
Casting Call Threadbumpers

Mar 18th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And there is a technicolor pony asking you questions.
  3. >You have no idea what the fuck is happening.
  4. >A purple one named Twilight Sparkle just left the room you were in.
  5. >Shortly after she left, a blue one with a rainbow tail and mane comes in the room.
  6. >She closes the door behind her and takes a seat in the chair opposite of the one you were seated in.
  7. >She takes out a pencil and a clipboard and starts speaking.
  8. >”Okay, my name is Rainbow Dash and I will be asking you a few questions. Are you ready?”
  9. “Why am I here again?”
  10. >“Didn't anyone tell you? This is a casting call for a story. Now, are you ready for the questions?”
  11. “Uhh...sure?”
  12. >Dash stares flatly at you for a moment before sighing.
  13. >”Anons these days... okay. Do you know what it means when a pegasus' wings are extended?”
  14. “No.”
  15. >Dash writes something down on the clipboard.
  16. >”Inside or out?”
  17. “What does that have to do with anything?”
  18. >Dash furrows her brow momentarily while she writes something else on the clipboard.
  19. >”What does blushing mean to you?”
  20. “Look, can I go home now? I don't see what this has to do with anything.”
  21. >Dash quirks an eyebrow at you and writes something on the clipboard.
  22. >She gets up out of the chair and goes and opens the door.
  23. >”Okay guys, we have another Rainbro Anon. Go get him his script.”
  24. “Rainbro? The fuck is that?”
  25. >Dash walks by you and flicks her tail at you.
  26. >”You'll find out soon enough, big guy.”
  27. >Today was a trying to wake yourself up kind of day.
  29. >You are Anonymous.
  30. >And there is a technicolor pony asking you questions.
  31. >You have no idea what the fuck is happening.
  32. >A pink pony with a frazzled mane bounces into the room you are currently seated in.
  33. >”Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm just gonna ask you a few quick questions! Are ya ready?!”
  34. “Umm, Wha-”
  35. >”All righty then! Do you like cupcakes?”
  36. “Well, I-”
  37. >”Super! Do you like parties?”
  38. “Hey, I'm tryi-”
  39. >“Of course you do! Who doesn't like parties?! Now for the most importantest of important questions! Do you like HAVING FUN?!”
  40. “I don't eve-”
  41. >”You're perfect! I'll be right back with a script! Oh, we're going to have so much fun together! I can just tell we're going to be the bestest of friends!”
  42. >The pink pony bounces away, leaving you alone.
  43. “The fuck is wrong with her?!”
  44. >Today was a Ritalin kind of day.
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