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Dec 28th, 2017
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  1. <mudlord> alcaro: what the fuck have you been up to
  2. <mudlord> :D
  3. <Alcaro> 'fuck' sounds like a fairly accurate summary
  4. <mudlord> oh hurhur
  5. <Alcaro> mostly fucking around and doing nothing, maybe also a bit of trying to make a discord client that's not fucking bullshit
  6. <mudlord> fucking cunts want js in everything
  7. <mudlord> wouldnt surprise me if a retroarch core is done in it
  8. <mudlord> but that cunt danteali would chuck a fit most likely
  9. <Alcaro> like this?
  10. <retrobot> Title: RetroArch Web Player
  11. <Alcaro> or do you want to shove rarch all the way into discord?
  12. <mudlord> well fuck me sideways
  13. <mudlord> they already did it
  14. <Alcaro> wouldn't say no to that...
  15. <mudlord> do you hate twinaphex?
  16. <Juan> what's the big deal with discord
  17. <Juan> Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application designed for gaming communities
  18. <Alcaro> wouldn't say hate, but he certainly has lots of potential for improvement
  19. <mudlord> i think that is a massive understatement
  20. <Alcaro> ...or at least did a while ago, I think it's shrunk since then. actually, probably still big.
  21. <mudlord> yeah, he is still obnoxious as fuck
  22. <mudlord> so is bparker
  23. <mudlord> don't you ever get sick of a person's shit?
  24. <mudlord> until it gets a point until you realize the person is so toxic they are like a parasite draining you of everything?
  25. <Juan> Sounds like my boss
  26. <Juan> D:
  27. <mudlord> exactly
  28. <Alcaro> I've left a few times after he got in my face too much, and I believe that will be my ultimate destiny over here
  29. <Alcaro> but most of the time, he's fairly reasonable.
  30. <mudlord> well, its come to that point for me now
  31. <Juan> If your problem is with someone *online*, you have the tools to get rid of the problem
  32. <mudlord> at some point you have to start thinking for your own well being, and if something isnt fun anymore, why do it? to also put up with shit from reddit?
  33. <mudlord> exactly
  34. <mudlord> shoot the hostage
  35. <Juan> Dealing with assholes irl is a bigger character test
  36. <mudlord> remove them out the equation
  37. <mudlord> i guess twinaphex reminds me of those digital homicide people
  38. <mudlord> they have ZERO introrespection of what makes them toxic
  39. <mudlord> they didnt know they tanked thier OWN project
  40. <mudlord> no one else did
  41. <mudlord> and it was THIER attitude that did that
  42. <mudlord> nevermind that the code is shit
  43. <mudlord> or in digital homocides case the games are crap
  44. <mudlord> they purely tanked thier company because thier attitude to customers is utter shite
  45. <mudlord> and especially critics
  46. <mudlord> libretro is going exactly the same way
  47. <mudlord> the point remains tho, do you want to be a part of a sinking ship
  48. <mudlord> because the captain is too retarded to notice thier faults
  49. <mudlord> and blinding rams into icebergs without giving a fuck
  50. <Juan> Slain: Back from Hell is a cool example of devs actually acknowledging problems with their product and tweaking it to the point of having kind of a second launch
  51. <mudlord> exactly
  52. <mudlord> i doubt libretro could do that
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