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a guest
Aug 18th, 2017
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  1. [lapo@io SparkleShare]$ sparkleshare start
  2. Starting SparkleShare... Done.
  3. [lapo@io SparkleShare]$ Identity added: /home/lapo/.config/sparkleshare/ (/home/lapo/.config/sparkleshare/
  4. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url
  5. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  6. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  7. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1
  8. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  9. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log --reverse -1 --format=%H
  10. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connecting to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  11. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  12. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url
  13. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  14. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  15. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1
  16. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  17. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log --reverse -1 --format=%H
  18. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connecting to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  19. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  20. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url
  21. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  22. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git config --get
  23. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1
  24. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  25. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log --reverse -1 --format=%H
  26. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connecting to #fa0e414f00f60b60dd4ac5f2a2959248e2fc5bec on
  27. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  28. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connected to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  29. [14:48:56][Git][gnome-design] Checking for remote changes...
  30. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git ls-remote origin master
  31. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connected to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  32. [14:48:56][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Checking for remote changes...
  33. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git ls-remote origin master
  34. [14:48:56][ListenerIrc] Connected to #fa0e414f00f60b60dd4ac5f2a2959248e2fc5bec on
  35. [14:48:56][Git][tango-icons] Checking for remote changes...
  36. [14:48:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git ls-remote origin master
  37. [14:49:03][Git][gnome-design] Remote changes found. (b8e7e2ca6707af5d5f32b600830263bcfd818a1f refs/heads/master)
  38. [14:49:03][Git][gnome-design] Fetching changes...
  39. [14:49:03][Cmd] /usr/bin/git fetch -v origin master
  40. remote: Counting objects: 27, done.
  41. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
  42. [14:49:15][ListenerIrc] Disconnected from #fa0e414f00f60b60dd4ac5f2a2959248e2fc5bec on
  43. [14:49:15][Local][tango-icons] Falling back to polling
  44. Could not connect: The connection could not be disconnected because there is no active connection
  45. remote: Total 21 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0)
  46. Unpacking objects: 100% (21/21), done.
  47. From ssh://
  48. * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  49. [14:49:16][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  50. [14:49:16][Git][gnome-design] Changes fetched.
  51. [14:49:16][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  52. [14:49:16][Git][gnome-design] Rebasing changes...
  53. [14:49:16][Cmd] /usr/bin/git rebase -v FETCH_HEAD
  54. [14:49:17][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  55. [14:49:17][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --raw -M --date=iso
  56. [14:49:17][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  57. ===== ARGUMENTS: =====
  58. [0]Allan Day
  59. [0]
  60. [0]edited ‘mockups/contacts/aday/contacts.png’ and 1 more
  61. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design
  62. ======================
  63. [14:49:17][Git][gnome-design] Changes rebased.
  64. ***** ARGUMENTS: *****
  65. [0]Allan Day
  66. [0]
  67. [0]edited ‘mockups/contacts/aday/contacts.png’ and 1 more
  68. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design
  69. **********************
  70. [14:49:28][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Remote changes found. (b8e7e2ca6707af5d5f32b600830263bcfd818a1f refs/heads/master)
  71. [14:49:28][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Fetching changes...
  72. [14:49:28][Cmd] /usr/bin/git fetch -v origin master
  73. remote: Counting objects: 27, done.
  74. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
  75. remote: Total 21 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0)
  76. Unpacking objects: 100% (21/21), done.
  77. From ssh://
  78. * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  79. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  80. [14:49:39][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes fetched.
  81. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  82. [14:49:39][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Rebasing changes...
  83. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git rebase -v FETCH_HEAD
  84. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  85. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --raw -M --date=iso
  86. ===== ARGUMENTS: =====
  87. [0]Allan Day
  88. [0]
  89. [0]edited ‘mockups/contacts/aday/contacts.png’ and 1 more
  90. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design (copia)
  91. ======================
  92. [14:49:39][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes rebased.
  93. ***** ARGUMENTS: *****
  94. [0]Allan Day
  95. [0]
  96. [0]edited ‘mockups/contacts/aday/contacts.png’ and 1 more
  97. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design (copia)
  98. **********************
  99. [14:49:39][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  100. [14:49:56][Git][tango-icons] Checking for remote changes...
  101. [14:49:56][Cmd] /usr/bin/git ls-remote origin master
  102. [14:49:59][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  103. [14:49:59][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  104. [14:49:59][Event][gnome-design (copia)] Deleted 'experiment with sparkleshare'
  105. [14:49:59][Local][gnome-design (copia)] Changes found, checking if settled.
  106. [14:49:59][Event][gnome-design (copia)] Renamed 'index'
  107. [14:49:59][Local][gnome-design (copia)] Changes found, checking if settled.
  108. [14:50:00][Local][gnome-design (copia)] Changes have settled.
  109. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  110. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  111. [14:50:00][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Staging changes...
  112. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git add --all
  113. [14:50:00][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes staged.
  114. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  115. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  116. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git commit -m '- ‘ "experiment with sparkleshare’'
  117. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  118. [14:50:00][Commit][gnome-design (copia)] - ‘ "experiment with sparkleshare’ (3a17bbc8aac617ac35d6e4523f49adb7113584a7)
  119. [14:50:00][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Collecting garbage...
  120. [14:50:00][Cmd] /usr/bin/git gc
  121. [14:50:02][ListenerIrc] Connecting to #fa0e414f00f60b60dd4ac5f2a2959248e2fc5bec on
  122. [14:50:02][ListenerIrc] Connected to #fa0e414f00f60b60dd4ac5f2a2959248e2fc5bec on
  123. [14:50:02][Git][tango-icons] Checking for remote changes...
  124. [14:50:02][Cmd] /usr/bin/git ls-remote origin master
  125. Counting objects: 9166, done.
  126. Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
  127. Compressing objects: 100% (4076/4076), done.
  128. Writing objects: 100% (9166/9166), done.
  129. Total 9166 (delta 5636), reused 7833 (delta 4923)
  130. [14:51:11][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Garbage collected.
  131. [14:51:11][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Pushing changes...
  132. [14:51:11][Cmd] /usr/bin/git push origin master
  133. Counting objects: 3, done.
  134. Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
  135. Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
  136. Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 257 bytes, done.
  137. Total 2 (delta 1), reused 2 (delta 1)
  138. => Syncing Gitorious... [OK]
  139. To ssh://
  140. b8e7e2c..3a17bbc master -> master
  141. [14:51:15][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes pushed.
  142. [14:51:15][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  143. [14:51:16][ListenerIrc] Announcing to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  144. [14:51:16][ListenerIrc] Got message from #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  145. [14:51:16][Git][gnome-design] Fetching changes...
  146. [14:51:16][Cmd] /usr/bin/git fetch -v origin master
  147. remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
  148. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  149. remote: Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
  150. Unpacking objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  151. From ssh://
  152. * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  153. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  154. [14:51:21][Git][gnome-design] Changes fetched.
  155. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  156. [14:51:21][Git][gnome-design] Rebasing changes...
  157. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git rebase -v FETCH_HEAD
  158. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  159. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --raw -M --date=iso
  160. ===== ARGUMENTS: =====
  161. [0]Lapo Calamandrei
  162. [0]
  163. [0]deleted ‘experiment with sparkleshare’
  164. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design
  165. ======================
  166. [14:51:21][Git][gnome-design] Changes rebased.
  167. ***** ARGUMENTS: *****
  168. [0]Lapo Calamandrei
  169. [0]
  170. [0]deleted ‘experiment with sparkleshare’
  171. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design
  172. **********************
  173. [14:51:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  174. [14:53:21][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  175. [14:53:21][Event][gnome-design] Created 'sparkleshare hates me'
  176. [14:53:21][Local][gnome-design] Changes found, checking if settled.
  177. [14:53:22][Local][gnome-design] Changes have settled.
  178. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  179. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  180. [14:53:22][Git][gnome-design] Staging changes...
  181. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git add --all
  182. [14:53:22][Git][gnome-design] Changes staged.
  183. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  184. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  185. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git commit -m '+ ‘ "sparkleshare hates me’'
  186. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  187. [14:53:22][Commit][gnome-design] + ‘ "sparkleshare hates me’ (65f1f9aa638410e691379ce80177c393cb692e8e)
  188. [14:53:22][Git][gnome-design] Pushing changes...
  189. [14:53:22][Cmd] /usr/bin/git push origin master
  190. Counting objects: 3, done.
  191. Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
  192. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  193. Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 303 bytes, done.
  194. Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
  195. => Syncing Gitorious... [OK]
  196. To ssh://
  197. 3a17bbc..65f1f9a master -> master
  198. [14:53:28][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  199. [14:53:28][Git][gnome-design] Changes pushed.
  200. [14:53:28][ListenerIrc] Announcing to #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  201. [14:53:28][ListenerIrc] Got message from #64ae837f8a2fc89a4483350e475aef4398cb833e on
  202. [14:53:28][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Fetching changes...
  203. [14:53:28][Cmd] /usr/bin/git fetch -v origin master
  204. remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
  205. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  206. remote: Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
  207. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  208. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  209. Unpacking objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  210. From ssh://
  211. * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  212. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  213. [14:53:33][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes fetched.
  214. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  215. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  216. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
  217. [14:53:33][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Rebasing changes...
  218. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git rebase -v FETCH_HEAD
  219. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
  220. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --raw -M --date=iso
  221. ===== ARGUMENTS: =====
  222. [0]Lapo Calamandrei
  223. [0]
  224. [0]added ‘sparkleshare hates me’
  225. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design (copia)
  226. ======================
  227. [14:53:33][Git][gnome-design (copia)] Changes rebased.
  228. ***** ARGUMENTS: *****
  229. [0]Lapo Calamandrei
  230. [0]
  231. [0]added ‘sparkleshare hates me’
  232. [0]/home/lapo/SparkleShare/gnome-design (copia)
  233. **********************
  234. [14:53:33][Cmd] /usr/bin/git log -1 --format=%H
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