Guest User

BungeeUtilisals MOTD Manager Configuration

a guest
Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. enabled: true
  3. # For more info about conditions, please go to
  4. motd:
  5. # Default, this one will show when all others do not apply.
  6. - condition: 'default'
  7. motd: |-
  8. &2Motd &5line &61
  9. &3Motd &4line &72
  10. # User pings the server at the '' domain, condition is invalid when domain name is unknown.
  11. - condition: 'domain =='
  12. motd: |-
  13. &aIt seems that you are playing on &!
  14. &e Please switch to & &einstead!
  15. # User name is known, player probably has joined before.
  16. - condition: 'name != null'
  17. motd: |-
  18. &e Hello &b{user}&e!
  19. &e Welcome back to our server!
  20. # User name is unknown, player probably has never joined before.
  21. - condition: 'name == null'
  22. motd: |-
  23. &eIt seems like you haven't joined our server yet!
  24. &b Come and take a look!
  25. - condition: 'version < 1.12.2'
  26. motd: |-
  27. &bIt seems like you are using &e{version}&b!
  28. &ePlease update to &a1.12.2 &eas this is the recommended version.
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