nuggets of corruptable and pliable humanity he did find were becoming more and more numerous by the day.
  159. While Exovaryn was already agreeable, a little more coaxing couldn't hurt, so he added a final point, "I don't see it as vengeance, I see it as justice. They, and many, many other humans, have wronged my kin, and should not expect any less from us in return."
  161. Though before he could say more, the distinct scent of blood, freshly spilt blood, wafted over into his direction. An intoxicating aroma, even if it wasn't the delectable scent of yokai blood but that of a human, and one that forced his head to swivel over to Carmine as she approached.
  163. "And are you a victim of such discrimination..?"
  164. (Innoruuk)
  166. The Yokai had consolidated his point and earned the Harukean's support as portrayed with a final nod of acceptance. From what he's heard so far, everything this Yokai was working towards was for the greater good. This was all an effort to revolutionize the land he was stuck upon, and respond to the cruelty of its inhabitants with equal force. As sound as the encounter had proven thus far, it failed to persist for too long.
  168. Another traveler seemingly stumbled upon them, appearing northbound in correlation to the Harukean and Yokai's positioning, beckoning attention with an introductory speech on human behavior. It was as though conducted with expertise, accredited via the encounters of one longlived and prosperous in the field of philosophy as well as talented in knowledge of the psychological domain... At least to a Harukean inept to the processes of the commoner thoughout the land.
  170. Was this another whom had felt the discrimination of Valmasian's inhabitants? Just like many other travelers, this one felt different, having well-timed their entry, however, they were smothered with the metallic stench of blood. It wasn't uncommon, but something he'd suspect from an opposing party-- Was this a participant in the coming war spoken of prior? He couldn't be sure, but it was certain something was off at a glance. One couldn't pick off any details that set them apart otherwise...
  172. The dreadful tone in their voice lead to the assumption that, they too, have come to understand of the society they lived in, albeit from a far more grotesque angle. Their choice of words implied a beauty in the destructive urges that plagued the humanity Voss came to know... The same humanity he distanced himself from, swore to ascend beyond...
  174. "It would seem as though she is.." He answered Innoruuk, taking premature assumptions, "Perhaps, the people in this region are far more, proactive to the oppression casted upon them." He babbled, prior to outright pivoting towards the new arrival without another word to purchase her entrance.
  175. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  177. Giggling like a little schoolgirl, Carmine continued to sit in near the tree. Her eyes were focused on the Harukean. "I am but a weapon in humanoid form. One who slaughters for the sake of my own blasted amusement. Someone who has been outcasted from society and tortured in my mortal life. Someone who find a certain...allure to the humanities hypocrisy." Extending her right hand, it would rotate, head tilting to the right. For a moment she worked toward what words she wanted.
  179. "They preach peace and love. Yet every village is certainly on the brink of war with another. Yes? And for what reason; really? They want peace but always create conflict and war! The want love but always murder and kill. Yet when beings who have to survive on these destructive ways appear? They go and illegalize their presence. Kill them. Develop ways to fight them. They fear these things because in the end...they see the darkness in their hearts manifested in these forms. Thinking defeat of these forms; slaying of their forms can destroy the darkness in their hearts but..."
  181. With a smirk, exposing her fangs for the briefest of moments. "This just grows that darkness. Allows it to captivate their heart more."
  182. (Carmine Amaranth)
  184. With a brief glance cast over to the Harukean, he simply nodded and muttered, "It appears so." Though as the woman continued, giggling giddily, the yokai raised a brow. He'd never seen another humanoid creature so callously disregard the existence of the others before, there was definitely something peculier and intriguing about her. As she spoke, he became more and more engaged, every word that dripped from her tongue making her ever more agreeable.
  186. There was one thing that stuck out more than the rest of what she said though, a weapon in humanoid form, perplexing. At least to those who weren't exactly sure as to her supernatural origins. A friendly smile was beamed toward her all the same, seeing as she may well be a prime candidate from recruitment alongside the Harukean and he spoke cordially,
  188. "And was it your love of violence that brought you here, while Byson was on the brink of war? Or is it merely a happy coincidence that finds you amoung us today? Whichever is the case, what you say is true at it's core, and brings me to my next question, would you be willing to stay your hand against the two of us in exchange for a bit more fun? Imagine the look of fear that would plaster the faces of your enemies if you joined us in an assault on Byson in the war. They'd have Tilandre's Navy blocking them in, their army to the south, and the forces we muster up to the North. There would be no escape."
  189. (Innoruuk)
  191. The Harukean was intrigued by the new personage's perspective on the matter, nailing topics with exemplary accuracy according to what one has seen and heard thus far. The people of Valmasia were worthy of the entitlement of living contradictions. Magi claiming to be heroes whilst murdering those they fail to accept as equals or co-existant entities in their enviornment. He couldn't deny it, given the evidence provided to him, time and time again throughout his ventures throughout the continent.
  193. It gave him time to think, and with plenty of negative perspective mised upon the commoner having festered to aid in developing one's plunge into the stygian art, plagued by the nightmarish visions that were of his alleged goddess, Voss had made up his mind with what he was presented with.
  195. Albeit, biased, he cared not for fair trial uopn those whom wouldn't deem it fit for him. "It is only fate." He responded towards the Terras, "Or as others dub it, 'Karma', it is the means to an end, long overdue..."
  196. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  198. Laughing and rearing her head back, her lollipop fell out and onto her lap, smacking her own thigh, whatever the Yokai had said once processed was entirely, completely humorous to the bloodied woman. When her head reared forward, Her grin was full; those dastardly dagger-like canines with razor blades for her other teeth were exposed. Her sunglasses were tilted and hanging slightly off her face. Glowing crimson eyes beneath them.
  200. "Surely. You jest."
  202. "Surely you would not ask the ex-communicated youngest Maven in the history of Byson to throw up her arms against Byson for the likes of...You? I did not just hibernate for nearly a decade and a half to remove myself of eras past to allow myself to die at the hands of someone discovering my re-emergence? I am a dying breed. Hunted to extinction worse than Yokai. At least Yokai have freedoms in Alteros, a place where a timeless being like myself does not."
  204. With another maddened laughter, standing up and grasping onto the covered depraved katana, she eyed the two individuals beofre her, using her left hand to push her sunglasses back proper on her eyes, though her mouth stayed agape; allowing those fangs to be visible. For a moment she scanned those near her. Her voice range with a vibration of depraved energy, stripping it of the beautiful harmony it once had.
  206. "What's in it for me?"
  207. (Carmine Amaranth)
  209. Doubled efforts seemed to be in vain, the words of both he and Exovaryn apparently fell on near deaf ears. A glance was cast over to his direction, and while he couldn't agree more with his position, it seemed that Carmine was yet indifferent to their cause.
  211. With new light shed and valuable information received, his toothy grin spread a bit wider as he devised another idea. In life, she was someone who was among the highest ranked of the Aegis, someone who knew their workings quite intimately, if she could be swayed, it could be the final nail in Byson's coffin. As he took a few steps closer toward her, he tried to make his response as enticing as possible,
  213. "With the information presented to me, that leads me to believe you're one of the undead, aren't you, miss? I can think of no better way to sever your ties to your old life and eliminate those who would linger in the area to hunt you than destroying Byson.
  215. You may have been a Maven at one time, but it has passed, fight alongside me, and we can put the humans in their place. I wont treat you like a piece of lowly trash as they would, or some sort of vile monster, you will be at the very least my equal in all aspects! What you will get my dear is respect, respect and the chance to stoke the flames of your dying race!"
  216. (Innoruuk)
  218. A woman whom reaked of the desire to succumb to wrath and murderous intent, thinking so lowly of humans similar yet extreme when juxtaposed to the Harukean's distaste. It was soon apparent she was unlike the others he'd come across, merely by that of her speech: The context and tone implied self-identification as something unlike human characteristics, however, there was no evidence aside from the Yokai whom seemed to jump to said conclusion.
  220. He had only heard of legends of the unnatural, closest to realizing some as a reality were that of the visions he was tormented with, which were nothing like what he was hearing now.
  222. Resting the previously mentioned information aside, there was the claim of this young woman being that of Byson's Maven. A high member of a society, yet rejected and damned to their dedicated hunts. It was enough to leave him bemused, rather perplexed by one's dub of the femme as 'Undead'. She stood, walked, talked, yet held a clinging morbid theme to her facade that set her apart from most...
  224. He didn't have anything to add in rhetoric to the conversation, nor a word to barter her attention nor favor, thus fell to silence to hear the bargain continue betwixt the Yokai and Undead without his intervention, preferring to spectate for better comprehension of what was going on.
  226. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  228. Siiigh. He said it. The word. The one word that she -despised- being addressed as. Her hand grasped at where the end of the scabard of her weapon would be. And with a flick of her elongated thumbnail, a click could be heard. Left hand grasping onto wher ethe handle would be under the bandages, within a blink of an eye; the woman was standing right before Innoruuk. No she was not simply standing.
  230. Her blade was drawn; and with it, the screeches of the damned who's blood was trapped within it's depraved and cursed blade let lose. The depravity waves that emitted form the weapon caused trees to decay, The blade was pointed downward at the Yokai's face. her expression was now lacking in amusement. Speaking aloud; her tone expressed her irritance.
  232. "Manslayer. Fiend, Demon, Devil, Vampire, Chriopteran. You may address me as any of these. But to call me a rotting corpse. To denounce my divine beauty will have your head rolling on the floor faster than you can scream 'Fuck Kraus'. I hope we have an understanding."
  234. And there she stood, waiting for a response.
  235. (Carmine Amaranth)
  237. While it was a feat of extraordinary and supernatural power, it was one that the yokai didn't bat an eye at. He'd had swords drawn against him before, never ones so depraved as this, yet with the miasma of the occult working in his favor, or any other swordsmans, it was likely they could produce a similar effect. It was simply him staring right back down toward her, and a single nod was given as he chuckled and retorted,
  239. "I meant no offense, of course. You are far from a rotting corpse, more a rose, crystallized in it's prime, yet with thorns that still stain scarlet as a reminder that it is still dangerous. Though that's hardly an answer to my propsotion."
  240. (Innoruuk)
  242. Dropping to the ground a distance away, back toward the tree the womanly fiend had seemed to use as her position of choice, the sword she had wielded was grasped and flickered, barely making a sound as it was returned to its scabard with the bandages soon seeming to self-wrap back around the hilt.
  244. "I will only fight Byson if it becomes a threat to my existance or my dear cousin Trillie Avharain's bloodline wishes to seek the throne yet again. Otherwise it is a meaningless endeavor. I perfer my violnce to have a meaning. It is then that it becomes an artform." plopping back down wioth a rather lackidaisal expression, her lollipop was placed back between her lips, causing the demoness to stare off into the distance.
  246. She seemed so harmless now, for some reason or another.
  247. (Carmine Amaranth)
  249. While he wasn't exactly thrilled with her response, it didn't exactly hinder him either. a loss he could accept. An apathetic shrug was cast in the vampiress' direction as he replied, "Very well, though I'm sure there would have been plenty of candidates to turn your dying race into a once more flourishing one. Though if you reconsider, I'd be happy to fight beside you."
  251. However spoken words weren't always the most truthful, and a devious smile spread across his face. There was more than one way to skin a cat, and perhaps this lady of the dead could be yet coaxed, the wheels simply needed a little grease.
  252. (Innoruuk)
  254. =================================================================================================================================
  256. =================================================================================================================================
  258. The onsets of war! Traders being stressed and paranoid! Plenty of easy-to-spook bloodbags! War was wonderful! The fear and the terror in the air were great signs that a bloodbath was about to occur! Oh how it made the fanged woman frolic in the woods, swinging her arms and legs around; breaking skulls of animal, Yokai and non-Magi traveler alike! She giggled in her own little bit of carnage; as if prepping for the carnage of war that would soon follow suit.
  260. "War and death...war and death! I can't decide which I like more, The fact people fight eachother over hypocritical views or the fact they are willing to end life for said hypocritical views~."
  262. Hopping after a nice slaughter-pile was created, the fiendish woman landed upon a branch on one of the trees. Seemingly not inclined on drinking the blood. After all there was Yokai blood in the mix...and that wasn't the most enjoyable flavors. That and Non-Magi blood wasn't all that delectable either.
  263. (Carmine Amaranth)
  265. Voss had found himself alone within Bygonegrove once more, but this time, hunting not for other magi nor Yokai to aid his cause, but investigating the femme he encountered prior. One claimed to be of undead stature, and self-appraised nigh divinity in facade, easily winning the interest of the Harukean whom wished to understand more of Valmasia, not for further judgement, but for knowledge to ensure the security of his decisions.
  267. If this entity knew more than he did, and proved more capable than he was, perhaps they'd be more useful. It was likely they were aware of this, considering they refused to side with the Yokai unless they had direct fueling purpose to partake, and thus lead to the manifestation of visualized value within the individual, effectively branding themselves to be a 'person-of-interest' to Voss.
  269. "...You there.." He called out from above, hovering beyond the soiled grasslands, tainted in the sanguine paint of victimized humans and wild life that fell prey to the woman's wrath. It was a hellish display, grotesque to the commoner's eye, yet settling upon the Harukean's gaze without reverence true to the nature of the transgression, thanks to the desensitization he had been forced to adapt to throughout the years.
  271. To him, it was likely justified via the words she spoke in her defense prior-- These traders were all Sinners of one crime or another, corelated to the needless slaughter and war of their own people, and thus, leading to the imagery of Carmine becoming no less than a policing force over these contradictions: A vigilante operating under the cloak of ambiguity beneath the mask of the bygone forestry- A vampire...
  273. "From before," He crossed his arms, sustaining the solemn tone he managed prior, albeit imitating a callous entity, shaken at his core to some extent, at the raw display of raw violence enacted upon the cadavers spread throughout the immediate scape.
  275. "I want to know more..." He started his descent to level out with the vampire, but slowly, as though cautiously rethinking the deed as he lowered closer to one's notable reach. "I want to know more about your designated purpose... Are you a vigilante against the criminals that are members of Valmasia's society? Do you allow them to repent through the blood, for their sins enacted against themselves and your kind? Describe this ordeal to me, I ask of you..."
  276. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  278. The questions brought up by Voss only made the young-looking woman swing her right leg back and forth. Her eyes locked upon the Haruke as he approached. Oh my, what a guy. Being so curious as to come by a vampiress who had just paraded around senselessly murdering various living organisms as they approached? He didn't seem all that interesting, but of course she'd speak in a manner to answer his questions.
  280. "I said I am a weapon in humanoid form. What I kill is for the sake of killing if it is within my territory. I do not care for the loved ones. I do not care for the goals. The sins, the crimes. If a human life comes into my domain and is not with the potential to hold my interest, I will oftentimes kill it before it finds out anything about me. Does that answer you?" The Chriopteran woman stared down toward Voss at the end of her speech. Though she rolled her tongue visibly once. "Though I suppose most the time I just wind up with bandits who plan to violate my majestic form or animals who plan to make me their prey..."
  281. (Carmine Amaranth)
  283. A weapon... I see..." He didn't have much to add to that, setting foot upon the ground and gazing up towards the vampiress whom sat upon the trees. If her words were true, it was likely that Exovaryn was under the scope of judgement as they spoke!
  285. Perhaps he had already recieved a verdict, preped to be carried out? Perhaps the vampiress had decided him worthy of loitering in her presence, but for the most part, she shown no hostility towards him just yet and he was standing without impairments for the moment, enough to suspect the scene was safe enough, for now...
  287. However, there was, yet again, her means of speech that allured one's attention. Phrasing and attitude that implied superiority, akin to Exovaryn's perception of himself, instilled by fellow kindred, against humans. What made this woman worthy of the classification of 'majestic'?
  289. When gazed to a scrutinizing degree, albeit still clung to a youthful state of physicality, deceptive imagery was contradicted with the fact that she was truly beyond the state of Death: Undead; A reanimated cadaver manipulated by the soul, only via the volition of Cain's Curse.
  290. "I see... So, your usage is justified through mere existence... You explained how you were created by the sins of mankind. You are... The manifestation of their wrath, and now you merely permeate about... Seeking use for your bloodlusts... If I'm not mistakened." He formulated.
  292. "Yes, you've answered my question, but it leaves me with so much more.." answered the intrigued Harukean, taking a single step closer to the tree that parted the duo.
  293. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  295. With a roll of her eyes, the woman seemed to lazily sit upon the branch, her eyes staring off in the distance. Her head was slumped to the side opposing of her drooping leg whilst the other leg laid across the branch. Both hands resting upon her body. One on her lap and the other upon her neck.
  297. "You may ask them. I may be a monger of war but I do enjoy an intelligent human who is willing to learn and understand." Though her body language was lazy at best, her vocie still carried that eerie beauty to it. Everything about her form could easily allure prey attracted to the female body in to an untimely death. Such was the way of the vampire.
  298. (Carmine Amaranth)
  300. From the look of things, such babble on the subject did not flatter the woman, but moreoff bored if not badgered her. It was mostly the roll of her eyes that implied such, leaving him rather hesistant to continue onward, and even bothering to ponder on further queries to prepare.
  302. Perhaps, the lax stance mean't her solitude and inactivity lead to boredom? Would use of her alleged assigned purpose break her from such state? Such was a barrage of questions he couldn't hope to know, but more than willing to test such out on the femme throughout his inbound speech.
  304. Oddly enough, her statement seemed to contradict her body langauge, though it was likely the Harukean was merely misreading the message provided. At a closer distance, details could be picked out-- Aside from the shades and burgandy locks that scaled her physique, providing a bewitching display nigh mesmerizing to one ensnared to the volition of carnal drive, the woman had few tell-tale properties that were pointed out only via the spoken acknowledgements from the Yokai and implications from Carmine herself- Exovaryn was coming to understand, that before him, was truly a vampire.
  306. It took a while, but the legends were typically rejected, and when faced with the unexplainable, one could easily jump to conclusions, but before him was pseudo-indeniable evidence against assumptions that disproved the existence of vampires. The news of the past was not amalgamated via the demented nor the slanderers of Valmasian society... But what could he possibly ask a creature he knew no true limits of? One he knew no true facts to pin to its name and classification, considering he denied their existence for the duration of his lifetime until now...
  308. "You mentioned yourself being of a rare... Kind... What happened to others like you?... Were there more vampires? How many more? Where are they now?" He started, "What is it like, to be... " He paused, lost for proper terminology, "So... Longlived... Is that the source of your divinity?"
  309. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  311. The questions that came only made the Vampiress contemplate them for a moment, staring off into the distance. What was it like to be a vampire? To be so long lived? How many more are there? Questions like these she did not truly know. "I suppose My'aell and his band may still be around. My sire is missing and perhaps dead. This may be the case with his sire as well. I had a number of my own children but one got himself caught and slain by his human-life brother and the other betrayed my trust. Turned others without my consent and was the cause for myself to nearly die from being found out..."
  313. A deep breath was given. Though she didn't truly need to breathe, it was somewhat a habit she never found got out of besides when in state of hibernation. Her lungs were practically redundant outside the ability to store air for when she needed to speak. "I killed one of them and all his fledglings. Of my type? I am the only remaining that I can truly account for. Vampirism is a lonely and depressing lifestyle when the reason you thirsted for the power no longer is around nor are you able to feel a passion for anything but carnage. Most the times my feelings are mute if they even exist at all. I don't just need blood to live. I need it to -feel-."
  314. (Carmine Amaranth)
  316. Exovaryn couldn't find himself with the ability to relate in the slightest, given the fact that he lacked this urge. He did not suffer the curse of Vampirism, and thus could never understand the life of one. It's curse of undying immortality contradicted some of its faults with the capability to live onwards for an eternity given the opportunity, albeit, outliving all one could ever love could prove detrimental to one's psychological development...
  318. Loneliness to such extent was unmatched by whatever the Harukean could come to comprehend...
  319. Though, there was a flaw that generated estrangement for himself as well: Occultism. Although, he was far from one of the only Occultists upon the land, he was a member of a rare alleged race of humanoids assuming themselves superior to mankind. Their numbers harshly dwindled prior to the demolition of Mormegil and the genocide within Nostvale under Hirano reign--
  321. Patriarch Eutan Haruke, being the last entity of true resistance against this oppression was gone, as well as hundreds of other Harukeans whom fought valiantly for a chance to exist undisturbed by fellow Valmasian forces... In such a case, it was likely he -could- compare to his Vampire, minus the powers he possessed unique to his people.
  323. "...I see..." He answered, "In such a case, I imagine it to be carnal... A desire that you must feed to ensure a balance... But aside from such, you have found yourself distanced, thanks to the many whom would hunt you, and the many that have betrayed you. It is, indeed a curse... Though, for one whom is built to last forever, I imagine one's ability to ascend to heights far beyond that of humanity... Not so much in a matter in which I've heard, but more... Deity like... With your power, I'm sure you can be remembered for generations to come... Has this ever crossed your mind?"
  324. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  326. To deify herself. It was one of the reasons the vampiress chose her life. To bring upon a new age, a new world order. But all of that seemed so distant now with the threats such as the inquisition still surviving. Still thriving in corners of the world. They much like the Vampire were little snakes that crept into little holes when endangered and knew how to teach others...survival through succession.
  328. Lift off the tree, the vampiric maiden floated downward toward the Harukean in a manner that seemed non-violent, he was interesting despite his youth. Someone she could actually communicate with and desired knowledge over the hypocrisy of humanity's typical mentality. Upon approaching him, the zip-line of her leather armor garment was slightly pulled down, just barely exposing the upper portions of her collarbone and chest. Beneath the armor was her natural skin-tone. The porcelain white, deathly tone naturally attributed to vampires created of fair-skinned individuals.
  330. Her hand jolted out toward Voss's hand, with an attempt to grasp it in a hold that wouldn't break with physical strength alone. Red eyes locked onto the individual before the Vampiress, only to place his hand, flat palm intended, upon the exposed flesh.
  332. Cool, without a warmth beyond that which was trapped beneath the leather garment. She spoke in her typical emotionless tone. "Cold. Entropic. The absence of life. If I was ever to be deified it'd be as a goddess of destruction, death, and the end. No one would worship what is not capable of creation and only capable of destruction. My body would be dead if not for the Curse of Cain that empowers me. I am not even able to create a life, produce children outside spreading my own blood into the wounds of others; spreading Cain's influences.
  334. Tell me, though I may be timeless; whatever would there be to worship about me?"
  335. (Carmine Amaranth)
  337. The Harukean moved not an inch, embracing whatever endeavors his speech may've purchased from Carmine. With her aid, a hand would find morbid flesh, devoid of true life yet preserved through the curse that reanimated her vessel, locking a soul bound form utilizing its own circuit, barred from exacting use of it through natural magus means, yet empowered by it through the supernatural alternations.
  339. Though, she was an embodiment of destruction as she had dubbed herself, an incarnation of Wrath, and monger of War, her properties- Qualities, imitated a deity Harukean philosophers had known for centuries: The Gods of Fate- Namely, Lyperion Utovex. The femme of deitic porportions was fabled to lack the slightest of imperfections, capable of omitting lacerations and defects upon their physicality with mere cognitive reflex on the matter... And here before his eyes, was one fabled with the same capability.
  341. The mere name of 'Lyperion Utovex' in Xsperitan tongue proved, "Creation via Destruction", the very prelude to one's practiced perception of true justice- 'Equivalent Exchange', mentioned in his previous conversation and repeated time and time throughout their encounter. Though, now, all he could do was put the pieces together, completely mislead by the visions he was plagued with...
  342. Was this the silhuoette he had envisioned in his dreams? The nightmares? The premonitions? Was it mere.... Fate?
  344. "Creation via Destruction." He answered unto the fiend, "You are capable of the perfect exchange, equivalent exchange, whether it'd be for treatment of the humans beneath your judgement, and purification of others you deem fit... Lyperion Utovex..." He finished. "A goddess of fate... Immortality is not the absence of life, but perfection of it. Is that not the belief of the Azrealites that inhabit these lands?" He concluded with a rhetorical query.
  346. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  348. "The Azraelites fear me. They are one of the ones with the capacity to hunt me down and slay me where I stand. Though I am timeless, there are still means to end my existence. Until they are willing to accept myself as a needed evil in this world, I cannot even appear before them." It seemed that THe Harukean before her was a bit more open minded, and thus allowed her influence to grasp ahold of him with much more ease. It was then that her desires boiled up. He could be used.
  350. He could be a tool to her desires, and one who she could perhaps start upon her own deification. Her own followers who saw her more as a goddess and less as a fiend to be feared. It was then that she dropped his hand from her grasp and adjusted the zipline that covered the alabastor flesh. Her eyes locked upon Voss, only to have her unused hand lightly place itself upon his cheek. "You are different from most of humanity. You do not choose to slay that which you do not understand but instead, try to seek it's knowledge."
  351. (Carmine Amaranth)
  353. "And that.." he started with minor irritation, though far too feeble in tone to be differentiated from his previously utilized tone of voice, "-Is because I am not human, and do not intend to be dubbed as such, just as you wish not to be soiled with the title given to you by the Yokai." He answered.
  355. "I am a Harukean, and rare upon these lands because Valmasians have sought us out, constantly purging our numbers. Even before I was born, they were treated akin to fresh game... I was one of the fortunate ones to have lasted this long." He was an oblivious man whom wished only for survival and justice dealt in favor of his own kind, growing callous of the consequences as opportunities turn up. This, was but another opportunity..
  357. Where a vampire could see him as a potential gateway, he percieved Carmine as means to further his knowledge and fine-tailor his experience with Valmasians in such a way he could fortify the lines drawn betwixt himself and them, without growing absolutely oblivious to their strategies, mentalities, and threatening demeanors that could prove destructive to himself and his intentions.
  359. Cold flesh resting against his visage was not batted with a flinch, but a locked gaze with vermillion hues from his ebonical pair of inverted eyes, practically glowing of a soft auburn at close range. "I've been searching these lands for those different from the rest for a long time..." He answered finally, "You, alongside a selective few, have proven rarities upon this land... I hope to one day see aid in a revolution that will... Lead on to the creation of a New World... A distant dream, but one I am prepared to sacrifice for to attain."
  360. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  362. For a bestial woman such as herself; there was little to gain of what the Harukean wanted to be called; but ultimately if she wanted allies or pawns, she'd have to dance on the niceties. Well unless she planned to beat them to a pulp and turn them. but it seemed Voss had usages in his human form rather than as a vampiric creature.
  364. With a light double-pat slap like a parent would impart onto a child, she withdrew her hands, lightly grazing his cheek's flesh with her blackened talon-like nails, one of which was drawn up to her lips and lightly nibbled on. "I suppose. But Biologically, are you different than a human, and if so; by how much. The stench of your blood is still enough to wish me to feed upon you, my dear.
  366. As for this aid you wish. I will need compensation upfront. If there is something I cannot gain and is handed to me...before my eyes. I am not going to risk myself for YOUR cause. Know that well." She then stepped back and spun; back facing the Harukean, staring off into the distance while biting her nails. The femme fiend was plotting something.
  367. (Carmine Amaranth)
  369. With her pivot came a moment to think for himself-- He'd need something to wager with, if he was to earn her favor for a cause, just as demonstrated prior. Nothing had changed aside from the fact that he came to understand the entity better than one did prior. Perhaps, such could've been used to his advantage?
  370. "No, you wouldn't risk yourself for my cause..." He agreed, watching her regardless if her gaze looked back upon him in recognition.
  372. "But, what if I could promise easy pickings without a risk..." He started, seemingly contradicting his claim to equivalent exchange upon bringing up the subject. "What if, I granted you an offering that came with guidance rather than deliverance?" He pursued the idea of potential aid, should interest be won over.
  374. "What if this cause wasn't focused around me, but a tribute to you?..." He finished with a weak curl of the lips breaching the once solemn face of the Harukean, finally revealing the fullest of his visage with the sweeping motion of his right arm, relinquishing alabastor threads of his hair to drape over his blackened scelera and hardly shroud the pupils that harbored Carmine's reflection within their wake.
  376. He failed to answer the question concerning identification with discretion encompassing Harukean anatomy, for no formal experimentation nor knowledge of Harukean capability has actually been transcended throughout Xsperitan history. Though, with shifted focus to a new topic, it was assumable that such flaws repliance wouldn't be pointed out. A vague touch on the matter was uptaken with miniscule delay spacing out his initial speech and what would follow:
  377. "Give me time, and aid from future followers of this cause, and I will show you what differentiates me from humanity." He claimed.
  378. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  380. Carmine Amaranth: Tribute to me..? Explain.
  382. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: You are, a Vampire. Yes?
  384. Carmine Amaranth: Yes.
  386. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: You must taste, must -feel- the blood of your prey; If the legends are true... It is your very nature, according to what you've told me...
  388. Carmine Amaranth: Go on.
  390. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: In such, offerings felt most suitable, for one such as yourself. I assume such to be adequete... 'Payment' for aid in my cause... In other words, compensation, as you request.
  392. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: A tribute, being a sacrifice, in your name...
  394. Carmine Amaranth: As if I was some sort of goddess getting ritual sacrifices?
  396. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: You question your own self-acclaimed divinity?
  398. Carmine Amaranth: Mmm...You know my meant enlightenment.
  400. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Enlightenment... I see.
  402. Carmine Amaranth: One of my goals was to pave the ways for a new generation of people no longer hindered by the foolishness of your typical human Magi.
  404. Carmine Amaranth: Mmmm..
  406. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Where ever there is humanity, there will be that of Sin. With sin, ignorance, malice, and a concoction of other destructive tendencies spawn...
  408. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Foolishness is but a byproduct...
  410. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: To pave such a way, you'd have to see means to create a New World...
  412. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Such requires revolution...
  414. Carmine Amaranth: Become my High Priest and I'll be your Goddess. As far as sacrifices. Virgins. Perferably youthful. Their purity is ever so amusing to corrupt and their fear gives a certain sweet taste to their blood.
  416. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: High Priest... It... Would be an honor. <*Falls to a knee to initate in a kneal*>
  418. And so, the Vampiress turned around; eying the Harukean who kneeled before her. How lovely. How....very...very lovely. Already he was kneeling, wishing to see such a woman as his deity. How marvelous. A being of humanity truly coming to terms with her divinity. With her power...with the urge to fulfill her goals and her dreams. Leaning forward to his forehead, she'd plant a light kiss; if only so the act of kindness could perhaps seal the deal.
  420. "Carmine Amaranth. Eris Ryzen. Lumina...These have been the names I've used throughout the ages. The Goddess of Destruction. Queen of Carnage. Empress of Annihilation. So long as you tribute to me...I shall spread my love and influence."
  422. With that, she'd stand, looking at Voss with a wonder on what he planned to do. How would he spread the word of her existence as an immortal without calling her a vampire?
  423. (Carmine Amaranth)
  425. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Lyperias... A segment that is, Lyperion Utovex.
  426. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I will call you by Lyperias, assuming such title suits you.
  428. Carmine Amaranth: Hmm?
  430. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: One whom is unphased upon the flesh by mortal wounds, as I've heard in legend...
  431. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: One is undying, immortal....
  432. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: One is, a seer that transcends that of the common...
  433. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: The supernatural, and thus worthy of a name inspired by a God of Fate...
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