
jrabbit op abuse and insults

May 11th, 2012
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  1. <jrabbit> dear god how did prot manage to sound so dumb
  2. <CCCP-pwn-prot> are we still talking about this bullshit?
  3. <rrr> just like in Egypr, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, for example
  4. <jrabbit> this is so stupid
  5. <rrr> no not directly, but sponsoring
  6. <CCCP-pwn-prot> Qlarify
  7. <rrr> which was certainly my original point
  8. <prot> rrr: so what would you have prefered? Gadaffi still in power?
  9. <rrr> certainly
  10. <prot> why?
  11. <Qlarify> CCCP-pwn-prot: Yes?
  12. <rrr> Libya was the 2nd most prosperous country in Africa
  13. <rrr> next to South Africa
  14. <prot> rrr: libya was in civil war
  15. <ninkotech> Prot: your love for genocidal empire is not looking good...
  16. <rrr> now it's an anarchic shit hole
  17. <prot> rrr: so the US caused this civil war?
  18. <jrabbit> its not anarchic fuck you
  19. <jrabbit> also prot fuck off already
  20. <rrr> The US severelye exacerbated the civil war
  21. <prot> rrr: can you cite that?
  22. <rrr> and turned it into an ongoing calamity
  23. <prot> rrr: do you have proof?
  24. <ninkotech> Prot: you can defend warrmongers all the day, with all the citations, with power of the mainstream media, and still you are crazy fuck
  25. <rrr> I've done enough spoon feeding for you
  26. <prot> rrr: sounds like you're giving up
  27. <rrr> I'll tell you what happened on the day
  28. <rrr> Gaddaffi was about to march into Benghazi
  29. <rrr> Hilary Clinton started screaming
  31. <rrr> The US intervened in favor of the NTC, and now black people are in cages
  32. <ninkotech> that Hitlary should hang high
  33. <krshna_> sssshh
  34. <orzo> wirehead: while i agree that Qlarify's venus project utopia of complete automation is not realistic, the basic approach of using technology to directly elevate people's lot i completely agree with. And while I recognize that even automated systems have potential for abuses, they are no more fearsome than the typical abuses possible in all human organizing
  35. <prot> rrr: war is hell
  36. <rrr> Now, I'm not going to show you any links, I'm tired of this game
  37. <krshna_> democracy now in libia
  38. <rrr> but if you would like to look up the facts, I encourage you to
  39. <prot> rrr: its only a game to you because you have so much difficulty finding citations to prove your preconceptions
  40. <prot> namely you haven't found any
  41. <ninkotech> krshna_: WTF? now in lybia central bank controlled by IMF
  42. <rrr> as I recall in this conversation
  43. jrabbit [~babyseal@unaffiliated/jrabbit] has set mode +b *!*prot@*
  44. You have been kicked from #occupywallst by jrabbit [~babyseal@unaffiliated/jrabbit]: Prot
  47. [17:05:08] <jrabbit> you both were banned. (talking about rrr)
  48. [17:05:12] <jrabbit> fyi
  49. [17:05:13] <Prot> what did he do?
  50. [17:05:38] <jrabbit> conspiracy bullshit
  51. [17:05:42] <Prot> and me?
  52. [17:06:12] <jrabbit> feeding the troll and other generic shit you'll get unbanned by sc anyways or some bullshit
  53. [17:06:23] <jrabbit> I don't even care you've been causing trouble all day
  54. [17:06:28] <Prot> oh yeah? what trouble?
  55. [17:07:59] <Omega> it's about fucking time you got banned
  56. [17:08:06] <Prot> because you don't like me?
  57. [17:08:16] <Prot> my views make you uncomfortable?
  58. [17:08:48] <Prot> censorship is really the only solution for people like you and jrabbit
  59. [17:09:06] <Prot> cause in the end, we were having a debate, and doing nothing wrong
  60. [17:09:40] <jrabbit> have your debate over pm then
  61. [17:09:49] <Prot> why didn't you ask me to?
  62. [17:09:53] <Prot> i would have done that, I usually do
  63. [17:10:13] <Prot> did not know debating politics in ows was a bannable offense eith
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