

Nov 4th, 2011
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  1. [20:18] <Kooky> Please delete Luhque from your forum.  =3 I don't think I can play her here after all xD
  2. [20:18] <Kuari_Sidhe> You CAN but you need to stop HARPING
  3. [20:18] <Kooky> ...What? 
  4. [20:19] <Kuari_Sidhe> Or maybe just Luhque needs to be
  5. [20:19] <Kooky> Why the heck are you shouting at me? 
  6. [20:19] <Kuari_Sidhe> You are NOT cutting anyone else some slack on things
  7. [20:19] <Kuari_Sidhe> Kuari was sayign there was a misunderstanding when you had said something
  8. [20:19] <Kuari_Sidhe> Luhque takes it as his saying that's what she said
  9. [20:20] <Kuari_Sidhe> when he said people MISUNDERSTOOD what she said
  10. [20:20] <Kooky> I'm playing my character.  I'm not taking offense to anything IC on an OOC level.  And now you're yelling at *me* over *my character* when all I wanted was her removed because playing her is difficult for me due to her attitude. 
  11. [20:21] <Kuari_Sidhe> no I'm not yelling
  12. [20:21] <Kuari_Sidhe> if I was yelling it would be in all caps
  13. [20:21] <Kuari_Sidhe> I take one word an cap it
  14. [20:21] <Kuari_Sidhe> before they invented bold that's how we bolded stuff
  15. [20:22] <Kuari_Sidhe> maybe Luhque will not fit in. but you can try a different character too
  16. [20:22] <Kuari_Sidhe> what I'm saying is that you the player seem determined to have luhque leave
  17. [20:22] <Kuari_Sidhe> even while you talk about a different character
  18. [20:23] <Kuari_Sidhe> if that is true, retire luhque and try it with a different character
  19. [20:23] <Kuari_Sidhe> maybe you are right and luhque can't fit, no reason why another can't
  20. [20:24] <Kooky> She's small but headstrong, and was explaining things from ehr perspective to a character who knew nothing and wasn't involved, and only reacted poorly when Kuari paraphrased her words wrongly by his perspective.  =/ I'd rather simply remove Luhque from here.  That was all I was asking you..  and got jumped on about her... 
  21. [20:25] <Kuari_Sidhe> Sorry
  22. [20:25] <Kuari_Sidhe> I'm trying to deal with about 20 things at once and didn't mean to sound like I was jumping on you
  23. [20:25] <Kuari_Sidhe> I'm trying to think how to rebalance things
  24. [20:25] <Kuari_Sidhe> but it's hard when she asumes the worst
  25. [20:25] <Kuari_Sidhe> and I have to go by what Kuari overheard
  26. [20:26] <Kuari_Sidhe> And Remind me to boot LWL in the butt
  27. [20:26] <Kuari_Sidhe> he doesn't play with anyone he can't have sex with sometimes
  28. [20:26] <Kooky> I think maybe *I* don't fit in as similar to my character.  It's been fun at times, but I'm going to just wish you guys luck and move on.  It was nice meeting everyone for certain. 
  29. [20:27] <Kuari_Sidhe> how about you DO try another character first
  30. [20:27] <Kuari_Sidhe> or give Luhque time
  31. [20:27] <Kuari_Sidhe> like have her interact with Feline
  32. [20:32] <Kooky> I don't have any others who would be sutiable honestly.  =( That's why Luhque is my tester character, so to speak.  Right now she's literally un-playable, since she feels everyone of authority is twisting her words and has ganged up on her.  *I* don't even want to play her like this.  She's usually happy-go-lucky and eager to please while being philosophical and showing some wisdom in her
  33. [20:32] <Kooky> <snip> otherwise feral head.  But she's not like that here due to things..  and *I* keep having bad experinces on an OOC level.  Which makes me feel terrible.  IC, I can handle and try other characters..  but because of how I feel from my own experinces and sour interactions, I'm not sure I even want to.  =/ It's..  a hard thing to admit, but there it is. 
  34. [20:33] <Kuari_Sidhe> you are letting Ogre who admits he has some problems influene you
  35. [20:33] <Kuari_Sidhe> OK
  36. [20:35] <Kooky> I feel like very much the outsider, and I know I am from being new.  It's a series of misunderstandings I suppose. 
  37. [20:35] <Kuari_Sidhe> It is. You need to speak out
  38. (At which point he began ranting in his OOC room about me and Ogre needing to talk, which had nothing to do with this)
  39. [20:38] <Kooky> It's not something I should have to do.  And nobody should be some middleman or anything of the sort.  And well..  being singled out, only makes me more nervous and feel terrible. 
  40. [20:38] <Kuari_Sidhe> THEN SAY SO
  41. [20:39] <Kuari_Sidhe> out there in public not to me
  42. [20:40] <Kooky> So, thanks for all, but I can't handle it I suppose.  I was talking to *you* not to the OOC where everything gets known by strangers.  And Ogre has been *fine* all day... 
  43. [20:42] <Kooky> Yeah, just remove my character please, and thanks.  I'll remove my webs account when I get logged in. 
  44. [20:43] <Kuari_Sidhe> No
  45. [20:43] <Kuari_Sidhe> I don't bother to do ANYTHING for people who run away like whiney brats
  46. [20:45] <Kooky> Nice maturity there.  This vibe I was getting is exactly why I wanted to leave.  =/ You're an OP, act like one.  Be mature, and handle situations, and don't jump to conclusions that chase away your players.  And yeah, needing to lie in other rooms is just rude.  I not once whined about MY CHARACTER being picked on aside from saying I'm removing her because of her attitude. 
  47. [20:45] <Kuari_Sidhe> Except to ME girl
  48. [20:45] <Kuari_Sidhe> And I warn people
  49. [20:46] <Kooky> Point it out.  I did not go "Oh everyone's picking on my character, oh dear, fix it please!" 
  50. [20:46] <Kooky> If anything, i laughed and found the misunderstandings hilarious, minus the one in OOC where IC mixed. 
  51. [20:46] <Kooky> Also..  I *can't* delete my character from your forum.  Only a moderator can. 
  52. [20:48] <Kooky> Delete.  My.  Character. 
  53. [20:49] <Kooky> I don't like my property posted at places I'm not involved in.  That's the *only* thing I've at all asked of you. 
  54. [20:52] <Kooky> Really, remove it please. 
  55. [21:27] <Kooky> Delete.  My.  Character. 
  56. [21:44] <Kooky> Delete.  My.  Character. 
  57. [22:48] <Kooky> Still waiting for my character to be deleted. 
  58. [23:49] <Kooky> Still waiting for my character to be deleted.
  62. And in the hub:
  65. [20:42] <Kuari_Sidhe> Anyone got a 2x4 I can use for whiney characters
  66. [20:43] <Jaye[Sleep]> :o
  67. [20:44] * Ghorum ( has joined #RPG-Hub
  68. [20:44] <Kuari_Sidhe> I had someone who had to whine in my ear about how EVERYONE was picking on her character
  69. [20:44] <Kuari_Sidhe> Even when her character pulled the shit she was whining about
  71. [20:46] <Kuari_Sidhe> TRILLIAN BROKE that again
  72. [20:46] <Kuari_Sidhe> and I don't want to talk with you til my temper c ools
  73. [20:47] <+Kooky> The delete my character already...  And really, stop broacasting your lies and issues to others and dragging me into it.  v__v That's all I have to say on the matter.  Not flooding this palce with drama it doesn't need. 
  74. [20:48] <Kuari_Sidhe> I didn't even say your name
  75. [20:48] <Kuari_Sidhe> until you wouldn't shut the hell up
  76. [20:48] <Kuari_Sidhe> And I'll delete your character off the website when I bloody well feel like it
  77. [20:49] <Kuari_Sidhe> Lets hop that worked
  78. [20:49] <Zombie> dude Kooky KEEP IT OUT OF HERE
  79. [20:49] <Zombie> we don';t want the fucking drama
  80. [20:50] <+Kooky> Exactly my point.  =/
  84. To another:
  89. [22:31] <Kooky> What happened is, I joined TBB, and was playing Luhque. Firstly, a player in ooc was making funny comments about riding my dragon. Later, I found out, the player mixes ooc and ic in the ooc room. So when I was talking to him, he was talking through his character...
  90. [22:32] <Kooky> It caused a large misunderstanding when he called my characters names in OOC...
  91. [22:32] <Kooky> I felt my character was attacked by the player, but he was talking through his character.. in OOC...
  92. [22:32] <Kooky> That was the first issue.
  93. [22:32] <ITDOESNTMATTER> Ah.
  94. [22:38] <Kooky> The second issue came when I asked Kuari to please remove my character from the forum, because I was having a hard time playing her due to her attitude on things. He blew up at me v__v Began CAPSLOCKING at me, and that was the *first* time I asked anything of him. And I hadn't even whined or anything prior. My character was upset, but not me. Her words were being twisted and lies were
  95. [22:38] <Kooky> <snip> being told about her, getting her in trouble with the guard. Basicly.. my character was leaving the IC world so I wanted her off the forum while I made another. Kuari then was upset over it.
  96. [22:39] <ITDOESNTMATTER> Wow.
  97. [22:40] <ITDOESNTMATTER> That's.. wow.
  98. [22:40] <Kooky> I voiced that because of his reaction and the prior ooc issue, maybe I may not be suited for the room. I felt like an outsider, and I didn't like all the misunderstandings. He was upset and tried to take the issue into his OOC room and drag the player I *priorly* had that first issue with into the matter, when he was innocent, and I voiced that in ooc.
  99. [22:41] <Kooky> Finally I left. I told everyone it was nice meeting them and i liked the opportunity, and vanished on good terms. Kuari went off on me in PM and pulled that crap in Hub.
  100. [22:41] * ITDOESNTMATTER sighs.
  101. [22:41] <Kooky> When *all* I wanted was him to remove my character, my property, from his website.
  104. [23:12] <Kooky> It's Luhque, and want to know the *real* kicker?
  105. [23:13] <ITDOESNTMATTER> Sure.
  106. [23:16] <Kooky> She entered the world, and was immediatly bombarded with threats, even after saying she intends no harm. She didn't understand what these space-rats were speaking of and so she just kept saying that and that she intended no harm. She not once made any threats or any move to attack or even a growl. Meanwhile, she was threatened to be shot, wasted, turned into plasma, and have her hide used
  107. [23:16] <Kooky> <snip> for luggage. *And* the Prince grabbed her by her wounded throat and shouted at her, accusing her of things she didn't say as he and the rats twisted her words. All while she had remained standing right where the portal spat her out into the world. My character was very attacked. Did *I* complain? Nope, I laughed, even when it was getting harder to play her. I *only* asked her
  108. [23:16] <Kooky> <snip> to be deleted when she left the game because of IC matters, and because it wasn;t in her personality to stay.. plus it was hard to play her. I wanted to be rid of her and use another.
  111. So Kuari took it to #help after complaining in Hub and being reprimanded for it. Hub and Help couldn't do anything because it's a LEGAL matter and has nothing to do with IRC.
  113. Then random harassing PMs started. I have the logs.
  114. Then false "copyright" notices were filed against websites I own. I have the emails.
  117. Now in Hub, here's this:
  119. [00:36] * Ogre ( has joined #RPG-Hub
  120. [00:36] <Ogre> good evening.
  121. [00:41] <Ogre> Kooky, when you filed your bogus copywrite violation complaint with Kuari_sidhe's service provider, did you stop to think that you were screwing everyone -else- who uses that site? None of them can get to any of thier content either.
  122. [00:41] <Ogre> or was that more of a feature than a bug?
  123. [00:42] <+Nymph[WoW]> This isn't the channel for that, Ogre.
  124. [00:42] <+Nymph[WoW]> Please take it to PM.
  125. [00:42] <+Kooky> Keep it out of Hub.  This isn't the place for personal issues like that.  If you want to talk about it, PM me. 
  126. [00:45] <Quetzalrofl> :O
  129. Then in PM:
  130. [00:48] <Kooky> First off, it's not bogus.  If it *was* then *wouldn’t* take action.  Secondly, that's HIS fault.  Take it up with him.  The content is suspended because he refused to remove what was mine.  After I asked multiple times, nicely, before I even left, then after I left...  then with the warning.  Then I followed through with the warning and took action.  As for the content of others, they
  131. [00:48] <Kooky> <snip> should *always* have a back up hard copy or off-site copy with word or such *and* should be able to access their records through their member account off-site if they've verified their accounts. 
  132. [00:49] <Ogre> most providers do not bother to confirm anything about a copywrite claim. they just follow the procedure 'get claim, close site'.
  133. [00:50] <Ogre> and, if I recall correctly, it was data you were told -not to post-.
  134. [00:50] <Ogre> and, you were 'invited to depart' because you couldn't stop being a raging asshole.
  135. [00:51] <Ogre> but, no matter.
  136. [00:51] <Ogre> what's your price?
  137. [00:52] <Ogre> I want my stuff back, and you have the keys.
  138. [00:54] <Kooky> Webs does *not* do that.  I get false complaints all the time.  Never got frozen.  And your information is wrong.  I have the logs of the conversation.  I even posted them to *show* people what exactly was said so it wasn't he-said, she-said.  As for a "price" there is none.  There are no keys.  I gave my warning twice.  The third time, I reported.  The price was previously having my content
  139. [00:54] <Kooky> <snip> removed, and it wasn't.  Now the cost is looking into abuse since I sent my NOI with proof. 
  140. [00:55] <Ogre> ok, what's a NOI?
  141. [00:56] <Ogre> and I'm not really suprised you get a lot of false claims, you're not exactly the most pleasant person in the world.
  142. [00:57] <Kooky> False claims are from friends of artists who don't read the "permissions" area.  Has nothing to do with personality. 
  143. [00:57] <Kooky> So, since you can't be mature without trying to degrade me, this conversation is over.  Good luck. 
  144. [00:58] <Ogre> fair enough. See you on the field.
  147. And while that was going on, this:
  149. [00:56] <kimi^sleeping> ok you won site is locked.. feel better? if/when we move the site your things will be levft off.. no I am asking you polietly to leave my players alone and stop pming them to bitch
  150. [00:58] <Kooky> He called me out in HUB so I'm responding in PM, where it belongs. 
  151. [00:58] <kimi^sleeping> QueryBlocker v1.0 by Shadow BlackLaw activated, please wait for query acceptance/refusal. Get this QueryBlocker @
  152. [00:58] <kimi^sleeping> Query accepted.
  155. So on to Ryan!
  158. [01:02] <Kooky> *Rubs her neck* Ryan, if you remember Kuari got all ticked about the PMs about my legal actions for my stuff off his site...  Well, the site got suspended.  Now his players are calling me out in HUB about it and PMing me to apparently not respond to what they badmouth in Hub via PM...  This legal issue has *nothing* to do with Hub or IRC.  Is there anything you might be able to do to get them to
  159. [01:02] <Kooky> <snip> stop?  It's out of my hands since it's all and legal stuff now.  I don't like being harassed or "bribed" to remove my claim.  I hadn't PMed any of them or spoke to them in Hub since you asked me not to.  But they haven't stopped and I don't want to sit here and take it anymore... 
  160. [01:03] <Kooky> I'm..  sorry to drop this crap on you, but it's totally unneeded drama.
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