
i cant think of a good title for this pastebin rip

Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. Day late pastebin whatever.
  3. Game stuff:
  4. Played a bunch of PUBG now that the servers arent horrible anymore, its been really fun. Even though I still don't think rank means much its kinda nice to have gotten top 1000 in squads and solos. The hidden mmr does make a difference in the quality of players, when i was rank 630 in solos I could definitely tell. I did a bit of data recording on how much my rank changed based on my placement and it seems like your rank goes up (even if its only like 5 mmr points) as long as you get top 30 or so. This number changes based on your mmr and the mmr of the people in your game I'm sure, but I think the sweet spot for gaining rank is like top 30 (this is actually one of the main reasons I think the ranking is flawed).
  6. Ranking system aside, the game still owns, its really fun. I think my next goal is going to be to play more aggressively with little regard for rank, but high regard for kills. I want to get more airdrops too.
  8. I may have a new speedproject coming up. Itll be a secret (unless you already know because I told you) for now since I'm not sure I'll even go through with it. Even if I do decide to do it, it will definitely start off as a weekend thing only since its a bit of a longer run.
  10. Other stuff:
  11. Now that I have my Roku set up with Plex, I've been watching a lot more anime again. I watched Kimi no na wa (aka Your Name) last night and enjoyed it. It looks beautiful and the story is solid, but I do think it was a bit overhyped. I hope no one takes this the wrong way but it felt like "my first anime movie besides Spirited Away" and I think a lot of people tag it as the best ever because they don't have much to compare it to. I don't think its bad by any means, and I highly recommend watching it if you haven't, but if you asked me what's the one anime movie you should watch, I would probably recommend you something else (like Wolf Children). The best thing about Kimi no na wa was by far the visuals and the opening theme (see my song at the end of the pastebin).
  13. I'm also watching Kiznaiver and I like it so far. I don't skip the OP at all which is a high praise from me. The song is super super good. (see the other song at the end of the pastebin). Hopefully it continues to be good.
  15. SGDQ and other event stuff:
  16. As everyone probably already knows, SGDQ starts this weekend. I will be attending for the entire time. Come say hi to me if you see me. I really need the vacation because I've been mentally fried at work lately. I can't wait to see my friends again.
  18. I am becoming very sad that I can't also go to Anime Expo this year. I just don't think its financially responsible for me to spend an extra 1k on top of SGDQ expenses. I'm really jealous of all my friends going. The event owns and I hope everyone has a good time.
  20. Possible other events on the horizon include:
  22. Dreamhack Atlanta - This was kind of a surprise addition, I barely even knew this event was happening. Andy is on the "Dreamhack Stream Team" so if anything I'll probably go for a little bit. Knox and Darkman might also come down for the weekend.
  24. Anime Weekend Atlanta - I'll for sure be going to this event in September. And most likely will be cosplaying for the first time. I want to do multiple cosplays but I'm nervous about doing a solo cosplay. A bunch of us are doing Persona 5 cosplay so be on the lookout for pictures of that once I order it.
  26. ***Reminder that you should play Danganronpa 1 and 2 if you haven't and you should play Nier: Automata if you havent and you should stream both of them and tell me you're doing it so I can watch.***
  28. Idk what else to say and I need to get back to work so heres some songs (2 i talked about and 1 surprise):
  29. Zenzenzense -
  30. Lay your hands on me - (yeah i know its 'extended' its the only version that isnt pitch changed or remixed from what i can find)
  31. Surprise song -
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