
(vore, mild digestion) Pony Armageddon (Complete)

Feb 1st, 2014
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  1. Civilization is over. Your friends, family, everyone you knew back home are dead as far you know. Everyone but you that is. You grabbed your bugout bag, ak47, spare mags and whatever else you could carry and out the door you ran.
  3. You've prepared for Armageddon but an Armageddon brought forth by colorful, man-eating but admittedly adorable-looking ponies is something you would have never expected. Your mom and dad wouldn't be lecturing you now about your 'investment' in guns and ammo would they?
  5. Tears welled up in your eyes thinking of your family but there's nothing you can do for them now. You've been walking for days, stopping only to sleep, check your map and dodge the occasional... 'pegasus' that prowled the overcast skies above you. The fact that some of them could fly and use 'magic' unnerved you in the extreme.
  7. You were on your way to an old farm that your family owns in Kentucky. Far enough away from any major cities that hopefully you could ride out this most unlikely assault on mankind.
  9. "Certainly the might of the United States military can deal with some stupid pastel horses." You chuckled. Anything to take your mind off of just how grim your situation is.
  11. Every snapped twig, every movement out of the corner your eye, every harmless woodland animal going about their business startled you.
  13. "C'mon, Anon, get together" You whispered to yourself. With a heavy sigh, you picked yourself up and soldiered on. Sprinting across empty streets and quietly ransacking empty homes for meals to avoid burning through what meager rations that you brought with you.
  15. Staying off of major thoroughfares, sticking to sidestreets or even moving through the variety of woodlands that dot the countryside, you have avoided any confrontations so far and you hope to keep it that way.
  16. Unaware to you though, you caught a certain pony's attention in the last village you foraged in.
  18. You awake at the crack of dawn shivering in fear and thankfully your legs aren't halfway down the gullet of one of those monsters. The nightmares have become more sporadic but they never cease to torment you with 'what-could-be' scenarios.
  20. Zombie-like, you consume you fourth can of cold baked beans this week. You avoid building a campfire for obvious reasons and the power routed to the nearby farmsteads has long since been broken.
  22. After mapping out today's journey, grabbing your gear and slinging your trusty AK over your shoulder you set out for another thrilling day of marching and avoiding a grisly death inside a pony's stomach.
  24. With nothing but your weary mind to accompany you on your journey you begin spacing out, remembering on the news before you left home that there was suppose to be foul weather this week. Lots of rain, maybe tornadoes but the sky quickly cleared since yesterday. The warm sun, brighter than usual, shines its life-giving rays down upon you, alleviating your anxiety if just marginally.
  26. While losing yourself in contemplation the sound of a slamming door on a lonesome ranch-style house across the street startled you out of your daydreaming. Dropping to your belly in the tall grass near the street, you fumble for your AK47 and as quickly as you can, you draw a bead on the suspect structure. Scanning the door and windows for any sign of movement.
  28. It must have been ten or fifteen heart-pounding minutes before you mustered enough courage to move from your safe little spot in the grass.
  30. "Breathe Anon, breath. Probably just some survivors"
  32. You begin commando-crawling backwards toward the woodlands behind you to stay out of sight of whatever may be inhabiting the home when something firmly presses down upon your back.
  33. "You should really watch your... what do you humans call it? Your ass? hehe".
  35. An indescribable terror of a variety you've never known swelled in your stomach at the sound of that musical voice. You're beating heart threatened to burst from your chest.
  36. "Fuck." That was the only word that popped to mind. A lot of good that's going to do you, jackass. Think of something, THINK! "Well at least it's nice to know SOMEONE's watching it." You quietly quip.
  38. "I've been watching it for a while, sweetmeat and have been hoping to finally have a taste of it." The pony whispered in your ear. With that she lowered he muzzle and gave you long wet lick across the side of your head, from jaw to temple. Warm spittle dripped from her tongue as she panted, literally hungering for this moment.
  39. You wanted to vomit at that act of degradation but you were still paralyzed by this entire confrontation.
  40. Her stomach audibly rumbled after her 'taste test'. "Oh my, sounds like I'm ready for seconds!"
  42. "S-s-seconds?" You stutter.
  44. "Yeah, there was some human in a carriage with blinky lights on top back at that village you were in. Shouting something about an evacuation order or whatever. I made him shut up though." The mare proudly patted her noisy belly with a free hoof.
  46. That's also what finally made you snap. Channeling every ounce of your adrenaline fueled muscles you rolled out from under her hoof and connected the butt of your Kalashnikov to the side her skull in one fluid motion, voicing a mighty warcry while doing so. It sounded more like a shrill scream but it threw off your would-be predator nonetheless.
  48. That is when you finally caught glimpse of this sizable pony...unicorn pony. Sky blue fur could be seen beneath polished steel barding with a matching blue plumed helmet that now has a small dent on the cheek guard thanks to you.
  49. The mare slowly swiveled her head and locked her fierce emerald eyes with yours.
  51. After giving the blue huntress a good thump to her cheek, you roll to your feet and stare her down. It was at that moment you realize just how screwed you are. Sitting on her haunches the unicorn is still a head taller than you, not even taking the unnervingly sharp horn into consideration. Her barding sports various gashes, dents and scorch marks proving that it's not just for show. Saddle bags at her sides are stuffed with what appear to be scrolls and tomes. Her green eyes stay glued to you but show no apprehension.
  53. The same cannot be said for you, though. Your legs tremble violently from the pumping adrenalin and your rifle feels like it weighs fifty pounds... Your rifle! The stupid horse monster didn't disarm you! Ha!
  55. With a shit-eating grin you quickly draw a bead at the base of her horn. Wordlessly opening and closing your mouth attempting to find something appropriate to say about leaving the 'enemy' armed and in control of the fight. Instead, you decide to quickly neutralize the conflict while you posses the upper hand.
  57. "L-l-lay down on your stomach with your hands...hooves on your head!" Conflicting emotions rage within your brain. On one hand you could just put a bullet in her and end this and on the other hand you have a female 'combatant', unarmed and at your mercy. You growl your displeasure at the only other being in your presence. This whole situation is overtaxing your sanity and you hope your next move won't push you over the edge. "There should have been people in that village north of here... Germantown, I think they call it. The one you no doubt followed me here, from. The news said you ponies were only occupying major cities. What happened to them?"
  59. She quickly reverses her mood at the question, surprisingly enough and gives another one of her oh-so-endearing giggles. "Hehe, you humans are so adorable. So assured of your dominion over everything that crawls along the ground and swims in the seas."
  61. "Shut up and answer the question, beast!" You scream at the mare. It's as if she is wanting you to make a move. Regardless though, her answer will decide whether you apply justice in the form of a 7.62x39 round to her skull or... well you haven't thought of an alternative.
  63. "I believe you know the answer, my little human." The unicorn tops it off by flicking her tongue across her muzzle as her expression steadily grows more predatory. "The land that Germantown sits upon belongs to me as a part of my fiefdom and to my Great House. A highborn Unicorn of Canterlot. The denizens that resided there, thus belonged to me, for me to do with as I wished. But if you MUST know... well I invited some of my Sisters from the Order of Sola Invicta and some friends from the Royal Guard and we had a most grandiose feast. It's a shame that I still can't out eat Merryweather, that gluttonous Pegasus, hehehe."
  65. The pony's eyes where closed as she dreamily recounted the atrocity that befell the once quaint village. You hadn't noticed until now that you have been gripping your rifle with white knuckles. Your teeth clenched so tight that they may shatter at any moment and tears collecting at the corners of your eyes.
  67. You could only respond with a chocked sob. The pitiful mewl was just enough to bring the man-eating equine back to the present. Her eyes half-lidded in bliss. You finally compose yourself and give your 'verdict'.
  69. "If it's true what you say, that you came here looking for land... I have six feet of Earth just for you." And with a deafening crack, justice is served... so you believe.
  71. Your ears are ringing from your Ak47's report. Eyes stinging from tears that were shed at the murder of hundreds of innocents in Germantown, alone. How could a sapient species such as these indulge in such mindless xenocide? Sure, humanity has taken part in its fair share of senseless brutality but nothing like this.
  73. This is no time for philosophical bullshit. You need to search the Unicorn's saddlebags for anything that may help you and perhaps mankind and bug out, FAST.
  75. You cautiously approach the big, blue horse, finger on trigger. As you close in on your first kill you can see that it... she has a few strands of sweat-matted, carmine hair dangling from beneath her barbute and in front of her closed eyes. Eyeing her up and down reveals no blood or bullet holes in her armor. Where did you hit her though? A glint of light catches your eye. Inches from the pony lay an intact bullet... fucking magic.
  77. Your gaze flicks back towards the unicorn's face and like a trope ripped from every horror movie ever, her disturbingly huge eyes are open and locked to yours. Before you can even emote a curse or mag-dump the rest of your ammunition into the pony out of panic, your muscles freeze. The emotions of terror, anxiety and urgency are voided from your brain as you suddenly became lost in those... evil green, NO! Those warm, welcoming, loving eyes and that adorable smirk.
  78. Your most beloved shuffles to her hooves as you await her most benevolent judgment for your attempt on her life. The smirk that she wears has now expanded into a Cheshire grin.
  80. “Such impetuous critters, you humans are. Your empathy is admirable though. Too bad it’s going to get you eaten today.” Lifting your AK47 from your feeble grasp, the mare scrutinizes it. With her magic, she pulls the charging handle, ejecting a cartridge before pulling the trigger and firing a round through the forest canopy above you both. She emits a startled squeak in response. “Hehe, marvelous technology these are. Is it true you can build one of these models out of a shovel?”
  82. “Y-y-yes madam um…”
  84. “Enough about that for now. Where did we leave off before our little misunderstanding?” Her question was more of a statement as she saunters over to you, with a hungry look. Depositing your Kalashnikov in her saddlebag.
  86. “I believe you were going to eat me, madam.” The thought of becoming a part of such a beautiful pony filled you with glowing warmth, not unlike that of a strong opiate but at the same time something felt so very wrong. A distant voice is screaming at you to run. Run away and don’t look back. A voice that is both primal and ancient. You lock the voice away in whatever part of your brain it came from. The thought of disrespecting you mistress is nigh blasphemous to your sensibilities. You belong to this unicorn now. This desire only grew as you drank in her beauty.
  88. “Is that so? You are truly a gentlecolt offering yourself to me like this.” The towering mare giggled as if amused by an inside joke.
  90. “Please… I want this. My body, my soul. Everything.”
  92. The blue equine telekinetically removes her helm to reveal her unkempt crimson mane and sets the heavy piece of armor at her hooves. Your heart hammers against your sternum as you raise your arms before you, offering them to your mistress. She gives your right hand an experimental lick. Taking only the briefest moment to decide that your flavor is to her liking.
  94. The unicorn takes your entire hand into her mouth, rolling it about with her long tongue, bathing it warm saliva. She gives a quite moan as she suckles each of your fingers. With a wet 'pop' she return your hand to you. The harsh panting returns as she apparently looses herself and effortlessly takes your entire head into her mouth. The distinct scent of clove enters your nostrils and copious amounts of saliva bathe and mat your hair as her tongue savors the dried tears on your cheeks .
  96. "It's finally going to happen", you think to yourself. "I will finally shed this worthless form and unite with-" but before you can complete your thought, sunlight shines upon you once more and reveals the disgruntled visage of your goddess standing before you. "My love... what is it? Why did you spit me out... is there something wrong? Did I do something to offend you, did I-" Your flabbergasted rambling is interrupted by a hoof laid upon your shoulder.
  98. "Human...stop, please. You taste delicious but-"
  100. "Then what!?" You nearly scream, your 'transformation' being delayed.
  102. "It's not the same. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. The sound of my prey begging for mercy and the cute lamentations you humans make when I take everything from you. It's just..." She looks at you and notices your confusion. The mare knows that you wouldn't understand her frustration while hypnotized thus decides to change subjects midway through her train of thought.
  104. "Azure Star... that's my name by the way."
  106. You mouth the words as if to taste them. "It's a beautiful name. I'm Anonymous but I prefer Anon."
  108. She rolls her eyes and giggles at the flattery. "I just want my name to be the last thing you remember when you're inside of me... Anon." With that said, she touches her horn to your forehead. The entire world and all of its terrors flood back to your consciousness. That little voice that you or perhaps Azure's spell locked away within your subconscious unshackles itself and assaults you. Free will is returned to you, no longer do you live the simple and peaceful existence of thralldom to this unicorn. You scream at the sensory overload. Fortunately the spell holding your mind was brief and in turn, so was the pain as a side-effect. When you open your eyes you only see the leaf laden ground below you. You are on all fours. Fear... cold, mind numbing fear overwhelms all of your unshackled senses.
  110. You jump backwards onto your ass and scramble away from this supernatural predator until your back meets a maple tree. "Y-y-you... you possessed me... like some damned demon! What the hell are you!?" Grasping your hands all over your back you can't find your AK47. "My rifle! Where is it!?"
  112. "You mean this, hmmm?" Azure telekinetically lifts your beloved Kalashnikov out of her saddleback and plays a game of 'keep away' with your vertically challenged self. Desperately and embarrassingly attempting to take hold your one life line in this world that has gone FUBAR.
  114. After exhausting and humiliating yourself trying to get your rifle back, you've resorted to glaring daggers at the blue bitch. "Hehe, I can't get enough of your feistiness. I haven't had the pleasure of encountering many creatures like yourself back in boring old Equestria. I want to see what you're really made of though, without these guns of yours. This world of yours has forged your kind into quite a steely race. All the more fun to break it. Right, here's the deal, Anon. You run away and you don't end up in my tummy. That's fair right? I'll even give you a head start."
  115. "And, let me guess. I'll run off, say, make it that tree over there and then you'll just magic me back." You hissed this through your teeth with unhidden venom. "If you want me to play this sick game of yours unarmed then there is not going to be any magic. Just eat me here and now and get it over with. Stop fucking with me."
  117. Azure daintily covered her muzzle with a hoof and stifled a giggle.
  118. "Silly Anon, you're in no position to be making demands, let alone making demands from a Noble of Canterlot but I accept your conditions. No magic and no 'firearms' as your kind calls them." The blue unicorn messily licks the left of her muzzle as she eyeballed you up and down.
  120. "You shuttered at the unmasked implication of this alien horse's intent upon your life as you stood there ramrod straight in the quite forest. A slow spring breeze cooled the sweat collecting on your head. It would have been a beautiful setting in any other situation.
  122. "Well what are you waiting for, human? My belly is announcing its impatience, as you can no doubt hear." As if on cue an unnaturally loud gurgle resonated from her barrel,
  124. The noise snapped you out of your trance and not so unlike a frightened rabbit you jogged backwards from her position giving her one last glance as if to confirm that these recent events really transpired, darted in the opposite direction. You have no bearing on you current location, no idea of the time (the stupid pony somehow unlatched and swallowed your wristwatch) and no supplies outside of your chest rig with your spare AK47 magazines. You quickly unzipped and discarded the vest seeing how it is now useless deadweight without your rifle.
  126. Meanwhile back at the forest clearing, staying true to her word, Azure Star watched Anon flee like the terrified prey that he is. Unseen by Anon though a pegasus watched the whole seen unfold from just above the forest canopy. "You can stop hovering there, Merryweather". The unicorn calmly spoke with a smirk.
  128. You've been jogging for what feels like hours. Your legs and lungs are burning, you brain feels numb from the unceasing terror and anxiety that has been fueling sickening images of your fate should Azure capture you. A slow painful death inside a fleshy cauldron of acid is certainly the last way you want to end your time here on Earth. Trees... trees everywhere. You haven't passed a single home or road or any place that could shelter or hide you. Before long you are gasping for air. You really should have taken better care of yourself rather than of sitting in front of a computer screen 'learning' how to prepare for World War Three, Peak Oil or the invasion of pastel, man-eating ponies.
  130. You stop to catch your breath and hopefully your bearings. As your breathing calms and your pulse stops beating against your ear drums you pick up a faint but distinct sound, the sound of flowing water. That could only mean one thing. You've finally reached the Ohio River! Once you cross it, it's only a few hours walk to your parents' farm. Unfortunately, you're being hunted and crossing one of the two nearby bridges would leave you very exposed. If Azure doesn't spot you than other ponies certainly would.
  132. To hell with it! You've come this far and you're a reasonably smart guy, you'll figure something out when you're at the river's edge. You scramble down a rather steep slope, the pressing thought of being pursued motivating you to move faster if not more recklessly. All it took was an conveniently placed stick to send you tumbling down the hill. You even caught a few feet of air before landing on your back.
  134. Coughing and sputtering, stars danced before your eyes. You laid there for several minutes cursing your stupidity, your misfortune, these ponies and that goddamn stick. As if fate just spat in your eye, that same stick soon rolled off of the shallow cave ceiling above clocking you in the nose.
  136. Screaming every expletive you can pull from the furthest, filthiest reaches of your mind, you hurled the hefty tree branch into the cave next to you. Tenderly touching your nose, it wasn't broken, fortunately. On the other hand, when you attempted to climb to your feet an intense pain shot through your ankle.
  138. "No... please God no." You whispered in a pleading tone. A debilitating injury would be the signature on your metaphorical death certificate. Gingerly, you crawled your way into the small cave. After resting and collecting yourself you decided to inspect this 'stick from hell' that put you in this precarious situation. It appeared to be a rather unremarkable hickory branch. To a survivalist like you though, this could prove to be a rather useful tool and potential weapon. After removing the dried bark you unpouched a roll of duct tape from your flecktarn jacket and wrapped the center of the 'staff' several times to act as a makeshift grip. After finishing you rested it against the limestone wall beside you.
  140. It was difficult to accurately gauge the time but from the hue of the sunlight outside of your shelter it appeared to be around seven o'clock. Attempting to hold together your fragile mental state, you spaced out and began to recount your life before 'The Happening'. You actually miss the repetitiveness of your dead-end job, the part time classes you attended at your cheap community college, going to church on Sunday just for those delicious free donuts and coffee, your friends, even the grating lectures from your parents about doing something with your life... your parents... your friends.
  142. You've lost everything and soon all of humanity will be reduced to chattel for sociopathic horses. Tragedy and hatred brew inside of you. You clench and unclench your fists. Now you are berating yourself. You flee from these unworthy conquerors, letting them make sport of your fear and paranoia. Where is your pride? Where is sense of duty to your home and countrymen? By the end of your internal diatribe you're virtually thirsting for pony blood. The beating of heavy wings break you out of your self-destructive monologue. The sound was then preceded by the clopping of hooves upon stone.
  144. "Speak of the devil." You think to yourself with a crazed grin. You slowly clamber to your feet. Fortunately, your ankle seems to be sprained rather than broken and your new hickory staff will no doubt come in handy. You limp to the mouth of the cave and peak outside. Standing about twenty yards from your position is a white pegasus with a gaudy yellow mane and orange highlights. Tattooed on its flank is a sunburst partially covered by a stylized cloud. More noticeable is its/her moderately distended belly. You would like to believe she's simply pregnant but you know better.
  146. The mare ruffled and closed her wings and began to sniff the air above her. Her ears swiveled to and fro. It didn't take a genius to figure out her intentions. Soon enough the pony eyed your cave and trotted forth to investigate.
  148. Your heart leapt into your throat as the pegasus approached. "This is it. No way out." You thought to yourself. At least it isn't Azura with her magic. Perhaps you could even surprise and kill this pony. You gripped your quarterstaff with white-knuckle intensity as everything seemed to slow down around you. With deep breaths you pumped yourself up for the literal fight of your life. The clip-clopping of hooves upon rock announced her arrival at the mouth of the cave and with every fiber of muscle within your body, every ounce of bottled up fury and fear you swung your hickory quarterstaff.
  150. A satisfying crack sounded throughout the cave followed by a shrill scream. With a warcry you revealed yourself and pursued the alabaster mare as she stumbled backwards scrambling away from the cave and her unknown attacker. With a limping, skipping gait you gave an awkward chase, staff overhead and determined to dish out medieval-style justice on this pony.
  152. It was obvious you struck her square in the nose judging by the bleeding nostrils. It was also obvious you may have just condemned yourself to a slow agonizing death when her expression of shock warped into one of rage as she discovered the identity of her attacker.
  154. "Anon! You, you b-bag of horse apples! What did you do!?" The pegasus screamed at you as she reached to her bloodied nose with a hoof and inspected her own blood. The 'insult' actually gave you pause for a moment with its ridiculousness . That moment was all that the infuriated mare required as she rolled to her hooves and launched herself forward, propelled by her wings. You are easily tackled to the ground onto your back by the pony who outweighed you by at least double. She sat down on your waist, her haunches and distended, rumbling belly threatening to crush you.
  156. With ice blue eyes piercing into your soul and voice dripping with enough venom to poison an entire army she drags out your fate. "Do you hear them, Anon? Those humans in my belly fought against their fate too and look how much good that did them." You swear you felt movement beneath her fur and flesh before a muffled gurgle ended the struggling of the poor bastards trapped in her guts.
  158. Those belly noises shattered whatever defenses or bravado you had left. You broke down and begged for your life. What else could you do, now? "Why! Why are you doing this! What did I do to deserve this!? I was only defending myself. Please just let me go, please! I'm sorry for striking you, I'll do anyth-" Another familiar voice silenced your pleading.
  160. "Hehehe, you did well in finding him, Merryweather but I warned you that he's a feisty one." Azure Star made her presence known a couple of feet from your head, staring down at you with those green eyes.
  162. "Yeah, I just discovered that." Merryweather deadpanned as she rubbed her snout.
  164. You close your eyes and sob. Perhaps when you open them you'll wake up at home in your bed... of course not. You were never good at lying to yourself. Why start now?
  166. The haughty unicorn simply giggled at you. "Come now, Anonymous. You're going to become a part of Azure Star. Whatever silly goals or ambitions you clung to before this moment pale in comparison to this." Drool oozed of her opened jaws and she began panting again. "Merryweather, if you don't mind."
  168. The pegasus took a position near your head, careful to keep her hooves atop your chest to prevent you from attempting escape. Not that it would likely do you any good at this point. Azure circled to your feet. Inspecting every inch of your form.
  170. You raised your head to keep watch over whatever the sadistic unicorn had planned for you. Levitating what appeared to be an intricately woven rug from her saddlebag, she laid it out just before your boots as she took a prone position upon it, unbuckling and removing her armor and with one practiced and eager motion took your feet into her mouth. You should have expected it but it still startled you into an undignified fit of screaming, begging and crying.
  172. "NO! Stop, please don't eat me! Someone fucking help me, please!" With everything ounce of energy you could muster from your overtaxed body you attempted to kick the unicorn's mouth off of your feet only to yelp when your injured ankle protested the action.
  174. "Agghh! Shit!" You clawed at the foliage and earth around you as pure instinct stole command over your body in a desperate attempt at self-preservation.
  176. Merryweather spoke up about the outburst. "He appeared to be injured when I... encountered him. He was limping. I think he sprained his ankle."
  178. Surprisingly, Azure expressed what could you could only assume was a hint of sympathy. She slowed her attempt at sending you to her belly. Taking more care with your ankle. It appears she wanted to comment on your injury but couldn't. With a powerful gulp your feet entered her gullet. Merryweather was content to savor your fear. The grin that adorned her muzzle did little to hide this fact. As if it to take it a step further she gave your sloppy lick, followed by another and another.
  180. Several more gulps by Azure and her muzzle was already passed you knees. Warmth enveloped your legs, like a wet, velvety blanket. Every inch of progress the unicorn made in consuming you was another piece of your sanity and by extension, your humanity that was lost, thrown to wind like chaff. You screamed at the ponies, damning them and their families and everything that they held dear but it was ultimately ignored just like your pleas to show mercy or compassion. The only compassion they have apparently ever shown was to one another.
  182. Switching gears you attempted to reason with Star instead. "I-I-I can help you. I can protect you and speak to other humans. M-m-maybe negotiate on your behalf. You're going to need guidance in this world! Please, just stop! I don't want to die. Not like this!" Realizing you offered to sell out your own species in exchange for your own miserable life only sickened you further. The only response you received from Azure was a lustful moan as her freakishly long tongue basted your body, leaving nothing untasted.
  184. Half of your body was now inside the gluttonous unicorn. You grasped Azures muzzle with your hands in some sort of attempt to prevent her from making any further progress up your body. You could feel that your feet were no longer crushed inside of a long tube and now had some freedom of movement. It was her stomach! With a renewed vigor fueled by unabashed terror you screamed for help until you went hoarse. With half lidded eyes Azure gazed at Merryweather. The pegasus simply nodded in acknowledgment.
  186. Merryweather lowers her bloodied muzzle close to your ear and whispered. "Here's the deal, human. Those soldiers I ate earlier are still... errhm. Disagreeing with me. Azure told me to eat some alfalfa and ginger but no luck."
  188. "Disagreeing? Was that supposed to be a joke?" The fleeting thought entering your mind.
  190. "Perhaps if you could help me out with those... uh, hands... Azure and I may be able to come to an agreement about your fate."
  192. "What do you mean by an agreement?! Fuck off! I'm not doing shit for you murderers!" Enraged by the pegasus' attempt at taking advantage of you in your hapless state. Your ravaged throat making your backlash sound more like a pitiful squeak.
  194. "Well you did say you would help us in return for not eating you but if that's how your gonna be..." Merryweather snubs her nose in the air in mock indignity.
  196. You feel Azure's humid innards creep further up your body, now up to your belly. Your legs finally meet some form of resistance, the pit of her stomach, no doubt. You whimper at her relentless consumption. The unicorn's eyes are closed, fully enraptured in her 'meal'. The unfairness of everything threatening to crack your very soul in two. Do you attempt to preserve what little dignity and defiance you possess or do you... fuck it...
  198. "Ok! Ok! I'll do it please just make her stop!"
  200. The white pegasus returns her focus to you with a sly smile, knowing you would give in. "Very well, Anon. You had better make it quick. Doesn't look like you have much time left. Merryweather flicks her sky-blue eyes at the busy unicorn across from her to solidify her point.
  202. As if you needed anymore encouragement a blue glow envelopes your upper body and with one quick motion, your German flecktarn jacket is ripped from you, comically slapping Merryweather in the face.
  204. "Azura, would you kindly...ugh never mind. Just get on with it human." The pegasus shakes your coat from her face and removes her hooves from your chest, standing tall, towering over you before gently planting herself upon her haunches. Her loud, churning gut, inches from your face, audibly struggling to digest the immense quantity of human meat, clothing, Kevlar and God-knows what else she had consumed along with those unfortunates.
  206. Moments pass as you simply stare at the swollen pony belly, contemplating about how you're soon going to share the same fate, how you could still defy these xenocidal whores... whorses... huehue. You are broken out of your grim reverie and bad pun making by a rough hoof sucker punching the side of your head.
  207. "I said get on with it!" Merryweather barked.
  209. You deflated with a shuddering sigh and gingerly reached your hands to her grossly distended belly with the same eagerness one would touch a hot stovetop. Your fingers prod around what appears to be her navel. The apparent bristly fur is silky soft, much to your surprise. The flesh of her stomach indents at your touch quite easily until something hard and unnatural is felt within, startling you. You retract your hand in horrified disgust. Gorge rising up your throat.
  211. "Why did you stop!?"
  213. "Please, Miss! I don't... I just!"
  215. The demented pegasus raises a hoof menacingly above your face. The implied threat was enough. You continue your work.
  217. You firmly grasp her barrel and slowly swirl your hands in circles, unsure about what exactly you should be doing. You are rewarded with a soft throaty moan.
  219. "Down a little bit, please. They've sunk further down."
  221. You want to vomit at the mare's frankness but you hold firm. Your hands move downwards to her navel and once again you feel the telltale movements inside. Mustering your courage you knead, squeeze and rub at the spots were something or someone is attempting escape from the hell within. Merryweather moans contentedly at your work.
  223. "P-P-please keep doing that." she breathlessly pleads to you, eyes clenched shut. Merryweather clenches her teeth in desperation, attempting to prevent herself from screaming as dopamine floods her brain, sending her into a euphoric stupor. The awkward noises the mare is making distracts you from your duty as you focus your attention to her face just in time to see her eyes roll back into her skull and her wobbly forelegs to give out from beneath her. Several hundred pounds of alien pony collapse beside you, rather than atop you, fortunately. Those same forelegs now grasp you tightly into a hug.
  225. You dry-heave as you finally come to the conclusion that this unhinged mare has just gotten off to the combination of belly-rubbing and the thrashing about of whoever had the misfortune of occupying her innards. How or why doesn't matter anymore. After a half an hour... or maybe an hour or more of carefully kneading at spots where the pegasus' prisoners attempted to push their way out in futility, her guts have finally settled. What was once unnaturally loud gurgling and bubbling has been toned down to a quite rumble and the occasional slosh when she moved. You've just aided in the murder of several innocent people. "Another milestone." You think to yourself in numb exasperation.
  227. "A....Anon... that was... pretty good... I guess." Merryweather breathlessly exclaimed. "I suppose I can... forgive you for... what you did to me."
  229. Muffled cursing could be heard below your waist. Azure was now conscious and aware of the events that have recently transpired during the past hour.
  231. "Oh c'mon, Azzy we should keep this one!" More muffled and inaudible arguing is heard on the unicorn's part. "That isn't fair! You alway-" Merryweather is cut off. Dropping hear head in dejection, she gives you a downtrodden look. The look that a kid would give a beloved dog that's going to be taken behind a shed and shot, save that this 'dog' is fully aware of his fate and instead of a quick bullet to the cranium he's to be thrown into a tub full of hydrochloric acid.
  233. "What! You said you would come to an agreement! You didn't even tr-" Your shocked and betrayed exclamation is suddenly and rudely cut off as the alabaster pegasus locks her muzzle with your mouth. Her sizable mouth covers most of your face, filling your nostrils with the smell of wildflowers. Before you can protest, her powerful tongue assaults your mouth . With what little strength you can muster from your tired, dehydrated and half devoured body, you grasp Merryweather's goldenrod mane and attempt to pull her away. It goes without saying that it did little to deter her.
  235. You gag as her powerful tongue slides and tastes every corner and crevice of your mouth, even managing to slip down your throat several times, suffocating you. Your muffled cries go unheard in the forest and by the mares as they aggressively tear you down both physically and spiritually. Your bawling has finally quieted to an occasional hiccuping sob, not that it matters to the ponies who are lost in their own world of ecstasy.
  237. After satisfying whatever overcame Merryweather's broken mind she pulls away from your face, a long string of saliva still grasps hold between you two, her bedroom eyes in full force and wings spread-eagle. "Mmmm, not bad, Anon... um, Sorry, I had to shut you up somehow. It seems to have worked, eh?"
  239. You lay there stock-still. Deer-in-headlights expression frozen upon your face.
  241. The corner of Merryweather's lip curls into a crooked smile before she finally cracks open in a raucous, snorting laugh. After collecting herself she turns her attention to her comrade-in-rape "C'mon, Azzy. He's adorable. There's like millions of these little guys we can eat, can't we keep just this one, pleeeeease!"
  243. "Mother of fuck, she's like a little kid. Creepy as hell..." You think to yourself
  245. The only response from Azure is a low growl. She raises a hoof, pointing it at your head and motioning it towards her mouth.
  247. Merryweather immediately deflates at the unspoken command. "Yes, Milady." She gives you an almost pitying look before whispering in your. "I'm sorry, Anon."
  249. The pegasus places one hoof on top of your head and pushes you further down Azure's awaiting gullet. The firm grip your now burning feet had at the pit of the unicorn's strong stomach slip.
  251. "Hey, what are your doing! No stop, please! Fucking stop! You promised, please! I'll do anything! I'll comb your manes, polish your armor, rub you bellies, anything!"
  253. "That's ok, Anonymous. I'll be rubbing Azure's tummy once we get you in there. Hooves can't match those wonderful hands but they'll do."
  255. With your last hope at survival cruelly stolen from you and now with nothing left to lose but your life. You search around you for anything that may delay the inevitable. Your stick! You notice it laying parallel beside Azure. You reach downward, stretching your arm as far as possible before a massive hoof is rested upon the joint at your elbow, nearly crushing it.
  257. "Nuh-uh-uh, Nony. That stupid stick isn't hurting anypony else." Merryweather plucks the staff off of the ground with her teeth before chucking it far out of reach.
  259. With all eyes now locked on you once again, the pegasus gives another rough push as you further slide down the pulsating gullet of the turquoise unicorn.
  261. The ponies give pause when they hear a roar from above. They calmly watch human aircraft pass above before turning their attention back to you when you begin giggling. Giggling that breaks into full fledged cackling. They have no idea what they had just seen. You recognized the B-2 stealth bomber flying in formation with several fighter craft and you recall that those bombers are capable of delivering nuclear ordinance. "Go ahead and eat me, ponies. It won't matter because by the end of all of this humanity will be dining on your irradiated corpses!"
  263. Merryweather and Azure merely shrugged it off and continued their work. Azure was now at your shoulders as you continued your illogical tirade. Merryweather gave you one last saliva lased lick across your face as she stuffed your head into Azure's waiting maw.
  265. For Azure it was but a matter of slurping up the human's long noodley arms. Everything about him tasted delicious. The sweat and fear made her evermore lustful and hungry.
  267. For you, it was darkness and claustrophobia. That scent of clove still strong on her breath. The hot, humid walls of her gullet squeeze and crush you further downwards toward your untimely end. You attempt to cry out but this entire experience has left you breathless. You peer outside of the unicorns mouth, your last view of sunlight and of Earth itself before her mouth closes and so does your hope of preserving your life. Your journey continues as you hear what sounds like the beating of Azure's heart. Downwards more and you're deposited into a fleshy, foul smelling sack filled with soupy fluid.
  269. Meanwhile, outside, Azure is panting heavily, sweat beading upon her coat. The large girth of her meal slowly and somewhat painfully passing further into her barrel before coming to rest inside her sizable stomach alongside that other human she had eaten earlier that day, visibly distending her gut as Anon reaches his final destination. Unable to comfortably lay atop her belly any longer Azura chooses to roll onto her side. Merryweather approaches and lays down beside her close friend, draping a white wing overtop of the gorged unicorn.
  271. "So, how was he?"
  273. "A...Amazing." It was all Azure could mutter before belching out an enormous amount of displaced air. "Heheh, my manners are as atrocious as ever!"
  275. The two mares lay together, belly to belly. Their stomachs churn and gurgle their meals while they watch the sun finally set over the horizon. All manner of strange creatures chirp and cheep in the encroaching darkness, while Azure and Merryweather trade bodily warmth, pleasant company and casual conversation the same certainly cannot be said for you.
  277. You're squeezed tightly into a fetal position. All sorts of organs noisily carry out their life-giving functions for Azura as you scream and plead to be released from this hellish prison. The humidity, the smell, taste, the caustic sludge that consistently washes up against your raw skin. It's worse than unbearable. You kick, punch and even try to bite at the thick stomach walls, anything to be released from this place.
  279. Azure and Merryweather both giggle at the human's silly attempts at escape. The unicorn rolls over onto her back and gives the white pegasus a mock, pleading look while pointing a hoof at her bloated, wriggling stomach. Merryweather rolls her eyes at the gesture and sits down upon her haunches and recalls what Anon did to sooth her angry tummy. The pegasus spots where most of the fighting is located and gently begins massaging the location where Anon appears to be struggling the hardest. Merryweather swirls her hooves in circles and kneads at the lumps that appear to be the faint outline of the human's body. Her actions are rewarded by another loud burp from Azure who covers her mouth with a blush.
  281. The stupid horses didn't search you before swallowing you. They left you a flashlight easing the claustrophobia if even just slightly. As if the crushing tightness of Azure's guts wasn't bad enough, you feel something pressing and mashing against you from outside of her body. The damned pegasus is massaging her belly! How appropriate you should be on the receiving end this time. Karma truly is a nasty cunt.
  283. "Merryweather.... fucking stop! I know you can hear me in here. Please!.... no more..." Why even fucking try? They don't care.
  285. The lack of oxygen is finally taking its toll. Your logic, already distorted by anxiety and unrelenting terror is becoming harder to draw upon. Your movements, constricted by the powerful muscles of Azure's belly are becoming even more sluggish. The external and internal belly rubbing sloughing off your epidermis, traumatizing and raping your mind even further. The acids and enzymes continue to rise and violently slosh about much like a half empty jug of water being turned over and about. It's as if the pony's stomach is attempting to drown you. Your weakened body is nearly ready to surrender to fate.
  287. Meanwhile outside of gastric hell. Azura and Merryweather trot towards the Ohio River, intent on sleeping off their meals to the calming sounds of the flowing water. Once reaching the river banks they settle down and cuddle, again, belly to belly, enjoying the pathetic struggles of this cowardly little man as the unicorn's digestive system reduces him down to nutritious mush. "I still think we should have kept him." Merryweather mumbled, half asleep, wings wrapped around her beloved friend and Mistress.
  289. Azure Star moans before responding with something about the difference between pets and food. "Humans are too violent and cunning to be pets thus they are better as *belch*... Hehehe you get the point, Merry. Now let's get some sleep, I... I mean ponykind has a whole world, ripe for the taking."
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