

Feb 27th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. function buscando(p: player, f: text):
  2. set {_Estado} to "&7. . . . . . . . ."
  3. send title "&aBuscando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  4. wait 0.9 second
  5. set {_Estado} to "&6. . &7. . . . . . ."
  6. send title "&aBuscando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  8. wait 0.9 second
  9. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . .&7 . . . . ."
  10. send title "&aBuscando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  12. wait 0.9 second
  13. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . . . . .&7 . ."
  14. send title "&aBuscando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  16. wait 0.9 second
  17. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . . . . . . ."
  18. send title "&aBuscando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  20. wait 0.8 second
  21. play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_p} for {_p}
  22. on fishing:
  23. if fish state is BITE:
  24. cancel event
  25. set {_PescaChance} to "Bacalao"
  26. chance of 35%:
  27. set {_PescaChance} to "Salmon"
  28. chance of 25%:
  29. set {_PescaChance} to "Payaso"
  30. chance of 10%:
  31. set {_PescaChance} to "Globo"
  32. pescando(player, "+1 %{_PescaChance}%")
  33. damage tool by 1
  34. set {_C} to player's tool
  35. wait 3.5 seconds
  36. remove {_C} from player's inventory
  37. wait 1 tick
  38. give {_C} to player
  39. give {Comida.material::%{_PescaChance}%} to player
  40. command /Agricultura [<text>] [<text>]:
  41. permission: Staff
  42. trigger:
  43. if arg 1 isn't set:
  44. send "&a/Agricultura AddDrop <nombre> &7(Se debe tener el item especifico en la Mano)"
  45. send "&a/Agricultura Lista"
  46. send "&a/Agricultura Eliminar <nombre>"
  47. if arg 1 is "AddDrop":
  48. if arg 2 is set:
  49. if player's tool is air or tripwire hook or filled map or redstone torch or ender eye or book or enchanted book or stone:
  50. send "&c¿Que intentas hacer?"
  51. else:
  52. set {Comida.material::%arg-2%} to player's tool
  53. set {Comida.IDmaterial::%{Comida.material::%arg-2%}%} to arg-2
  54. give {Comida.material::%arg-2%} to player
  55. send "&aListo"
  56. else:
  57. send "¡Tienes que darle un Nombre a este Drop! ej ""Trigo1"" "
  58. if arg 1 is "Lista":
  59. loop {Comida.material::*}:
  60. send "ID: %{Comida.IDmaterial::%loop-value%}%"
  61. send "ITEM: %loop-value%"
  62. send ""
  63. if arg 1 is "Eliminar":
  64. if arg 2 is set:
  65. send "&aListo"
  66. delete {Comida.IDmaterial::%{Comida.material::%arg-2%}%}
  67. delete {Comida.material::%arg-2%}
  69. function pescando(p: player, f: text):
  70. set {_Estado} to "&7. . . . . . . . ."
  71. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  73. wait 0.9 second
  74. set {_Estado} to "&6. . &7. . . . . . ."
  75. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  77. wait 0.9 second
  78. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . .&7 . . . . ."
  79. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  81. wait 0.9 second
  82. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . . . . .&7 . ."
  83. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  85. wait 0.9 second
  86. set {_Estado} to "&6. . . . . . . . ."
  87. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  89. wait 0.8 second
  90. set {_Estado} to "&a%{_f}%"
  91. send title "&6Pescando" with subtitle "%{_Estado}%" to {_p} for 1 seconds
  93. play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_p} for {_p}
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