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  1. // [\gamemodes\source\main/]
  2. /*
  3. Colors
  4. (c) Copyright 2013-2014 by mrdrifter, Game
  5. thx to Y_Less
  6. @author : mrdrifter (, Game
  7. @date : 14 grudnia 2013
  8. @update : 4 stycznia 2014
  10. */
  12. #define COLOR_NPC_BUS 0xFFFFFF28
  13. #define COLOR_DARK_RED 0xB00000FF
  14. #define COLOR_LIGHTER_RED 0xFF3C3CFF
  15. #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE 0x9B91ECFF
  16. #define COLOR_VIP 0xE9E312FF
  17. #define COLOR_ORANGE 0x80AAB3FF
  18. #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000FFFF
  20. #define COLOR_WHITESMOKE 0xF5F5F5FF
  23. #define COLOR_OLD_LACE 0xFDF5E6FF
  27. #define COLOR_BISQUE 0xFFE4C400
  28. #define COLOR_PEACH_PUFF 0xFFDAB900
  30. #define COLOR_CORNSILK 0xFFF8DC00
  32. #define COLOR_SEASHELL 0xFFF5EE00
  33. #define COLOR_MINTCREAM 0xF5FFFA00
  34. #define COLOR_AZURE 0xF0FFFF00
  35. #define COLOR_ALICE_BLUE 0xF0F8FF00
  36. #define COLOR_LAVENDERBLUSH 0xFFF0F500
  37. #define COLOR_MISTYROSE 0xFFE4E100
  38. #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFF00
  39. #define COLOR_DARKSLATEGRAY 0x2F4F4F00
  40. #define COLOR_DARKSLATEGREY 0x2F4F4F00
  41. #define COLOR_DIMGRAY 0x69696900
  42. #define COLOR_DIMGREY 0x69696900
  43. #define COLOR_SLATEGRAY 0x70809000
  44. #define COLOR_SLATEGREY 0x70809000
  45. #define COLOR_LIGHTSLATEGRAY 0x77889900
  46. #define COLOR_LIGHTSLATEGREY 0x77889900
  47. #define COLOR_GRAY 0xBEBEBE00
  48. #define COLOR_LIGHTGREY 0xD3D3D300
  49. #define COLOR_LIGHTGRAY 0xD3D3D300
  50. #define COLOR_MIDNIGHTBLUE 0x19197000
  51. #define COLOR_NAVY 0x8000
  52. #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE 0x8000
  53. #define COLOR_CORNFLOWER_BLUE 0x6495ED00
  54. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_BLUE 0x483D8B00
  55. #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE 0x6A5ACD00
  56. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE 0x7B68EE00
  57. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE 0x8470FF00
  58. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_BLUE 0xCD00
  59. #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE 0x4169E100
  60. #define COLOR_DODGERBLUE 0x1E90FF00
  61. #define COLOR_DEEPSKYBLUE 0xBFFF00
  62. #define COLOR_SKYBLUE 0x87CEEB00
  63. #define COLOR_LIGHTSKYBLUE 0x87CEFA00
  64. #define COLOR_STEELBLUE 0x4682B400
  66. #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0xADD8E600
  67. #define COLOR_POWDERBLUE 0xB0E0E600
  69. #define COLOR_DARKTURQUOISE 0xCED100
  70. #define COLOR_MEDIUMTURQUOISE 0x48D1CC00
  71. #define COLOR_TURQUOISE 0x40E0D000
  72. #define COLOR_LIGHTCYAN 0xE0FFFF00
  73. #define COLOR_CADETBLUE 0x5F9EA000
  75. #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE 0x7FFFD400
  76. #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN 0x640000
  77. #define COLOR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN 0x556B2F00
  78. #define COLOR_DARK_SEA_GREEN 0x8FBC8F00
  79. #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN 0x2E8B5700
  80. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN 0x3CB37100
  81. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SEA_GREEN 0x20B2AA00
  82. #define COLOR_PALE_GREEN 0x98FB9800
  83. #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN 0xFF7F00
  84. #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN 0x7CFC0000
  85. #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE 0x7FFF0000
  87. #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW 0xADFF2F00
  88. #define COLOR_LIME_GREEN 0x32CD3200
  89. #define COLOR_YELLOW_GREEN 0x9ACD3200
  90. #define COLOR_FOREST_GREEN 0x228B2200
  91. #define COLOR_OLIVE_DRAB 0x6B8E2300
  92. #define COLOR_DARK_KHAKI 0xBDB76B00
  95. #define COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW 0xFFFFE000
  96. #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF0000
  98. #define COLOR_GOLDENROD 0xDAA52000
  99. #define COLOR_DARK_GOLDENROD 0xB8860B00
  100. #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN 0xBC8F8F00
  101. #define COLOR_INDIAN_RED 0xCD5C5C00
  102. #define COLOR_SADDLE_BROWN 0x8B451300
  103. #define COLOR_PERU 0xCD853F00
  104. #define COLOR_BEIGE 0xF5F5DC00
  105. #define COLOR_SANDYBROWN 0xF4A46000
  106. #define COLOR_TAN 0xD2B48C00
  107. #define COLOR_FIREBRICK 0xB2222200
  108. #define COLOR_DARKSALMON 0xE9967A00
  109. #define COLOR_SALMON 0xFA807200
  110. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SALMON 0xFFA07A00
  111. #define COLOR_DARKORANGE 0xFF8C0000
  112. #define COLOR_CORAL 0xFF7F5000
  113. #define COLOR_LIGHT_CORAL 0xF0808000
  114. #define COLOR_ORANGERED 0xFF450000
  115. #define COLOR_RED 0xFF000000
  116. #define COLOR_HOT_PINK 0xFF69B400
  117. #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK 0xFF149300
  118. #define COLOR_LIGHTPINK 0xFFB6C100
  119. #define COLOR_PALEVIOLETRED 0xDB709300
  120. #define COLOR_MAROON 0xB0306000
  121. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED 0xC7158500
  122. #define COLOR_VIOLET_RED 0xD0209000
  123. #define COLOR_VIOLET 0xEE82EE00
  124. #define COLOR_ORCHID 0xDA70D600
  125. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_ORCHID 0xBA55D300
  126. #define COLOR_DARK_ORCHID 0x9932CC00
  127. #define COLOR_DARK_VIOLET 0x9400D300
  128. #define COLOR_BLUE_VIOLET 0x8A2BE200
  129. #define COLOR_MEDIUMPURPLE 0x9370DB00
  130. #define COLOR_THISTLE 0xD8BFD800
  131. #define COLOR_SNOW_1 0xFFFAFA00
  132. #define COLOR_SNOW_2 0xEEE9E900
  133. #define COLOR_SNOW_3 0xCDC9C900
  134. #define COLOR_SNOW_4 0x8B898900
  135. #define COLOR_SEASHELL_1 0xFFF5EE00
  136. #define COLOR_SEASHELL_2 0xEEE5DE00
  137. #define COLOR_SEASHELL_3 0xCDC5BF00
  138. #define COLOR_SEASHELL_4 0x8B868200
  139. #define COLOR_ANTIQUE_WHITE_1 0xFFEFDB00
  140. #define COLOR_ANTIQUE_WHITE_2 0xEEDFCC00
  141. #define COLOR_ANTIQUE_WHITE_3 0xCDC0B000
  142. #define COLOR_ANTIQUE_WHITE_4 0x8B837800
  143. #define COLOR_BISQUE_1 0xFFE4C400
  144. #define COLOR_BISQUE_2 0xEED5B700
  145. #define COLOR_BISQUE_3 0xCDB79E00
  146. #define COLOR_BISQUE_4 0x8B7D6B00
  147. #define COLOR_PEACH_PUFF_1 0xFFDAB900
  148. #define COLOR_PEACH_PUFF_2 0xEECBAD00
  149. #define COLOR_PEACH_PUFF_3 0xCDAF9500
  150. #define COLOR_PEACH_PUFF_4 0x8B776500
  151. #define COLOR_NAVAJO_WHITE_1 0xFFDEAD00
  152. #define COLOR_NAVAJO_WHITE_2 0xEECFA100
  153. #define COLOR_NAVAJO_WHITE_3 0xCDB38B00
  154. #define COLOR_NAVAJO_WHITE_4 0x8B795E00
  155. #define COLOR_LEMON_CHIFFON_1 0xFFFACD00
  156. #define COLOR_LEMON_CHIFFON_2 0xEEE9BF00
  157. #define COLOR_LEMON_CHIFFON_3 0xCDC9A500
  158. #define COLOR_LEMON_CHIFFON_4 0x8B897000
  159. #define COLOR_CORNSILK_1 0xFFF8DC00
  160. #define COLOR_CORNSILK_2 0xEEE8CD00
  161. #define COLOR_CORNSILK_3 0xCDC8B100
  162. #define COLOR_CORNSILK_4 0x8B887800
  163. #define COLOR_IVORY_1 0xFFFFF000
  164. #define COLOR_IVORY_2 0xEEEEE000
  165. #define COLOR_IVORY_3 0xCDCDC100
  166. #define COLOR_IVORY_4 0x8B8B8300
  167. #define COLOR_HONEYDEW_1 0xF0FFF000
  168. #define COLOR_HONEYDEW_2 0xE0EEE000
  169. #define COLOR_HONEYDEW_3 0xC1CDC100
  170. #define COLOR_HONEYDEW_4 0x838B8300
  171. #define COLOR_LAVENDER_BLUSH_1 0xFFF0F500
  172. #define COLOR_LAVENDER_BLUSH_2 0xEEE0E500
  173. #define COLOR_LAVENDER_BLUSH_3 0xCDC1C500
  174. #define COLOR_LAVENDER_BLUSH_4 0x8B838600
  175. #define COLOR_MISTY_ROSE_1 0xFFE4E100
  176. #define COLOR_MISTY_ROSE_2 0xEED5D200
  177. #define COLOR_MISTY_ROSE_3 0xCDB7B500
  178. #define COLOR_MISTY_ROSE_4 0x8B7D7B00
  179. #define COLOR_AZURE_1 0xF0FFFF00
  180. #define COLOR_AZURE_2 0xE0EEEE00
  181. #define COLOR_AZURE_3 0xC1CDCD00
  182. #define COLOR_AZURE_4 0x838B8B00
  183. #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE_1 0x836FFF00
  184. #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE_2 0x7A67EE00
  185. #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE_3 0x6959CD00
  186. #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE_4 0x473C8B00
  187. #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE_1 0x4876FF00
  188. #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE_2 0x436EEE00
  189. #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE_3 0x3A5FCD00
  190. #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE_4 0x27408B00
  191. #define COLOR_BLUE_1 0xFF00
  192. #define COLOR_BLUE_2 0xEE00
  193. #define COLOR_BLUE_3 0xCD00
  194. #define COLOR_BLUE_4 0x8B00
  195. #define COLOR_DODGER_BLUE_1 0x1E90FF00
  196. #define COLOR_DODGER_BLUE_2 0x1C86EE00
  197. #define COLOR_DODGER_BLUE_3 0x1874CD00
  198. #define COLOR_DODGER_BLUE_4 0x104E8B00
  199. #define COLOR_STEEL_BLUE_1 0x63B8FF00
  200. #define COLOR_STEEL_BLUE_2 0x5CACEE00
  201. #define COLOR_STEEL_BLUE_3 0x4F94CD00
  202. #define COLOR_STEEL_BLUE_4 0x36648B00
  203. #define COLOR_DEEP_SKY_BLUE_1 0xBFFF00
  204. #define COLOR_DEEP_SKY_BLUE_2 0xB2EE00
  205. #define COLOR_DEEP_SKY_BLUE_3 0x9ACD00
  206. #define COLOR_DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4 0x688B00
  207. #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_1 0x87CEFF00
  208. #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_2 0x7EC0EE00
  209. #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_3 0x6CA6CD00
  210. #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_4 0x4A708B00
  211. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_1 0xB0E2FF00
  212. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_2 0xA4D3EE00
  213. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3 0x8DB6CD00
  214. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_4 0x607B8B00
  215. #define COLOR_SLATE_GRAY_1 0xC6E2FF00
  216. #define COLOR_SLATE_GRAY_2 0xB9D3EE00
  217. #define COLOR_SLATE_GRAY_3 0x9FB6CD00
  218. #define COLOR_SLATE_GRAY_4 0x6C7B8B00
  219. #define COLOR_SLATE_GREY_1 0xC6E2FF00
  220. #define COLOR_SLATE_GREY_2 0xB9D3EE00
  221. #define COLOR_SLATE_GREY_3 0x9FB6CD00
  222. #define COLOR_SLATE_GREY_4 0x6C7B8B00
  223. #define COLOR_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_1 0xCAE1FF00
  224. #define COLOR_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_2 0xBCD2EE00
  225. #define COLOR_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_3 0xA2B5CD00
  226. #define COLOR_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_4 0x6E7B8B00
  227. #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_1 0xBFEFFF00
  228. #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_2 0xB2DFEE00
  229. #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_3 0x9AC0CD00
  230. #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_4 0x68838B00
  231. #define COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN_1 0xE0FFFF00
  232. #define COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN_2 0xD1EEEE00
  233. #define COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN_3 0xB4CDCD00
  234. #define COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN_4 0x7A8B8B00
  235. #define COLOR_PALE_TURQUOISE_1 0xBBFFFF00
  236. #define COLOR_PALE_TURQUOISE_2 0xAEEEEE00
  237. #define COLOR_PALE_TURQUOISE_3 0x96CDCD00
  238. #define COLOR_PALE_TURQUOISE_4 0x668B8B00
  239. #define COLOR_CADET_BLUE_1 0x98F5FF00
  240. #define COLOR_CADET_BLUE_2 0x8EE5EE00
  241. #define COLOR_CADET_BLUE_3 0x7AC5CD00
  242. #define COLOR_CADET_BLUE_4 0x53868B00
  243. #define COLOR_TURQUOISE_1 0xF5FF00
  244. #define COLOR_TURQUOISE_2 0xE5EE00
  245. #define COLOR_TURQUOISE_3 0xC5CD00
  246. #define COLOR_TURQUOISE_4 0x868B00
  247. #define COLOR_CYAN_1 0xFFFF00
  248. #define COLOR_CYAN_2 0xEEEE00
  249. #define COLOR_CYAN_3 0xCDCD00
  250. #define COLOR_CYAN_4 0x8B8B00
  251. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_1 0x97FFFF00
  252. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_2 0x8DEEEE00
  253. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_3 0x79CDCD00
  254. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_4 0x528B8B00
  255. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GREY_1 0x97FFFF00
  256. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GREY_2 0x8DEEEE00
  257. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GREY_3 0x79CDCD00
  258. #define COLOR_DARK_SLATE_GREY_4 0x528B8B00
  259. #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE_1 0x7FFFD400
  260. #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE_2 0x76EEC600
  261. #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE_3 0x66CDAA00
  262. #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE_4 0x458B7400
  263. #define COLOR_DARK_SEA_GREEN_1 0xC1FFC100
  264. #define COLOR_DARK_SEA_GREEN_2 0xB4EEB400
  265. #define COLOR_DARK_SEA_GREEN_3 0x9BCD9B00
  266. #define COLOR_DARK_SEA_GREEN_4 0x698B6900
  267. #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN_1 0x54FF9F00
  268. #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN_2 0x4EEE9400
  269. #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN_3 0x43CD8000
  270. #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN_4 0x2E8B5700
  271. #define COLOR_PALE_GREEN_1 0x9AFF9A00
  272. #define COLOR_PALE_GREEN_2 0x90EE9000
  273. #define COLOR_PALE_GREEN_3 0x7CCD7C00
  274. #define COLOR_PALE_GREEN_4 0x548B5400
  275. #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN_1 0xFF7F00
  276. #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN_2 0xEE7600
  277. #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN_3 0xCD6600
  278. #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN_4 0x8B4500
  279. #define COLOR_GREEN_1 0xFF0000
  280. #define COLOR_GREEN_2 0xEE0000
  281. #define COLOR_GREEN_3 0xCD0000
  282. #define COLOR_GREEN_4 0x8B0000
  283. #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE_1 0x7FFF0000
  284. #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE_2 0x76EE0000
  285. #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE_3 0x66CD0000
  286. #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE_4 0x458B0000
  287. #define COLOR_OLIVE_DRAB_1 0xC0FF3E00
  288. #define COLOR_OLIVE_DRAB_2 0xB3EE3A00
  289. #define COLOR_OLIVE_DRAB_3 0x9ACD3200
  290. #define COLOR_OLIVE_DRAB_4 0x698B2200
  291. #define COLOR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1 0xCAFF7000
  292. #define COLOR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_2 0xBCEE6800
  293. #define COLOR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3 0xA2CD5A00
  294. #define COLOR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_4 0x6E8B3D00
  295. #define COLOR_KHAKI_1 0xFFF68F00
  296. #define COLOR_KHAKI_2 0xEEE68500
  297. #define COLOR_KHAKI_3 0xCDC67300
  298. #define COLOR_KHAKI_4 0x8B864E00
  299. #define COLOR_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_1 0xFFEC8B00
  300. #define COLOR_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2 0xEEDC8200
  301. #define COLOR_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_3 0xCDBE7000
  302. #define COLOR_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_4 0x8B814C00
  303. #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_1 0xFFFFE000
  304. #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_2 0xEEEED100
  305. #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_3 0xCDCDB400
  306. #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_4 0x8B8B7A00
  307. #define COLOR_YELLOW_1 0xFFFF0000
  308. #define COLOR_YELLOW_2 0xEEEE0000
  309. #define COLOR_YELLOW_3 0xCDCD0000
  310. #define COLOR_YELLOW_4 0x8B8B0000
  311. #define COLOR_GOLD_1 0xFFD70000
  312. #define COLOR_GOLD_2 0xEEC90000
  313. #define COLOR_GOLD_3 0xCDAD0000
  314. #define COLOR_GOLD_4 0x8B750000
  315. #define COLOR_GOLDENROD_1 0xFFC12500
  316. #define COLOR_GOLDENROD_2 0xEEB42200
  317. #define COLOR_GOLDENROD_3 0xCD9B1D00
  318. #define COLOR_GOLDENROD_4 0x8B691400
  319. #define COLOR_DARK_GOLDENROD_1 0xFFB90F00
  320. #define COLOR_DARK_GOLDENROD_2 0xEEAD0E00
  321. #define COLOR_DARK_GOLDENROD_3 0xCD950C00
  322. #define COLOR_DARK_GOLDENROD_4 0x8B650800
  323. #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN_1 0xFFC1C100
  324. #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN_2 0xEEB4B400
  325. #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN_3 0xCD9B9B00
  326. #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN_4 0x8B696900
  327. #define COLOR_INDIAN_RED_1 0xFF6A6A00
  328. #define COLOR_INDIAN_RED_2 0xEE636300
  329. #define COLOR_INDIAN_RED_3 0xCD555500
  330. #define COLOR_INDIAN_RED_4 0x8B3A3A00
  331. #define COLOR_SIENNA_1 0xFF824700
  332. #define COLOR_SIENNA_2 0xEE794200
  333. #define COLOR_SIENNA_3 0xCD683900
  334. #define COLOR_SIENNA_4 0x8B472600
  335. #define COLOR_BURLYWOOD_1 0xFFD39B00
  336. #define COLOR_BURLYWOOD_2 0xEEC59100
  337. #define COLOR_BURLYWOOD_3 0xCDAA7D00
  338. #define COLOR_BURLYWOOD_4 0x8B735500
  339. #define COLOR_WHEAT_1 0xFFE7BA00
  340. #define COLOR_WHEAT_2 0xEED8AE00
  341. #define COLOR_WHEAT_3 0xCDBA9600
  342. #define COLOR_WHEAT_4 0x8B7E6600
  343. #define COLOR_TAN_1 0xFFA54F00
  344. #define COLOR_TAN_2 0xEE9A4900
  345. #define COLOR_TAN_3 0xCD853F00
  346. #define COLOR_TAN_4 0x8B5A2B00
  347. #define COLOR_CHOCOLATE_1 0xFF7F2400
  348. #define COLOR_CHOCOLATE_2 0xEE762100
  349. #define COLOR_CHOCOLATE_3 0xCD661D00
  350. #define COLOR_CHOCOLATE_4 0x8B451300
  351. #define COLOR_FIREBRICK_1 0xFF303000
  352. #define COLOR_FIREBRICK_2 0xEE2C2C00
  353. #define COLOR_FIREBRICK_3 0xCD262600
  354. #define COLOR_FIREBRICK_4 0x8B1A1A00
  355. #define COLOR_BROWN_1 0xFF404000
  356. #define COLOR_BROWN_2 0xEE3B3B00
  357. #define COLOR_BROWN_3 0xCD333300
  358. #define COLOR_BROWN_4 0x8B232300
  359. #define COLOR_SALMON_1 0xFF8C6900
  360. #define COLOR_SALMON_2 0xEE826200
  361. #define COLOR_SALMON_3 0xCD705400
  362. #define COLOR_SALMON_4 0x8B4C3900
  363. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SALMON_1 0xFFA07A00
  364. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SALMON_2 0xEE957200
  365. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SALMON_3 0xCD816200
  366. #define COLOR_LIGHT_SALMON_4 0x8B574200
  367. #define COLOR_ORANGE_1 0xFFA50000
  368. #define COLOR_ORANGE_2 0xEE9A0000
  369. #define COLOR_ORANGE_3 0xCD850000
  370. #define COLOR_ORANGE_4 0x8B5A0000
  371. #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_1 0xFF7F0000
  372. #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_2 0xEE760000
  373. #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_3 0xCD660000
  374. #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_4 0x8B450000
  375. #define COLOR_CORAL_1 0xFF725600
  376. #define COLOR_CORAL_2 0xEE6A5000
  377. #define COLOR_CORAL_3 0xCD5B4500
  378. #define COLOR_CORAL_4 0x8B3E2F00
  379. #define COLOR_TOMATO_1 0xFF634700
  380. #define COLOR_TOMATO_2 0xEE5C4200
  381. #define COLOR_TOMATO_3 0xCD4F3900
  382. #define COLOR_TOMATO_4 0x8B362600
  383. #define COLOR_ORANGE_RED_1 0xFF450000
  384. #define COLOR_ORANGE_RED_2 0xEE400000
  385. #define COLOR_ORANGE_RED_3 0xCD370000
  386. #define COLOR_ORANGE_RED_4 0x8B250000
  387. #define COLOR_RED_1 0xFF000000
  388. #define COLOR_RED_2 0xEE000000
  389. #define COLOR_RED_3 0xCD000000
  390. #define COLOR_RED_4 0x8B000000
  391. #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK_1 0xFF149300
  392. #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK_2 0xEE128900
  393. #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK_3 0xCD107600
  394. #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK_4 0x8B0A5000
  395. #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_1 0xFF6EB400
  396. #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_2 0xEE6AA700
  397. #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_3 0xCD609000
  398. #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_4 0x8B3A6200
  399. #define COLOR_PINK 0xFFB5C500
  400. #define COLOR_PINK_2 0xEEA9B800
  401. #define COLOR_PINK_3 0xCD919E00
  402. #define COLOR_PINK_4 0x8B636C00
  403. #define COLOR_LIGHT_PINK_1 0xFFAEB900
  404. #define COLOR_LIGHT_PINK_2 0xEEA2AD00
  405. #define COLOR_LIGHT_PINK_3 0xCD8C9500
  406. #define COLOR_LIGHT_PINK_4 0x8B5F6500
  407. #define COLOR_PALE_VIOLET_RED_1 0xFF82AB00
  408. #define COLOR_PALE_VIOLET_RED_2 0xEE799F00
  409. #define COLOR_PALE_VIOLET_RED_3 0xCD688900
  410. #define COLOR_PALE_VIOLET_RED_4 0x8B475D00
  411. #define COLOR_MAROON_1 0xFF34B300
  412. #define COLOR_MAROON_2 0xEE30A700
  413. #define COLOR_MAROON_3 0xCD299000
  414. #define COLOR_MAROON_4 0x8B1C6200
  415. #define COLOR_VIOLET_RED_1 0xFF3E9600
  416. #define COLOR_VIOLET_RED_2 0xEE3A8C00
  417. #define COLOR_VIOLET_RED_3 0xCD327800
  418. #define COLOR_VIOLET_RED_4 0x8B225200
  419. #define COLOR_MAGENTA_1 0xFF00FF00
  420. #define COLOR_MAGENTA_2 0xEE00EE00
  421. #define COLOR_MAGENTA_3 0xCD00CD00
  422. #define COLOR_MAGENTA_4 0x8B008B00
  423. #define COLOR_ORCHID_1 0xFF83FA00
  424. #define COLOR_ORCHID_2 0xEE7AE900
  425. #define COLOR_ORCHID_3 0xCD69C900
  426. #define COLOR_ORCHID_4 0x8B478900
  427. #define COLOR_PLUM_1 0xFFBBFF00
  428. #define COLOR_PLUM_2 0xEEAEEE00
  429. #define COLOR_PLUM_3 0xCD96CD00
  430. #define COLOR_PLUM_4 0x8B668B00
  431. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_ORCHID_1 0xE066FF00
  432. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_ORCHID_2 0xD15FEE00
  433. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_ORCHID_3 0xB452CD00
  434. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_ORCHID_4 0x7A378B00
  435. #define COLOR_DARK_ORCHID_1 0xBF3EFF00
  436. #define COLOR_DARK_ORCHID_2 0xB23AEE00
  437. #define COLOR_DARK_ORCHID_3 0x9A32CD00
  438. #define COLOR_DARK_ORCHID_4 0x68228B00
  439. #define COLOR_PURPLE_1 0x9B30FF00
  440. #define COLOR_PURPLE_2 0x912CEE00
  441. #define COLOR_PURPLE_3 0x7D26CD00
  442. #define COLOR_PURPLE_4 0x551A8B00
  443. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_PURPLE_1 0xAB82FF00
  444. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_PURPLE_2 0x9F79EE00
  445. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_PURPLE_3 0x8968CD00
  446. #define COLOR_MEDIUM_PURPLE_4 0x5D478B00
  447. #define COLOR_THISTLE_1 0xFFE1FF00
  448. #define COLOR_THISTLE_2 0xEED2EE00
  449. #define COLOR_THISTLE_3 0xCDB5CD00
  450. #define COLOR_THISTLE_4 0x8B7B8B00
  451. #define COLOR_GRAY_1 0x3030300
  452. #define COLOR_GREY_1 0x3030300
  453. #define COLOR_GRAY_2 0x5050500
  454. #define COLOR_GREY_2 0x5050500
  455. #define COLOR_GRAY_3 0x8080800
  456. #define COLOR_GREY_3 0x8080800
  457. #define COLOR_GRAY_4 0xA0A0A00
  458. #define COLOR_GREY 0xA0A0A00
  459. #define COLOR_GRAY_5 0xD0D0D00
  460. #define COLOR_GREY_5 0xD0D0D00
  461. #define COLOR_GREY_100 0xFFFFFF00
  462. #define COLOR_DARK_GREY 0xA9A9A900
  463. #define COLOR_DARK_GRAY 0xA9A9A900
  464. #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE 0x8B00
  465. #define COLOR_DARK_CYAN 0x8B8B00
  466. #define COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA 0x8B008B00
  467. #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN 0x90EE9000
  469. #define HEX_GHOSTWHITE "{F8F8FF}"
  470. #define HEX_WHITESMOKE "{F5F5F5}"
  471. #define HEX_GAINSBORO "{DCDCDC}"
  472. #define HEX_FLORAL_WHITE "{FFFAF0}"
  473. #define HEX_OLD_LACE "{FDF5E6}"
  474. #define HEX_ANTIQUEWHITE "{FAEBD7}"
  475. #define HEX_PAPAYAWHIP "{FFEFD5}"
  477. #define HEX_BISQUE "{FFE4C4}"
  478. #define HEX_PEACH_PUFF "{FFDAB9}"
  479. #define HEX_NAVAJO_WHITE "{FFDEAD}"
  480. #define HEX_CORNSILK "{FFF8DC}"
  481. #define HEX_LEMONCHIFFON "{FFFACD}"
  482. #define HEX_SEASHELL "{FFF5EE}"
  483. #define HEX_MINTCREAM "{F5FFFA}"
  484. #define HEX_AZURE "{F0FFFF}"
  485. #define HEX_ALICE_BLUE "{F0F8FF}"
  486. #define HEX_LAVENDERBLUSH "{FFF0F5}"
  487. #define HEX_MISTYROSE "{FFE4E1}"
  488. #define HEX_WHITE "{FFFFFF}"
  489. #define HEX_DARKSLATEGRAY "{2F4F4F}"
  490. #define HEX_DARKSLATEGREY "{2F4F4F}"
  491. #define HEX_DIMGRAY "{696969}"
  492. #define HEX_DIMGREY "{696969}"
  493. #define HEX_SLATEGRAY "{708090}"
  494. #define HEX_SLATEGREY "{708090}"
  495. #define HEX_LIGHTSLATEGRAY "{778899}"
  496. #define HEX_LIGHTSLATEGREY "{778899}"
  497. #define HEX_GRAY "{BEBEBE}"
  498. #define HEX_LIGHTGREY "{D3D3D3}"
  499. #define HEX_LIGHTGRAY "{D3D3D3}"
  500. #define HEX_MIDNIGHTBLUE "{191970}"
  501. #define HEX_NAVY "{0080}"
  502. #define HEX_NAVY_BLUE "{0080}"
  503. #define HEX_CORNFLOWER_BLUE "{6495ED}"
  504. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_BLUE "{483D8B}"
  505. #define HEX_SLATE_BLUE "{6A5ACD}"
  506. #define HEX_MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE "{7B68EE}"
  507. #define HEX_LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE "{8470FF}"
  508. #define HEX_MEDIUM_BLUE "{00CD}"
  509. #define HEX_ROYAL_BLUE "{4169E1}"
  510. #define HEX_DODGERBLUE "{1E90FF}"
  511. #define HEX_DEEPSKYBLUE "{BFFF}"
  512. #define HEX_SKYBLUE "{87CEEB}"
  513. #define HEX_LIGHTSKYBLUE "{87CEFA}"
  514. #define HEX_STEELBLUE "{4682B4}"
  515. #define HEX_LIGHTSTEELBLUE "{B0C4DE}"
  516. #define HEX_LIGHTBLUE "{ADD8E6}"
  517. #define HEX_POWDERBLUE "{B0E0E6}"
  519. #define HEX_DARKTURQUOISE "{CED1}"
  520. #define HEX_MEDIUMTURQUOISE "{48D1CC}"
  521. #define HEX_TURQUOISE "{40E0D0}"
  522. #define HEX_LIGHTCYAN "{E0FFFF}"
  523. #define HEX_CADETBLUE "{5F9EA0}"
  524. #define HEX_MEDIUMAQUAMARINE "{66CDAA}"
  525. #define HEX_AQUAMARINE "{7FFFD4}"
  526. #define HEX_DARK_GREEN "{6400}"
  527. #define HEX_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN "{556B2F}"
  528. #define HEX_DARK_SEA_GREEN "{8FBC8F}"
  529. #define HEX_SEA_GREEN "{2E8B57}"
  530. #define HEX_MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN "{3CB371}"
  531. #define HEX_LIGHT_SEA_GREEN "{20B2AA}"
  532. #define HEX_PALE_GREEN "{98FB98}"
  533. #define HEX_SPRING_GREEN "{FF7F}"
  534. #define HEX_LAWN_GREEN "{7CFC00}"
  535. #define HEX_CHARTREUSE "{7FFF00}"
  536. #define HEX_MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN "{FA9A}"
  537. #define HEX_GREEN_YELLOW "{ADFF2F}"
  538. #define HEX_LIME_GREEN "{32CD32}"
  539. #define HEX_YELLOW_GREEN "{9ACD32}"
  540. #define HEX_FOREST_GREEN "{228B22}"
  541. #define HEX_OLIVE_DRAB "{6B8E23}"
  542. #define HEX_DARK_KHAKI "{BDB76B}"
  543. #define HEX_PALEGOLDENROD "{EEE8AA}"
  545. #define HEX_LIGHTYELLOW "{FFFFE0}"
  546. #define HEX_YELLOW "{FFFF00}"
  547. #define HEX_LIGHTGOLDENROD "{EEDD82}"
  548. #define HEX_GOLD "{FCAD43}"
  549. #define HEX_GOLDENROD "{DAA520}"
  550. #define HEX_DARK_GOLDENROD "{B8860B}"
  551. #define HEX_ROSY_BROWN "{BC8F8F}"
  552. #define HEX_INDIAN_RED "{CD5C5C}"
  553. #define HEX_SADDLE_BROWN "{8B4513}"
  554. #define HEX_PERU "{CD853F}"
  555. #define HEX_BEIGE "{F5F5DC}"
  556. #define HEX_SANDYBROWN "{F4A460}"
  557. #define HEX_TAN "{D2B48C}"
  558. #define HEX_FIREBRICK "{B22222}"
  559. #define HEX_DARKSALMON "{E9967A}"
  560. #define HEX_SALMON "{FA8072}"
  561. #define HEX_LIGHT_SALMON "{FFA07A}"
  562. #define HEX_DARKORANGE "{FF8C00}"
  563. #define HEX_CORAL "{FF7F50}"
  564. #define HEX_LIGHT_CORAL "{F08080}"
  565. #define HEX_ORANGERED "{FF4500}"
  566. #define HEX_RED "{FF0000}"
  567. #define HEX_HOT_PINK "{FF69B4}"
  568. #define HEX_DEEP_PINK "{FF1493}"
  569. #define HEX_LIGHTPINK "{FFB6C1}"
  570. #define HEX_PALEVIOLETRED "{DB7093}"
  571. #define HEX_MAROON "{B03060}"
  572. #define HEX_MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED "{C71585}"
  573. #define HEX_VIOLET_RED "{D02090}"
  574. #define HEX_VIOLET "{EE82EE}"
  575. #define HEX_ORCHID "{DA70D6}"
  576. #define HEX_MEDIUM_ORCHID "{BA55D3}"
  577. #define HEX_DARK_ORCHID "{9932CC}"
  578. #define HEX_DARK_VIOLET "{9400D3}"
  579. #define HEX_BLUE_VIOLET "{8A2BE2}"
  580. #define HEX_MEDIUMPURPLE "{9370DB}"
  581. #define HEX_THISTLE "{D8BFD8}"
  582. #define HEX_SNOW_1 "{FFFAFA}"
  583. #define HEX_SNOW_2 "{EEE9E9}"
  584. #define HEX_SNOW_3 "{CDC9C9}"
  585. #define HEX_SNOW_4 "{8B8989}"
  586. #define HEX_SEASHELL_1 "{FFF5EE}"
  587. #define HEX_SEASHELL_2 "{EEE5DE}"
  588. #define HEX_SEASHELL_3 "{CDC5BF}"
  589. #define HEX_SEASHELL_4 "{8B8682}"
  590. #define HEX_ANTIQUE_WHITE_1 "{FFEFDB}"
  591. #define HEX_ANTIQUE_WHITE_2 "{EEDFCC}"
  592. #define HEX_ANTIQUE_WHITE_3 "{CDC0B0}"
  593. #define HEX_ANTIQUE_WHITE_4 "{8B8378}"
  594. #define HEX_BISQUE_1 "{FFE4C4}"
  595. #define HEX_BISQUE_2 "{EED5B7}"
  596. #define HEX_BISQUE_3 "{CDB79E}"
  597. #define HEX_BISQUE_4 "{8B7D6B}"
  598. #define HEX_PEACH_PUFF_1 "{FFDAB9}"
  599. #define HEX_PEACH_PUFF_2 "{EECBAD}"
  600. #define HEX_PEACH_PUFF_3 "{CDAF95}"
  601. #define HEX_PEACH_PUFF_4 "{8B7765}"
  602. #define HEX_NAVAJO_WHITE_1 "{FFDEAD}"
  603. #define HEX_NAVAJO_WHITE_2 "{EECFA1}"
  604. #define HEX_NAVAJO_WHITE_3 "{CDB38B}"
  605. #define HEX_NAVAJO_WHITE_4 "{8B795E}"
  606. #define HEX_LEMON_CHIFFON_1 "{FFFACD}"
  607. #define HEX_LEMON_CHIFFON_2 "{EEE9BF}"
  608. #define HEX_LEMON_CHIFFON_3 "{CDC9A5}"
  609. #define HEX_LEMON_CHIFFON_4 "{8B8970}"
  610. #define HEX_CORNSILK_1 "{FFF8DC}"
  611. #define HEX_CORNSILK_2 "{EEE8CD}"
  612. #define HEX_CORNSILK_3 "{CDC8B1}"
  613. #define HEX_CORNSILK_4 "{8B8878}"
  614. #define HEX_IVORY_1 "{FFFFF0}"
  615. #define HEX_IVORY_2 "{EEEEE0}"
  616. #define HEX_IVORY_3 "{CDCDC1}"
  617. #define HEX_IVORY_4 "{8B8B83}"
  618. #define HEX_HONEYDEW_1 "{F0FFF0}"
  619. #define HEX_HONEYDEW_2 "{E0EEE0}"
  620. #define HEX_HONEYDEW_3 "{C1CDC1}"
  621. #define HEX_HONEYDEW_4 "{838B83}"
  622. #define HEX_LAVENDER_BLUSH_1 "{FFF0F5}"
  623. #define HEX_LAVENDER_BLUSH_2 "{EEE0E5}"
  624. #define HEX_LAVENDER_BLUSH_3 "{CDC1C5}"
  625. #define HEX_LAVENDER_BLUSH_4 "{8B8386}"
  626. #define HEX_MISTY_ROSE_1 "{FFE4E1}"
  627. #define HEX_MISTY_ROSE_2 "{EED5D2}"
  628. #define HEX_MISTY_ROSE_3 "{CDB7B5}"
  629. #define HEX_MISTY_ROSE_4 "{8B7D7B}"
  630. #define HEX_AZURE_1 "{F0FFFF}"
  631. #define HEX_AZURE_2 "{E0EEEE}"
  632. #define HEX_AZURE_3 "{C1CDCD}"
  633. #define HEX_AZURE_4 "{838B8B}"
  634. #define HEX_SLATE_BLUE_1 "{836FFF}"
  635. #define HEX_SLATE_BLUE_2 "{7A67EE}"
  636. #define HEX_SLATE_BLUE_3 "{6959CD}"
  637. #define HEX_SLATE_BLUE_4 "{473C8B}"
  638. #define HEX_ROYAL_BLUE_1 "{4876FF}"
  639. #define HEX_ROYAL_BLUE_2 "{436EEE}"
  640. #define HEX_ROYAL_BLUE_3 "{3A5FCD}"
  641. #define HEX_ROYAL_BLUE_4 "{27408B}"
  642. #define HEX_DODGER_BLUE_1 "{1E90FF}"
  643. #define HEX_DODGER_BLUE_2 "{1C86EE}"
  644. #define HEX_DODGER_BLUE_3 "{1874CD}"
  645. #define HEX_DODGER_BLUE_4 "{104E8B}"
  646. #define HEX_STEEL_BLUE_1 "{63B8FF}"
  647. #define HEX_STEEL_BLUE_2 "{5CACEE}"
  648. #define HEX_STEEL_BLUE_3 "{4F94CD}"
  649. #define HEX_STEEL_BLUE_4 "{36648B}"
  650. #define HEX_SKY_BLUE_1 "{87CEFF}"
  651. #define HEX_SKY_BLUE_2 "{7EC0EE}"
  652. #define HEX_SKY_BLUE_3 "{6CA6CD}"
  653. #define HEX_SKY_BLUE_4 "{4A708B}"
  654. #define HEX_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_1 "{B0E2FF}"
  655. #define HEX_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_2 "{A4D3EE}"
  656. #define HEX_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3 "{8DB6CD}"
  657. #define HEX_LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_4 "{607B8B}"
  658. #define HEX_SLATE_GRAY_1 "{C6E2FF}"
  659. #define HEX_SLATE_GRAY_2 "{B9D3EE}"
  660. #define HEX_SLATE_GRAY_3 "{9FB6CD}"
  661. #define HEX_SLATE_GRAY_4 "{6C7B8B}"
  662. #define HEX_SLATE_GREY_1 "{C6E2FF}"
  663. #define HEX_SLATE_GREY_2 "{B9D3EE}"
  664. #define HEX_SLATE_GREY_3 "{9FB6CD}"
  665. #define HEX_SLATE_GREY_4 "{6C7B8B}"
  666. #define HEX_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_1 "{CAE1FF}"
  667. #define HEX_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_2 "{BCD2EE}"
  668. #define HEX_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_3 "{A2B5CD}"
  669. #define HEX_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_4 "{6E7B8B}"
  670. #define HEX_LIGHT_BLUE_1 "{BFEFFF}"
  671. #define HEX_LIGHT_BLUE_2 "{B2DFEE}"
  672. #define HEX_LIGHT_BLUE_3 "{9AC0CD}"
  673. #define HEX_LIGHT_BLUE_4 "{68838B}"
  674. #define HEX_LIGHT_CYAN_1 "{E0FFFF}"
  675. #define HEX_LIGHT_CYAN_2 "{D1EEEE}"
  676. #define HEX_LIGHT_CYAN_3 "{B4CDCD}"
  677. #define HEX_LIGHT_CYAN_4 "{7A8B8B}"
  678. #define HEX_PALE_TURQUOISE_1 "{BBFFFF}"
  679. #define HEX_PALE_TURQUOISE_2 "{AEEEEE}"
  680. #define HEX_PALE_TURQUOISE_3 "{96CDCD}"
  681. #define HEX_PALE_TURQUOISE_4 "{668B8B}"
  682. #define HEX_CADET_BLUE_1 "{98F5FF}"
  683. #define HEX_CADET_BLUE_2 "{8EE5EE}"
  684. #define HEX_CADET_BLUE_3 "{7AC5CD}"
  685. #define HEX_CADET_BLUE_4 "{53868B}"
  686. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_1 "{97FFFF}"
  687. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_2 "{8DEEEE}"
  688. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_3 "{79CDCD}"
  689. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GRAY_4 "{528B8B}"
  690. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GREY_1 "{97FFFF}"
  691. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GREY_2 "{8DEEEE}"
  692. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GREY_3 "{79CDCD}"
  693. #define HEX_DARK_SLATE_GREY_4 "{528B8B}"
  694. #define HEX_AQUAMARINE_1 "{7FFFD4}"
  695. #define HEX_AQUAMARINE_2 "{76EEC6}"
  696. #define HEX_AQUAMARINE_3 "{66CDAA}"
  697. #define HEX_AQUAMARINE_4 "{458B74}"
  698. #define HEX_DARK_SEA_GREEN_1 "{C1FFC1}"
  699. #define HEX_DARK_SEA_GREEN_2 "{B4EEB4}"
  700. #define HEX_DARK_SEA_GREEN_3 "{9BCD9B}"
  701. #define HEX_DARK_SEA_GREEN_4 "{698B69}"
  702. #define HEX_SEA_GREEN_1 "{54FF9F}"
  703. #define HEX_SEA_GREEN_2 "{4EEE94}"
  704. #define HEX_SEA_GREEN_3 "{43CD80}"
  705. #define HEX_SEA_GREEN_4 "{2E8B57}"
  706. #define HEX_PALE_GREEN_1 "{9AFF9A}"
  707. #define HEX_PALE_GREEN_2 "{90EE90}"
  708. #define HEX_PALE_GREEN_3 "{7CCD7C}"
  709. #define HEX_PALE_GREEN_4 "{548B54}"
  710. #define HEX_CHARTREUSE_1 "{7FFF00}"
  711. #define HEX_CHARTREUSE_2 "{76EE00}"
  712. #define HEX_CHARTREUSE_3 "{66CD00}"
  713. #define HEX_CHARTREUSE_4 "{458B00}"
  714. #define HEX_OLIVE_DRAB_1 "{C0FF3E}"
  715. #define HEX_OLIVE_DRAB_2 "{B3EE3A}"
  716. #define HEX_OLIVE_DRAB_3 "{9ACD32}"
  717. #define HEX_OLIVE_DRAB_4 "{698B22}"
  718. #define HEX_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1 "{CAFF70}"
  719. #define HEX_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_2 "{BCEE68}"
  720. #define HEX_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3 "{A2CD5A}"
  721. #define HEX_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_4 "{6E8B3D}"
  722. #define HEX_KHAKI_1 "{FFF68F}"
  723. #define HEX_KHAKI_2 "{EEE685}"
  724. #define HEX_KHAKI_3 "{CDC673}"
  725. #define HEX_KHAKI_4 "{8B864E}"
  726. #define HEX_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_1 "{FFEC8B}"
  727. #define HEX_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2 "{EEDC82}"
  728. #define HEX_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_3 "{CDBE70}"
  729. #define HEX_LIGHT_GOLDENROD_4 "{8B814C}"
  730. #define HEX_LIGHT_YELLOW_1 "{FFFFE0}"
  731. #define HEX_LIGHT_YELLOW_2 "{EEEED1}"
  732. #define HEX_LIGHT_YELLOW_3 "{CDCDB4}"
  733. #define HEX_LIGHT_YELLOW_4 "{8B8B7A}"
  734. #define HEX_YELLOW_1 "{FFFF00}"
  735. #define HEX_YELLOW_2 "{EEEE00}"
  736. #define HEX_YELLOW_3 "{CDCD00}"
  737. #define HEX_YELLOW_4 "{8B8B00}"
  738. #define HEX_GOLD_1 "{FFD700}"
  739. #define HEX_GOLD_2 "{EEC900}"
  740. #define HEX_GOLD_3 "{CDAD00}"
  741. #define HEX_GOLD_4 "{8B7500}"
  742. #define HEX_GOLDENROD_1 "{FFC125}"
  743. #define HEX_GOLDENROD_2 "{EEB422}"
  744. #define HEX_GOLDENROD_3 "{CD9B1D}"
  745. #define HEX_GOLDENROD_4 "{8B6914}"
  746. #define HEX_DARK_GOLDENROD_1 "{FFB90F}"
  747. #define HEX_DARK_GOLDENROD_2 "{EEAD0E}"
  748. #define HEX_DARK_GOLDENROD_3 "{CD950C}"
  749. #define HEX_DARK_GOLDENROD_4 "{8B6508}"
  750. #define HEX_ROSY_BROWN_1 "{FFC1C1}"
  751. #define HEX_ROSY_BROWN_2 "{EEB4B4}"
  752. #define HEX_ROSY_BROWN_3 "{CD9B9B}"
  753. #define HEX_ROSY_BROWN_4 "{8B6969}"
  754. #define HEX_INDIAN_RED_1 "{FF6A6A}"
  755. #define HEX_INDIAN_RED_2 "{EE6363}"
  756. #define HEX_INDIAN_RED_3 "{CD5555}"
  757. #define HEX_INDIAN_RED_4 "{8B3A3A}"
  758. #define HEX_SIENNA_1 "{FF8247}"
  759. #define HEX_SIENNA_2 "{EE7942}"
  760. #define HEX_SIENNA_3 "{CD6839}"
  761. #define HEX_SIENNA_4 "{8B4726}"
  762. #define HEX_BURLYWOOD_1 "{FFD39B}"
  763. #define HEX_BURLYWOOD_2 "{EEC591}"
  764. #define HEX_BURLYWOOD_3 "{CDAA7D}"
  765. #define HEX_BURLYWOOD_4 "{8B7355}"
  766. #define HEX_WHEAT_1 "{FFE7BA}"
  767. #define HEX_WHEAT_2 "{EED8AE}"
  768. #define HEX_WHEAT_3 "{CDBA96}"
  769. #define HEX_WHEAT_4 "{8B7E66}"
  770. #define HEX_TAN_1 "{FFA54F}"
  771. #define HEX_TAN_2 "{EE9A49}"
  772. #define HEX_TAN_3 "{CD853F}"
  773. #define HEX_TAN_4 "{8B5A2B}"
  774. #define HEX_CHOCOLATE_1 "{FF7F24}"
  775. #define HEX_CHOCOLATE_2 "{EE7621}"
  776. #define HEX_CHOCOLATE_3 "{CD661D}"
  777. #define HEX_CHOCOLATE_4 "{8B4513}"
  778. #define HEX_FIREBRICK_1 "{FF3030}"
  779. #define HEX_FIREBRICK_2 "{EE2C2C}"
  780. #define HEX_FIREBRICK_3 "{CD2626}"
  781. #define HEX_FIREBRICK_4 "{8B1A1A}"
  782. #define HEX_BROWN_1 "{FF4040}"
  783. #define HEX_BROWN_2 "{EE3B3B}"
  784. #define HEX_BROWN_3 "{CD3333}"
  785. #define HEX_BROWN_4 "{8B2323}"
  786. #define HEX_SALMON_1 "{FF8C69}"
  787. #define HEX_SALMON_2 "{EE8262}"
  788. #define HEX_SALMON_3 "{CD7054}"
  789. #define HEX_SALMON_4 "{8B4C39}"
  790. #define HEX_LIGHT_SALMON_1 "{FFA07A}"
  791. #define HEX_LIGHT_SALMON_2 "{EE9572}"
  792. #define HEX_LIGHT_SALMON_3 "{CD8162}"
  793. #define HEX_LIGHT_SALMON_4 "{8B5742}"
  794. #define HEX_ORANGE_1 "{FFA500}"
  795. #define HEX_ORANGE_2 "{EE9A00}"
  796. #define HEX_ORANGE_3 "{CD8500}"
  797. #define HEX_ORANGE_4 "{8B5A00}"
  798. #define HEX_DARK_ORANGE_1 "{FF7F00}"
  799. #define HEX_DARK_ORANGE_2 "{EE7600}"
  800. #define HEX_DARK_ORANGE_3 "{CD6600}"
  801. #define HEX_DARK_ORANGE_4 "{8B4500}"
  802. #define HEX_CORAL_1 "{FF7256}"
  803. #define HEX_CORAL_2 "{EE6A50}"
  804. #define HEX_CORAL_3 "{CD5B45}"
  805. #define HEX_CORAL_4 "{8B3E2F}"
  806. #define HEX_TOMATO_1 "{FF6347}"
  807. #define HEX_TOMATO_2 "{EE5C42}"
  808. #define HEX_TOMATO_3 "{CD4F39}"
  809. #define HEX_TOMATO_4 "{8B3626}"
  810. #define HEX_ORANGE_RED_1 "{FF4500}"
  811. #define HEX_ORANGE_RED_2 "{EE4000}"
  812. #define HEX_ORANGE_RED_3 "{CD3700}"
  813. #define HEX_ORANGE_RED_4 "{8B2500}"
  814. #define HEX_RED_1 "{FF0000}"
  815. #define HEX_RED_2 "{EE0000}"
  816. #define HEX_RED_3 "{CD0000}"
  817. #define HEX_RED_4 "{8B0000}"
  818. #define HEX_DEEP_PINK_1 "{FF1493}"
  819. #define HEX_DEEP_PINK_2 "{EE1289}"
  820. #define HEX_DEEP_PINK_3 "{CD1076}"
  821. #define HEX_DEEP_PINK_4 "{8B0A50}"
  822. #define HEX_HOT_PINK_1 "{FF6EB4}"
  823. #define HEX_HOT_PINK_2 "{EE6AA7}"
  824. #define HEX_HOT_PINK_3 "{CD6090}"
  825. #define HEX_HOT_PINK_4 "{8B3A62}"
  826. #define HEX_PINK_1 "{FFB5C5}"
  827. #define HEX_PINK_2 "{EEA9B8}"
  828. #define HEX_PINK_3 "{CD919E}"
  829. #define HEX_PINK_4 "{8B636C}"
  830. #define HEX_LIGHT_PINK_1 "{FFAEB9}"
  831. #define HEX_LIGHT_PINK_2 "{EEA2AD}"
  832. #define HEX_LIGHT_PINK_3 "{CD8C95}"
  833. #define HEX_LIGHT_PINK_4 "{8B5F65}"
  834. #define HEX_PALE_VIOLET_RED_1 "{FF82AB}"
  835. #define HEX_PALE_VIOLET_RED_2 "{EE799F}"
  836. #define HEX_PALE_VIOLET_RED_3 "{CD6889}"
  837. #define HEX_PALE_VIOLET_RED_4 "{8B475D}"
  838. #define HEX_MAROON_1 "{FF34B3}"
  839. #define HEX_MAROON_2 "{EE30A7}"
  840. #define HEX_MAROON_3 "{CD2990}"
  841. #define HEX_MAROON_4 "{8B1C62}"
  842. #define HEX_VIOLET_RED_1 "{FF3E96}"
  843. #define HEX_VIOLET_RED_2 "{EE3A8C}"
  844. #define HEX_VIOLET_RED_3 "{CD3278}"
  845. #define HEX_VIOLET_RED_4 "{8B2252}"
  846. #define HEX_MAGENTA_1 "{FF00FF}"
  847. #define HEX_MAGENTA_2 "{EE00EE}"
  848. #define HEX_MAGENTA_3 "{CD00CD}"
  849. #define HEX_MAGENTA_4 "{8B008B}"
  850. #define HEX_ORCHID_1 "{FF83FA}"
  851. #define HEX_ORCHID_2 "{EE7AE9}"
  852. #define HEX_ORCHID_3 "{CD69C9}"
  853. #define HEX_ORCHID_4 "{8B4789}"
  854. #define HEX_PLUM_1 "{FFBBFF}"
  855. #define HEX_PLUM_2 "{EEAEEE}"
  856. #define HEX_PLUM_3 "{CD96CD}"
  857. #define HEX_PLUM_4 "{8B668B}"
  858. #define HEX_MEDIUM_ORCHID_1 "{E066FF}"
  859. #define HEX_MEDIUM_ORCHID_2 "{D15FEE}"
  860. #define HEX_MEDIUM_ORCHID_3 "{B452CD}"
  861. #define HEX_MEDIUM_ORCHID_4 "{7A378B}"
  862. #define HEX_DARK_ORCHID_1 "{BF3EFF}"
  863. #define HEX_DARK_ORCHID_2 "{B23AEE}"
  864. #define HEX_DARK_ORCHID_3 "{9A32CD}"
  865. #define HEX_DARK_ORCHID_4 "{68228B}"
  866. #define HEX_PURPLE_1 "{9B30FF}"
  867. #define HEX_PURPLE_2 "{912CEE}"
  868. #define HEX_PURPLE_3 "{7D26CD}"
  869. #define HEX_PURPLE_4 "{551A8B}"
  870. #define HEX_MEDIUM_PURPLE_1 "{AB82FF}"
  871. #define HEX_MEDIUM_PURPLE_2 "{9F79EE}"
  872. #define HEX_MEDIUM_PURPLE_3 "{8968CD}"
  873. #define HEX_MEDIUM_PURPLE_4 "{5D478B}"
  874. #define HEX_THISTLE_1 "{FFE1FF}"
  875. #define HEX_THISTLE_2 "{EED2EE}"
  876. #define HEX_THISTLE_3 "{CDB5CD}"
  877. #define HEX_THISTLE_4 "{8B7B8B}"
  878. #define HEX_GRAY_0 "{0000}"
  879. #define HEX_GREY_0 "{0000}"
  880. #define HEX_GRAY_1 "{30303}"
  881. #define HEX_GREY_1 "{30303}"
  882. #define HEX_GRAY_2 "{50505}"
  883. #define HEX_GREY_2 "{50505}"
  884. #define HEX_GRAY_3 "{80808}"
  885. #define HEX_GREY_3 "{80808}"
  886. #define HEX_GRAY_4 "{A0A0A}"
  887. #define HEX_GREY_4 "{A0A0A}"
  888. #define HEX_DARK_GREY "{A9A9A9}"
  889. #define HEX_DARK_GRAY "{A9A9A9}"
  890. #define HEX_DARK_BLUE "{008B}"
  891. #define HEX_DARK_CYAN "{8B8B}"
  892. #define HEX_DARK_MAGENTA "{8B008B}"
  893. #define HEX_DARK_RED "{8B0000}"
  894. #define HEX_LIGHT_GREEN "{90EE90}"
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