
Ven: Introduction to Rune Magic

Jan 26th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. [10:26:43] The journey had drawn itself out from the last encounter. Having departed from the West, with the few encounters here and there allowed it to observe oddities in his travel: The skies, soon overtaken by storm, and the intoxicating poison of the shadows contorting at the landscape to even a minuscule degree.
  3. It was as though the world around him was changing by the day, however, its reasoning, truly unknown. The war going on across the northern lands were completely void to the feline, leading it to eventually pass the Southern gates of the desert, and find the expansive plains encompassing Nostvale.
  5. To any other, it was nothing more than a lone cat, traveling the lands in solitude. Venomous hues scoured its surroundings, attempting to decipher any examples of life bearing any sentience. Those of like, albeit clearly hostile ilk were dutifully avoided from afar, leaving its endeavors sorely troubled.
  6. (Vengeance)
  7. [10:32:41] It was out in the plains again. Amidst minor study. It had an aim for the time being, and a blade was clutched. The old and worn occultic blade carving strange runes into the ground. Odd collections of them.
  9. It was practicing, and well, out in the open was always best. But those out in the distance probably couldn't tell what it was doing that well in all honesty. Just something idly cutting the ground up.
  11. It murmured something to itself, as one batch lit up, something not quite physical forming for a few moments, and then it stopped. It nodded faintly to itself, before grabbing a small notebook... And scribbling something down in it. As it glanced upwards and outwards for a few moments. Taking a brief break from its work.
  12. (Ookami Revenant)
  13. [10:44:38] The creature had plenty of time to think...
  14. To think on its life thus far
  15. To think on the loss of his brother
  16. To think on what he learned, and how much more he failed to realize!
  17. Of course, it was curious, truly bent on realizing more of what it did not yet understand, and perhaps what could revolutionize not only his own, but that of everything he had come to know and beyond.
  19. The wonder would not last however, fallen to the sight of what looked like a human? Hooded, cloaked... In a full sheet of green across its entire form. It was certainly an oddity and worth approaching in silence. It went without a doubt in its mind that it'd go noticed eventually, Ven counted on it.
  21. "Meeooow." He mewed out for the attention, hoping to break eyes from the works in progress. The emerald hues of his however digressed from the Revenant, touching upon the carvings across the ground:
  22. Certainly not the common valmasian tongue markings he read earlier... So, what was it?
  23. (Vengeance)
  24. [10:55:44] A noise. And an animal. It didn't really care, however. Seemingly just looking back to its small bit of note taking. The blade spun around, sheathed upon its back. This should work, it was left believing.
  26. The practice had done what it needed. What it wanted. A quiet moment as a swift bit of wind blasted away its previous markings. Always good to clean up after oneself, it supposed.
  28. Now, it was just curious when it should meet with the friend it was working on this for. How much longer perhaps, it wondered.
  29. (Ookami Revenant)
  30. [11:00:51] --And just like that, the markings were all vanquished! As though Kraus had swept his finger over the works to erase what he had done-- With nothing more than a flick, it was gone. Frustrating to say the least, however, perhaps it was a feat he should have bothered to investigate-- Any knowledge worth hiding was worth learning, especially with the image of a harmless cat.
  32. This... Entity... Why didn't it acknowledge him? At least it didn't wave its weapon at him, an immediate plus. Would it react negatively to his pursuit?
  33. "Meeeooooow..."
  34. (Vengeance)
  35. [11:03:24] Ookami Revenant: (I suppose considerring what ya are, that and, i don't hide it much)
  36. [11:03:24] Ookami Revenant: (rev doesn't smell at all of flesh, it doesn't really have a scent
  37. [11:04:16] Vengeance: (Ah, alright.)
  38. [11:08:32] The creature still seemed interested in it. Most wildlife tended to leave it alone, but this one. A quiet pause as it gazed at the feline. A simple question directly, "What? It has nothing for you. Perhaps should leave, yes?" It's not even a meal for the creature.
  40. Shouldn't it know that? unless it can't smell. It was uncertain.
  41. (Ookami Revenant)
  42. [11:15:21] Something... was off.
  43. This 'human' didn't radiate the same vibe.
  44. Its scent, void? But how?
  45. It didn't make any logical sense based on all 13 years of its life. Though it didn't truly matter for the situation at hand anyways, its intent wasn't as predictable as though of fellow kin.
  47. Then again, could this individual decipher his true identity like all of the others? No, that couldn't be the case. "Meow."
  48. Persistance.
  49. It was key if he wanted to learn anything from this man. Its appearance was bound to earn it favor like the others, right?
  50. (Vengeance)
  51. [11:22:11] Tap, tap tap... The feline demanded further attention. And it was left mildly thinking on the issue. This wasn't a run of the mill cat. No hostility yet but... Its own curiosity was peaked.
  53. A couple of theories and three simple words asked, "What are you?" It could taste something different about them. And now, perhaps... It took a few steps towards Vengeance.
  55. "And why persist on bothering it?" A simple enough question, as it waited some form of response if it would get any.
  56. (Ookami Revenant)
  57. [11:33:16] 'What are you?'
  59. This was, a recurring act. As though, anyone and everyone seemed to realize that a cat, could never clutch so well to life without an owner. It was as though, he needed another to ensure proper survival. He needed a cover-up, something to hide behind. Though, until that could ever be accomplished with a suitable host, he'd be subject to events such as this.
  61. The cat leaned up towards the Revenant, taking to its vocalizations much slower now.
  62. "Meeeoooooooooooww..."
  64. Deeper, softer, as though to coo out for the man. To one whom would listen, they'd hear it, feel it. The occultic song of the damned sung out in the undertone, the cacophony of those enlaced in its being, engulfed by its malevolent entity cried out to the ears of the listening. Those of like-affinity could embrace the radiance of the abyss within.
  66. Bottomless, albeit populated-- With many, many more than what could ever physically contort itself to the shape of this cat. It was contradicting, however, clear to those whom could sense it out, this was no mere cat.
  67. "... Y o u . . . a r e . . . I n t e r e s t i n g . "
  68. (Vengeance)
  69. [11:38:24] It was more the fact that most creatures avoidded it. Perhaps due to how they could feel something... Something was wrong about it, and it had no smell. It shouldn't exist to them. And if one started paying attention to it, it certainly would be interested.
  71. And it tasted the occult flavor, and their comment. Interesting... Many always saw it as such. It tilted its head briefly, staring at Vengeance. One theory now at the forefront. Especially with how it seemed to speak. "Yokai...?"
  73. Something else of relatively little value to it. "But it, it isn't very important. It'd tell you what it is, if one has something to offer, perhaps." Something it'd want, in some form or other. "Or perhaps say what it was doing back there."
  74. (Ookami Revenant)
  75. [11:50:20] Now, they knew...
  76. Though, it wasn't anything to worry about. It was only -1-, and considering what the cat had looked upon in that moment, it was doubtful that it would pose a serious trouble to it.
  77. This entity, was just as strange as he was. A faceless human? Clearly something was just as off with them, as it was with Ven.
  79. "What do you want?" He asked of the Revenant. "Ask of anything and the exchange can very well be underway." The creature was to-the-point, unwilling to dodge around the bush of the situation.
  81. "Consider it, a trade."It took the opportunity to make an approach, expecting the Revenant to lack any defensive posture towards his presence.
  82. "My appearance typically sets others off-guard, it could be of use to you-- Yes?"
  83. (Vengeance)
  84. [11:58:01] It certainly seemed they were interested. But they weren't offerring anything, they just wanted it to say what it wanted... And it wasn't sure. "Mmmmm... How about, sometime in the future it can call upon you to aid it in scavenging through some old ruin perhaps?" A simple and direct request. "Perhaps may be useful to you."
  86. But on other things. What it was, "Well... It? It's pretty much a spirit, not too much more in all honesty. But if one has more questions, it always is up for the spread of knowledge, yes?" Its response was very simple really.
  87. (Ookami Revenant)
  88. [12:05:42] A favor, in trade for knowledge?
  89. This, was a deal he couldn't refuse. "I have no troubles with this." It agreed, "Your knowledge is, highly prized to me. Anything..." The beast paused, as though to rephrase its former claim. " --No, everything that you can offer me to expand my knowledge will go with reward."
  91. The feline stopped, just inches away from the Revenant to gaze upon them closer now, perching itself.
  92. "Assuming, all are favors of similar nature."
  93. (Vengeance)
  94. [12:09:07] Ookami Revenant: Well... It did say what it wanted, and tell what it is.
  95. [12:11:40] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> I am, a part of a greater whole.
  96. [12:11:40] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> We were once, Perfect. Now, just pieces... Lost.
  97. [12:11:40] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> Stolen... From me.
  98. [12:12:32] Ookami Revenant: Mmmm...
  99. [12:13:23] Ookami Revenant: It was more meanning , in honesty. There is an old ruin it is wanting to explore.
  100. [12:13:23] Ookami Revenant: It was hoping one would help it with such.
  101. [12:15:05] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> Hmm? To do so? I assume such answer was implied.
  102. [12:15:05] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> I will explicitly accept such then.
  103. [12:15:05] Vengeance: <*purs*>
  104. [12:15:56] Ookami Revenant: Ah, perfect. Now, anything else one wishes to know then?
  105. [12:16:48] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> Your... markings... Valmasian?
  106. [12:16:48] Ookami Revenant: Its runic...
  107. [12:17:39] Ookami Revenant: Something else entirely, one can essentially make commands of a sort through writing.
  108. [12:17:39] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> Hm? But how?
  109. [12:18:30] Ookami Revenant: One needs simply to properly know the language, and charge it.
  110. [12:18:30] Ookami Revenant: It's tricky, as a single flaw can be catastrophic.
  111. [12:18:30] Ookami Revenant: Those without a good teacher often explode, amidst other things!
  112. [12:19:21] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> Do you understand it enough to pass the teachings? Or perhaps... Know another in-which I could derive the knowledge from?
  113. [12:20:12] Ookami Revenant: It can teach, yes... It's taught many before.
  114. [12:20:12] Ookami Revenant: Not taught a yokai though. It imagines it'd be hard to write in your form.
  115. [12:21:04] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> I intend to savor the knowledge, even if the practice proves a struggle.
  116. [12:21:04] Ookami Revenant: Alright. As long as you find a way to manage decent writing, it'd be willing to help it supposes.
  117. [12:21:55] Ookami Revenant: If its too sloppy, like it said, it'd be too dangerous.
  118. [12:24:28] Vengeance: <*Telepathic connection to the Revenant*> I... am ready.
  119. [12:27:53] A sharp wind blasted a stone right into the Revenants hand. It clutched it, the stone swiftly marred with occultic markings. Runes. The stone glowing as it was marked. It was marked with magic, but the Revenant had done this batch of markings before, and could inscribe them instantaneously by now. No worries of backfire.
  121. The stone kept glowing while in its grasp, as it lobbed it towards Vengeance. And the glow died out. "All runes need a source of power. Of mana. Some runes need a more precise amount." It explainned, gesturing to the stone.
  123. "The trick is, masterring the exchange of mana to a rune. One of the core basics." It then looked to the stone. "Just, well... If its done right, the stone will glow. That's what you're going to attempt. Understood?"
  124. (Ookami Revenant)
  125. [12:34:43] From the outreach of the scene, a gust of wind carried a stone from land to hand; one of which, that was inscribed upon to gleam of the occultic arcane. The stygian element illuminated in one's grasp, earning the fullest of Ven's attention. It was so quick, committed to without the slightest of trouble-- As though second nature.
  127. This was more than a practice, nor technique but a language to be indulged upon. The rock was lobbed over to him, earning his flinch and reactive meow! A hop backwards in an attempt to evade the projectile, and soon after, investigation of its newfound properties.
  129. Then, as he encroached upon it to learn more, the Ookami Revenant went onwards to narrate what he had just witnessed.
  131. A power source was required, thus, as he stated before it was something to be written, commanded, and empowered to complete the command. So, it was proven, it was indeed a language!
  132. "So, the markings are already on the stone? I only need to power it?"
  133. (Vengeance)
  134. [12:37:16] A simple enough question, and it nodded. "Just empower it, and its needs will be granted. Some have trouble with it, others don't. It is however the basics of runewriting, powerring your rune." It gestured to the stone.
  136. "Just consider it a basic first step. If one can't empower a rune, learnning the language is pointless for them."
  137. (Ookami Revenant)
  138. [12:50:04] The task was simple.
  139. "Consider it, done." The markings were still there, which meant the intent of this part of the training was made clear. All he had to do, was empower the stone, imbue it with that of his own essence. However, it was certainly something different from what he was used to. How exactly did the process work? Was it truly any different from the utilization of his darkness magic?
  141. He could feel it, the radiance of the powers pressed upon it when initially in the grasp of the Revenant. It was that, of a homely sensation: The everlasting oblivion of the undying shadows embodied within that of their mutual element. A paw reached out to embrace the now, deprived stone, clutching it tightly as though to feel into the depths of what was now, hollowed out of its reserves.
  143. "Such seems trivial... Though, I admit, I haven't much idea of how much is... Much."A translucent pyre of the ebonic cesspool festering within had eased itself from his touch, soon to bubble over in sludge-like fashion over the stone.
  145. From the dozens, to the hundreds of fallen victims-- Their agony, their hatred, their suffering... Now, his pain, focused on smothering this sole target. The faint resonation of their persons echoed through the wafting aura that overtook him, from screams to cries, across the spectrums of age, sex and race.
  147. As the process carried on, it waited in excitement, expecting reaction from the stone-- However, unknowledgable as to what should follow. Would it glow? Would it explode? Would, nothing happen? Was he even doing it right?
  148. (Vengeance)
  149. [12:56:54] It didn't have much more, just was waitting, to see if the yokai would figure out how to make it glow efficiently. It stared to the skies a bit, thinking quietly. Now, it somewhat expected success. But that'd just mean a bit further. Perhaps actually teaching of runes.
  151. Just some basic ones, like light, it thought. Not yet time to teach the more complex collections of them. Or perhaps voice... Both wouldn't be too bad to mess up, it knew that at least.
  152. (Ookami Revenant)
  153. [13:04:35] The empowerment of the stone had come to fruition! The overflow from the unsuspecting beast had wrought illumination to its runes, proving that it certainly had the potential to utlize such magics! Though, to consider that it had the capability to use such, even to this basic of a degree, only implied that it could use runes to its leisure. It did not mean, that it could make them.
  155. To create such, Ven would need to learn the language, and with a glowing stone under his paw he looked up to the Ookami Revenant-- Waiting.
  156. "As stated prior, trivial. Finished... Now, onwards to the next srtep, yes?"
  157. (Vengeance)
  158. [13:11:24] Mmmm, a success. Great. It observed the stone, before shrugging. "The patterns on that serve to create light when charged. It doesn't have an efficient means of teaching the others, but..." It gestured to the stone.
  160. "The idea is, if can properly copy that pattern onto another thing. It'll glow when charged." It glanced off a bit of a ways... "But it thinks it might need to be moving, it thinks someone might be waitting for it soon. If it is fine, friend. Use the stone as practice." It instructed.
  162. "And try only to charge those that look truly correct. Don't want any problems, yes?"
  163. (Ookami Revenant)
  164. [13:21:39] The words were marred into memory. If what the entity was saying was true, that would mean that perfection was key.
  165. Perfection meant the difference between success and failure.
  166. Perfection meant everything, thus attention to detail was without equal.
  167. "I understand. No mistakes." Lacking any sort of pockets or bags meant it lacked any orthidox means of inventory...
  169. Though, that didn't mean that he didn't have means of carrying the stone around for future reference. Maws parted an impossibly wide length for a cat its size to unveil a legion of thread-like tendrils to encapture the stone wholly, drawing it back in to its closing jaws. A single bite, and it was swallowed whole, allowed to rest along the depths of what lied beyond the feline facade.
  171. "Truly, I must thank you for this lesson. Though, of its name... What is this, art? Practice. What sort of practice that uses these runes be called?"
  172. (Vengeance)
  173. [13:24:12] What is it? "Just called runewriting. Nothing more, nothing less." It offerred simply, as it began trailling off. Eastwards, past the city, and more to the caves. It had done what was intended, and now should be aidding another, perhaps.
  174. (Ookami Revenant)
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