
Based Anon's Pony Slave Adventure

Mar 24th, 2014
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  1. >Nightmare moon is on the verge of being defeated by the mane six and their elements.
  2. >In a fit of last ditch rage, she expends all of her magic.
  3. >A tempest erupts inside the temple.
  4. >Reality shifts and rips before their eyes.
  5. >A single being falls out of the rift.
  6. "She's summoned something," Rainbow Dash screams.
  7. "It doesn't matter," Rarity responds. "We have the elements. We can't lose!"
  8. >Confused you just stand there. This can't be real.
  9. >They rush you. Nothing happens.
  10. "He's... It's not working!"
  11. "Of course not. Magic doesn't work on these beings," Nightmare Moon laughs. "Now my subject. Finish them off!"
  12. >You really do not understand what's happening here.
  13. >But they are putting their all into taking you down. Even though they can't use magic, they still have their pone strength.
  14. >You find yourself having to fight back.
  15. >You're stuttering for them to stop and you mean no harm, but they ignore you.
  16. >As you keep them occupied, Nightmare Moon readies her own attack.
  17. >They all go down one by one.
  18. >It's over. It's just you, Nightmare Moon, and six unconscious ponies.
  19. "Great work, subject. You shall come in handy indeed. As your reward, take these six young mares as your new slaves. Use them to your hearts content. Stick with me and you'll have more. So much more!"
  20. >You stare dumbly at your new master.
  21. >She snarls
  22. >You switch your gaze and stare dumbly at your new slaves.
  23. >You really do not understand what is happening. Moments ago, you were posting about how you were wanting to keep them as pets but actually being in the situation...
  24. >You express your confusion to Nightmare Moon.
  25. "It's simple. I was losing. I needed something the elements wouldn't work on. So I called forth you. But I also need a way to control the beast. You like slaves do you not? Is your reward unsatisfactory?
  26. >You stumble with your words.
  27. "Or I can just kill you. I do not need magic to end you. You will be of great help, but if you will not serve you are of no use."
  28. >You quickly answer you will serve as her gaze pierces you.
  29. >A day passes
  30. >You are given a room in the castle.
  31. >Your new slaves are fitted with punishment collars. A simple word from you will cause excruciating pain.
  32. >Nightmare Moon explains you must train your new slaves to behave. Their troubles are your troubles.
  33. >You do not want trouble.
  34. >You will meet with the ponies one by one to explain the situation.
  35. >Which pone is first?
  36. >The mane six are being held in a single room. You open the door and call forth Fluttershy.
  37. >You hear a squeak.
  38. "If you want her, you'll have to go through all of us!"
  39. >They're chained by their collars, but the insolence of the outburst can not go unmet. There are guards watching you that will no doubt report back to Nightmare Moon.
  40. >A simple word from you and they are on the floor gasping for air.
  41. >The feeling of control isn't unpleasant.
  42. >Fluttershy's crying.
  43. "Stop please! I'll come mister." Fluttershy whines.
  44. >You unchain her and lead her to your bedroom.
  45. >Her legs are shaking so bad she can barely walk. Damn, you didn't know that was a real thing that happened.
  46. >She follows well enough though.
  47. >You sit down on the luxurious canopy bed you were given.
  48. >She stops at your feet and her legs finally give way.
  49. >She looks so sad. You reach out to pet her ears, but she shys away from your touch.
  50. >You feel a ping of annoyance.
  51. "Please. Don't..."
  52. >Don't? Fuck, aren't they supposed to be your slaves?
  53. >And what will Nightmare Moon do if they act like this in front her.
  54. "Fluttershy. I am your master now. I will touch you whenever and however I please.
  55. >She whines in response but doesn't shy away from your hand this time.
  56. >The sudden realization that you can do anything you want to this pony appears.
  57. >Anything.
  58. >This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Weren't you a nice guy? Nice guy's don't take advantage of slaves.
  59. >Nice guy's don't have fucking slaves.
  60. >The bulge against your pants is becoming increasingly hard to ignore though.
  61. "Fluttershy. Follow my orders or I will hurt your friends. Is that understood?"
  62. >She nods her comprehension.
  63. "Undo my pants."
  64. "Y... Your pants," she squeaks.
  65. >She pulls back momentarily.
  66. "This will be the last time I warn you, do you understand? The next time, I won't say anything. I will just get up, and all you will hear is the screams of your friends. And I will make sure they know it is your fault."
  67. >She's crying now. But she's nodding profusely.
  68. >She fumbles with your buttons and zipper but it's obvious she lacks the dexterity this requires. Christ, how do ponies do anything in Equestria?
  69. "Use your mouth."
  70. >It's like the thought hadn't even occurred to her.
  71. >She gingerly uses her teeth to unbutton your pants and pull down your zipper.
  72. >She stares at you wide eyes, waiting for her next command.
  73. "Pull them down now."
  74. >She squeaks. But the hesitation was only for a second before she remembers your threat.
  75. >Your bulge protrudes through the hole in your boxers. She won't even need to take them off.
  76. >Her eyes are saucers. Is this the first time she's seen a cock?
  77. "Lick it," you command.
  78. >She hesitates.
  79. >You get up, pull your pants up and walk towards the door.
  80. "Nooooo!" She screams. "Nononononono. I'll do it mister. Master! I'll do it mister master! Please! Pleasepleaseplease!"
  81. >You remove your pants and boxers and sit back on the bed.
  82. >She doesn't hesitate this time and begins to gingerly lick your cock.
  83. >This is really too much. It feels amazing but you want more.
  84. >You pry her mouth open with your fingers and to your delight she keeps it open.
  85. >You introduce yourself to her mouth and she accepts you willingly
  86. >She doesn't quite know what to do with the foreign object. But her tongue keeps lapping at the intrusion.
  87. >Her inexperience is getting you really excited.
  88. >You gently move her downward and push yourself down her throat.
  89. >She's gagging now, but she knows the punishment for failing so she's trying her best to endure.
  90. >You begin to move yourself back and forth.
  91. >She's making adorable slurping sounds mixed with nauseous throaty gags.
  92. >The sound alone nearly brings you completion.
  93. >You move with speed now. Your dick scraping against her throat being brought to scrape against her tongue and then back down against her throat.
  94. >She lets out a few retching noises but you can tell she's trying her hardest not give in.
  95. >You quicken your pace as you feel yourself ready to cum.
  96. >Quicker. Faster. Gagging. Crying
  97. >You pull out and spurt load into her mane.
  98. >Fluttershy drops to her stomach and covers her eyes with her hooves coughing and dry retching.
  99. >You may have overdone it.
  100. >You order her into your adjacent bathroom.
  101. >Her eyes are glossy and red but she obeys.
  102. >You lead her to the tub and she allows you to bathe her.
  103. >When you're finished you take a blow dryer and brush and begin your work on her.
  104. >Slowly you work her mane. She seems to melt into your hands as you groom her.
  105. >Brush Brush Brush
  106. >She's shaking slightly but much less than when she first came to your room.
  107. >Brush Brush Brush.
  108. >You touch her as lovingly and gently as you can manage and she's responding positively to the treatment.
  109. >Brush Brush Brush.
  110. >You finish and you detect an instant change in her demeanor, almost like she was sad because you stopped (and not because you just forced her to blow you)
  111. >She's pretty.
  112. >And she's yours.
  113. >You lead her to new quarters. A new room, one of six, directly across from yours.
  114. >She's had a rough day. As the most fragile, this will be enough for today. The others might need more coercing. Or maybe not. You'll decide later.
  115. >Hmmm. Who's next you wonder to yourself.
  116. >Well it's official, you are not a good guy.
  117. >Doubtlessly you could have just explained the situation calmly to these girls and they would have behaved themselves enough to fool the Goddess until such time as they overthrew her.
  118. >You're immune to magic (apparently). You could have even probably helped. Instead you're solidifying the power of the tyrant.
  119. >Now after a day of walking the town and showing your brute strength, the strength of the Nightmare Goddess, you return to your room.
  120. >There's some new toys waiting for you with a note from Nightmare moon.
  121. "You did well today subject. I hope these tools are to your liking."
  122. >Paddles, whips, gags, floggers, all neatly organized on your wall. It looks like a damn BDSM dungeon in here.
  123. >But. The idea of using them, it isn't entirely unpleasant.
  124. >You go to the room of your five captives.
  125. "Rarity. Your turn."
  126. >The others protest, but you subdue them just as before.
  127. >To your surprise Rarity doesn't beg you to stop.
  128. "There is no need for that. I go willingly and with my held high."
  129. >That'll be fun to break.
  130. >You lead her to your room.
  131. "I will not fight you monster. So do what you must. A lady will keep her dignity through all."
  132. "You are not a lady."
  133. >She looks at you confused.
  134. "Why of c..."
  135. >Slap.
  136. "You are a slave. And you will learn your place."
  137. "My place is..."
  138. >SLAP.
  139. "At my feet. "
  140. "I... I just..."
  141. >She's unsure of the new turn of events. She undoubtedly had a plan of lasting through anything you threw at her, but her resolve is quickly melting.
  142. "My place is..."
  144. >Her eyes start to water and she leaks tears onto her red face.
  145. "A lady...," her voice is getting softer now and her head isn't held so high.
  146. >SLAP
  147. >You wonder quietly if she can take you. Magic or no she is still a pone and if you don't have fear to control her then she could lash out at any moment.
  148. >She doesn't make a move though.
  149. "I'm going to make this very simple for you Rarity. Your new role is at my feet. If you do not comply I hurt you."
  150. >She's unsure now. She wants to open her mouth to speak but she's learning quickly what that merits. She decides against her lessons.
  151. "I..."
  152. >She normally gets one or two words in before you correct her but not this time.
  153. >You kick upward into her stomach making her gasp in pain and keel over.
  154. >She's openly sobbing now.
  155. >Her mouth opens, then closes. Opens, then closes. Opens...
  156. "Plea..."
  157. >You kick her again and she falls on her side.
  158. "St..."
  159. >Another kick into her stomach, downward this time. She's sobbing and gasping for breathe.
  160. >It's very unladylike.
  161. "I can do this all day Rarity."
  162. >She curls up into a blubbering ball.
  163. >You rip her up by her mane and her legs instinctively follow.
  164. "Is it truly so bad to submit to me? Surely it couldn't be worse than this?"
  165. >She looks away in shame.
  166. "At me Rarity."
  167. >She refuses.
  168. "Alright then. You are very beautiful, do you know that? I'm quite certain you do.
  169. >You go to your bathroom and return with a pair of scissors.
  170. >Her teary eyes shrink to pinpricks and she backs away from you.
  171. "No. No. Please no. Do not. Please."
  172. >In your haste to show her her place you forgot to leash her down. But she has nowhere to run and you quickly corner her.
  173. >She shrinks in fear.
  174. "You're place is where?"
  175. "My place... I am..."
  176. >SLAP. SNIP.
  177. "AAAAAH!"
  178. "You're place is where?"
  179. "Please. Don't do this." her voice is so quiet. But she's still defiant.
  180. >She really doesn't learn well does she?
  181. >You wonder what more you can do to with this little filly
  182. >You set the scissors aside and she's visibly relieved.
  183. >You walk over to your wall and pick up the paddle and the relief dissipates.
  184. >Moving to sit on your bed, you beckon her to you.
  185. >She doesn't move.
  186. "Rarity. If I have to come over there. I will bring the scissors and remove every last strand of that pretty hair of yours."
  187. >She squeaks but obeys.
  188. "Climb up and lay on my lap."
  189. >She timidly makes her way over. She's learning. Good.
  190. >Before she even makes herself comfortable you bring the paddle down on her rump.
  191. >Whap!
  192. >She cries out in pain.
  193. >Whap! Whap! Whap.
  194. "It hurts!"
  195. " 'It hurts master,' " you correct her.
  196. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  197. "It hurts master!"
  198. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  199. >Her tears are flowing again. She cranes her neck and buries her head into your side.
  200. >She's trying to find comfort in the one that's causing her the pain. The thought makes you smile.
  201. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  202. >She's sobbing now, more than before. Her ass is glowing red and radiating heat.
  203. >You don't stop.
  204. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  205. >She's crying hard into your side, but she doesn't struggle. It seems you found a fear that works on her.
  206. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  207. >You continue your assault until her skin gets flaky.
  208. >When you stop, she immediately puts her hooves around you, hugging you with all her might.
  209. >You put one arm around her and whisper in her ear.
  210. "You deserve this Rarity. I gave you many chances to behave, but you would not be deterred."
  211. >She doesn't say anything.
  212. "I want to hear you say this Rarity."
  213. "... I deserve this."
  214. >Victory!
  215. "Who is your master?"
  216. >You rub her swelling red ass some more and she sighs and accepts your embrace.
  217. >She's still sobbing but lighter now.
  218. "Get on the floor Rarity."
  219. >She hiccups and obeys, bowing her head down to you.
  220. "Fluttershy learned her place too you know, but you aren't worthy of even smelling my cock."
  221. >Another hiccup but she doesn't look up as you unzip your pants.
  222. >A stream of piss hits her head and her sobs renew, her downcast eyes mixing tears with piss.
  223. "You are nothing Rarity. You are a slave. You are my slave."
  224. "I... am nothing. I am a slave. Your slave."
  225. >The words are hard for her to say between sobs."
  226. "You are disgusting Rarity. Look at yourself."
  227. >She looks up and the stream hits her right between her eyes, tricking down over mouth.
  228. >You clench off and command her to open her mouth.
  229. >She immediately obeys and you finish off inside her.
  230. >The sight before you is too much: A sobbing Rarity with an open mouth full of piss.
  231. "Swallow."
  232. >She does. And immediately lowers her head, gagging. Her wails become much more fervent.
  233. >She's accepted her fate at last.
  234. >You sit on your bed and beckon for her to join you.
  235. >She knows her place. She lays down at your feet, still covered in piss. And there she stays though the night.
  236. >Unfortunately, out of the two of you she is probably getting the better night sleep as you are stuck in an uncomfortable sitting position.
  237. >At least it gives you some time to think of who you're going to bring in next. And what you're going to do.
  238. >You outwardly groan as you come in from you patrolling the city. Last night's... sleeping arrangement left you severely under rested for the work being asked of you.
  239. >But now you're off work and ready for some fun.
  240. >Two out of six ponies broken, but you still haven't figured out which one should be next.
  241. >No matter, you'll think of something.
  242. >As you reach the door, you hear quiet, hurried voices coming from the other side.
  243. "Please, please hurry."
  244. >Upon entering, you see Applejack and Rainbow Dash free from their collars and chains and trying to get the others loose.
  245. >Without even hesitating they both make a beeline for you. Your brain goes dumb for a moment as you take the full force of both of them smashing into you, Rainbow from above and Applejack from below.
  246. >If you hadn't been wearing your new guard armor, you would be seriously injured right now.
  247. >You recollect your thoughts and try to asses the situation.
  248. >Twilight and Pinkie Pie are still tied up. The chains are worn a little, but they don't look like they can break free.
  249. >You are standing directly between Applejack and the door and Rainbow Dash is floating overhead.
  250. >Rainbow can easily escape if you don't do something. Armor and magic immunity be damned if you can't fly to catch her.
  251. >Nightmare Moon's voice echoes in your head
  252. "Their troubles are your troubles."
  253. >With the courage only a cornered animal could muster, you tackle AppleJack to the ground.
  254. >You rise and pull your sword from your side and aim it at her neck. If she moves, she's dead.
  255. "Go without me Rainbow Dash," she says defeatedly.
  256. "Come done here now or I will kill her. And then the other two. And finally the two I've already taken."
  257. "Augh!" Rainbow screams in defeat.
  258. >She may be fast. She may be nubile. But her friends aren't. And she wouldn't dare leave without them.
  259. >You nod your head to the far wall.
  260. "Go there."
  261. >She obeys. Thank... (Is Nightmare Moon your God now?) whomever, she obeys.
  262. >You are not quick witted. The other two still have their collars on. If you had activated them, you wouldn't have even needed to engage Applejack.
  263. >Still the thought that you can take the Earth Pony does sit happily in your gut.
  264. >You sheathe your sword and step back causing Applejack to eye you suspiciously.
  265. "You two seem to forget yourselves. I have the power here. You do not. Let me demonstrate"
  266. >You speak your word and the collars constrict on the young mares.
  267. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchange horrified looks, but the looks quickly turn to anger as they look like they are about to charge.
  268. "Don't even think about it. Besides if you kill me before I reverse it. It will never end and they will most likely die before you can save them.
  269. >Moments pass, but you leave the threat hanging in the air.
  270. >You've never left the collars active this long. The two mares are shaking on the floor not even registering the world any more.
  271. >Shit, you might actually, truly kill them if these two don't break fast.
  272. >You really do not want to do that. If worse comes to worse, you'll call your bluff off. But just a little bit longer...
  273. "Alright! Stop. You're in charge here. Right Applejack?"
  274. "R...Right Please, wontcha just stop? We'll do whatever you want."
  275. >You stop the collars and allow yourself a moment of relief. You've won.
  276. >The two mares wearing collars burst into a fit of retching and frenzied breathing. It doesn't sound pleasant.
  277. "Good girls. Because I've had a rough day and you just made it a whole lot rougher. I'm not even going to put new collars on you right now."
  278. "If you try to attack me or if you disobey the smallest order I will reactivate the collars and leave the room. You will be locked in here with your dying friends and there will be nothing you can do to help them."
  279. >Fuck, you've gotten dark. But you tell yourself it's only a bluff. A dead pone is good to nobody.
  280. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash nod in unison.
  281. "Alright then, Applejack, join Rainbow Dash."
  282. >Applejack hesitates only the barest second before complying.
  283. >You are skating on really thin ice. You've made a threat and if they force you into a situation where you'll have to make good, you'll either lose credibility or actually end up killing somepony.
  284. >You shake the thought form your mind. These two are too loyal for that. They'll follow you. They have too.
  285. >Right now though... Right now it's your time.
  286. >You grin. Fluttershy was alright, but she was inexperienced. That will change over time. But you want something right now.
  287. "Tell me you two, are you a virgins?"
  288. >The shocked look was answer enough.
  289. "I... I... I... am.
  290. "Same..."
  291. >Their eyes are dilating. You're scaring them.
  292. "Good. Good."
  293. >You reach down and scratch behind their ears.
  294. >They don't flinch away, standing strong in the face of... well they have to know what's about come.
  295. >But they really have no idea.
  296. "Put your front hooves down, hindquarters up Applejack."
  297. >She obeys instantly, her shaky legs betraying her earlier resolve.
  298. "Move your tail."
  299. >She flicks it out of the way.
  300. "Rainbow dash. Be a good girl and lick your friend."
  301. >Rainbow's head whips back and forth between you and her friend's winking hole.
  302. "On... on her face?"
  303. >You narrow your eyes and stare at her.
  304. "No... of course not. You mean her... her..."
  305. "Cunt."
  306. >She hesitant but with a quick look to her recovering friends, she steels her resolve and plunges herself down."
  307. >She's slow at first, but quickly picks up speed. She's definitely never done this before, but Applejack doesn't seem to mind.
  308. >To your delight, Applejack lets out a mew of pleasure.
  309. >You position yourself behind Rainbow Dash and while the pone knows you're doing something her mind doesn't register exactly what until you plunge yourself inside her.
  310. "AUGH!"
  311. "Did I say you could stop Rainbow," you growl.
  312. >She shakes her head back and forth wildly and continues with her work.
  313. >Your cock is lightly smeared with blood but none leaks out as you thrust yourself back and forth.
  314. >Rainbow Dash passionately throws herself into your earlier command trying to block out the thought of you behind her.
  315. >The more she tries to forget you, the more she pleasures her friend. She's actively working in your interests.
  316. >But you are not a person to be forgotten so easily as you push yourself to the hilt.
  317. >Rainbow gasps and whimpers.
  318. "Does it hurt?"
  319. "N... No. Yes. I... I Don't know."
  320. >She's babbling. There's a cure for that.
  321. >You pull out to the tip and thrust back in. Again. Again. Again.
  322. >She's lets out a mix between a groan and a moan. She's certainly not turned on quite yet, but she very well could be in the near future.
  323. >You go back to a steady pace and remind her of original job.
  324. >With a meep, she returns to her work.
  325. >You peer over her plump ass to see how she's doing and to your surprise, Applejack is literally dripping with juices.
  326. >The sight turns you on further and you increase your rhythm.
  327. "Ah. Hah. Ah. Rain... Rainbow. I feel very hot. It's... It's too much. Something. I... I don't know..."
  328. >Surely she isn't about too...
  329. "AAAAAAAH!"
  330. >She did. Rainbow just made her friend cum. The very thought drives you to the edge.
  331. >You push yourself all the way back in and unleash your seed inside in sync with Applejack's scream.
  332. >You pull out and a minute amount of cum drips out.
  333. >Rainbow lets out a small sob and looks at you with a dripping face.
  334. "Are you satisfied"
  335. >Your member is soft, but messy. Small amounts of blood has made it's way onto various parts of you and you were still dripping semen.
  336. "Clean it," you command.
  337. >She sniffs and begins licking your nether regions, cleaning off the remains of her virginity.
  338. >When you're clean, she blinks and stares intently at the ground.
  339. >Your gaze shifts to Applejack.
  340. >Her face is red with embarrassment and she's panting slightly.
  341. >Dear... whomever, you think you might be getting hard again.
  342. >Rainbow Dash is quiet now. It seems like she suddenly finds the floor very interesting.
  343. >In reality it's just more preferable than meeting your gaze or watching her helpless friends, knowing that she failed to rescue them and that this too will be their fate someday.
  344. >Her hair isn't quite long enough to obscure her face, but she's trying to hide behind it nonetheless.
  345. >It doesn't matter, you see what she's trying to conceal.
  346. >Her eyes squeeze shut as a tiny droplet forces its way out and splashes to the floor.
  347. >She contorts and scrunches her face, using all of her concentration to control her tears.
  348. >For a moment, it seems like she might win.
  349. >You definitely can not let her win.
  350. >You bend down and whisper in her ear.
  351. "Such pretty wings you have Rainbow. You should beg me to let you keep them."
  352. >Her eyes snap open and with the tension gone, her tears start leaking openly.
  353. "Please. Don't. They're all I have. Take everything else. Take me. But please leave my wings alone. Please. Please. Please."
  354. >Her voice is small and frightened.
  355. >You touch her neck gently, slowly stoking downward to her wings.
  356. "Please. Please. Please."
  357. >She's shaking so much. You can't resist.
  358. >You pluck a feather from the tip. It isn't much. Surely she's lost more while just being reckless.
  359. >It's enough to send her over the edge though.
  360. "All I have. Please. Anything. Please."
  361. >She's openly sobbing, openly begging.
  362. >You're cruel, but you aren't completely callous. If she's willing to accept you, you see no reason to further break her body.
  363. >But it's better to err on the safe side.
  364. "I won't even ask you to choose between your friends and your wings Rainbow. You can have both. But your wings will stay bound at all times unless you are with me. And you are not to fly without my expressed consent. Do you understand?
  365. >She nods dumbly.
  366. "I can be benevolent Raidnbow. All I really require is that you know your place. And where is that place for you Rainbow?"
  367. "As your... slave. Master."
  368. >In your elation of breaking another pone, you seem to have forgotten about the strong and still partially defiant Earth Pone.
  369. >But she hasn't forgotten you. You meet her gaze as she watches Rainbow Dash bow down to you.
  370. >The earlier euphoria gone, her eyes are narrow and cold.
  371. "Do you disapprove?"
  372. "You're disgusting."
  373. >You disagree. Disgusting doesn't begin to describe this moment. But... If she wants disgusting. You can certainly oblige.
  374. "What an interesting choice of words."
  375. >The thought can wait though as you feel Rainbow's loyalty begin to waiver.
  376. >Rainbow Dash looks uncertainly between Applejack and you. She feels she has to choose a side. Shit. Testing her this early is not a good idea.
  377. >You stare hard at Rainbow and to your delight she breaks.
  378. "Please. Applejack. Just... It's not so bad really."
  379. >Oh, good choice Rainbow! Pride shows on your face as you gently stroke the mare's wings.
  380. "I just don't want to hurt. And I don't want you to hurt Applejack."
  381. >Simply fantastic. Applejack's face softens and she looks as if she isn't sure anymore.
  382. "Rainbow. I've think you have enough for today. Your friend is fine in my hands. I have a room prepared for you to sleep in."
  383. >She nods and follows you as you lead her to her new quarters.
  384. >You call for guards to move Apple jack to your room, where your toys are and you can easily take control of the situation should it spiral.
  385. >She called you disgusting.
  386. >You'll show her just how disgusting you can be.
  387. >You wrack your mind with ideas as you fit Rainbow Dash with her new wing harness.
  388. >You honestly expected Rainbow Dash to be the hardest one to break. But as you finish locking her wings in place, you realize just how much control she has relinquished over to you.
  389. >You do a twirl with your hands and she trots around for you, showing off her new attire before coming back and nuzzling your feet.
  390. >You smile. She definitely deserves a reward later. But right now you have a new plaything waiting for you.
  391. >You make to leave and Rainbow's ears fold flat against her head
  392. "I said I'd take care of her, remember? You're doing good, so nobody has to get hurt. I promise"
  393. >She perks up a bit and nods.
  394. >Nobody has to get hurt, but that doesn't mean nobody will avoid being hurt. She has to make amends for what she said after all.
  395. >Upon entering your room, you see the guards got creative when tying down Applejack. They actually brought in a stockade and immobilized her head and front hooves.
  396. >Her two back hooves have a spreader bar and her tail has been tied up in her hair.
  397. >Although to your annoyance, they seem to have bolted that damn thing to the floor right smack in the center of your room.
  398. >This place is getting cozier all the time.
  399. >You had such malice in mind, but all that seems to disappear as you see the immobilized mare.
  400. "Ah Applejack, I think it suits you."
  401. >She doesn't answer. They've taken the liberty of gagging her as well.
  402. "You know you seemed to enjoy yourself an awful lot with Rainbow Dash."
  403. >A blush creeps up on her face.
  404. "If you'd like I can give you that feeling again."
  405. >The bit keeps her from replying, but you can tell the idea is rather unpleasant to her. All the better for you though.
  406. >You position yourself behind her. If earlier is any indication, you won't even need a cock for this.
  407. >You begin by slowly massaging her thighs.
  408. >Muscle and tension knots greet you, but you you grind inward and do your best to soothe her.
  409. >You switch between slow sensual rubbing to a deep massage and back again.
  410. >10 minutes pass and you're beginning to wonder if you've made any difference at all.
  411. >20 minutes and still silence..
  412. >At 30 minutes, Applejack forgets herself and lets out a high pitched, shaky sigh through her gag.
  413. >Ha! You are getting through to her.
  414. >Her head bobs upward as she realizes her mistake.
  415. >But the realization comes too late. She's already shown her hand, and you take the opportunity to slowly move your massage inward till you're just a hair away from her hole.
  416. >You don't so much as even brush against it though. You stay just shy and continue massaging the outer areas until...
  417. >The tiniest bit of fluid starts to accumulate.
  418. >You smile. She's getting wet.
  419. >Your work moves to her lips now and her legs nearly buckle as you touch her the first time, but she quickly gets used it.
  420. >Until you slip a finger inside.
  421. >Her cunt is hotter than you would have thought. It's definitely radiating more heat that Rainbow Dash's. But it isn't unpleasant. It's sultry in a different way, beckoning you forth.
  422. >She lets out a throaty squeal as you push inward.
  423. >And she let's out a groan as you pull out.
  424. >You begin to work her insides with a bit more fervency.
  425. >Shit, she's really starting to drip now. You saw it happen earlier, but experiencing it first hand is much different.
  426. >For one you're the cause this time.
  427. >You finger slips in out with ease now. One finger pulls out and two go in.
  428. >She's caught between halfway groaning and fully moaning now.
  429. >You find a spot that she seems to enjoy more than the rest and concentrate your efforts there.
  430. >Her legs begin shaking and her cries become shorter. She's close. You know it. It's the same noises she made earlier.
  431. >You concentrate your efforts just a little bit more and...
  432. >Stop.
  433. >You pull out and her ass shakes instinctively searching for the source of it's previous pleasure.
  434. >Applejack lets a out a yearning cry.
  435. >You plunge your fingers back inside her sopping hole.
  436. >She clenches around you as you begin your thrusts anew.
  437. >You have to play this very carefully. You aren't a mind reader and the slightest miscalculation could ruin the whole thing.
  438. >But you concentrate hard at the task at hand. You can do this. Just listen intently to her breathing and when it becomes the slightest bit erratic...
  439. > You pull out and stop again.
  440. "Hrmmmpppph!" Applejack grunts in frustration.
  441. >Another well timed denial.
  442. >After a few minutes of gentle massaging, you slip yourself back inside.
  443. >More moans and whimpering cries of frustration as you build her back up and stop just short of release.
  444. >Again and again you bring your little mare to brink and again and again you deny her.
  445. >You glance at the clock on the wall. Shit... It's nearly morning. You've been playing with your little mare all night. Nightmare Moon will expect you in just a few hours.
  446. >You slip your fingers out of her one final time and walk around to see the look on her face.
  447. >Her eyes are rolled back slightly and she's drooling through her gag.
  448. >You carefully slide the bit out of her mouth.
  449. "So hot. Please. Just finish. I can't... I don't know. It's... Please. Augh."
  450. >Her legs shake softly as she her body twitches.
  451. >You silence her ramblings with a kiss and to your delight, she returns it with enthusiasm.
  452. >She laps at your mouth hungrily, hoping to find her release at the back of your throat.
  453. >But you pull away and replace the bit.
  454. >You've been up all night with this. It's time you get take your enjoyment.
  455. >Unfortunately, if you put yourself inside her pussy, she'll definitely be able to cum before you.
  456. >Good thing she has another hole.
  457. >You rub your cock against her dripping pussy, smearing it with her juices.
  458. >She's tenses up slightly, but doesn't try to shake you off. You think she's honestly ready for you to take her virginity.
  459. >Too bad.
  460. >You slide your tip inside her other hole.
  461. >She definitely was not expecting this.
  462. "Hrph? Hm. Ahrph?"
  463. >She lets out a few confused grunts like she honestly thinks you just made a mistake.
  464. >You show her you didn't as you slowly push yourself inside.
  465. >Taking your fingers you work her pussy a little, wiping the excess moisture on the exposed parts of your cock for better lubrication.
  466. "You're a farmer right? Surely you've seen your animals rut before, but I bet you've never experienced this have you?"
  467. "Ngh ughn," she responds through her gag.
  468. >The fact that she actually responded to your question screams that you are making tremendous headway with the young mare.
  469. >Smiling you push yourself to the hilt and stop.
  470. >But fuck, the angle that you have to do this is really uncomfortable.
  471. >You endure though. It's not like the pleasure isn't outweighing the contortion you have to put your body through.
  472. >As you being to pull back, you feel her squeezing you trying to suck you back in.
  473. >You're more than happy to oblige.
  474. >You push yourself back inside, picking up the slightest amount of speed.
  475. >More groans of uncertainty from your pet. But she doesn't sound too displeased by the intrusion anymore.
  476. >You've given her enough time to get used to you. It's time to really pick up your pace.
  477. >And so you do, moving your hips passionately back and forth.
  478. >She's really clenching down on you. It's not unpleasant, but the pressure is more than you're used too.
  479. >You can't keep this pace for too long, she feels too good.
  480. >As you begin to reach your finish, you start to hear her breathe becoming ragged again.
  481. >Oh... This would be too perfect.
  482. "You know you can fight me all you want Applejack, but your body knows the truth. You like this. You want this."
  483. >She whines out what is probably a "No," but it's inaudible through the bit.
  484. >You decide to roll with it though.
  485. "No? Alright then."
  486. >You suddenly halt all action and pull out with a small pop.
  487. >You're so close it actually hurts a little, but it looks like she was even closer.
  488. >She begins to thrash violently against her restraints.
  489. >The spreader bar holds her firmly in place, but she stretches all the leeway it can muster by picking up her leg and tapping the ground.
  490. "What's wrong? I thought you said no."
  491. >She snivels a cry of yearning in response.
  492. "Well which is it Applejack?"
  493. >You remove the drool covered bit from her mouth.
  494. "Yeeees. Alright. Yes. Please. Just. Augh!"
  495. >She shakes again and taps her foot on the ground
  496. "Tell me Applejack, what would you do if a pig roamed into your house, bringing their mud and filth in with them."
  497. >She doesn't answer.
  498. "You'd turn them out of course. Because animals are useful. Animals are cute. But they aren't civilized. They can't control themselves."
  499. >Her ears perk up and then flatten to the side of her head. She's honestly confused at where you're going with this train of thought.
  500. "My point dear Applejack, is that to me you're an animal. You're an intelligent one, but an animal nonetheless. You can't control yourself. And you don't really know what's in your best interest
  501. "Look at Rainbow Dash. She immediately got what she should do. And she even tried to tell you. But you haven't listened, because you don't know what's best for yourself. You need guidance. You need an owner to lead you."
  502. >Her body twitches again and she taps her foot again. Her eyes are so unsure of the new turn of events
  503. >You sigh and head to your wall.
  504. >A lot of toys, some that look like they'll really cause some damage. But they don't concern you right now. Right now you're interested in...
  505. >There, a plug that just slightly bigger than your girth. This will do just fine
  506. >You have work to do. This will be the only company she has while you're away.
  507. >You feel the affects of no sleep as you slunk in from your day. You were already tired to begin with, but now your eyelids are heavy leaden bricks.
  508. >But your work days haven't been in vain. You are becoming well known throughout the kingdom and whenever you show up at a situation, it quickly dissipates.
  509. >The ponies of Equestria are growing used to you, growing used to obeying your commands.
  510. >But that's a thought for a different time. Right now, you have to take care of yourself. And that means sleep. No training tonight. If you get another sleepless night, you're certain if anybody musters the courage to challenge you, they'll take you out with little effort.
  511. >As you enter your room, but don't so much as glance at Applejack. She might as well be part of the decorum for all the shits you give right now.
  512. >But nevertheless, you can feel her eyes watching you. And as you sit on your bed to strip, you can't help but let your eyes fall on her.
  513. >Her face is pleading for something, but you refuse to acknowledge her.
  514. >Sleep. Blissful sleep.
  515. >Consciousness, angry wakefulness.
  516. >You open your eyes to heavy neighing.
  517. >As you struggle to adjust your eyes, you see that only about 6 hours have passed. You need more. Fucking Hell, that isn't nearly enough to catch you up.
  518. >But the neighing doesn't stop.
  519. >You groan outwardly as you force yourself up. It's only 1 am. You could sleep another 8 hours if somepony would just be quiet.
  520. >Walking over to Applejack, you try to figure out what suddenly has her so energetic.
  521. >She just looks at you with the same pleading face she had when you went to bed.
  522. >Walking behind her to to examine her plug, you find the cause of distress.
  523. >She's sopping wet, so much so that's its dribbling down her legs.
  524. >Suddenly you are very aware of the fact that you didn't get to finish earlier.
  525. >But if you give in and take her, you'll be giving her exactly what she wants.
  526. >Release.
  527. >You can't have that.
  528. >You massage Applejack's thigh lovingly as consider your options.
  529. >No. Not tonight. She hasn't had enough yet. She needs more before she's ready.
  530. >And honestly you just want to sleep anyway. Fuck, you're tired to the point that your eyes hurt a little bit.
  531. >You could probably just stay in one of the empty rooms reserved for the three yet broken ponies, but that sounds a little boring.
  532. >Besides its been a few days since you really interacted with Fluttershy.
  533. >You've checked in on her of course, but extended activity was limited in favor of other things.
  534. >You slap Applejack's behind lightly.
  535. "If you won't be quiet, then stay here alone and I'll deal with you later."
  536. >She softly whines as you leave the room.
  537. >You make your way over to Fluttershy's room and upon entering find that she's still awake sitting on her bed and just staring at the floor.
  538. >She meeps at the unexpected intrusion but immediately jumps down and runs down to sit at your feet.
  539. >You've really left an impression on her.
  540. >You're suddenly glad you broke her with fear and compassion rather than pain and humiliation.
  541. "Fluttershy why are you up? It's late. You should be asleep."
  542. >She quivers into your leg as she realizes she's messed up.
  543. >You've chosen your words badly. Of course any critique will shake her.
  544. "I... I'm worried. About. My friends," she says quietly.
  545. "You're friends are fine, pet. You've been so good that no harm has needed to come to them. In fact, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are right across the way. The others will join them shortly and you can all be together. I promise"
  546. >Her ears stick up and she her tail flicks around happily.
  547. "Right now though, it's just you and me and I've had a rough couple of days. I'm using your bed to sleep as mine... has some issues that will be worked out later."
  548. >She nods happily, her body still pooled around feet.
  549. "This means I need the use of my legs, Fluttershy."
  550. >She lets out another scared cry as she backs off.
  551. >Normally you'd use this as an excuse to take charge and have a little fun, but the bed is calling to you.
  552. >And while it obviously isn't as luxurious as yours, you don't care. You could probably sleep on rocks right now.
  553. >Fluttershy follows shortly after and maneuvers into a sitting position on the floor at your side. She rests her gaze on your chest, not daring to look at your face.
  554. >The bed is small, but she could probably squeeze in at the bottom if you wanted.
  555. >You want.
  556. >Once you situate yourself into a comfortable position, you pat the area around your legs.
  557. >She understands and happily obeys, carefully climbing on and finding a spot that doesn't put her entire weight on your lower half.
  558. >She does a pretty good job of not disturbing your comfort and you relish in the warmth she creates.
  559. "I don't have my alarm in here. So you'll have to do Fluttershy. I want to wake up at 7 alright? Not 6.59 and not 7.01. Seven."
  560. >She nods as you smile and close your eyes giving yourself over to sleep once again.
  561. >You feel a warm and wet presence on your dick.
  562. >You reach down absent mindedly, not really registering what's happening but grasping anyway.
  563. >You grab a fistful of soft hair and proceed to stroke it.
  564. >Stroke it? Wait. Hair?
  565. >You open your eyes and glance down to see Flttuershy gingerly licking your dick.
  566. >Her ears flatten against her head.
  567. "I didn't... know how you wanted me... But your... your... it was erect and you liked it last time. So..."
  568. >You rub at your eyes, removing the crust that's formed and massaging around your temples.
  569. "No, you're doing just fine, pet. Continue."
  570. >She nods and begins licking you again, coating you with a nice bit of saliva before taking you fully into her mouth.
  571. >But you can only last a couple of minutes before you release yourself into her mouth.
  572. >You've just been to on edge since yesterday's near completion.
  573. >She holds it in her mouth and looks at you wondering what she's supposed to do.
  574. "Swallow," you command
  575. >She willingly gulps down your seed as you comb your fingers through her hair.
  576. "Good girl."
  577. >The next few hours before work fly by as you spend time with Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
  578. >They're accepting you more and more as you isolate them from their friends and yours is the only contact they know.
  579. >You leave for work and find that your patrols are a bit more up-beat as you greet the world with a well rested body and the knowledge that your pets wills are bending over to please you.
  580. >The day ends without incident.
  581. >Upon returning home, you find Applejack has exhausted herself to the point of unconsciousness.
  582. >Her pussy, once sopping wet, is now only slightly dripping.
  583. >It seems she has found her release in dream land.
  584. >You can't have that.
  585. >So you set to work building her up again.
  586. >She wakes with a start and finds you massaging her nether regions.
  587. "Nghnnnn..."
  588. >She moans out her displeasure at being woken up and placed into the real world.
  589. >Slicking your fingers against her hole, you manage to bring about the ragged breathing that can only mean one thing.
  590. >But you stop.
  591. >Continuing.
  592. >Stop.
  593. >Go.
  594. "Augh! NNNNnnn! Aurgh NGH!"
  595. >She violently fights against the restraints, but they refuse to give and eventually she tires herself out.
  596. >You bend down and whisper in her ear.
  597. "I'll be back shortly. Don't go anywhere."
  598. >You think it's time to bring Pinkie into the game.
  599. >The only two left inside the cage is Twilight and Pinkie, and neither offer any resistance when you come to collect the pink ball energy.
  600. >Though right now, she's a bit on the tame side.
  601. >That can't be a good sign
  602. "Where are my friends? What did you do with them? Where are we going? Are they okay. Gasp, am I going to be okay"
  603. >Ah, nevermind. Her voice is quieter and straighter, but she's talking a mile a minute. But you suppose this is just the way she shows her restraint.
  604. >You lead her into the hallway and bend down to look her in the eye.
  605. "I'll take you to them right now if you like."
  606. >She gasps in delight.
  607. "On one condition."
  608. "What? Anything you want. Please. I saw what happened to Dash and Apple. I'm really worried. Oh is it..."
  609. >She stops as you glower down at her. You try to replicate the look of man who can and will hurt you just for his amusement.
  610. >You find you don't have to really fake it.
  611. "The condition is you follow my orders exactly Pinkie. You'll have fun. Your friends will have fun. I'll have fun."
  612. "But I'll ask you to do things that might confuse you. And you'll question me. You might think you can't do it. But if you refuse, I'll send you right back to that room and you'll never see your friends again."
  613. >You scared her, but she nods uncertainly
  614. "I'll can do that, but what type of things are you talking about. Is it like what you did..."
  615. >You cut her off with another nasty look.
  616. "And let's have a new rule Pinkie, no questions unless you actually do not understand something I ask. Alright?"
  617. >She nods again.
  618. "Good, lets go see Applejack then."
  619. >She bounces behind you happily as you lead her to your room, but when she's the state of Applejack she stops and her ears fold back.
  620. "Don't worry. She's not hurt. It's a game Pinkie. Here I'll show you."
  621. >You walk over to Applejack and whisper in her ear.
  622. "You want to cum, then you ask her to do it. If not, we can just continue our games alone."
  623. >You remove the bit from her mouth and she doesn't talk for a few seconds. Shit, maybe you miscalculated the amount of sexual frustration you created.
  624. "Please. Please Pinkie. Lick mah... mah... Lick mah hole. Just like Rainbow Dash did. Please."
  625. >Nope. You were made for this job. You shouldn't doubt yourself.
  626. >Pinkie looks very confused now. She glancing back and forth between you and Applejack.
  627. "Pinkie..."
  628. >Suddenly she remembers your earlier talk and begins forward.
  629. "All... Alright. If that's what you want Apple. This mister..."
  630. "Master, Pinkie. You are to call me master."
  631. "Master here said I wouldn't understand, but if that's what you want.
  632. >You don't think she quite grasps the concept of calling you master yet. It's just a name to her right now.
  633. >It doesn't matter she'll learn.
  634. >She stops uncertainly when she reaches her destination, looking back at you one more time to make sure that she's doing what she should.
  635. "So do I just... I Just lick it right.Is it like a lolipop, or do..."
  636. "You'll figure it out," you interrupt.
  637. >She's still hesitant, but plunges her snout downward and begins.
  638. >Applejack actively lets moans of pleasure escape. She's comfortable with Pinkie doing this. Well, as comfortable as one could expect.
  639. >Certainly more accepting that with you.
  640. >You suddenly feel annoyed.
  641. >After a few minutes, you hear the signals that tell Applejack is close.
  642. "Hey Pinkie, can you come here for a second?"
  643. >She stops and looks at you, juice running down her mouth.
  644. "Alright master. What do you need?"
  645. >Applejack lets out a pained, frustrated wail."
  646. "You just have something on your coat, come with me to the bathroom and let me get it off for you."
  647. >You bide time until you think Applejack has calmed down and set Pinkie back to her task.
  648. >You take the opportunity to replace Applejack's bit and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
  649. "You're nothing Applejack. If can just accept that, I promise this will go a lot easier. Release control over to me and give in. Tell me you haven't enjoyed yourself."
  650. >She drops her head, not willing to look at you.
  651. "You're a farmer. You have pigs, and chickens, and sheep; though I don't think you had any cattle. You're my cattle Applejack. The moment you acknowledge that, I can promise you'll be the happiest you've ever been."
  652. >She doesn't lift her head. She doesn't move. She doesn't breathe.
  653. >Wait, she actually isn't breathing. She's holding her breathe. She's trying to trick you.
  654. >You laugh.
  655. "Ha! Is that so Applejack. Hey Pinkie, come here. Applejack has a great joke."
  656. >Pinkie stops her assault and bounces over to your location.
  657. "Hnggnh!!!!"
  658. >That was close.
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