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A theory

a guest
Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. [17:36:48] After Vladimir and Astra got their asses handed to them by Brick they scurried off into Byson to get patched up because they clearly underestimated the fish's power. This really dampened Vladimir's mood and his overall attitude of think he was the best because he just got his ass kicked so hard that it ended in two swings. That really brought things to life for him and left him pondering about it while they were getting healed.
  3. After all was said and done him and Astra did a little bit of small talk before they left town again, they sought adventure and fighting just like any normal seven year olds would be seeking once they figured out they were Magi. They knew they were stronger than most and this knowledge gave them confidence or maybe just him. Figuring out he was a magi made him even more cocky than normal and made him think even less about people, strange, right?
  5. Well after some travel and thoughts they arrived in Tilandre looking for prey to hunt; his sharp, and murderous eyes scouring the place for any living human being and he found many. But, he got the feeling they simply weren't magi so, they weren't quite on his and Astra's level yet. They prideful demeanor and heartless expression often scared many away after he looked at them for a few seconds and it was upsetting so he did what any kid would do after waiting a while. He looked over to Astra and then look back forward.
  8. (Vladimir Akilina)
  9. [17:40:12] As opposed to her comrade, Asta wasn't so upset with being shitkicked by Brick. Following after her partner in crime, the two would stumble into Tilandre; only to face Vladimir screaming something about kicking some ass and stuff. Furrowing her brows, Asta would instead just find a nice look boy, and approach him.
  11. "Suh dude." She'd state to him, a smile forming on her face. Hopefully her comrade wouldn't take this time to find yet another person whom would absolutely demolish the pair of children - but instead befriend the boy before her. Plus, opposed to her green gaze, this boy had red eyes! Unique and cool looking! To the extent that mayhap they were symbolism to some cool backstory of his birth and stuff. Maybe she'd ask him, but probably not.
  12. (Asta)
  13. [17:47:53] Sitting on the edge of the balcony on top of the Tavern, he seemed pretty much bored lately. There was somewhere to cause trouble, yet he was here sitting on the ledge? Karlia wasn't around currently, which made things more boring. Damn, he was just wasting time by sitting here when he could be even training too! his time magic wasn't the best, but he felt like he was pretty competent with it.
  15. Not too long after, the shouting of Vladimir is noticed, causing his Sienna hues to look down and lock onto him. Screaming for a fight? this kid must've been pretty cocky and confident, surely some kind of magi child too? Erik thought this was a good opportunity to get something he wanted, like maybe he could beat this kid up and make him carry him around on his shoulders?
  17. Perfect.
  19. Taking out an apple from his pocket, he brings his tiny switchblade up, flicking it out and peeling back the skin. Once he peeled the skin off, he flicked it down, letting it land on top of Vladimir's head to grab his attention and maybe piss him off a little.
  21. ''Hey! stop screaming like y'own the place kid.'' A toothy grin appears on his face, before he's done peeling the apple and takes a bite, not bothering to swallow, speaking with his mouthful. ''If y'looking for a fight, I can give you one. But you best be warned now, if I hand y'butt to ya! You gotta do whatever I want, capiche?'' Gulp!
  23. Eyes did turn onto Astra for a moment, she seemed a lot more quiet and maybe a lot less fiery? Wait, did he have to fight the two of them at the same time? That would be interesting.
  24. (Erik)
  25. [17:58:08] An apple landed on the cocky kid's head, anger was present but, it didn't seem to show on his visage instead his lips stayed flat and the heartless expression stayed. His eyes turned over to meet with the Sienna hues of Erik, nothing was said for a second but it was very clear Vladimir was planning something. His mind was working like a racehorse but, it all led to bad plans and ways that he could have detected the kid above him and the apple skin. IT was all futile though, he didn't know of a way to detect such things so; his hand rose up and his finger extended outwards.
  27. "I'll do what I want, you got that, pal? I'll accept your terms but, you gotta fight the both of us at the same damn time, you hear?"
  29. He didn't grin or anything but, his chest puffed out and his legs spread out now as if he was getting ready to fight already. His eyes looked over to Asta, they just met but he knew that she would be more than willing to accept the terms, they were kids, right? What's the worst that could happen to them?
  31. "Are you willing to accept the terms, Asta!?"
  33. He shouted his out, pretty close to Erik's face too, he didn't really care if the kid thought he was rude or if he thought his breathe smelled. It probably did because after the fight he didn't even brush his teeth; he was in too much of a hurry. He then just nodded and started to tap his foot because now he was waiting and his blood was pumping faster than normal. It was time to fight once again and this time he was sure they'd win.
  34. (Vladimir Akilina)
  35. [18:02:24] Uh oh. She was a shoeless girl! Fighting all the time wasn't so good.. But her only friend wanted to fight so much.. So she had to aswell! A form of valiance? No, it was more pressure; pressure that was unbeknownst to any around that she was attached. Asta felt that if she left Vlad alone to fight his battles, he'd leave her behind - leave her alone. She wasn't about to risk hurting herself, nor her friend.. So obviously, she'd have to accept.
  37. "U- Uh.. Yeah.." She stated shyly: her voice one of tone far less than that of the likes of Vlad. Asta was reserved. Asta was silent. She didn't like being put on the spot - nor did she like being put under the watchful glare of more than one person. It made her uneasy. So, stepping sideways slightly, she would push herself to Vlad's side and stare at the red-eyed boy with a face of nothing short of discontent.
  38. (Asta)
  39. [18:16:03] This was quite entertaining, yes. He made no mistake to catch them both, two special little bugs, now walking into the deep grass, in which he'll slither through and gain his prey. Tasteful.
  41. His smile only widens towards the two of them, his tongue practically flicking up to glide across his teeth. ''Heh...'' The two of them had to fight him if this was the terms? He was confident in his own ability to fight, he was able to manipulate time! Who can compare to that?! So he thinks for a moment, obviously eyeing the two of them up and down, trying to figure out just how they fought by their weapons and clothing.
  43. ''Okay, fine.'' He flicks up his switchblade, spinning it around on his finger, before he clicks it back and snaps it back into it's safety hilt, attaching it to his waist again. ''I will fight you both!'' He grasps onto the railing, throwing himself over and landing in a crouched position.
  45. ''You act tough and you have to get yourself a partner to fight with? That's pretty funny. My parent's own a kingdom out in the North, it's called Xenos, it's way bigger than Valmasia and it can crush this place in a day! They call me the best fighter around, so you best be ready!'' Such an obvious lie, but they were kids! doubtful they could see past his tales.
  47. He was a little annoyed with Karlia though, she was suppose to be around, then maybe it could’ve been a fair fight. Oh well, he was sure he could handle this!
  48. (Erik)
  49. [18:23:44] This wasn't good. The boy was a Prince or something! Surely the two nobody children were about to get demolished by the Prince; just as they had been by Brick. Taking a few steps backwards, she'd sling around her shield and shoulder off her staff. In no way was she combat ready - none. Pulling herself together, however, she'd manifest a small flaming aura around her. Staring at the fresh Prince of Xenos, she'd slowly nod. "Im ready.. I gues..."
  51. Looking over to her friend, she'd watch to see if he too were assured with the situation they were in. He had a sword, though, and the boy had a meagre switchblade. So odds were in their favor, right? No way they could lose to a boy their age just swinging around a knife. There had to be more - something he was hiding. But Asta was seven. She only was what was right infront of her.
  52. (Asta)
  53. [18:23:44] Now, it was time to begin this marvelous show and he was the star. Not drawing out any of the switchblades on his belt, he does grab the golden Rosengard mask, placing it over his features. It didn't fit properly, but he had clearly adjusted it himself, even chipping the masks shape to properly fit and hold around his head. Yet with the eyes on the mask, two lines scraped down like scares over each eye hole.
  55. ''Let's begin!''
  57. He calls out. Leaping back and sliding across the floor, with a grin hidden beneath the golden mask. Hands come out to both of his sides, followed by the sudden rush of mana that flows around his body, invisible leylines glowing purely with magical essence. Giving of the obvious, that he was a magi himself.
  59. Pure orbs of purple decay begin to form out of thin air, breaking apart reality as they appear, showing his very heavy control over time magic. With that, he made sure to keep a good distance for now, waiting for them to rush in and strike, so that he can dodge and weave, returning his own orbs of decay to smash into them both.
  61. He could taste victory on the horizon.
  62. (Erik)
  63. [18:24:35] Vladimir thought that was a bold entrance, very bold indeed and when he agreed a smile would have grown on his face if he ever smiled. instead of this he simply waited for the boy to keep on spitting the truth! He thought it was the truth due to his age and because he was a bit gullible, he read a lot but, nothing ever stated anything about placed outside of Valmasia so he deemed that this could be the truth. A single brow rose and he stepped back a few feet.
  65. "The best fighter? Well then I guess I'll just beat you here and prove I'm the strongest kid around these parts!"
  67. A lie was thrown back at him and he reached for the blade on his back now, it was very real and he thought that this may be a bit too much but, he really didn't care if the kid got hurt. He was skilled enough to avoid any vital spots and he could semi decently manipulate time, well not yet that is. But he attempted to perform the acceleration skill right then and there just to test the waters.
  69. After a bit of concentration and a bunch of mana used he felt faster? Or was it just he sped up the area around him so he in turn moved faster, he didn't know just yet but he went with that idea in his mind and continued to bend time around him. And then he just charged forward.
  70. (Vladimir Akilina)
  72. [18:38:14] The fight began rather quick, with surprises from both of them. Vladimir was the melee fighter, rushing in to swing his sword into Erik's body, but he made sure he dodged and weaved out the way, taking several hits, but they were nothing. With time magic, the wounds created from Vlad were nearly completely healed over, like he wasn't even doing any damage, even when he hit!
  74. Erik was quick to smash the orbs of decay into his body, tossing them into his legs, causing him to slowly tire out and weaken. While Erik's switchblade is drawn, but the knife part is kept hidden away. WHAM! The blunt thick metal handle is smashed directly into the temple of Vlad, causing him to fly back onto the ground, close to being unconscious at that!
  76. ''Haha! pretty pathetic if you ask me!'' Cocky, trying to make them angry, causing trouble and making mischief, he enjoyed it.
  78. Next was Astra. She kept coming at him, the fire magic used certainly did burn the skin, but yet again the power of time magic was used to counteract her attacks. Both of them weren't strong enough to make damage last, Erik was strong enough to heal every attack they thrown at him, while his energy wasn't even shortening. He was healing not just his body, but restoring his mana in the process too!
  80. Pressing his hands against the ground, he twists his body around in the handstand, the thick rubber at the bottom of his boots are slammed against Astra's stomach, causing her to kneel down in pain defeated, right next to her partner Vladimir.
  82. Flipping back and landing, he takes a delicate bow. ''Thank-you! thank-you!'' As if a crowd was watching, when there was just the three of them! ''Good! hahaha! I guess now I am the strongest kid around, I took on the strongest kid and his partner AT THE SAME TIME!'' He laughs hysterically, holding his stomach, before it stops in an instant!
  84. Snap! He clicks his fingers, pointing his index finger at them both. ''Okay now, get up... you both have to do whatever I say now!'' Excellent.
  85. (Erik)
  86. [18:48:28] Vladimir was surprised to say the least, to meet a kid his age that was better at time magic than himself? That was unreal to him, he knew that he was the best around but, the sad reality was that he and Asta couldn't even defeat Erik and that made him more pissed than sad. Attack after attack, each one was dodged or weaved out of but, some made it and connected causing the crimson to spread only for the time magic to revert the damage that was done. This was the person that he was looking for all this time, somebody that understood time magic much better than he could.
  88. Orbs of decay hit his body during the fight, his legs were hit first and then he felt them getting tired now and they felt like they were held down by bricks. He tried to move them but he found it harder to do now more than ever. It was worse than any type of training he had ever gone through before.
  90. It made him angry once again, this Erik fellow was just out of their league but, soon that'd all change. But, then it hit him - the blade's hilt type thing that is and with that came Vladimir stumbling back. No, not even a stumble he actually fucking flew backwards onto his fucking back and was nearly knocked the fuck out. That had never happened in all of his seven years of living besides when they lost to Brick, he was a magi too and a strong one at that.
  92. In short, Asta lost as well and after that was said and done he started to bow and scream tank you as if people were watching them duel. His cockiness made him strong and the remarks from before and after the fight only made him more pissed on the inside but, he couldn't let his true emotions show! No, when he was told to get up he did and he was a man of his word so he simply nodded to the statement, he was now Erik's bitch.
  94. "Riiight-" he coughed up a little blood but after that he just looked back to the boy with his sharp eyes. "- Just answer my questions after this, that's all I want."
  95. (Vladimir Akilina)
  96. [18:52:44] Great. So Vlad led them into a battle that if they lost - they had to do this guys' bidding. And they lost. Asta had expected more from the duo but.. Compared to a Prince, they were nothing it seemed. Go-doers for his bidding, now. Raising to her feet, she'd look over to Vlad with a small smile. An attempt at reassurance, yes, but in the end they both knew they were doomed. "Suh dude."
  98. Looking back to the Prince, however, she found it much more difficult to pertain a happy-go-lucky smile. No, instead the injury plagued her face. She didn't want to do his bidding - nor did she want to lose. But no matter her aspirations, it seemed that not only her own, but Vlad's own skills aswell did not add up. They weren't worth as much as this boy it seemed. "So what now...?"
  99. (Asta)
  100. [18:57:52] Off the wall! Off the trees! Off the OCEAN - okay, bad idea.
  102. Shaking her head like a soaking dog, Robin wisely reflected that sometimes it was better to look before you lept. The thick heavy gi was now trailing water as she ran her rounds, jogging along like a locomative. Her path wound herself around near to the front of the town, when the sounds of flashy magic caught her attention.
  104. Shining purple orbs were being doled out liberally to a pair of kids directly in her vision. Blinking once or twice, Robin drew closer as the blonde boy claimed victory and ownership, in a sense, of his peers. In an instant, something within the Hastings knew that this wouldn't stand.
  106. Was it out of justice? Defending those who couldn't defend themselves? Was she already an Arbitrator in the making, ready to maintain peace and order throughout Valmasia?
  108. Hell no!
  110. "Hey!" boomed the swordgirl, out toward the masked boy - her arms folded, a confident grin burning on her face.
  112. "I don't know who you think you are, punk, but this is MY turf! I'm the boss of these streets, and- That makes those two MY underlings, not yours!"
  114. Unsheathing her shortsword, she pointed it at him with a mocking tilt of her head. "Got a problem with that!?"
  115. (Robin Hastings)
  116. [19:07:15] Looking at the two he had just beaten, clear disgust was in his visage. Both of them disgusted him, not even worth being called prey, for him to wrap around and squeeze, only to devour as a meal. They would taste awful.
  118. ''That wasn't even a work out for me, I doubt you are the strongest kid around at this point. Just a puny bug, OOPS!'' He acts out stepping on something. ''I guess I squished you and your friend!'' More laughter, before he moves his hand to the golden Rosengard mask, removing it and placing it on his belt, letting it hang loosely.
  120. But before he could continue to make them feel weak, just being verbal to make them feel pathetic, maybe it was a little harsh, but he had to make sure his new servants were below him. In the end it was all a children's game to him anyway. So the voice of a new arrival does catch his attention, causing him to spin around on his heels, staring at Robin while she gives her little talk.
  122. ''You're turf?'' The self-proclaimed Prince, with lies of his family owning their own kingdom outside of Valmasia's barrier, withdraws the tiny switchblade from his belt. ''You think you own the place too, huh?'' A toothy grin appears, while he flicks and plays with the switchblade, clearly having some experience in just messing around with it.
  124. ''I just beat your underlings and now they belong to me.'' He stops with switchblade, tucking it away into his belt, before pointing an index finger at Robin. ''If you've got a problem with that, you can be my third possession. Wanna fight and see who gets to own who?''
  125. (Erik)
  126. [19:14:04] "Hah! I don't think I own the place - I KNOW it!"
  128. Swinging her sword experimentally, there was an almost unearthly sense of confidence and energy pouring out of the young lady. A complete lack of malice, either - to her, this was simply a matter of pride. A child's sort of pride, anyway.
  130. "One of my books says: 'No swordsman worth their blade ever backs down from a challenge!' That's the way I live my life! And a Boss has to protect her minions!" Throwing the two chlidren she had NEVER seen before in her life a thumbs up and a wink, Robin exhaled -
  132. A glittering radiance began to surround her, magic enveloping her entire frame! At the same time her premature muscles almost seemed to bulge and expand - she was looking awfully more threatening than she had a second ago.
  134. "The name is Robin, your future boss!"
  135. (Robin Hastings)
  136. [19:14:04] Robin Hastings's speed increases!
  137. [19:14:56] Vladimir was standing now and he was clearly pissed but it was hidden by his heartless expression and flat lips, they were just calling him underling left and right and yeah he made a bet but, those insults just couldn't be forgiven. The will to fight them again was there but so was the pain and the pain hurt like hell, it hurt worse than any training he's done before, even worse than when he fought the adults back at home. They weren't magi those and these kids were magi and they were far stronger than Vladimir and he knew this because it was a fact. But, did he give up? Did he let them have their way? Was he going to let himself get pushed around like some bug like Erik had said?
  139. "Hell no! I'm not some bug you can crush with your feet, I'm not any god damn underling either and I damn sure won't stand here and let you guys toss out insults like the puny little worms you are! So if you want to fight him You're gonna have to deal with me swinging at both of you!"
  141. He was pissed, it was evident that he was quite pissed but, throughout all of that his sharp eyes stayed on the duo now and his heartless expression was the same, he was only serious at all times it seemed. His facial expression never changed and he seemed to never really care about things on the surface, on the inside though he was just burning to prove them wrong now. That was probably the pain though! He didn't mind that though, he just grabbed onto his blade once again and prepared for battle, he was not some punk you could simply push down and expect to not get back up. He was going to be the best there ever fucking was.
  142. (Vladimir Akilina)
  143. [19:24:19] Robin had guts, Erik wasn't sure why though. It actually annoyed him, it was clear. Sienna hues soon change though, while a smile of confidence booms across his face, his small structure shrugging back, the way he leant was like he defied gravity itself, before standing back properly.
  145. ''Oh my. Such a beautiful display, chaos in the streets as children play!'' He speaks as if he's some older adult, but he was a kid too. It was his way of making him feel superiour to them. Even when Robin began speaking about what some book said, he began opening and closing his hand, mocking her. ''Blah, blah, blah.'' In hopes to crush her determination and cause more anger than anything else, it always worked to throw people's confidence off.
  147. But with Vladimir trying to get in on the action, Erik just gives him the side glance. ''Please, I wiped the floor with you already buttface! I doubt you can even walk in a straight line, with that nasty bump on y'head!'' A slight giggle, rather girlish for a moment, as if bathing in his own prior victorious made him feel good!
  149. ''Anyway, where was I?'' He ponders, turning back to Robin. ''Oh, yeah! Robin, my future servant... perfect! I am Erik, prince of Xanos, a kingdom outside of Valmasia, a stronger place than all of this crummy land! I came to visit to see how strong everyone was, I am the STRONGEST in Xanos, you best be scared!'' The same lie he used on Vladimir and Asta, no one had doubted him yet.
  150. (Erik)
  151. [19:31:08] "W-what...!? The Prince of Xanos? The strongest fighter in Xanos!?" Bug eyed, Robin stared at him, obviously believing every word he said. She looked floored for a moment...
  153. Before a broad and wider smile than ever cracked onto her face. If nothing else, she seemed even MORE interested in fighting him now! "That's perfect! Once I beat your butt, I'll know that I'm stronger than that whole country - AND I'll have a prince as my underling! Today's lookin' good!"
  155. She launched herself off the ground with startling speed and leg strength. It was evident that Robin was in a different league than both of the children that he'd been fighting up to this point. The second Erik let his guard down, the edge of the sword smacked into his gut -
  157. Blunt. Well, maybe it wasn't surprising.
  159. Even with a blunt weapon, though, she had the arm to bring the pain, and the determination to chase after him no matter how hard he tried to play the distance card. The orbs of decaying power caused her clear discomfort, but even pain seemed to excite this...freak.
  161. Walloping him on the shoulder with a meaty fist, she sent Erik tumbling away and wooped outloud, waving her arms in a childish dance of victory! "Oh yeah! Had enough!?"
  162. (Robin Hastings)
  163. [19:32:00] Vladimir actually couldn't move at all, his mind was telling him to do so and his body was just refusing to let that even happen. He just stood there and watched the fight break out, anger was bursting in his mind and as they ran around while dipping and diving he got even more pissed. He simply couldn't see past buildings and that being a fact made him mad at himself because he was sure there was some way for him to be able to see past them. It must have involved magic or something but he couldn't think of the ways.
  165. The fight was going on and Vladimir took it upon himself to slowly limp over to the bench; his eyes looked down at it as if he was defeated, he actually felt defeated on the inside now, as if he was just a bug waiting to be crushed. The words of Erik were getting to him, he refused to let those words mock him anymore though.
  167. He took that seat with pride, he was defeated because everybody loses once in their life and this was the start of him becoming a magi, the start of his great adventure so he was ready to lose for now. Because later they won't be so lucky when they cross blades with him once again. Later he'd be able to see passed building and see their true colors! He was thinking about it already, everything had mana and mana was expelled once magic was casted so being able to see mana. That was something he needed to do, he'd have to research into it a bit more though, ask around maybe.
  169. His eyes looked over to the duo as the fighting started to end and he simple golf clapped with a straight face. "Bravo." he muttered under his breath clearly being the sore loser he was. He hated losing with a passion.
  170. (Vladimir Akilina)
  171. [19:37:58] She wasn't scared? That was a problem, it meant nothing was shaking her confidence, nothing was making her mind tremble, so she was going to be fighting at her best. His silly little trick wasn't going to give him the advantage this time. ''Pfft! Whatever, you think you can win, you'll be the underling of a prince, not his boss.'' He shoots finger pistols at Robin, grinning under the golden Rosengard mask.
  173. Before she launched forwards. She was fast. Faster than the two before her, she hit a lot harder too, causing him to stumble back after each blow. It was hard to keep a good distance, she was able to close it each time, she was entirely stronger than the two he had fought before, maybe even stronger than him?! How did he not see this coming, who was this girl?
  175. He knew he had to play dirty if he wanted to secure his victory.
  177. With the meaty fist, it does connect with his face, forcing the mask to push into his features. A body is flung back, sliding across the floor a little, before he pushes himself to stand, coughing. ''Ugh... you hit harder than them both, that's a problem.'' A slight mumble, before he tries to regain his confident manner!
  179. ''Bravo! miss... that first round was just a test of your strength, to see if you could be useful working under me.'' Clapping his hands, he extends them both to each sides of his body, letting balls of decay tear into reality once again. ''This time...'' His voice changes, a more aggressive tone. ''I will be serious.''
  180. (Erik)
  181. [19:47:21] Well, this was tricky. He sure liked running away! And those orbs of his stung bad. She could feel herself getting more and more tired the longer the fight wore on. Was that some healing magic he had as well? Then it was a sure thing that she couldn't keep this going much longer.
  183. Insight flashed into her childish mind. He needed to be close to hit her, too! Instead of trying to run through his dumb magic trick (he could slow her down to the point where she felt like she was swimming in air!), she'd beat him at his own game.
  185. Robin retreated back out of sight - Forcing the boy to come in closer. While he couldn't see her, he'd be moving in one direction. Meaning that she had a chance!
  187. Launching herself around the corner of the inn, Robin sprung off the ground and soared forward through the air at blindlingly fast speeds - for a young child, the way she was adapting to the flow of battle and the effort, the magic she was putting forth into her victory was already enough to surpass a grown nonmagi warrior.
  189. Her head slammed into his, knocking the mask clear off and propelling him backward by a good three yards. Picking herself off the ground, Robin groaned, stumbling around in place with her vision spinning. "Oooh...That- That's a Plan B move..."
  191. Shaking her head, she blinked over at the fallen boy, the realization not setting in for another couple of seconds. With a broad grin, she sheathed the sword at her hip and threw her fists in the air, yelling.
  193. "That's right! Robin Hastings, the BOSS OF TILANDRE! These are MY streets!"
  194. (Robin Hastings)
  195. [19:49:55] Vladimir continued to watch Erik perform his time magic and he even watched what Robin was doing too, they were interesting people and their dialogue was also interesting as well. All three of them seemed to think that they were stronger than one another and all three of them acted as if they were blessing people with their presence. It was a bad attitude to have for being seven year olds but, you can't really change how people act now can you?
  197. Sharp eyes watched the movements, he could sense mana like any normal Magi but, seeing it was a different ball game, for that he'd have to focus even harder or something. He knew that all living things had mana so all he wanted to do was the ability to see mana beyond things that weren't living right now. To see the mana flying as he watched from afar and because of how Erik maneuvered it made it hard for him to keep up with the battle. Vladimir couldn't move anymore due to the right before this so all he wanted to do was watch and learn.
  199. It was too hard though, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't see the mana, all he knew was that it was being cast due to being able to sense and hear the battle. He shook his head and started to crawl out of his seat; his body hit the floor and he continued to crawl over to the side of the building where the fight was ending. It seemed that Robin was a formidable opponent, one so strong that she could defeat Erik.
  201. That made Vladimir a bit angry that he was so weak right now, he could only cast one magic spell while Erik could cast mostly all of them and he was only a little bit good with a sword and Robin was just great with it. He noticed that Robin must have been around their age too so this cruel reality made him shudder. He was just a weakling compared to these people, he was just like some non-magi in comparison and that really sucked. However, he refused to let that show! His black pushed onto the side of the building; his eyes that were like the cold hands of death as some might say looked over at the two and he just sighed.
  203. His adventure was going to be a long one and his theories were going to take time to get done. Seeing mana? Improving his sight? Using time magic to improve his senses? That would come later but, for right now he waited for his instructions because right now? He was just Erik's underling and that sucked.
  204. (Vladimir Akilina)
  205. [19:58:27] He had her on the ropes this time, the use of decaying balls of time, smashing into her body and even used to make her sword weaken, he felt like he had this in the bag. He could just keep going, he didn't feel like he could run out of energy or anything! His ability to heal wounds she made wasn't just that, but it also restored what mana he was missing!
  207. ''Hah, I told you I wasn't trying, get back here!''
  209. She moved, moved away so that he had to chase her down to finish this. But before he could even gain proper footing, she zoomed out around the corner. ''W- what...'' Did she realise he had to chase her down? he had to get close to use his only ability? Dammit. The sudden flying headbutt does come as a surprise, even with the Rosengard golden mask shielding his face, it flies off and causes him to fling back, dropping onto the ground with blood dripping from his forehead. Defeated.
  211. On the ground, he felt kind've dizzy. His legs were weak and standing up didn't feel like an option right now. ''I- I haven't lost yet!'' He grits his teeth, keeping one eye closed as if it made the pain easier to bear. ''Take this!'' Clipping of one of the small oddly shaped bottles on his belt, he throws the smoke bomb onto the ground, which explodes up in a puff of smoke, causing everyone's sight to be blinded.
  213. Coughing, he coughs in his own smoke, even as he attempts to get up, he feels his body flop back onto the floor. So as the smoke clears, rather quickly. Erik remains sat on the ground, right in the same spot as before. ''W- well... that didn't go so well...'' He didn't exactly know what else to do now.
  214. (Erik)
  215. [20:06:08] Scoffing, she pointed a finger at him. "A real warrior knows when they've lost! Shut up and-"
  217. A smoke bomb!? Coughing, she stood there stunned for the moment, unsure of what exactly to do about all of this...Then the smoke cleared, and the two were left in the exact same position, only with some added awkwardness to the scene. With a snort, Robin covered her mouth.
  219. "Wow, you dork. I'm not chasin' you down or anything! Bigmouths like you just gotta learn you manners!" said the self-proclaimed criminal mastermind of Tilandre, age 5.
  221. "Anyway, hope you don't have a headache!" With that parting shot, she trotted over to Vladimir, waving a hand enthusiastically, seeming no worse for the wear after that little kiddie duel.
  223. "Hi! Um, sorry I said I was your boss. It, just, uh." Scratching the side of her head, she smiled abashedly. "It seemed like a really cool thing to say at the time, you know? So I did. Anyways! You don't gotta do what that guy says, so don't worry! You're not really my underling unless you wanna be."
  225. "I'm Robin, what's your name?"
  226. (Robin Hastings)
  227. [20:13:48] Vladimir was starting to feel a bit better now, the pain was slowly leaving his body and Robin winning actually made him feel a bit happy now, as if she was his hero kind of. Him thinking as somebody else as his hero, that would have been laughable a few weeks ago when he thought of himself as some sort of god. The heartless eyes watched as the smoke bomb was thrown down and then- Boom! Erik was gone from sight, but his mana was still left behind, yes, Vladimir knew this and despite that fact he couldn't see it. Was it because he was too weak or maybe he just didn't understand it at all yet. He was only Seven right now so trying to understand complex things was a bit hard.
  229. After the smoke cleared Robin just stood there all nonchalantly and shit as if she just -knew- he didn't run away. It was obvious that he actually couldn't run after being defeated in battle, they were just fragile little kids after all. As the insults flew out of her mouth Vladimir just continued to focus on her and eventually she made her way over to him now and it didn't change his heartless expression or the frown on his face. He refused to break now after so long!
  231. She talked to him and he nodded to her, he understood now that she just wanted to help him and it made him feel inadequate but, at the same time happy that somebody wanted to help him. Even if the motives behind it was because they thought it was cool and after all that was said and done she asked for his name after telling him hers. His arm rose up, albeit it was slow and hurt like hell he still did it just because he had to respect her for getting him out of a hole he dug himself into. He looked at his hand and then back to her face, his expression stayed the same though.
  233. "I'm Vladimir, nice to meet you Robin. Thanks for the help, I guess I would have been screwed without you showing up. I think you're cool for doing that for me, yeah cool just like Valkor."
  234. (Vladimir Akilina)
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