
Above the Clouds

May 11th, 2013
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  1. Above the Clouds - My Potential Return to Glorious Mediocrity - Rainbro Oneshot
  3. >This fucking place.
  4. >You had a roof over your head, and often enough had food in your stomach.
  5. >All the p0nies were friendly and nice to you, and everything you could see was some lovely shade of bright pastel.
  6. >With all the amiable company and pleasant scenery, you would think that any negativity would be a thing of the past from your old life.
  7. >It wasn't.
  8. >There was simply too much to be happy about and no escape.
  9. >No video games, hard liquor, weed, cigarettes, movies, cars, none of the interesting things or technological conveniences that you used to enjoy.
  10. >No steak or meat of any kind either.
  11. >You sighed, looked out the window, and sighed again.
  12. >The frosting on top of this sickly sweet cake.
  13. >The pegasi had decided that two straight weeks of rain would be just the thing the plant life needed to recover from the winter.
  14. >You were now looking at the second week of this constant bad weather.
  15. >It's not like you actually went outside much anyway.
  16. >Hell, during the winter you had stayed in the your little room in the library and read so many books that even Twilight was concerned about your sanity.
  17. >For months now you had as little contact with the p0nies as you could.
  18. >You returned greetings and gave the occasional smile but that was all.
  19. >Though you weren't completely socially retarded, all of their daily activities became boring quickly and most of the ponies were just too nice.
  20. >After awhile they stopped inviting you places and you saw little of any other being.
  21. >Except for Rainbow Dash.
  22. >When you woke up early each morning and went for your daily jog she was always up in the air training.
  23. >Occasionally you and her would talk but for the most part you both went about your routines silently, albeit together, and then watched the sun come up.
  24. >That quickly became your favorite part of you repetitive days.
  25. >You honestly did love the sun here.
  26. >It looked about the same as the one back home, and restored just a bit of normalcy back to your daily life.
  27. >That was why this fucking rain sucked as much as it did.
  28. >As you turned away from the window, you heard a knock at the door.
  29. >You walked to it and opened it to find a soaked and somewhat bashful looking Rainbow Dash.
  30. >You opened the door wider and gestured for her to come in.
  31. >"Hey Anon. I didn't see you again this morning. It's eight o'clock, have you done anything productive all day?"
  32. "Nope, it's been pretty dull." You said as you returned to your seat on the couch.
  33. >"Oh. Um, well do you want to hang out or something? I have the rest of the night free."
  34. "Nah I was just going to stay here and kill time until work tomorrow. Sorry Dash."
  35. >Disappointment washed across her face but it quickly turned to a playful smile.
  36. >"C'mon Anon. It's been a week with no exercise at all. Do you want to lose your endurance?"
  37. "No but it's..."
  38. >She gestured at you shirtless chest and picked up your arm.
  39. >"You're getting pale too. Bucking white even." She dropped you arm with a thump.
  40. "I don't ever tan well..."
  41. >"You know Applejack told me that when her saplings don't get enough sun, they lose their color, turn white, then shrivel up and die."
  42. "Alright, alright. What do you have in mind? If you hadn't noticed, o great master of the clouds, it has been and is still raining." You gestured towards the window, beyond which only rain and dismal, gray clouds could be seen.
  43. >She shook herself, showering water on you, your floor, and your couch.
  44. >"Yeah I noticed. But now you're already wet. So what will a little more hurt?" She said as she turned and walked towards the door.
  45. >You stood and followed her, slightly irritated and being dragged away from being warm and comfortable.
  46. "That's logical even if it was a dirty trick." You said and shut the door behind you and put your jacket on. "So what now?"
  47. >The disappointed frown returned to her face.
  48. >"Huh. I didn't really think about that."
  49. >You turned to go back inside, jacket already soaked.
  50. "Alright then. Come grab me when you think of something or the sun makes it's triumphant return. Whichever comes first."
  51. >"Wait Anon!" Something in her voice stopped you.
  52. >When you turned back around you found that she was now wearing a smile.
  53. >"Do you really miss the sun that much?"
  54. >You nodded.
  55. >She bent her knees and lowered the front half of her body.
  56. >"Get on."
  57. >You gave her a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow.
  58. "Uh I doubt that you can..."
  59. >"What are you, a chicken?" She turned her head away, muttered something about doubts, and gave you a snort.
  60. >She then gestured impatiently at you with a wing.
  61. >You walked over and swung you right leg over her back, taking care not to bump her wing.
  62. "It's not that I doubt your strength or anything like that it's just that..." Before you could finish, the two of you shot into the air.
  63. >As your vertical angle of ascent became steeper, the two of you seemed to fly faster.
  64. >You couldn't help but to grin, and as soon as you did the g-force pulled your face into an even wider grin.
  65. >This was like your Ninja back home, except with an anti-gravity option and a rocket engine.
  66. >The faster you flew, the harder the raindrops pounded your face.
  67. >You didn't care.
  68. >You tightened your legs' grip around her abdomen and leaned forward to become at least a little more aerodynamic.
  69. >You yelled "Faster!" in her ear and wondered whether she heard you above the roaring wind.
  70. >Her quick nod answered you, and you knew that her grin was most likely as wide as your own.
  71. >Upwards you raced straight into the cloud level, a cyan and white lumpy rocket.
  72. >The raindrops that had been battering your face let up considerably, and you could finally see again.
  73. >Well sort of.
  74. >As you were admiring the shape of the gray clouds billowing away from your trajectory, a bright bolt of white lightning cracked past your side.
  75. >Dash veered quickly to the left, corkscrewing straight into a thick and dark gray cloud.
  76. >With the sudden change of direction, your legs almost lost their grip on Dash.
  77. >The sound of the thunder assaulted your ears, the volume rivaling that of the wind.
  78. >Hazy darkness surrounded the two of you as you shot through this particularly dark cloud.
  79. >And then there was light.
  80. >Bright, white, and blinding.
  81. >You covered your eyes with a hand and almost lost your grip again.
  82. >After a week of gloom it took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to being above the cloud line, but when they did, it was worth it.
  83. >The oppressing grays and blues from below had been replaced by brilliant yellows right up the spectrum to deep reds.
  84. >The Equestrian sunset.
  85. >The storm clouds looked like the floor to this magnificent room.
  86. >By now Dash had landed on the nearest cloud.
  87. >"I'd recommend that you stay where you are Anon." She turned her head towards you.
  88. >You nodded, speechless for the moment.
  89. >"The sunsets are a colored a little deeper and feel a little more sad than the sunrises, but I think that makes them more beautiful." She said quietly.
  90. >You laughed.
  91. "That's poetic bordering on straight up romantic. Not what I'd expect to hear from you."
  92. >It might've just been the lighting, but you could swear her face gained a bit of a redness to it before she turned her head away.
  93. >"You tell nop0ny about this, do ya hear me?"
  94. >You ruffled her mane.
  95. "Of course not. I agree with you though. And thanks."
  96. >She nodded.
  97. >"Before we head back down, will I see you tomorrow morning or are you going to stay inside and be lazy?"
  98. "I don't see why not. Upon us all a little rain must fall. It's just a little rain."
  99. >She turned her head back towards you with a grin.
  100. >"Who's sappy now?"
  101. >You smiled and turned back towards the sun.
  102. >Today was a good day.
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