
Poisonous Fake Rice From China is Now Exported To Several As

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. Poisonous Fake Rice From China is Now Exported To Several Asian Countries.
  3. Rice in Asia is like potatoes in America.
  5. For thousands of years, rice has been the staple food of Asian countries. Rice is a part of every Asian meal, usually included in the daily consumption and is usually cooked plain in East and Southeast Asia. In Eurasian continent like Western Asia and Europe, a variety of rice has also been known and people there mostly cook it with flavoring. Indeed, rice has been a staple food for several countries around the world.
  7. Recently, rumors has been spreading online about the ‘fake rice’ from China and it is quite alarming. According to rumors, this plastic-tainted rice is now said to be exported to other Asian countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam and recently, Singapore. Further investigations are being done to ensure the consumers’ safety, though it's not yet proven true.
  9. After rumors that the fake rice had entered Singapore, a spokesman from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) told The Straits Times, "As part of AVA’s routine surveillance, imported rice is regularly inspected and sampled to ensure compliance with our food safety standards and requirements."
  11. The fake rice is difficult to detect especially if mixed with real rice.
  13. Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek said he too had heard about the fake rice and warned that his ministry did not take such things lightly.
  15. The fake rice is believed to contain synthetic resin which can be deadly. Resin is a sticky organic substance from some plants and trees which includes pine and fir. In Chinese markets located in Taiyuan Province, this particular substance is reportedly common. The said fake rice has originated from the same area.
  17. It is quite hard to tell the difference between a fake and natural rice when mixed, according to Malaysian authorities. Once consumed though, it can cause people to get sick or even more serious repercussions may occur.
  19. "The fake rice grains remain hard after being boiled, and the soup made by it forms a very unappetizing plastic sheath that burns like plastic when heated up."
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