
Fox’s SGDQ Writeup 2018

Jul 2nd, 2018
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  1. Man, where do I even begin with this one lmao. An average fly out event is maybe 3-4 days, going to a GDQ is a 9 day adventure where you’re basically living at a hotel with your friends. You walk around and see all these people that have become your neighbors and it’s just such an awesome experience honestly. I’m writing this on no sleep as tradition on a plane with a baby screeching in my ear for the entire four and a half hours (I have a five and a half hour flight coming up right after this assuming I make my 30 minute connection), so I apologize because I definitely know I’m going to forget people and it’s going to hella suck.
  3. I think this event I was a lot more outgoing than I usually am at these events, I went out and did things so many more times than just hermiting it up in the arcade for the entire time. It was a really different experience, but it was just as fun nonetheless! I’m still really salty they have no IIDX and I learned from my friends that they basically voted it out since most of my friends are staff and that made me even more salty LMAO, at least bring something other than the NEONFM cab pls. They also could have brought more machines in general because the arcade had a lot of spare space. I felt really good about all the games I picked up to play at the event because people kept asking how long I have been playing and I was just like uhhhh since the start of the event and getting the funniest looks at me. I went up to clearing 44s on Pop’n, 9s on jubeat, 12 on SDVX (only playing that on the last day), and 10s on maimai. I think they actually had a really good selection of machines, so I really do appreciate the arcade even without the iidx.
  5. I had a lot of fun hanging out with all the raysfurs tbh, I mainly hung out with the 230 crew but honestly everyone I met was really chill. I finally got to hang out again with world famous artist radruler and his precious boy pikitsune, it’s kinda funny because even though he claims he wasn’t popular at this event everyone seemed to know him anyways uwu. He even introduced me to a fortnite dev, Mr Fortnite (i’m joking), aka evanosaurus rex. He was a super chill dude and he basically is the reason the dinosaur skin that I bought before even starting to play exists in the game (he also was the mocap artist for the RAWR emote lmfao). I’m excited for my last event of the year at MFF because I might get to see everyone again, although it will definitely be way more hectic since it’s probably going to be a 4 or 5 day stay for me, but most people will be around for 2-3 days max. If rad is reading this, you better play videogames with me or else I’m gonna beat the hecky out of you!
  7. As corny as it sounds, if SGDQ was an overwatch game literally every moment of the event for me was like a play of the game lmao. I had so much fun just hanging out and talking to people even if it was just for a brief moment. I stated this in my 2017 SGDQ entry, but most of my old crew of friends became staff for GDQ so they were literally all over the place and I only got to see most of them one or two times (except darkman, because he was on that maimai GRIND). If I talked to you at GDQ and you’re reading this, I appreciated the connection, I actually don’t remember everyones names but I remember what they look like as dumb as that sounds lmao. It’s kind of bizarre, but even though the event was so long I felt like I was always on a time crunch because I never had any idea of what I wanted to do or who to hang out with!
  9. Some of my favorite moments of this event were honestly just little things that I’m sure most of the people I did with will forget, so I need to write them down for posterity. A ton of these are going to be vague references, but there’s just so many I have to list them out. Hanging out with SniperKing and having him carry me through Secret Hitler, as well as just chilling while we watched MaxyLobes FEAR speedrun at like 5 am (I genuinely felt so bad I didn’t hang out more dude, you honestly bring the best energy to these events). Eating dinner with PangaeaPanga, raysfire, and frozentrually at TGIF, honestly the most fun I had just talking over food at this event. Getting trapped at a Perkins for three hours with the raysfurs. Chilling in Room 230! Setting money on fire and rolling MTG collab with Pi! Hanging out with Panga in the arcade until seeing darkman appear at like 6 am signaling I should go to sleep. Walking around and chilling with H20verdrive when we were lost boys, eating illegal burritos, and watching the celeste TAS. Going to the Mall of America and visiting the Lego store and that tea store where I got that amazing $1 drink. The Shasta Experience (both times). Mac and cheese bagel runs with the homies. Mexican food adventures at Taco Libre! Hanging out with AxelSparkster a lot more, and receiving his gift nametag! The Talk. Running into the 502 krew at arcade and the mtg draft. Burrito Friday and seeing rad make a Big Mistake. PiKitsune pod racing runs! Playing my phone games in random room parties and people being so chill about it omg, I love all of you that accept my mobile game trash addictions. The Important Thing. Roblox CSGO. Watching people react to any of the snacks I brought! Every single hug at the event. The Walk. I need to directly shout out homog and tubbyc and squishy because even though they were a part of a lot of these events, I feel so bad for not directly writing their names, so hey hello. Also it was nice to see you for like 5 hours total this event LINKO!! ​Seeing vetos and twilit and meeting tiffa!! Bark! The entirety of the final day of gdq, the melancholy hanging out and everyones last hurrah is a powerful force, as sad as it is to leave I think it strengthens all of our bonds that much more. Also all those hugs, hugs are good :3
  11. I swear I know I’m missing so many key events but all of those were just a mindflush off the top of my head, everyone is so amazing and inspirational to me and I’m happy to be friends and/or acquaintances with so many talented people!
  13. I always end these posts with a current life status update, I actually reread my old SGDQ log and I feel like I really did improve health-wise from last year. I exercise 3-5 times a week pretty normally, although I might try to do actual weightlifting again to see some extra results besides just walking/running every day. I slept this event! Basically every day except maybe once or twice, but I slept so much! If you don’t know me at all you might be like lol wtf is this dude’s deal, but anyone that does know me how amazing it is for me to sleep 7/9 nights at the very least. I didn’t get on the stream grind yet, but I was working nights part time to fuel my trips for this year, I was talking to rays about this but I’m probably going to take a year off of working just to try to grow my stream a bit more. It sucks having no energy to stream as much as I want to, and I end up being a flake by breaking promises to stream which is probably the thing I hate most. I’m looking into getting a secondary PC setup just for streaming, but first of all I want to work on my stream audio and my physical health so I can actually maybe use my cam a bit more. I feel so unphotogenic and I hate looking at myself regardless of what people tell me, I have been eating so unhealthily this event but it was so totally worth it LMAO. My goals until next SGDQ is to learn how to cook, fix my car so I can go back to driving again, learn to bort, beat hollow knight and celeste, build my stream to at least 20 viewers on average regardless of game, and hang out more with friends online :3
  15. Thank you for reading, you’re wonderful!~
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