

Dec 23rd, 2013
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  1. The Age of the Oculate.
  3. You are an Oculate, a vastly powerful being, compared to the normal mortal man at the very least, who can see from outside of their boundaries, having the eyes of the Great Old Gods. You possess a deep fountain of mana, expelling it directly from the mana-stream rather than merely manipulating it like mortals.
  5. One's mana and magical influence is heavily dependent on one's own "spirit" and it's guidance of the mana flow and it's qualities, acting as a sort of filter. One's actions and changes in morality and other's influences on you can shape the mana. As well forces of great power can drastically change your mana. Though, one does not lose the ability to use mana if it changes too drastically, rather your magic itself changes. As one burns others and becomes a pyromaniac bent of only destruction your flames and mana itself will become more potent in destruction as well as taking on a life itself.
  7. One's body is also dependant on one's mana flow and your thoughts. Though only very powerful Oculates have complete control over their form a less oculate's body will adapt to their wishes responding to the vast amount of mana going through it warping the body as it tries to suit itself towards the mana. It even partially turns to mana, taking steps into the next One focused on fire mana will notice their body turn somewhat to char as the body adapts to constantly breath fire as the hair and partial qualities of the body change into flames.
  9. An Oculate's Eyes of the Gods allow them to see the inner workings of a plane and the mana flow that sorts through it as well as allowing them to see all the planes of the universe at once. When an Oculate awakens their power they often are overwhelmed by the influx of mana from the manastream as well as a sensory overload. With the pool of mana, one's special influence over the manastream and over the fabric of the dimension, and the god's eye to guide them an Oculate can often rifts of energy to travel between planes and spread one's knowledge and influence be it to to create a vast empire or learn of untold magic and knowledge.
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