

Mar 8th, 2020
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  1. # This is a template config file
  2. # define your parameter and its value like:
  3. Messages:
  4. ErrorMsg : "&c[EBTool] : Some error occured."
  5. NoSuchBookType : "&c[EBTool] : No such book type (%type%) is available."
  6. NotEnoughExp : "&c[EBTool] : You need at least %exp% to get this type of a enchantment book."
  7. UsedExp : "&a[EBTool] : You've used &e%exp% &aexp to get a book of &e%type%&a. You now have %left% exp left."
  8. PlayerOffline : "&c[EBTool] : Player (&e%player%&c) is offline."
  9. NoPermission : "&c[EBTool] : You don't have a permission to use this book (&e%type%&c)."
  10. BookGiven: "&a[EBTool] : You've given a book of &e%type%&a."
  11. BookOpened: "&a[EBTool] : You've opened a book of &e%type%&a, and got &e%booktitle%."
  13. HelpMessages:
  14. banner:
  15. msg: "=== &e[&aEnchantmentBookTool Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
  16. help:
  17. msg: "&a/ebtool help : displays this help menu."
  18. reload:
  19. msg: "&a/ebtool reload : reloads config file."
  20. permission: "enchantmentbooktool.reload"
  21. debug:
  22. msg: "&a/ebtool debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
  23. permission: "enchantmentbooktool.debug"
  24. get:
  25. msg: "&a/ebtool get <tier_name> [amount] : give an EBook randomly configured and selected from a list of enchantments list under <tier_name>."
  26. permission: "enchantmentbooktool.get"
  27. issue:
  28. msg: "&a/ebtool issue <player> <tier_name> [random|book_name] [amount]: issue an EBook to <player> without EXP cost."
  29. permission: "enchantmentbooktool.admin"
  31. # adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
  32. # interfere with other plugins' event processes.
  33. EventPriorityMap:
  34. PlayerInteractEvent: "HIGHEST"
  36. # whether players need to use exp to get book or not.
  37. UseEXP: true
  39. #
  40. # if this option is set to "true", only a plyer who has enchantmentbooktool.use.<Tier_name>
  41. # permission node can use <Tier_name> book
  42. UsePermission: false
  44. # UnOpenedBook's name MUST start with %type%
  45. # UnOpenedBook's lore MUST have at least one line WITHOUT %type%
  46. UnOpenedBook:
  47. title: "%type% Enchantment Book &r(Right Click)"
  48. lore:
  49. - "&7Examine to receive a random"
  50. - "%type% &7enchantment book."
  52. FireWorkEffect:
  53. Color: GREEN
  54. Type: STAR
  55. Power: 0
  57. EnchantmentSets:
  58. Common:
  59. Name: "&aCommon"
  60. Exp: 30
  61. Books:
  62. Common_Armor:
  63. Name: "&aCommon Armor"
  64. Targets:
  65. - DiaArmour
  66. Enchantments:
  67. Protection:
  68. mode: +
  69. min: 1
  70. max: 1
  71. Success:
  72. min: 20
  73. max: 60
  74. Destroy:
  75. min: 2
  76. max: 10
  77. Common_Tool:
  78. Name: "&aCommon Tool"
  79. Targets:
  80. - "*"
  81. Enchantments:
  82. Efficiency:
  83. min: 1
  84. max: 3
  85. Success:
  86. min: 20
  87. max: 60
  88. Destroy:
  89. min: 2
  90. max: 10
  91. Rare:
  92. Name: "&bRare"
  93. Exp: 300
  94. Books:
  95. Rare_Weapon:
  96. Name: "&bRare Weapon"
  97. Targets:
  98. - Weapon
  99. Enchantments:
  100. Guardian:
  101. min: 1
  102. max: 3
  103. Lightning:
  104. min: 2
  105. max: 5
  106. Success:
  107. min: 20
  108. max: 60
  109. Destroy:
  110. min: 2
  111. max: 10
  112. Rare_Tool:
  113. Name: "&bRare Tool"
  114. Targets:
  115. - Weapon
  116. - Tool
  117. Enchantments:
  118. FireProtection:
  119. min: 1
  120. max: 3
  121. Jump:
  122. min: 2
  123. max: 5
  124. Success:
  125. min: 20
  126. max: 60
  127. Destroy:
  128. min: 2
  129. max: 10
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