
Setting up aoe:fe v4

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. AOE:FE Setup guide and Help (v4 - 07/30/2014):
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  4. Installation/Setup
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  7. We don't really use game ranger anymore, AOE2 HD edition (+ The Forgotten) is much more preferred.
  9. HD Edition Installation Guide:
  10. 1. Buy and install AOE2 HD Edition + The Forgotten Expansion off of steam.
  11. - The forgotten used to be an unofficial expansion, but it was made official in the HD Edition. We prefer to play with this.
  12. 2. Set up all your options to your preference; don't forget this has a few graphical updates and stuff.
  13. 3. Notify us of your steam username so we can add you to our friends lists and invite you to games.
  14. 4. Download this map pack that we use:
  15. - Extract it in your random map folder for aoe. To find this folder, find your steam folder then follow this:
  16. \Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Random
  17. - If your game isn't in common, try a folder with your account name or whatever.
  18. 5. Have fun.
  20. Old Gameranger Installation Guide:
  21. 1. Install Age of Empires 2 and the Conqueror's Expansion (hope you have a cd or whatever, get it somehow)
  22. - This is the base game and is still sold in stores
  23. - Just run the installers for both the original game (age of kings) and its expansion (the conquerors)
  24. 2. Install Age of Empires : Forgotten Empires from here:
  25. - This is an unofficial expansion pack we play with, totally free as well. Make sure you use version 2.2 (the latest)
  26. - The installer is recommended, as it will put all the files where they are needed
  27. 3. Download and install gameranger from here:
  28. - This is the program we use to connect with each other and play online.
  29. - Make sure to set it up properly and create an account for it, the gameranger website also has help:
  30. 4. Notify us of your gameranger username or account number so we can add you to our friends lists and invite you to games.
  31. 5. Download this map pack that we use:
  32. - Extract it in your random map folder for aoe. To find this folder, find your aoe folder then follow this:
  33. Age of Empires II\Games\Forgotten Empires\Script.RM
  34. 6. Have fun.
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  37. If you are new to Age of Empires or Rts games:
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  39. 1. Play the in game tutorial campaign (all 7 missions!) and practice in rm's against bots
  40. 2. Read the stuff in the tutorial section below.
  41. 3. Ask us for help and tips (we will gladly take a large amount of time to teach you)
  42. 4. You will get better as you play, we promise
  43. - It definitely helps if you commit yourself and actually want to become better
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  46. Tutorials:
  47. //
  48. 1. Beginner Guide:
  49. 2. Standard Build (Important for early game!:)
  50. 3. Random Videos from a pro player:
  51. 4. Goliath's Guides and others:
  52. - We also post other random stuff about aoe here, keep that in mind. If you want to contribute, feel free to make an account on this website.
  53. 5. GameFAQs:
  54. - Includes some command line parameters you might like to use, as well as cheat codes.
  55. 6. AOC Zone:
  56. - You can find demos of pro games and stuff here, as well as tons of information in the forums.
  57. 7. Age of Kings Heaven:
  58. - Has alot of custom content downloads availiable
  59. 8. Aoe2 Strategy Center:
  60. - Has a few neat strategies you might want to pull off (make sure you master the basics first)
  61. 9. Big chart of most rm builds:
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  64. Other Information
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  66. - We play both with bots and pvp as well (usually big teamgames). There are also occasional 1v1's and maybe ffa's and other gamemodes in the future.
  67. - We mainly use teamspeak 3 for communication, but this is not mandatory.
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