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Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. // Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
  2. // Type: Aurora.Devices.Asus.AuraDevice
  3. // Assembly: Aurora, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  4. // MVID: 10E8C401-02CD-4F83-843C-67D1260C7788
  5. // Assembly location: C:\Users\Diogo\Desktop\Debug v0.0.7\Debug\Aurora.exe
  7. using AuraServiceLib;
  8. using Aurora.Settings;
  9. using System;
  10. using System.Collections.Generic;
  11. using System.ComponentModel;
  12. using System.Diagnostics;
  13. using System.Drawing;
  14. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  15. using System.Threading;
  17. namespace Aurora.Devices.Asus
  18. {
  19. internal class AuraDevice : Device
  20. {
  21. private static readonly bool DEBUG = true;
  22. private static readonly bool DEBUG_SPAM = false;
  23. private static readonly bool DEBUG_EFFECTS = false;
  24. private static readonly bool DEBUG_GROUPS = true;
  25. private static readonly bool DEBUG_LIGHTS = true;
  26. private readonly object _lock = new object();
  27. private Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
  28. private long lastUpdateTime = 0;
  29. private bool initialized = false;
  30. private bool keyboardConnected = false;
  31. private bool peripheralConnected = false;
  32. private System.Windows.Controls.Image imgBitmap = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
  33. private const string deviceName = "ASUS Aura";
  34. private static IAuraDeviceCollection auraDeviceCollection;
  35. private const int DEVICE_MODE_SW = 0;
  36. private const int DEVICE_MODE_EC = 1;
  37. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_MAINBOARD_MASTER = 65536;
  38. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_VGA = 131072;
  39. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_DRAM = 458752;
  40. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD = 524288;
  41. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE = 589824;
  42. private const uint DEVICE_TYPE_ADDRESSABLE_STRIP = 69632;
  43. private VariableRegistry variableRegistry;
  44. private const string RegistryKeyboard = "ASUS Aura_enable_keyboard";
  45. private const string RegistryMouse = "ASUS Aura_enable_mouse";
  46. private const string RegistryVga = "ASUS Aura_enable_gpu";
  47. private const string RegistryOther = "ASUS Aura_enable_other";
  48. private const string RegistryKeyboardTitle = "Enable keyboard support";
  49. private const string RegistryMouseTitle = "Enable mouse support";
  50. private const string RegistryGpuTitle = "Enable GPU support";
  51. private const string RegistryOtherTitle = "Enable other peripheral support";
  52. private bool _registryEnableKeyboard;
  53. private bool _registryEnableMouse;
  54. private bool _registryEnableGpu;
  55. private bool _registryEnableOther;
  57. public string GetDeviceDetails()
  58. {
  59. if (!this.initialized)
  60. return "ASUS Aura: Not initialized";
  61. string str1 = "ASUS Aura:";
  62. for (int index = 0; index < AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection.Count; ++index)
  63. {
  64. // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
  65. IAuraDevice auraDevice = AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index];
  66. string str2 = str1;
  67. string str3;
  68. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(auraDevice.Manufacture + auraDevice.Model))
  69. str3 = " (" + (object) (index + 1) + ")" + auraDevice.Manufacture + " " + auraDevice.Model;
  70. else
  71. str3 = " (" + (object) (index + 1) + ")" + auraDevice.Name;
  72. str1 = str2 + str3;
  73. }
  74. return str1 + ": Connected";
  75. }
  77. public string GetDeviceName()
  78. {
  79. return "ASUS Aura";
  80. }
  82. public string GetDeviceUpdatePerformance()
  83. {
  84. return this.initialized ? this.lastUpdateTime.ToString() + " ms" : "";
  85. }
  87. public VariableRegistry GetRegisteredVariables()
  88. {
  89. if (this.variableRegistry == null)
  90. {
  91. this.variableRegistry = new VariableRegistry();
  92. // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
  93. AuraDevelopement instance = (AuraDevelopement) Activator.CreateInstance(Marshal.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("34B707DC-1133-4EBC-B380-21387A50A89D")));
  94. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  95. instance.AURARequireToken();
  96. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  97. AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection = instance.GetAllDevices();
  98. int num1 = 0;
  99. int num2 = 0;
  100. int num3 = 0;
  101. int num4 = 0;
  102. int num5 = 0;
  103. int num6 = 0;
  104. int num7 = 0;
  105. for (int index = 0; index < AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection.Count; ++index)
  106. {
  107. // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
  108. IAuraDevice auraDevice = AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index];
  109. string str = string.IsNullOrEmpty(auraDevice.Manufacture + auraDevice.Model) ? auraDevice.Name : auraDevice.Manufacture + " " + auraDevice.Model;
  110. string title1 = str + "\r\nLight count: " + (object) auraDevice.LightCount;
  111. string title2 = "WARNING UNKNOWN TYPE! Enable " + str + "\r\nLight count: " + (object) auraDevice.LightCount + "\r\nDevice type: " + string.Format("{0:X}", (object) auraDevice.Type);
  112. switch (auraDevice.Type)
  113. {
  114. case 65536:
  115. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_mobo_" + (object) num1, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  116. ++num1;
  117. break;
  118. case 69632:
  119. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_adressable_" + (object) num4, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  120. ++num4;
  121. break;
  122. case 131072:
  123. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_vga_" + (object) num5, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  124. ++num5;
  125. break;
  126. case 458752:
  127. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_dram_" + (object) num3, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  128. ++num3;
  129. break;
  130. case 524288:
  131. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_keyboard_" + (object) num2, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  132. ++num2;
  133. break;
  134. case 589824:
  135. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_mouse_" + (object) num6, (object) true, title1, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  136. ++num6;
  137. break;
  138. default:
  139. this.variableRegistry.Register("enable_unknown_" + (object) num7, (object) true, title2, (object) null, (object) null, "", VariableFlags.None);
  140. ++num7;
  141. break;
  142. }
  143. }
  144. }
  145. return this.variableRegistry;
  146. }
  148. public bool Initialize()
  149. {
  150. if (!this.initialized)
  151. {
  152. lock (this._lock)
  153. {
  154. Global.logger.Info("Initializing Device");
  155. try
  156. {
  157. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  158. this.Dump(AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection);
  159. for (int index = 0; index < AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection.Count; ++index)
  160. {
  161. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  162. AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index].SetMode(0);
  163. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  164. AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index].Apply();
  165. switch (AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index].Type)
  166. {
  167. case 524288:
  168. this.keyboardConnected = true;
  169. break;
  170. default:
  171. this.peripheralConnected = true;
  172. break;
  173. }
  174. }
  175. this.initialized = true;
  176. }
  177. catch (Exception ex)
  178. {
  179. Global.logger.Error("There was an error initializing Asus Aura SDK.\r\n" + ex.Message);
  180. return false;
  181. }
  182. if (!this.initialized)
  183. Global.logger.Error("No Asus Aura devices successfully Initialized.");
  184. }
  185. }
  186. return this.initialized;
  187. }
  189. public bool IsConnected()
  190. {
  191. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  192. Global.logger.Info("IsConnected()");
  193. return this.initialized && AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection != null;
  194. }
  196. public bool IsInitialized()
  197. {
  198. return this.initialized;
  199. }
  201. public bool IsKeyboardConnected()
  202. {
  203. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  204. Global.logger.Info("IsKeyboardConnected()");
  205. return this.keyboardConnected;
  206. }
  208. public bool IsPeripheralConnected()
  209. {
  210. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  211. Global.logger.Info("IsPeripheralConnected()");
  212. return this.peripheralConnected;
  213. }
  215. public bool Reconnect()
  216. {
  217. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG)
  218. Global.logger.Info("Reconnect()");
  219. this.OnDeviceStop();
  220. return this.Initialize();
  221. }
  223. public void Reset()
  224. {
  225. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG)
  226. Global.logger.Info("Reset()");
  227. this.OnDeviceStop();
  228. this.Initialize();
  229. }
  231. public void Shutdown()
  232. {
  233. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG)
  234. Global.logger.Info("Shutdown()");
  235. lock (this._lock)
  236. {
  237. if (!this.initialized)
  238. return;
  239. this.OnDeviceStop();
  240. }
  241. }
  243. public bool UpdateDevice(
  244. Dictionary<DeviceKeys, Color> keyColors,
  245. DoWorkEventArgs e,
  246. bool forced = false)
  247. {
  248. if (!this.initialized)
  249. return false;
  250. if (e.Cancel)
  251. return false;
  252. try
  253. {
  254. foreach (KeyValuePair<DeviceKeys, Color> keyColor in keyColors)
  255. {
  256. if (e.Cancel)
  257. return false;
  258. if (this.peripheralConnected)
  259. this.ProcessPeriphalDevices(keyColor);
  260. if (this.keyboardConnected)
  261. this.ProcessKeyboardDevices(keyColor);
  262. }
  263. if (e.Cancel)
  264. return false;
  265. }
  266. catch (Exception ex)
  267. {
  268. Global.logger.Error("UpdateDevice() Failed: " + ex.ToString());
  269. return false;
  270. }
  271. return true;
  272. }
  274. public bool UpdateDevice(
  275. DeviceColorComposition colorComposition,
  276. DoWorkEventArgs e,
  277. bool forced = false)
  278. {
  280. bool flag = this.UpdateDevice(colorComposition.keyColors, e, forced);
  282. this.lastUpdateTime =;
  283. return flag;
  284. }
  286. private void OnDeviceStop()
  287. {
  288. this.keyboardConnected = false;
  289. this.peripheralConnected = false;
  290. this.initialized = false;
  291. }
  293. private void ProcessPeriphalDevices(KeyValuePair<DeviceKeys, Color> keyValuePair)
  294. {
  295. int lightId = AuraDevice.DeviceKeyToAuraPeripheralKeyId(keyValuePair.Key);
  296. if (lightId == int.MaxValue)
  297. return;
  298. new Thread((ThreadStart) (() =>
  299. {
  300. for (int index = 0; index < AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection.Count; ++index)
  301. {
  302. switch (AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index].Type)
  303. {
  304. case 65536:
  305. case 69632:
  306. case 131072:
  307. case 458752:
  308. if (keyValuePair.Key == DeviceKeys.Peripheral_Logo)
  309. {
  310. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index], keyValuePair.Value);
  311. break;
  312. }
  313. break;
  314. case 589824:
  315. this.SetRgbLightColor(AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index], lightId, keyValuePair.Value);
  316. break;
  317. }
  318. }
  319. })).Start();
  320. }
  322. private void ProcessKeyboardDevices(KeyValuePair<DeviceKeys, Color> keyValuePair)
  323. {
  324. new Thread((ThreadStart) (() =>
  325. {
  326. int auraKeyboardKeyId = AuraDevice.DeviceKeysToAuraKeyboardKeyId(keyValuePair.Key);
  327. if (auraKeyboardKeyId == int.MaxValue)
  328. return;
  329. for (int index = 0; index < AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection.Count; ++index)
  330. {
  331. if (AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index].Type == 524288U)
  332. this.SetRgbLightColor(AuraDevice.auraDeviceCollection[index], auraKeyboardKeyId, keyValuePair.Value);
  333. }
  334. })).Start();
  335. }
  337. /// <summary>
  338. /// Method for setting all RGB Lights for a device one color.
  339. /// </summary>
  340. /// <param name="device">IAuraDevice that controls the RGB lights</param>
  341. /// <param name="color">Color to set RGB key to</param>
  342. private void SetDeviceLightsColor(IAuraDevice device, Color color)
  343. {
  344. new Thread((ThreadStart) (() =>
  345. {
  346. bool flag = false;
  347. foreach (IAuraRgbLight light in device.Lights)
  348. {
  349. if (device.Type == 458752U || !this.ColorMatchesLight(color, light.Red, light.Green, light.Blue))
  350. {
  351. light.Red = color.R;
  352. light.Green = color.G;
  353. light.Blue = color.B;
  354. flag = true;
  355. }
  356. else if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  357. Global.logger.Info("SetDeviceLightsColor() Color match dont update: " + light.Name);
  358. }
  359. if (!flag)
  360. return;
  361. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  362. device.Apply();
  363. })).Start();
  364. }
  366. /// <summary>Method for setting Aura Keyboard RGB keys.</summary>
  367. /// <param name="device">IAuraKeyboard that controls the RGB light</param>
  368. /// <param name="index">Index of RGB key. Keys are enumerated by the device controller</param>
  369. /// <param name="color">Color to set RGB key to</param>
  370. private void SetKeyboardRgbKeyColor(IAuraKeyboard device, int index, Color color)
  371. {
  372. new Thread((ThreadStart) (() =>
  373. {
  374. // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
  375. IAuraRgbKey key = device.Keys[index];
  376. bool flag = false;
  377. if (!this.ColorMatchesLight(color, key.Red, key.Green, key.Blue))
  378. {
  379. key.Red = color.R;
  380. key.Green = color.G;
  381. key.Blue = color.B;
  382. flag = true;
  383. }
  384. else if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  385. Global.logger.Info("SetKeyboardRgbKeyColor() Color match dont update: " + key.Name);
  386. if (!flag)
  387. return;
  388. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  389. device.Apply();
  390. })).Start();
  391. }
  393. /// <summary>Method for setting general Aura RGB lights.</summary>
  394. /// <param name="device">IAuraDevice that controls the RGB light</param>
  395. /// <param name="index">Index of RGB Light. Lights are enumerated by the device controller</param>
  396. /// <param name="color">Color to set RGB light to</param>
  397. private void SetRgbLightColor(IAuraDevice device, int index, Color color)
  398. {
  399. new Thread((ThreadStart) (() =>
  400. {
  401. // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
  402. IAuraRgbLight light = device.Lights[index];
  403. bool flag = false;
  404. if (!this.ColorMatchesLight(color, light.Red, light.Green, light.Blue))
  405. {
  406. light.Red = color.R;
  407. light.Green = color.G;
  408. light.Blue = color.B;
  409. flag = true;
  410. }
  411. else if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_SPAM)
  412. Global.logger.Info("SetRgbLightColor() Color match dont update: " + light.Name);
  413. if (!flag)
  414. return;
  415. // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
  416. device.Apply();
  417. })).Start();
  418. }
  420. private bool ColorMatchesLight(Color color, byte r, byte g, byte b)
  421. {
  422. return (int) color.R == (int) r && (int) color.G == (int) g && (int) color.B == (int) b;
  423. }
  425. /// <summary>Determines the int ID from a DeviceKeys</summary>
  426. /// <param name="key">The key to translate</param>
  427. /// <returns>the ushort id, or ushort.MaxValue if invalid</returns>
  428. private static int DeviceKeysToAuraKeyboardKeyId(DeviceKeys key)
  429. {
  430. switch (key)
  431. {
  432. case DeviceKeys.ESC:
  433. return 1;
  434. case DeviceKeys.F1:
  435. return 59;
  436. case DeviceKeys.F2:
  437. return 60;
  438. case DeviceKeys.F3:
  439. return 61;
  440. case DeviceKeys.F4:
  441. return 62;
  442. case DeviceKeys.F5:
  443. return 63;
  444. case DeviceKeys.F6:
  445. return 64;
  446. case DeviceKeys.F7:
  447. return 65;
  448. case DeviceKeys.F8:
  449. return 66;
  450. case DeviceKeys.F9:
  451. return 67;
  452. case DeviceKeys.F10:
  453. return 68;
  454. case DeviceKeys.F11:
  455. return 87;
  456. case DeviceKeys.F12:
  457. return 88;
  458. case DeviceKeys.PRINT_SCREEN:
  459. return 183;
  460. case DeviceKeys.SCROLL_LOCK:
  461. return 70;
  462. case DeviceKeys.PAUSE_BREAK:
  463. return 197;
  464. case DeviceKeys.TILDE:
  465. return 41;
  466. case DeviceKeys.ONE:
  467. return 2;
  468. case DeviceKeys.TWO:
  469. return 3;
  470. case DeviceKeys.THREE:
  471. return 4;
  472. case DeviceKeys.FOUR:
  473. return 5;
  474. case DeviceKeys.FIVE:
  475. return 6;
  476. case DeviceKeys.SIX:
  477. return 7;
  478. case DeviceKeys.SEVEN:
  479. return 8;
  480. case DeviceKeys.EIGHT:
  481. return 9;
  482. case DeviceKeys.NINE:
  483. return 10;
  484. case DeviceKeys.ZERO:
  485. return 11;
  486. case DeviceKeys.MINUS:
  487. return 12;
  488. case DeviceKeys.EQUALS:
  489. return 13;
  490. case DeviceKeys.BACKSPACE:
  491. return 14;
  492. case DeviceKeys.INSERT:
  493. return 210;
  494. case DeviceKeys.HOME:
  495. return 199;
  496. case DeviceKeys.PAGE_UP:
  497. return 201;
  498. case DeviceKeys.NUM_LOCK:
  499. return 69;
  500. case DeviceKeys.NUM_SLASH:
  501. return 181;
  502. case DeviceKeys.NUM_ASTERISK:
  503. return 55;
  504. case DeviceKeys.NUM_MINUS:
  505. return 74;
  506. case DeviceKeys.TAB:
  507. return 15;
  508. case DeviceKeys.Q:
  509. return 16;
  510. case DeviceKeys.W:
  511. return 17;
  512. case DeviceKeys.E:
  513. return 18;
  514. case DeviceKeys.R:
  515. return 19;
  516. case DeviceKeys.T:
  517. return 20;
  518. case DeviceKeys.Y:
  519. return 21;
  520. case DeviceKeys.U:
  521. return 22;
  522. case DeviceKeys.I:
  523. return 23;
  524. case DeviceKeys.O:
  525. return 24;
  526. case DeviceKeys.P:
  527. return 25;
  528. case DeviceKeys.OPEN_BRACKET:
  529. return 26;
  530. case DeviceKeys.CLOSE_BRACKET:
  531. return 27;
  532. case DeviceKeys.BACKSLASH:
  533. return 43;
  534. case DeviceKeys.DELETE:
  535. return 211;
  536. case DeviceKeys.END:
  537. return 207;
  538. case DeviceKeys.PAGE_DOWN:
  539. return 209;
  540. case DeviceKeys.NUM_SEVEN:
  541. return 71;
  542. case DeviceKeys.NUM_EIGHT:
  543. return 72;
  544. case DeviceKeys.NUM_NINE:
  545. return 73;
  546. case DeviceKeys.NUM_PLUS:
  547. return 78;
  548. case DeviceKeys.CAPS_LOCK:
  549. return 58;
  550. case DeviceKeys.A:
  551. return 30;
  552. case DeviceKeys.S:
  553. return 31;
  554. case DeviceKeys.D:
  555. return 32;
  556. case DeviceKeys.F:
  557. return 33;
  558. case DeviceKeys.G:
  559. return 34;
  560. case DeviceKeys.H:
  561. return 35;
  562. case DeviceKeys.J:
  563. return 36;
  564. case DeviceKeys.K:
  565. return 37;
  566. case DeviceKeys.L:
  567. return 38;
  568. case DeviceKeys.SEMICOLON:
  569. return 39;
  570. case DeviceKeys.APOSTROPHE:
  571. return 40;
  572. case DeviceKeys.HASHTAG:
  573. return 3;
  574. case DeviceKeys.ENTER:
  575. return 28;
  576. case DeviceKeys.NUM_FOUR:
  577. return 75;
  578. case DeviceKeys.NUM_FIVE:
  579. return 76;
  580. case DeviceKeys.NUM_SIX:
  581. return 77;
  582. case DeviceKeys.LEFT_SHIFT:
  583. return 42;
  584. case DeviceKeys.BACKSLASH_UK:
  585. return 43;
  586. case DeviceKeys.Z:
  587. return 44;
  588. case DeviceKeys.X:
  589. return 45;
  590. case DeviceKeys.C:
  591. return 46;
  592. case DeviceKeys.V:
  593. return 47;
  594. case DeviceKeys.B:
  595. return 48;
  596. case DeviceKeys.N:
  597. return 49;
  598. case DeviceKeys.M:
  599. return 50;
  600. case DeviceKeys.COMMA:
  601. return 51;
  602. case DeviceKeys.PERIOD:
  603. return 52;
  604. case DeviceKeys.FORWARD_SLASH:
  605. return 53;
  606. case DeviceKeys.RIGHT_SHIFT:
  607. return 54;
  608. case DeviceKeys.ARROW_UP:
  609. return 200;
  610. case DeviceKeys.NUM_ONE:
  611. return 79;
  612. case DeviceKeys.NUM_TWO:
  613. return 80;
  614. case DeviceKeys.NUM_THREE:
  615. return 81;
  616. case DeviceKeys.NUM_ENTER:
  617. return 156;
  618. case DeviceKeys.LEFT_CONTROL:
  619. return 29;
  620. case DeviceKeys.LEFT_WINDOWS:
  621. return 219;
  622. case DeviceKeys.LEFT_ALT:
  623. return 56;
  624. case DeviceKeys.SPACE:
  625. return 57;
  626. case DeviceKeys.RIGHT_ALT:
  627. return 184;
  628. case DeviceKeys.APPLICATION_SELECT:
  629. return 221;
  630. case DeviceKeys.RIGHT_CONTROL:
  631. return 157;
  632. case DeviceKeys.ARROW_LEFT:
  633. return 203;
  634. case DeviceKeys.ARROW_DOWN:
  635. return 208;
  636. case DeviceKeys.ARROW_RIGHT:
  637. return 205;
  638. case DeviceKeys.NUM_ZERO:
  639. return 82;
  640. case DeviceKeys.NUM_PERIOD:
  641. return 83;
  642. case DeviceKeys.FN_Key:
  643. return 256;
  644. case DeviceKeys.LOGO:
  645. return 257;
  646. case DeviceKeys.ADDITIONALLIGHT1:
  647. return 258;
  648. case DeviceKeys.ADDITIONALLIGHT2:
  649. return 259;
  650. case DeviceKeys.OEM5:
  651. return 6;
  652. case DeviceKeys.OEMTilde:
  653. return 41;
  654. case DeviceKeys.OEM8:
  655. return 9;
  656. case DeviceKeys.OEM6:
  657. return 7;
  658. case DeviceKeys.OEM1:
  659. return 2;
  660. case DeviceKeys.OEMPlus:
  661. return 13;
  662. default:
  663. return int.MaxValue;
  664. }
  665. }
  667. /// <summary>Determines the ushort ID from a DeviceKeys</summary>
  668. /// <param name="key">The key to translate</param>
  669. /// <returns>the index of that mouse LED</returns>
  670. private static int DeviceKeyToAuraPeripheralKeyId(DeviceKeys key)
  671. {
  672. switch (key)
  673. {
  674. case DeviceKeys.Peripheral_Logo:
  675. return 0;
  676. case DeviceKeys.Peripheral_ScrollWheel:
  677. return 1;
  678. case DeviceKeys.Peripheral_FrontLight:
  679. return 2;
  680. default:
  681. return int.MaxValue;
  682. }
  683. }
  685. private void LedTest(IAuraDevice device, int time)
  686. {
  687. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(device, Color.Black);
  688. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(device, Color.Red);
  689. Thread.Sleep(time);
  690. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(device, Color.Green);
  691. Thread.Sleep(time);
  692. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(device, Color.Blue);
  693. Thread.Sleep(time);
  694. this.SetDeviceLightsColor(device, Color.Black);
  695. }
  697. /// <summary>Can be called anywhere after int()</summary>
  698. /// <param name="deviceCollection"></param>
  699. private void Dump(IAuraDeviceCollection deviceCollection)
  700. {
  701. Global.logger.Info("------------ Dump Aura Device Info Start -------------");
  702. foreach (IAuraDevice device in deviceCollection)
  703. {
  704. Global.logger.Info("Name:" + device.Name);
  705. Global.logger.Info("Manufacture:" + device.Manufacture);
  706. Global.logger.Info("Model:" + device.Model);
  707. Global.logger.Info("Groups:" + device.Groups.Count.ToString());
  708. Global.logger.Info("Lights:" + (object) device.Lights.Count);
  709. Global.logger.Info("Type:" + string.Format("{0:X}", (object) device.Type));
  710. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_EFFECTS)
  711. {
  712. foreach (IAuraEffect effect in device.Effects)
  713. {
  714. Global.logger.Info("-------- Supported Lighting Effects -------");
  715. Global.logger.Info("- Effect Name:" + effect.Name);
  716. Global.logger.Info("- Effect ID:" + (object) effect.Id);
  717. Global.logger.Info("- Effect Synchronized:" + (object) effect.Synchronized);
  718. }
  719. }
  720. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_GROUPS)
  721. {
  722. int num = 0;
  723. foreach (IAuraRgbLightGroup group in device.Groups)
  724. {
  725. Global.logger.Info("-------- Device Group Info -------");
  726. Global.logger.Info("- Group Name:" + group.Name);
  727. Global.logger.Info("- Group ID:" + string.Format("{0:X}", (object) group.Id));
  728. Global.logger.Info("- Group LED count:" + group.Count.ToString());
  729. foreach (IAuraRgbLight auraRgbLight in group)
  730. {
  731. Global.logger.Info("-------- Device Group Light Info -------");
  732. Global.logger.Info("-- Light name:" + auraRgbLight.Name);
  733. Global.logger.Info("- Light Index Id: " + (object) num);
  734. ++num;
  735. }
  736. }
  737. }
  738. if (AuraDevice.DEBUG_LIGHTS)
  739. {
  740. int num = 0;
  741. foreach (IAuraRgbLight light in device.Lights)
  742. {
  743. Global.logger.Info("-------- Device Light Info -------");
  744. Global.logger.Info("- Light Name:" + light.Name);
  745. Global.logger.Info("- Light Index Id: " + (object) num);
  746. ++num;
  747. }
  748. }
  749. }
  750. Global.logger.Info("------------Dump Aura Device Info Finished-------------");
  751. }
  752. }
  753. }
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