
Tell me a story, reading wench!

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Steph stepped out of the shower, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her body. Shaking the water out of her hair, she blinked a few times to try to get her eyes to focus, spotting the grey cat sitting on the counter next to her necklace, bracelets, and glasses. She faintly saw fucking Hugo bat at her things with his paw, sending her necklace into the sink and down the drain. "No!" She rushed over to the counter, smacking her hand into his butt to send him off the bathroom vanity, staring into the sink for a brief moment of panic before she remembered there's a trap under the sink.-
  2. Covet: Felix made his way in with the book that he'd picked out for Steph in his hand. It was kind of a shock that he wasn't immediately greeted by Penny at the door, clearly everyone was in the bedroom and bathroom area. "Must be a good show to not even greet me and say Hi....STEPH I'M HOME!" He called out. "Please tell me Remy's corpse isn't sitting in the bathtub right now....he added with less of a yell as he walked into the bedroom.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Felix's voice, she instantly panicked because she didnt want him to know what happened to the necklace she gave him, reaching over and pushing the bathroom door shut quickly. "No! Everythings fine!" She called back to him, trying not to be fucking suspicious. She knelt down on the floor, opening the cabinets and sticking her head underneath so she could poke around under there. She'd never actually opened the trap, but she'd seen Bryan do it before so it couldnt be that bad, right? Using her hand, she unscrewed the lock on the pipe, pulling it away and peering up into the pipe to see some shit stuck up in there. "Shit..."-
  4. Covet: Felix tossed the book to the bed and raised an eyebrow as the door was slammed on him. He gave a smirk, thinking she was in the process of doing something sexy for him. "Oooh, what are you doing in there, Red?" He asked in a sultry tone. C'mon Felix... you know you aren't getting laid for a while still.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Nothing... just... hold on..." She said in a strained voice because she was trying to fish her jewelry out of the pipe with her fingers. Pushing up to her feet, she turned the water on in an attempt to flush out the chain enough that she could grab it, climbing back under the sink and sticking her fingers back into the pipe. Water burst down out of the pipe and into her face, letting out a loud yelp before smashing her head into the cabinet. "Fuck!"-
  6. Covet: "Oh.. uh.. okay?" he said then went to press his face to the door trying to listen in. " Red... are you okay in there?" He asked her hearing the comotion on the other side. "Look I appreciate you doing something nice for me, but you don't have to go about hurting yourself while doing it."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She put her hands over the pipe to keep the water from pouring out even though she wasnt helping the fucking case with her hands. "Shit shit shit shit shit...." She looked around for anything she could use to stop the water from coming out, trying to push the pipe back together, but the water pressure was too high and even though her necklace came out, she was powerless against the wrath of... THE SINK. Because now there was fucking water all over th einside of the cabinet and covering the bathroom floor. "Everythings fine!" She called out to him in a panicked tone.-
  8. Covet: "It doesn't sound fine... I'm coming in..." Felix said once he picked up on her tone. He pushed open the door, seeing the water everywhere. "Uh... What the hell happened?" He asked her, immediately going to the faucet to turn it off, even though that's not where the water was coming from.
  9. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "I made a mistake!" She shouted, choking on some of the water that was spewing out everywhere. "I can't get it back together." She fumbled with the pipe some more, pushing as hard as she could to get it to connect, but no dice.-
  10. Covet: "Hang on..." Felix said when he realized that the problem was coming from underneath. He opened the other cupboard door, to see Steph looking like a drowned rat. He reached over to where the hot and cold water knobs were and turned them both off, so that the water would stop coming out. " helps to shut those off first before you go pulling pipes apart, now for my next question, why were you messing with the pipes?"
  11. Covet has left the chat
  12. Covet has joined the chat
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed her sopping wet hair out of her face, grabbing her necklace from the floor of the cabinet and sliding out to stand up. "I guess I dont remember Bryan turning those off when i saw him do this..." She frowned, feeling a little dumb. "Hugo pushed my.... things... into the sink."-
  14. Covet: Smiling at her, also a little wet now, he gave a shrug, "No biggie, maybe you just didn't see him doing it? Or he turned of the water main." Felix said then climbed out from under the sink, making a face cause now his socks were wet and nobody likes wet socks. "Aww man..."
  15. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : (WET SOCKS ARE THE WORST)
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I guess. He's always been the one that was good at this sort of shit. He wasnt the absolute worst to live with when it comes to being handy." She clenched her fist to hold onto the necklace tightly out of Felix's sight. "Speaking of which, I need my oil changed. Think he'd fly out here to take care of my car for me?"-
  17. Covet: "Probably...He typically shows up when you call.. and when you don't. I'm sure he'd take the excuse. Though.. he's probably going to give me shit, because I didn't do it. Which... I can do if you need...but If Bryan's willing to come here just to get his hands dirty, tell him I'll pay him thirty bucks to do mine too." He said as he peeled his wet socks off.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "You're lucky I let you drive my car. You expect me to let you change my oil?" She stammered, gawking at him a bit. She shifted her drenched towel on her body, walking over to grab a fresh one and quickly replacing it on her body. "I dont think Ive ever actually seen you do anything mechanical."-
  19. Covet: "I take offense to all of that. Have I ever proved I was a bad driver? The only wreck I've been in was because some crazy bitch fucked with my breaks. AND as for never seeing me do something mechanical, You're right I typically don't. But an oil change isn't that hard.. It's messy, so typically I just pay some other place to do it, so I don't make a mess. That doesn't mean I don't know how." He said crossing his arms, because he was lightly offended.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know..." She trailed off, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I feel weird about people touching my car who arent Bryan. And I definitely wouldnt pay just anyone to do it." She raised her brows as she looked at him. "You can't honestly be surprised."-
  21. Covet: "I'm not surprised. I'm offended...obviously." He said with a mock scoff, " I was just offering, in the off chance you didn't want to deal with Bryan being here and being all up in your business like he gets." Felix walked over to her after watching her change out her towel. His wet socks still in hand as he wrapped his arms around her, "I just wish you trusted me to be gentle with your things, just as much as you trust me to be gentle with you." He tilted his head to the side giving her that face with the look that just made him so damn loveable. You know the look...The cheeseburger look.
  22. Alexithymiaa: (I hate you)
  23. Covet: [AHAHA]
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh.... sure you are. Soooo offended." She said with a small laugh. "I trust you to be gentle with all of my things. But my car? That's... thats my car. I value that car more than I value myself." She said quickly trying to make her point why she cares so much, but that definitely came out wrong. She pursed her lips, watching his face and trying not to smile at his adorableness. "What if something happens?"-
  25. Covet: "I value you, more than myself. Which means... that I to value your car...more than myself. Nothing is going to happen. Well.. I might get some oil in the driveway, so have some cat litter on hand, but I've got this... just trust me... pleaaaaase." He told her with a big smile.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She couldnt help, but cave when he was as fucking cute as he is, exhaling deeply. "Fine. But you better not get oil on my car. Or in my car. And I want to watch you do it just to make sure youre being careful. Deal?" She asked, tugging away from him so she could walk out of the bathroom, pulling one of his t-shirts out of her drawer and setting it on the bed.-
  27. Covet: "I won't even need to get in it while I'm dealing with the oil. And yeah that's fine of course you can watch. You can be my little helper. Maybe I'll even get you a cool set of coveralls." he told her as he followed her back into the bedroom, " Your book is there on the bed too. I think you'll like it. It's called "The Map of Time" By Felix J. Palma... I think you can see why I chose it, but it's a period novel set in Victorian London, that has H.G Wells, who's saving the lives of other literary classics like Dracula and all that, and there's time machine stuff. It sounded interesting. There's even some romance in it."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like a good pick." She said with a smile, slipping the shirt over her head and pulling it down before going to toss the towel into her laundry basket. "You know I have overalls, right? I use them for painting and art mostly, but I honestly dont trust myself with the car so it's better if I dont touch anything." She climbed up into bed with the book settled in her lap, watching the end of the bed where almost everyone was lying.-
  29. Covet: "That's cute that you think Overalls and Coveralls are the same thing." Felix said a little more condescending that he probably should have. "Regardless if you have them, Save those for painting and art. Coveralls are like a whole thing sleeves and all that you just wear over your normal stuff so they don't get Oil and car gunk on them."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "They're... not?" She asked, furrowing her brows because this is a world she never explored and always just let Bryan do his thing and take care of this shit for her. "Oh. Well.... it's fine. I will stay a safe distance away from the oil and car gunk. I wouldnt want to wear something like that anyway." She paused, opening the book and looking at the first page. "Are you getting into bed, or what?"-
  31. Covet: "Hey, Maybe I was having a mental fantasy of you as a hot gear head girl...I think you'd look hot in Coveralls." He said with a wink, then sighed, " I guess... if I Have to..." He smirked as he stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed with her.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "How about you keep your mental fantasies in your brain for now, where they belong. And please, don't do me any favors. If you dont want to get into bed, you're more than welcome to sleep on the couch with the cats." She spoke with an easy shrug, slouching down in bed and focusing on the book.-
  33. Covet: "Excuse you, you just invited me to live with you, my stuff isn't even moved in and your'e already forcing me to the couch? Rude..." He said then wiggled about in bed to get comfy because his ass was going nowhere. " I think it's your turn to read to me this time."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "And what did I say about that? The beauty is that you still have to be here, but can only be banished to the couch. And I would be more than happy to read to you if you're willing to get up and get my glasses because I got comfortable before I realized I can't see any of this..."-
  35. Covet: "And you tell me that just as I get comfortable. Woman.. I swear..." He said getting up to get her glasses, bring them over to put them on her face and give her a kiss on the head before resuming his comfy position. "Now.. tell me a story, reading wench!" Felix said with gusto, then realized that was not very nice. "I'm totally just kidding, please read to me."
  36. Alexithymiaa: -SHe instantly shot him a fucking look because boy you can go sleep on the damn couch. Holding the gaze for a long moment to prove her point, she went back to the book before starting in to read to him so they could both fall asleep nice.-
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