

Apr 13th, 2017
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  1. tl;dr at the bottom. app tl summary. the text below definitely has rewrite of my own, so the accuracy is not that high. lots of slang and artistic speech the app doesn't get. wanna see this this 한번더해요 62화
  3. So, glasses tells blonde guy that FMC since then went to study in Europe, at a fashion school in Italy. He goes how he didn't knew and how eh too was abroad to study. He asks glasses if he has spoken to her, and he tells him that they chatted by messenger, exchanged pictures, but no real contact. Blonde guy asks if he has any pictures, glasses goes to search for them. Shows him a picture and blonde cannot believe what he's seeing. Apparently she won an award and received recognition, and blonde guy goes wild about how she's hot and stuff like that. Goes how isn't FMC afraid of the guys around her, to which glasses tells him that she's been training for that so she's zen all the time. Blonde then goes smth like if it were him he wouldn't have let her go(he uses slang so best guess). Yells stuff that explain how jealous he is of the male models for being around such beauties. He imagines a dirty conquest scenario of FMC by an Italian guy(shoutout to DarkrRain ^^) and goes how that might have happened. Glasses then thinks that he has a crazy imagination. Blonde guy gets sad and goes how he feels like background character in a 3rd rate movie, and how FMC has become so out of his reach since she left and feels like a stranger to him. Glasses tries to tell blonde that he doesn't have to get that affected from the news about FMC. Blonde goes smth about how it's more painful for him now, prbly smth to do with him and her relationship from before. They talk about MC how he feels different now than the one from before, and how things have changed and uses shitty metaphors to explain it, but he questions his reactions when blonde girl called him and how he acted with them(the picture, home by 2300 etc).
  5. 2 hours ago flashback, again glasses asks MC about why he never asked about FMC. MC goes how that's over and tells him to have a drink. Glasses insists and asks him what's going on with him and FMC. MC goes how its fine.. but blonde guy steps in and insists on know what's going on and what is FMC doing cause he's curious. Glasses steps in and asks MC if he's really okay, and MC goes should there be smth else that's not okay .. and goes smth like that saying, that if you love it let it go, and if it comes back to you then it's love(not sure). Goes some more how if he or she was able to live without each other all this time, then it's okay, all that matters is that they are okay.
  6. Blonde guys starts to tease MC how the army life made him more mature and strong and MC replies with a funny phrase that has to do with them being adults(not sure at all). MC takes his leave, tells them see you next time over a drink, and glasses stops him as to where he's going, and MC tell him smth as he too has to go an find it(prbly related to how FMC has her own stuff now, and so must he), and lets them have a saying that goes how you should be honest wherever you are going so you can see where you are( more bs artistic speech from MC - not sure at all). Gets a call from blonde, goes all yes i had fun, on my way home, in the cab, goes how she got home and just opened the door and runs like flash towards home.
  8. Back to the bar, glasses guy i think is asking blonde if now he gets it, and that guy goes how he's not sure, but if MC and FMC are okay, and now that they went there own separate ways(more shitty slang).. and how both are doing okay and that they should have a drink.
  10. Restaurant, boss goes how he didn't recognized FMC at first, she ask what was wrong with her face, he tells her not to get it wrong, that 2 years ago she had a sad looking face but now that seems to be gone(basically he tells her she got better and got over it), and she tells him smth in Italian that goes how life is to short to worry. Boss commends her for getting better at it but asks her what does that mean, she tells him what it means ofc. Goes how she didn't have enough time to think about her plans. Boss sucks his own dick about how good he is at spotting talent and investing in it, how FMC became the first Korean girl to go there and study in some time, how he will make a big deal out of FMC participating on the stage for lingerie in Milan, how he will call it Asian Venus and how a big brand will use her name for it. She tells him she is wants to participate in a fashion show in Seoul next week. Boss goes how that's very good to have her name shown out there, and FMC thanks and credits him for everything and calls him oppa( you know what that means ..). Boss thanks her in return for her dedication and how she is so active and agreed to it. She goes how she learned that in school. FMC goes on model speech how she needs to express her inner and external self no matter where she is without any shame, cause doing so, so will the brands she'll be showing will stand out. Boss goes how he does really understands it very well. FMC now gives him examples with the stake about what she tries to express, boss is freaked out.. and FMC starts to imitate a cow on her way to slaughter and how she envisions that situation with cries and despair, how she will die, starts too go moo moo and how she doesn't wanna die(LOL). Goes some more BS artistic improvisation like that about steak in it's rare medium or ..form. Again takes the role of the steak and shouts about no shame and more BS about it, but boss thinks that the shame it's all on him/them now.
  12. Green hair girl steps in, asks FMC if she's alright(fuck no!) and FMC calls her name, she jokes about how she knew her. Orders what boss is having, they have a talk about how many time she ate and she tells FMC she was so busy and didn't have time at all to eat. Whines that her feet hurt and boss act like a concerned individual. More talk about her injury, FMC offers to go buy something to help at the pharmacy, but green hair tells her that it's okay. Boss and her have a talk about how busy they are that they don't have time to eat. Boss asks her if it's hard working with his mother, and she tells him not to joke about it cause it's hell, but she goes 'what can i do? it's what i want to do' and 'since when it was easy to get what you want.. is it not?'(here implying on FMC ..) END
  15. tl;dr - more stuff above^
  16. MC's buds talk about FMC how she made it big in Italy at a school of fashion. Glasses shows a pic of her and blonde goes all sad he missed tapping that. They talk about how MC is changed and that. Flashback and it shows how MC doesn't care that much about FMC's current life, how for him it's a done deal. So as long as she's okay hell be okay too. Tries to leave, blonde calls him and he's all pussy whipped how he's going home right now. Blonde guys is okay as long as they are all happy on their own path. Boss tells FMC how she is changed compared two how he last saw her 2 years ago. They talk about work, and she thanks him for all he did and calls him oppa... He thanks her back for all the hard work she did as well. FMC goes full retard acting like the bs she learned at that school and improvises a cow on her ways to the slaughterhouse to express smth to boss that he didn't get. Green hair comes, she's surprised FMC still remembers her(joke). FMC is still caring and goes to buy stuff for green hair's foot injury. Turns out she works with the mother of boss. Ch ends with her and boss going how what you want to get in life isn't easy, making a pun on FMC and their pact/deal.
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