

Jan 15th, 2021
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  1. It seems like Glo­ria the po­si­tion of More­ton fam­ily suc­ces­sor is sta­ble, and is deep the faith and love of this con­trol freak, can there­fore make him come Mamy Restau­rant to dine to­gether.
  2. Mag looks at the Glo­ria growth, has not re­pented from one self-con­fi­dent ugly miss, to fe­male Boss that the tak­ing off veil as­sumes sole re­spon­si­bil­ity for an im­por­tant task, her trans­for­ma­tion is quite dif­fi­cult, the step is firm.
  3. She can not be seen the okay long grand­daugh­ter from one com­pletely, is de­feated seem­ingly sits qui­etly Cyril of land­scape, de­pended is not the look and sweet mouth, but is own abil­ity.
  4. To come Jef­frey this stub­born old man, has ac­cepted the woman sim­i­larly to in­herit the fam­ily prop­erty, and lets fact that fam­ily grows strong.
  5. Hill flung the abil­ity pearls and jade of three great fam­ily suc­ces­sor sev­eral streets be­fore, the Glo­ria Dark Blue cloth­ing has started to mo­nop­o­lize the mid­dle and upper level lady's cloth­ing, a blue sea is clearly dis­cernible.
  6. Gives Cyril this black sheep of the fam­ily the fam­ily prop­erty with it, might as well give the Glo­ria abun­dant higher fu­ture.
  7. „Are the Dark Blue clothes, all he de­sign?” Jef­frey sits down, looks that Glo­ria said in a soft voice.
  8. „Yes.” Glo­ria nods, this mat­ter she has not con­cealed to Jef­frey, more­over was Mag con­sents per­son­ally.
  9. „Can­not look at his a chef, this grade of in­ge­nious con­cep­tion.” Jef­frey smiled say­ing with a smile, in­deed quite some­what is ac­tu­ally ac­ci­den­tal.
  10. He had in­ves­ti­gated Mag be­fore, the back­ground is very sim­ple, is also quite sim­ple with the re­la­tions of Glo­ria purely.
  11. Dark Blue can from los­ing money tex­tile shop, the suc­cess­ful tran­si­tion be high-end ap­parel store, en­joys praise of upper cir­cles of so­ci­ety, most es­sen­tial is ac­tu­ally that each ar­ti­cle can al­ways bring the new prod­uct of stir.
  12. The Glo­ria abil­ity is with­out a doubt, but the Dark Blue spirit char­ac­ter is ac­tu­ally that dress de­signer, is at pre­sent this wear chef uni­form man.
  13. „Mis­ter Mag young is promis­ing, good to be a cheer­ful giver good, mak­ing one ad­mire.” Lance looks at Mag, a face ap­pre­ci­a­tion said: „Hope School can com­plete, he left vig­or­ously, help­ing the chil­dren to study to go to school, this is the mat­ter of con­tri­bu­tion to the fu­ture.”
  14. „Yes, Mis­ter Mag is re­ally a good per­son.” Madame Debra is also the ap­pre­ci­a­tion said, she often lis­tened to the hus­band to raise Mag re­cently, Hope School news re­cently bi­og­ra­phy in their teacher cir­cles un­usual is lively.
  15. Nat­u­rally, a very im­por­tant rea­son.
  16. Mis­ter Mag cured the spot on Glo­ria face, this benev­o­lence is worth her feel­ing grate­ful, let alone helped Glo­ria at­tain at the en­ter­prise greatly suc­cess­fully.
  17. Mis­ter Mag has the daugh­ter, she is even think­ing, or rec­on­ciled two peo­ple be­cause to be to­gether good, a per­fect match, sim­ply good com­bi­na­tion.
  18. „Can Mis­ter Mag dis­cuss his wife with you? Is di­vorces or loses one's spouse?” Debra gath­ers near the Glo­ria ear to ask low voice.
  19. Glo­ria was star­tled being star­tled, on the face raises a piece to blush at once, pinched a mother's hand under the table, qui­etly said: „exit|to speak that mother, this mat­ter, how I asked.”
  20. „That has any­thing to ask that does not ex­port, out­stand­ing per­son like Mis­ter Mag, deeply un­der­stands sure right.” Debra is ac­tu­ally face earnest say­ing.
  21. Glo­ria ex­pres­sion slightly strange looked at mother one eyes, has not said that does not plan to con­tinue this topic.
  22. „I heard that the Mis­ter Mag plan man­ages the a chef school in Hope School, it seems like, our Chaos City must be­come the Nolan con­ti­nent chef’s sa­cred place.” Lance said with a smile.
  23. Mickey hear­ing this eyes lit up that has sat peace­fully, cu­ri­ous ask­ing: „chef school? Is fol­lows he to study cook­ing?”
  24. „What's wrong, our small does Mickey also want to study cook­ing?” Lance looks that he smiles to ask.
  25. The Mickey nod said: „Un, Mis­ter Mag cook­ing is so de­li­cious, if I learn, can every­one cook­ing, later also be able to open a restau­rant, should be in­ter­est­ing.”
  26. „When the chef does not have the prospect, you should re­solve to be­come an out­stand­ing mer­chant.” Jef­frey is putting on a se­ri­ous face say­ing that has the dig­nity.
  27. The at­mos­phere on table was cold im­me­di­ately.
  28. Just passed by the Mag foot­steps that from side, felt were one­self dis­crim­i­nated?
  29. Who said that is the chef not to have the prospect? Had not seen that the elder brother has be­come the world's first ex­pert now!
  30. Mag bore the im­pul­sion that com­forts that small elder brother mind, con­tin­ued to pass by from side.
  31. When the chef does have prospects does not say, but very la­bo­ri­ously ac­tu­ally real, av­er­age per­son can­not en­dure hard­ship, lit­tle young mas­ter who let alone in this great fam­ily grows up.
  32. „The Mickey age re­turns the sis­ter-in-law/lit­tle aunt, has not ar­rived at the de­ci­sion fu­ture time, but you , if in­ter­ested in study cook­ing, I can help you ask that side Hope School, if there is cur­ricu­lum in the week­end, look can rub the class.” The Lance smile looks that own son said that has not let own child bear­ing pres­sure be­cause of fa­ther's dig­nity.
  33. In­serts one, I re­cently using read­ing app, 【App】 The book source are many, books en­tire, re­news quickly!
  34. Mickey com­plex­ion one happy, looked at Jef­frey one sub­con­sciously care­fully.
  35. Jef­frey looked at Lance, the lip moves, fi­nally has not spo­ken.
  36. The Glo­ria cor­ners of the mouth curled up­wards, gave a Mickey en­cour­ag­ing look.
  37. The grand­fa­ther even­tu­ally changed, if be­fore, he must pat the table to teach the fa­ther mostly, but today does not have the dis­pute.
  38. This type changes is very good, at least the whole fam­ily was more like the whole fam­ily.
  39. Today goes out, she also in­vited the grand­mother, but she re­jected, chooses their eats meal in home and Sec­ond Uncle.
  40. She re­gard­ing this and does not care, the grand­mother was usu­ally un­happy their, now she be­came the only suc­ces­sor, they re­turn to Chaos City lat­ter sev­eral to cause trou­ble are not suc­cess­ful, in the heart hates the tooth to be itchy about her in­evitably.
  41. Com­pared in their a few years ago day, now Cyril was not poor, but is un­able to spend freely like be­fore again at will, she re­ally could not live least bit mercy to their one.
  42. Glo­ria or­dered one table of veg­eta­bles/dishes, se­lected Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall to Jef­frey spe­cially.
  43. Looks at the price on menu, Jef­frey ex­cept for some­what ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised, poured has not said any­thing.
  44. Chaos City dares the dish price tar­get is so high, this is first.
  45. But is ar­rang­ing the long team from the en­trance, the mar­ket re­gard­ing this price is the ap­proval, and hounds, ex­plained that this price is to have the per­for­mance-to-price ratio, does not need to ques­tion.
  46. This also made Jef­frey have a big­ger cu­rios­ity re­gard­ing Mag cook­ing skill, ac­tu­ally to achieve what de­gree the veg­etable/dish, can let so many so crazy praises?
  47. Soon, veg­eta­bles/dishes then car­ried the table.
  48. Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Pep­pers, red braised pork and hot pep­per chicken, "fish-fla­vored" egg­plant in gar­lic sauce, spicy beef, Mapo Tofu and Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall, one bot­tle of rums, this veg­etable/dish on even was un­even.
  49. The meat fra­grance as­cends fol­low­ing the steam, drills the nos­tril to come, the hot pep­per chicken and Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Pep­pers hot clip is one of them, but Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall un­cov­ers to cover the later meat fra­grance, lets the Jef­frey sub­con­scious swal­low­ing saliva.
  50. Color fra­grant com­plete one table of veg­eta­bles/dishes, have not moved the chop­sticks, has started ex­pos­ing to let the charm that the per­son is hard to re­sist.
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