
Amy: Monster 1.4

Dec 23rd, 2015
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  1. “Ok Amy. You started this… now you’ve got to fucking think. Think… whatever the fuck were you thinking?”
  3. You murmured to yourself as you walked, more control being gained over the girl beside you with her arm draped over your shoulder. It would be hard not just keeping her going properly, engaging just the right selections of her muscular systems alongside of her balance, essentially ordering her body to walk with you manually, every input directly from your powers to her body, by passing the need to involve her brain in anything at all.
  5. She was floating in bliss right now, a groggy dream state where you could be sure that she couldn’t do anything for herself save dream as you sleep walked her onward. It was a delicate balance and really you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep it all up. She was heavy and you were a bit clumsy at handling her weight and her legs.
  7. “Why the fuck did I even start this? Over some bigoted rant?” You muse, letting your thoughts subvocalize even as you kept the motions up, and used her conveniently slung arm to cover your own face.
  9. Little tricks you’d learned to keep people from immediately recognizing and thus swarming you on the streets. Cover your eyes, cover your mouth, keep people at odd angles to you, and back people whenever you could so that you could talk. Fame had taught you even better than your early years how to be invisible.
  11. It was easy enough to keep your hair hidden, your eyes lowered and keep on moving within the busy streets.
  13. But you needed some place to go.
  15. It was almost certain that the longer you stayed straggling about the more likely that you or the girl with you would be recognized by someone. You needed someplace to go. Your heart beat aflutter within your chest as you glided though the street, until you were able to duck into a back ally. Your fingers gripped hard at the hand which you held, everything racing though your head in a mad rush.
  17. You needed to go somewhere, anywhere...
  19. The safe house was the first thing that came to mind, you’d been taught the location of one that Carol kept... just in case, a strange thing it seemed for a Lawyer to do, but after Fleur and the bombing…
  21. Yeah, you didn’t think you had the heart to go there. And besides that you didn’t have a clue how often Carol checked in on it. A disaster waiting to happen really.
  23. No, you needed someplace more immediate, and with a bit more surety.
  25. You kept your head low just in case.
  27. Frisking the girl you managed to find about two hundred dollars, enough for a room for a night if needs be at one of the seedier places you knew how to navigate. A much higher risk from being seen, but that risk was mitigated a bit by the flows of other people, however it would take almost every trick in the book of hiding in a crowd to actually manage to get there.
  29. Now came the tricky part.
  31. Getting in without creating suspicion, and without revealing that it was you, Panacea, who was taking some girl up into a room to have your wicked way with her. That alone would be tabloid worthy, and get you caught.
  33. Back allies helped in keep your movements relatively hidden, you couldn’t use them exclusively though since the gangs often had men posted in some, and you were hoping to avoid any such confrontations. It took careful navigation of known gang signs to get to the hotel without being overly suspicious, or running into anyone on the way.
  35. By all technicality, people knew who you were. They would see you, they would study you.
  37. But in the same breath, you knew exactly how recognition worked, and a lot of the little things which helped to disrupt a positive ID. Moving quickly you gathered up your own hair into a bundle, then pulled it together with a bit of string, that would change your profile just enough to keep away a few more second glances.
  39. The girl with you was way too recognizable as was, so you needed to change her enough that anyone not looking closely would also be thrown off. You took a moment to darken her skin to a cute Mocha brown, enough that she wouldn’t be instantly recognizable from the lily white pallor which she’d had.
  41. Getting into the Hotel proved easy enough, the girl at the counter all but ignoring you as you continued to use your ‘girlfriend’ as leverage to keep your face partially hidden at all times. You simply bought one of the soundproofed rooms for the night and went on your way.
  43. It was a sigh of relief when you finally walked the girl’s body onto the single bed and brushed her still very blonde hair from her eyes, you’d kept those the vivid blue of their origin.
  45. Ok now that you were here, you decided upon what you would do with her. It was a simple enough matter to ensure that her brain would be completely unable to send signals to the rest of her body save her eyes, lips and vitals, then to ensure that Gemma, the very organ of Parahuman power, was safely disconnected; you’d never done it before but you’d seen your way into enough parahumans to understand the principles of its workings.
  47. Finally you woke her... anticipation and fear mingling in your belly as you pushed her back into the land of the living.
  49. Her eyes flew open wide.
  51. “Where am I…” she asked, clearly disoriented from the short term memory flush which you’d done.
  53. “Hello. You know I don’t know your name yet. Kidnapped you right off the street and I don’t even know your name.” You laughed to yourself, wondering why the fuck you’d even started this madness, wondering what you’d do with the girl whose only actual crime so far had been to be rudely bigoted.
  55. “The fuck!” You could hear the distress in her voice, the flare of chemical and cellular activities which signified her growing fear. “Who the fuck are you?”
  57. “Well lets see. I’m some girl on the street that you decided to call a Dyke bitch… just paraphrasing, but I figure you’d have gotten there eventually.” You made casual conversation with her, even as your stomach flopped and flipped. Rogue desires intruding upon your mind as you continued attempting to appear completely in control. “Well. Now it’s your turn. You’re going to tell me everything about yourself, who you are, how you got your powers, everything.”
  59. “Go fuck yourself.” Bravery it seemed, she was scared shitless, signals in her brain trying desperately to reach for the power which you’d already disconnected.
  61. “You know. I’m going to give it to you straight. I didn’t appreciate your little comment before… you won’t remember it right now, side effect of what I did to capture you. But let’s put it this way. I’ve decided that you’re now my little bitch. My pet. I have master powers you see, but I’m pretty sure I could use you as really good practice material, get everything out of you that way.” You smiled, caressing her face lightly.
  63. The menace of that action clearly delivered as her fear shot up once more.
  65. And just to prove it, you casually had her lift her own arm, letting the sensations flow one direction as you made her reach between her legs and begin to rub herself off, you could practically see the sense of violation on her face, and then you stopped. “But I’m feeling generous. I’ll let you be you… so long as you obey me completely. Or you’ll be my love doll… and you’ll never have another thought in that pretty head of yours but how to pleasure me. The easy way or the hard way. Your choice sweetie.”
  67. Tears ran down her face, as you brushed them back with a smile, the fear having spiked to a full blown panic attack, which you simply suppressed all symptoms of before lightly sedating her back into a proper frame of mind.
  69. “Well I’m waiting? I might as well start changing things for now…”
  71. “Wait!” She cried, literally. “Please wait...”
  73. “Your name love. And don’t lie. I can tell when you are lying.”
  75. “I… my name is… Mari… AHHHH!!!” She’d started a lie, you could tell from the pattern of neurons which lit up, different from how all the other constellations of response had been. You’d given her pain for that, directly into the neural system. “… my name is Cassandra Lewis.”
  77. “Oh that’s very nice name Cassie.” You spoke, stroking her hair lightly, then letting a flood of pleasure rush though her like a drug, pushing her high as a kite before coming back down. “A reward for your trouble.”
  79. She was panting, her pupils dilated even as you ensured her perfect health.
  81. “Now that wasn’t so hard was it Cassie? So now you’re going to tell me your other name. You know the one I want.” You smile, hiding the almost comical panic you were experiencing behind it, just letting yourself go with the flow without trying to hold yourself back.
  83. It felt good.
  85. It felt wrong.
  87. You could literally feel the mechanisms within her brain firing, a bit too nuanced for you to tell exactly what.
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