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Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. PHUL (Power/Hypertrophy Upper/Lower) (1st variation)
  2. Hypertrophy - High reps and lower weight focus on mass building (done at home gym)
  3. Power - Low reps and higher weight focus on strength gain (done at commercial gym)
  5. Monday (Lower - Hypertrophy)
  6. - Dumbbell/kettlebell goblet squats (wide stance)
  7. - Walking lunges
  8. - Dumbbell RDLs
  9. - Glute bidge/hip thrust
  10. - Leg press (narrow stance) SS calf extensions (this saves time because you can do both on the same machine)
  11. - Leg extentions SS leg curls (A finisher for bulding those quads, do these until failure)
  13. Tuesday (Upper - Hypertrophy)
  14. ** I always like to start my working sets w/ pull ups first as it warms up my shoulders a little more for bench/pushing exercises
  15. - Wide grip overhand pullups/pulldowns (make sure thumbs are on the same side of bar as fingers, this puts less focus on biceps and more focus on lats)
  16. - Incline dumbell bench press
  17. - One arm seated cable row (this helps combat any imbalances you may have between left and right)
  18. - Cable chest flys
  19. - Arnold press SS cable lateral raises (this really punishes those delts)
  20. - Hammer curls (women love big forearms) SS tricep pushdowns
  22. Wednesday - Rest
  24. Thursday - (Lower - Power)
  25. - High bar back squat
  26. - Conventional DL
  27. - Front squat
  28. - Lying leg curls
  29. - Leg press (wide stance)
  30. - Standing calf raises (to failure)
  32. Friday - (Upper - Power)
  33. - Weighted pullups
  34. - Barbell bench press
  35. - Bent over barbell row
  36. - Incline dumbbell press
  37. - Chest supported T-bar row
  38. - Barbell OHP
  39. - Weighted tricep dips (finisher)
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