
Zeno's Trial

Jan 14th, 2021
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  1. [18:07] "Welcome, students of Starfall," the headmaster stated, staring out towards the crowd that had gathered here to see judgement passed.
  3. "If Enoch could also stand up here as a key witness, and also, accused of certain crimes," Alistair softly urged, his sapphire eyes finding the boy in the distance ever so briefly, "Then House Rep Caster can call on his selected jury to stand to either side; together they'll discuss the evidence and come to their verdict."
  5. "And I will be the judge that makes the final decision."
  7. Continuing with that as people get into their places to begin the show, there's a final statement, "A reminder to all that this is in preparation for what you'll experience out in Esshar; many of your seniors did not have the luxury of time, and were dealing with sociopaths and murderers on a daily base, some of whom walked the streets freely and thrived in the chaos. This, like much ofthe Academy's experiences, is to prepare a generation that will guide Esshar into a brighter future."
  9. "With that said, let us begin."
  10. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [18:08] Amarant appears in the courtroom, staring at everyone with an obscure angry eyes.
  14. Their arms are crossed over their bodies. They were very angry, this is something noticeable.
  16. Their breath was slightly heavier than normal, but gravity didn't weigh on them so they floated as they walked so they didn't feel so tired.
  18. Although being there is a big effort for them.
  19. (Amarant)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [18:16] A deep breath was taken, shaky, and then steeled. His eyes shut, and then opened, also steeled.
  24. Caster stands up to the front, so that all addressed may hear his voice of judgement. The cloak of House Leonaus is tossed over his shoulders while his sigil shines its brilliant gold.
  26. "Thank you all for coming. I wish I could be standing here under better circumstances." He takes note of Ethric in the back. "Today, we will pass judgement upon fellow student Zeno Laskaris under suspect of murdering House Fenrir member Miyuki.
  28. I will now begin pulling from the pool of students to be my jury, as well as witnesses for this trial.
  30. For jury, allow me to pick Titus, Eztli, Nin, Sanguinius, and Ariel, who will be here short.
  32. As for my witnesses who will remain on standby, we already have Enoch. Then I will also call upon Peppy to give her testimony later."
  34. In a single, swift pull, Caster's blade tip meets roughly against the floor of the great hall, doubling as a gavel.
  36. "If there's no issues here, let the trial begin."
  37. (Caster)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [18:16] Peppy says in telepathy, Hope you are okay... I was summoned as a witness today.
  41. [18:18] Looked at the judge and the overall judge system that would be going on.he seemed interested at what would happened since he didn't know a lot of these people and even if he knowed them he has seen them a little than every other student here
  42. (Yamori Enizura)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [18:20] Peppy... Enoch had heard that name before. Regardless of her dealings, it would be good to have better company upon this pedestal than Zeno. He still did not dare meet the other boy's eyes. Before them stood Castor, sigil shown and sword held forth. It seemed to Enoch like the performance of a young man not quite sure of his actions but aware of the correct motions that his newly-appointed office required.
  46. (Enoch Brazen)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [18:20] Sylvia would just release a sigh at casters words shaking her head. Seems like this was truly a mad trial held to keep the populace under control.
  51. She would just cross her arms in the meantime and merely awaited for the trial to be conducted.
  52. (Sylvia Inavyre)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [18:20] "... Ahn?"
  57. He couldn't help but smile as his name was echoed outwards alongside Nin. Stood as proper as one could be with a faux sort of crooked grin to match, some would call being chosen for this duty something of an honor.
  59. "I... Suppose I have no qualms being a member of this jury." Mused as his attention was soon to drift towards the accused. Seems as though he would be forced to pay more attention to this trial than he otherwise would have liked.
  61. No matter.
  63. "It's an honor, Caster."
  65. This was going to be exciting.
  66. (Sanguinius)
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  69. [18:20] Umbra's eyebrow raised at the calling of students.
  71. He thought to himself.
  72. (Umbra Cysgol)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [18:20] Guinevere finds the jury selection to be quite interesting. Mostly Achyonian citizens or those with connection to it. Given one's upbringing, they may or may not steer one way in terms of their moral view.
  77. She remains quiet. Manicured hands clasp together in front of her chest. Guinevere wants to see the best in everyone.
  79. If he did do it- Maybe he's just sick. That means he can get better? Hopefully others see it that way. Knowing how Achyon handles things...
  81. The Falstaff exhales lightly.
  82. (Guinevere Falstaff)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [18:21] A sharpened pinky nail idly picks at her teeth as Caster introduces, and then mentions she'd be on the jury. For a moment, her gilded eyes widen as she's chosen- Then they shrink, and quietly, she laughs under her breath.
  87. "Keheheheh. No problem."
  89. Guess that was that. The smirk on her face is wide and excited, even given the macabre nature of what being on the jury might actually entail if the party is named to be guilty.
  90. (Nin Kilim)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [18:21] Arriving to the trial, finding a place to stand. The youths gaze settled onto the small gathering in-front. Noticing paca almost immediately. Wanting to wave, he decided not to, considering the circumstances at the moment.
  95. Instead, he listened further as the jury was called out. With the grandmaster as the judge. One could only wonder how this was all going to end.
  96. (Haarper)
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  99. [18:21] Titus had taken a comfortable stance in the crowd and seemed read to follow along as a member of the sidelines. When Caster calls upon him, there is a distinct furrow of his brow that is followed by the noble moving through the crowd to arrive in the proper location for the 'jury'.
  101. The cast was an incredible one.
  103. "Sure thing, Cas'."
  104. (Titus pyr Aertas)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [18:22] Kale simply shrugged, looking back at Hohei and placing a hand on his shoulder. "We can always discuss that a bit more later mate. Seems like the trials gonna get started now. Keep your eyes peeled and your eyes cleaned 'cuz it's important to have an idea of what's going on around ya." With that said, he'd turn his attention back to the trial.
  108. (Kale)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [18:22] Little Laurent was more lost than a blind man in the middle of a shootout. In situations like this, he used to lower his ears - but realizing that he was one of the shortest there, he felt less threatened by the crowd of people.
  113. Despite the discomfort, his curiosity could not be satisfied by just looking out the window. He needed to see up close what was going to happen.
  114. (Laurent Joubert)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [18:22] "It seems I'm not too late."
  119. He arrived a bit later, having almost slept in. He isn't feeling the best today, but he didn't want to miss a meeting. To prove innocence or guiltiness; it's too important of a task for him to simply skip out on it.
  121. Perhaps before.
  123. His arms fold a bit, and he tries to shift to the side somewhat to get a better look.
  125. "Let's get started then?"
  126. (Rhesus DeLaurentis)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [18:23] Peppy? This name wasn't unfamiliar at all. Somewhere, Natasha heard upbeat trial music was being played despite the morbid fact students were just about to judge each other.
  131. Maybe it was just her imagination.
  132. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. [18:23] Hina stares at the procession going on in front of her -- welcoming students, talking of juries, organizing witnesses -- and all that she can truly manifest is a small sigh, sliding into a sitting position on the floor.
  137. She remains quiet as well, not wanting to object to any of the proceedings; granted, if she has to guess, the jury would have strong opinions about this one way or another, especially considering what she'd heard one of them saying earlier...
  139. Was this an actual jury, or was this already decided?
  140. (Hina Nishimura)
  141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. [18:23] With Peppy running in after she received the letter from caster. She seemed out of breath from running.
  145. Witness testimonty, she wouldn't mind.
  147. "Alright." she simply said from the back of the crowd.
  148. (Peppy)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [18:24] Yamani would cast a morbid gaze towards those at the stand. Remaining silent with her endeavors. As to not further engage anything else, she would slowly hope that there would be an end towards the killings that were present.
  153. To the siren. Mayuri's life held extreme value towards her. And for her to go so soon, fueled her with a silent fury that could wash herself ashore. She would slowly place a cast on Zeno. She has met the man a small bit of times.
  155. She would expect a lot less of him other than murder. But that was a certain case that wasn't true. Or at least it didn't seem like it regardless. Especially to further ones goals.
  157. For now the raging waves remained silent. And silent they shall remain.
  158. (Yamani)
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. [18:26] Caster asks, "For the jury, can you join Titus?"
  162. [18:26] Sanguinius asks, "... Were we supposed to step forwards, Nin?"
  163. [18:26] Caster says, "Come forward. I need to see your faces."
  164. [18:26] Sanguinius says, "Very well, very well."
  165. [18:30] A sound of contemplation escapes his lips as he surveys the selection. There isn't a look of approval, but the headmaster nonetheless remained distanced, curious to see how this might go.
  166. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [18:32] Isana quietly observes the proceedings.. wondering how this will all go.
  170. (Isana pyr Aertas)
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  173. [18:32] "This will be my jury for the time being. Should anything happens or if one of them have to go, I have a substitute group at the ready. In addition, should discussions suddenly lack merit or fruit, I'll also call upon my reserves."
  175. With that appended, it's time to begin the cross-examination.
  177. "Before I cross-examine Zeno, if you feel the need to defend your fellow mate here, you will be called upon as a witness. Should you feel the need to do so, stand on the side opposite of the jury -- beside Paca.
  179. You'll have ample time to do so.
  181. I think it'll be prudent to begin with something simple...
  183. ...Zeno. Give us your full name, what magics you use, your affiliation with the deceased, and what you were doing on the day of the murder -- The timespan 2-3 days ago."
  184. (Caster)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [18:32] Sylva quietly observes the proceedings. Wondering and pondering to herself just how things might turn out...
  188. (Sylva Aertas)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [18:34] Paca Elementa whispers something.
  192. [18:40] His mismatched hues fell upon the crowd. Surveying the lot of them, keeping a rather neutral expression. Taking yet again out of his time of grieve to speak his peace. Hopefully this will be the end of the questioning, so his emotions may fully settle. Nevertheless... he spoke.
  194. "Hello. As you may know, I'm Zeno Laskaris. The magicks I have an attunement with is, Metal, Energy, and Blood. Miyuki... Was my Girlfriend."
  196. He granted a moment, after stating that. His eyes falling towards the ground briefly. --He continued to speak, his gaze shifting up as he made it about half way through.
  198. "On the day of the murder, I was spending time with my friend Ray of House Basilisk. Spending most of my time within the dorms, until nightfall. Whereas I when to Achyon to relax and visit for once. Hanging out with Sylvia of House Fenrir there, for the remainder of the night."
  200. Once he finished he tucked his hands behind his back. Awaiting his next setof questions.
  201. (Zeno Laskaris)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [18:41] Sylvia does a whats up hand wave.
  205. (Sylvia Inavyre)
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  208. [18:41] From the audience, Elise gasps at the mention of Miyuki being his girlfriend! How scandalous; the significant other was always the primes suspect!
  209. (Elise Soleis)
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  212. [18:42] Cee lurks in the background but perks up and peeks over other students to watch the ongoings.
  213. (Cee)
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  216. [18:43] Peppy says in telepathy, Good.
  217. [18:43] Trife feels disgusted at the thought of betraying your loved one...
  218. (Trife)
  219. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [18:43] Sanguinius says, "Mm."
  222. [18:43] Camie idles lazily beside Paca, perhaps about to put herself in a really dumb position
  223. (Camie Vega)
  224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226. [18:43] Haarper quietly listened to what zeno had to say. Although he didn't know him much. He had been there during the ball. Where him and miyuki might've made the choice to uh... Date.
  227. (Haarper)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. [18:43] Guinevere watches the jury convene off to the side. Zeno answers the question and one detail sticks out to her. She pauses and stiffens. Killing his own girl friend...? Impossible. He wouldn't. He couldn't.
  232. Right?
  233. (Guinevere Falstaff)
  234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. [18:43] Noiret continued to do what he usually did in those moments. Jot down whatever was going on.
  237. (Noiret)
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  240. [18:46] The siren would sigh. The thought to end ones girlfriend... It was certainly something. Though for a failed witchcraft experiement… The only thing that she could think of was blood magic that could even fuel something. Her lips were sealed. It was a possibility, but that was all to her.
  241. (Yamani)
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  244. [18:47] "...Alright, that'll be recorded.
  246. Zeno, I'd like to bring up Ariel's testimony here. You've been seen being involved with nefarious activities, specifically dark dealings with a nethradin.
  248. Enoch has testified this during the congregation a few nights ago. Therefore I will call upon our star witness to give his account on the events he was involved with."
  250. A nod was given over to Ariel, followed by a gesture to come stand beside him.
  253. (Caster)
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  256. [18:47] Cee doesn't know enough details, and because of their ignorance? Seems to believe Zeno might be innocent.
  257. (Cee)
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  260. [18:48] Caster whispers something.
  261. [18:48] Caster whispers something.
  262. [18:49] Caster whispers something.
  263. [18:49] Ermir has walked in, biased as fuck. At this, he simply gazes ahead, soaking in the atmosphere - he'd heard plenty the days prior, and he knew enough. He just hoped they weren't wrong.
  264. (Ermir)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [18:49] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  268. [18:49] Caster says, "I'm calling Epoch, come forward and let everyone know what you witnessed with Zeno."
  269. [18:50] Rosaline gasps, belatedly, at the betrayal. Wow.
  270. (Rosaline Corcilius)
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  273. [18:51] Sybil resists the urge to yell 'guilty' despite having no investment or background information on this trial whatsoever.
  274. (Sybil Ashgrove)
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  277. [18:51] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  278. [18:51] Teagan silently judges Zeno. It was probably for the better that she wasn't included in the jury as she'd be very much so looking to convict Zeno. Everything pointed in his direction, and his defense was rather flimsy when compared to the claims that Enoch was making.
  280. Still, he was technically innocent until proven guilty.
  281. (Teagan Alankrantz)
  282. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  284. [18:51] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  285. [18:52] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  286. [18:52] Kale continued to observe the trial, taking note of Zeno's responses to the first set of questions. "Hmmm, she was his girlfriend huh..." Interesting that of all the people he's being accused of killing would be a loved one. That's either really unfortunate on his part or highly convenient. It was hard to say but for now, he simply observed. He did take note of the faces that came to the trial, some being more familiar than others.
  288. "Hmm..."
  289. (Kale)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [18:52] Kai kept his arms crossed trying to listen closely. The room was pretty silent for the time being, but he still didn't know all the facts with Zeno. The only issue was he came off very fishy, and appeared less in the academy than the monsters from shadowmire.
  295. (Kai Hintze)
  296. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  298. [18:53] Caster whispers something.
  299. [18:54] Caster whispers something.
  300. [18:54] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  301. [18:57] Alistair ven Pelleaux whispers: Hmm... do say your piece, boy, after this.
  302. [18:58] Yamori holds his urge of killing the murderer if zeno is him
  303. (Yamori Enizura)
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. [18:59] Leonard Mathis asks, "The question is....Why....?"
  307. [19:06] Violet exists. SHe may not be the judge, but she made it back in time!
  308. (Violet Vartuul)
  309. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. [19:08] For a moment Enoch felt his whole body freeze up. So many people, so many eyes. This was a long way from the library. Still, he had a piece to say.
  313. "First of all, I would like to clarify that while Zeno was present at the scene of a deal being made with a nethradin, he was not the one in question making a pact. This... this will take some explaining."
  315. "Some time ago, when I had just arrived at the Academy, I made friends with a boy named Zekkon. He was a scrawny kid with big ambitions and always ready to talk about them. Still, Zekkon seemed nice enough. We trained together and seemed to make a good team. At least, until that night on the beach."
  317. "It began while I was out in the wilds, hunting for leather with which to pay a debt. That in itself is a story... Sating one's thirst of books is not always easy. Regardless, I chanced upon Zekkon making his way through the forest. He told me that he was on a quest in search of an otherworldly being known as a nethradin; a being known to bestow great knowledge. At the time this was the first I had heard of such wraiths, and so was happy to accompany my friend on his journey. The world can be a dangerous place after all and I did not want him to travel alone."
  319. "We found this spirit all right. Gently shifting in the breeze, it was a creature no less furious than a writhing storm somehow contained within unnatural bounds. The nethradin was waiting outside of a forgotten temple, as if it had known of our arrival. At the time it did not appear malevolent, and a small crowd of students had gathered around this thing. I know not why most of them were there, nor did I know their names. Chances are they had simply chanced upon this beast and were as ignorant as to its true nature as I. Regardless, they seemed in a hurry to leave, unlike Zekkon. All except for one of the students there; a rather studious looking boy a little younger than either of us, quietly taking notes. He introduced himself as Zeno Laskaris, and explained that he had been sent by the Academy to gather notes on the creatures of Esshar."
  321. "And so, driven by curiosity and some misguided sense of friendship, we followed Zekkon down to the beach where he and the nethradin talked of a pact sealed in blood. The wraith introduced itself as Grindle of the Deep. In exchange for the power Zekkon so desperately desired, Grindle demanded that Zekkon's soul be bound to it in service. To this Zekkon readily agreed. This should have been my first clue that he was not so much a friend as I had first thought."
  323. "In order to create this pact, Grindle required a sacrifice. Zekkon was forced to choose between his two unfortunate companions; me and Zeno, of whom he chose the later. What proceeded was the fiercest fight I had ever laid eyes upon; marked by its savagery. Zeno put up a brave fight, but in the end he was defeated by Grindle and his blood used to bind the ritual and seal Zekkon to its service."
  325. "But Zeno was not satisfied with this turn of events. In anger, he turned upon Zekkon with the intent to kill. Still unsure of my allegiance, I fought to defend my supposed friend and another battle took place. One that ended very quickly. Zeno was far more skilled with magic and blade than both of us put together. But he held off on killing Zekkon, citing that it was not worth ending the life of so weak an adversary. Pledging enmity to both of us, he fled the scene."
  327. "Until now I have kept my silence on these events. Recently, I hoped to inform the Academy, but not before talking it through with Zekkon knowing that this information would surely get him expelled. Only now do I appreciate the gravity of my mistake."
  329. Feeling his voice waver, Enoch hurried through the rest of his testament.
  331. "Pass what judgement you will upon me, but I think it worth noting that Zeno's actions were far from unprovoked. Considering the circumstances I believe he may be partly excused a loss of temper. Despite this, he spared our lives despite Zekkon's indirect but grievous assault through the nethradin. For this I will always be grateful."
  332. (Enoch Brazen)
  333. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. [19:10] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "Go ahead and say your side of the story, Zeno. Take your time."
  336. [19:12] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  337. [19:12] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  338. [19:13] "... You ever heard of a summary?"
  340. He spoke as a sudden massive amount of information was relayed before everyone here. Even with such a lengthy explanation, arms would fold and gaze would come to a close as thoughts so quickly began to form.
  342. Doubts alongside them.
  343. (Sanguinius)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. [19:13] Violet already felt herself disassociating.
  347. (Violet Vartuul)
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  350. [19:13] Enoch Brazen says, "Apologies for my long-windedness. When nervous I become verbose..."
  351. [19:13] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "Perhaps a replacement jury member is necessary if one cannot listen carefully."
  352. [19:13] Peppy ears were assulted.
  353. (Peppy)
  354. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356. [19:14] Sanguinius says, "Tut. I didn't say I couldn't listen, Headmaster."
  357. [19:14] Sybil snorted at the Headmaster's comment.
  358. (Sybil Ashgrove)
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. [19:14] Yamani says, "It was fair. Don't listen to the man."
  362. [19:14] Noiret used his amazing master writing skills to write most of that down. Yup. Very impressive.
  363. (Noiret)
  364. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. [19:15] Rayleigh proceeds to take his hands out of his pockets and folds his arms instead.
  367. (Rayleigh Estecairo)
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  370. [19:16] Ermir wonders if Nin is asleep.
  371. (Ermir)
  372. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  374. [19:16] Cee blinks, stares and wriggles their ears from side to side.
  376. They looked like they wanted to say something to all of that, but if anything they looked more, and more confused as to why Zeno was even up there then.
  378. The entire story had to deal with another person making deals...
  380. And Zeno being a victim of circumstance. A very upset, bitter victim of circumstance.
  382. "What does this have to do with accusing Zeno of murder then..."
  384. It was moreso said to themselves than anyone else. Maybe they'd missed something. The youth in the back quietly trying to recall every word Enoch had dropped unto them.
  385. (Cee)
  386. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. [19:17] Camie sticks her hand in her pockets, side-eyeing the jury. Looks like half-jury, half prison house line-up
  389. (Camie Vega)
  390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. [19:19] The rabbit rubs his chin. That was quite a story, and to be keeping it for so long. A lot must of happened in such a small amount of time, and with new friends too in a fresh school. Wonder how somebody can hold all that information in without it just... leaking at some point. Well, not like the rabbit knew any of the people in question, instead he just said...
  394. "Damn..."
  395. (Trife)
  396. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  398. [19:22] Sylvia would just scoff at enoch's testimony While it certaintly didn't paint a pretty picture for zeno it hardly classified him as a murderer. She would have just crossed her arms and taking a deep breath seeming quite bothered by the fact that they had both held knowledge of a deal with a nethradin.
  399. (Sylvia Inavyre)
  400. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  402. [19:23] Titus pyr Aertas whispers something.
  403. [19:24] After having to listen to the long story from the other suspect. Kale would merely tilt his head to the side in confusion. The lad's words. While it was a great story, he didn't see the relevance. Well, apart from the fact that it sheds a bit of light on the kind of person, the accused is. Still, something smelt fishy in all of this but he would take the time to make note of a few names.
  405. Especially this nethradin called Grindle of the Deep. It would be interesting to learn more about all this should he ever encounter such a creature. Though... of course hoping the conditions aren't the same as those on the stand. He'd rather not have that kind of attention on him after all. Still, the more this trial continued, the more it felt like they had the wrong guy.
  407. To which, caused Kale to chuckle a bit.
  408. (Kale)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [19:24] Masamura folded both his arms as he continued to stare at the "murderer" from Bazilisk, for now the kid just looked like most weirdos around the academy. He didn't look like a murderer, but maybe Mura just wanted to believe that there were no murderers there.
  412. (Masamura Houshi)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [19:24] Little Laurent couldn't be more intrigued and interested in that story than he already was. His eyes watched the jury attentively, listening to every word. His hands were clasped at chest level, while he stood on tiptoe to see better.
  416. (Laurent Joubert)
  417. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  419. [19:25] Through the window of Rosemarin's utterly lethargic state, she peers sidelong toward Namur, impassive to his mutterings.
  420. (Rosemarin Loire)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [19:29] Upon hearing the sizable tale about the past incident. Quite a lot of it was new information to him. The stuff about Zekkon himself. It was quite something indeed. The story itself, did nothing other than explain the fact that Zeno was a more violent student. Which lets be honest. Quite a lot of kids were just like him. If not more so. Nevertheless he takes a deep breath and explains his part of the story.
  425. "Even if this has little to do with anything. --Allow me to explain my aspect of the engagement."
  427. He clears his throat, and prepared a TL;DR version of his end. There was little reason to go into that much detail about one person.
  429. "It was on the night when the cryptid homework was handed out. I was looking for something to study. I happened upon a group surrounding a Neth. I wished to ask it questions. --I followed it, against my better judgement mind you. Along with Zekkon and Enoch. Where Zekkon wished to make a pact with it. As Enoch here said. Where I was targeted for such sacrifice. --I sadly lost. The creature didn't have a change to drag me into the mire and kill me... as he wanted. Since a random Vanirhallen came up and wished to fight the Neth. Allowing me to fight the two of them, without it assisting.
  431. Since I didn't like the idea of being used for someone else's demonic gain. As I'm sure quite a lot of you here wouldn't enjoy it either. So I fought them... not even actually doing much to either of them. --I sent a letter to the Headmaster that day, informing him about it. Going unnoticed. Now its resurfaced, suddenly, for no reason."
  433. He said now looking to the crowd once more. After telling his tale. No further words leaving his mouth.
  434. (Zeno Laskaris)
  435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437. [19:30] Rosemarin's eyebrows pin into a tight stitch. She really couldn't.
  438. (Rosemarin Loire)
  439. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  441. [19:31] As far as Camie is concerned? The tale doesn't even condemn him as a violent student. It was normal to be hostile towards people who just tried to sacrifice you, right?
  443. She gives a questioning glare past Zeno to the 'witness'. A boy who tried to aid in occult sacrifice. He was almost a murderer. Why isn't he on trial?
  444. (Camie Vega)
  445. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. [19:31] Noka thought.
  449. (Noka)
  450. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. [19:32] "It is true that Zeno sent me a letter on the night that this fight occurred," he attested, finding little merit in the accusation--perhaps, if anything, it is a distraction to the evidence itself beyond giving vague hints at character. It wasn't anything he found satisfying nonetheless. "Let us take into account what was said and move on, then."
  454. A prompting glance towards Caster to present the next piece of evidence against the accused, should he have it.
  455. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  456. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  458. [19:32] Peppy just looked confused, what did that whole tale have anything to do with Zeno. So what he fights? The small albino rat has been beat up plenty of times by many students. He was no different than anyone else.
  459. (Peppy)
  460. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  462. [19:33] Pero pero blink. Was she even at the right trial? Why was some sort of demon summoning related to another student even being brought up. Perosa's eyebrows knit in confusion. Perhaps it was trying to build a testament to character.
  464. It did help her feel more annoyed at the useless faculty staff that did nothing about the students demonic gallivanting. Further deteriorating her expression.
  465. (Perosa)
  466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. [19:33] Natasha's brows rose with peaking interest. One more issue was brought to attention, but not only that -- the headmaster was also being accused of negligence! A chaotic turn of events, indeed.
  469. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  470. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  472. [19:37] Little Laurent gives a small discreet hand wave to Peppy, the only familiar face to him there.
  473. (Laurent Joubert)
  474. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  476. [19:37] It was all surely curious, but... she didn't see him as the murderer. Yet it wasn't her place to speak for him, nor would she.
  478. She didn't even really know him, after all.
  480. There was always the chance she was wrong as well.
  481. (Isana pyr Aertas)
  482. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  484. [19:38] Another instance of someone getting too close to the Shadowmire, and not realizing the repercussions. Even if he was innocent, his case was not helped by his connections to a Nethradin, of all things. His excuses weren't good enough in her eyes.
  486. It just seemed too suspicious. He's only denying the most damming pieces of evidence against him; it's a silent admission of guilt to her.
  487. (Teagan Alankrantz)
  488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490. [19:38] Leonard Mathis says, "This may take a while..."
  491. [19:38] Peppy waves back to laurent happily.
  492. (Peppy)
  493. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  495. [19:38] Trife says, "Wonder how that story plays into the rest of the... trial."
  496. [19:39] Violet Vartuul says, "..."
  497. [19:40] It was strange for Cee... They'd been talking about it to someone earlier after all, the fact that maybe the accused was innocent.
  499. And so far the youth was starting to feel very affirmed and validated with their thoughts. They'd glance towards the 'defense', before looking up towards Caster, and then the Jury...
  501. And then in the vague direction of the accused. So far, Cee just felt like they'd been right about his possible innocence.
  502. (Cee)
  503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. [19:41] Kale says, "I bet that Caster fella double-thinking this whole trial so far 'cuz i know i would if I were him. "
  506. [19:41] Her gaze stays itself on Namur, for but a moment - it is promptly fractured and repositioned upon two distant figures airing their arrival. She shifts and steps ahead, passing along a quiet "maybe," and paving the trail into an smooth file next to her flesh and blood.
  507. (Rosemarin Loire)
  508. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  510. [19:42] "Alright.
  512. I should clarify why I ask. First, it's common knowledge nethradin are tied to witchcraft and dread magics.
  514. Miyuki's body was found with a pentragram carved onto her back -- evidence of practicing witchcraft."
  516. A paper was produced from his cloak, and as he gives the paper a few taps with the backs of his digits, he now addresses the whole of the jury.
  518. "The autopsy further reports the killer left evidence on her body. Black hair. Magical signatures coming from blood indicating hemomancy.
  520. I'll continue: She was collared. She was tortured. She was imprisoned. Cause of death: broken neck.
  522. Next, I will present my theory. Miyuki was collared, which is not an easy feat. But I understand in order to do this, one must be lead afar to avoid suspicion and further witnesses. It's like she was lured by someone close to her. Perhaps...A lover.
  524. Being tortured prompted her to fight back, taking pieces of evidence before she passed away.
  526. Ariel and Eztli have informed me of new evidences: Zeno has been suspected of attending the more 'underground' classes involving mana circuits and...Not sure what else. Ariel, can I get your confirmation on this?"
  527. (Caster)
  528. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  530. [19:43] Fennel cuts his eyes to the girl whispering.
  531. (Fennel Loire)
  532. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  534. [19:45] Perosa says, ". . ."
  535. [19:46] Titus pyr Aertas whispers something.
  536. [19:46] Titus pyr Aertas whispers something.
  537. [19:48] Her ears listened keenly to the story that unfolded before them. While it was a sort of build of character, there was something truly missing from this Trial.
  539. "At our meeting regarding the Murder, there were two suspects. Zeno, and Zekkon. This Trial was meant to determine one of them as the culprit. Both users of Blood magic and have black hair. One has a history of Violence." She gestures towards Zeno.
  541. "However still, Zeno is the only one here so we must still decide." Even if Zekkon's absence really did give off the wrong impression.
  543. Yet still, she grimaced at Caster - she never said she had such 'evidence', she clearly stated it was hearsay.
  545. "At couple of months back, there was an incident at the Fenrir House in which: Yoshi 'allegedly' sighted Zeno and Peppy preforming 'human-experimentation' and tried to intervene. At which point Yoshi was given an option, to leave or die."
  547. "He chose the latter, and got defeated. Zeno claims that Peppys 'experimentation' was none of his business."
  549. She looked towards the crowd.
  551. "Peppy, could you testify alongside Yoshi on what happened that day?"
  554. (Ariel Cirque)
  555. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  557. [19:49] Guinevere's feet are starting to hurt. From the given statements, she doesn't believe that he's guilty of the murder- which is the point of the trial.
  559. Him attending some 'underground classes' should be dealt with by the Headmaster, not a discussion for a portion of the student body.
  561. Still- Witchcraft...? The girl shivers. Are witches even real? Sounds like a work of fiction in her eyes. Her leg rises up behind her a few times to bend.
  563. This has been going on for some time.
  564. (Guinevere Falstaff)
  565. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  567. [19:49] Paca listens in intently now that things seemed to be picking up.
  568. (Paca Elementa)
  569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. [19:49] Rosemarin huddles nearer to Fennel. How vexing.
  572. (Rosemarin Loire)
  573. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575. [19:50] Yamani eyes the rat. Awaiting their testimony.
  576. (Yamani)
  577. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. [19:50] Noiret wasn't surprised in the slightest.
  580. (Noiret)
  581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  583. [19:51] He finds a brow suddenly quirked upwards.
  585. Involuntary no doubt, though just as everyone else? Their full attention looks to be placed upon Peppy.
  586. (Sanguinius)
  587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  589. [19:52] Eyes are all on Peppy, for now. She, alongside a couple others who were here had heard something about her. It was most likely just more finger-pointing, but she'd give her full attention towards her testimony.
  591. If things didn't add up for her, then it might be time to raise her voice in opposition.
  592. (Teagan Alankrantz)
  593. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. [19:53] There is a quiet fidgeting at the accusations being levied. Though they were far from convinced that he was a murderer. Their eyes shift lazily across the crowd, before darting back towards Peppy who was being levied with.. Accusations now.
  597. Sort've? That's what it felt like at least.
  599. Their fingertips press together tightly for a moment or two before they'd shake their head slowly from side to side.
  600. (Cee)
  601. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  603. [19:53] Though a latecomer to this apparent kangaroo court, Alois' own gaze is drawn toward Peppy, lips part, cheeks dimpled with apparent amusement.
  604. (Alois Loire)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. [19:56] Violet found her gaze falling onto both Yoshi and Peppy. Human experimentation? She maintained her silence.
  608. (Violet Vartuul)
  609. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  611. [19:58] Ermir side-glanced the duo all the same, a brow raising beyond the edge of his shades.
  613. sus?
  614. (Ermir)
  615. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. [19:58] Kale would then look over to the one called Peppy. It seems it was now their turn to share their story in this trial. While he was curious to see what she would say that would perhaps bring new things to light or even turn this trial over on it's head. He was more curious about this other suspect. The one referred to as Zekkon. The fact that one was stated trying to make a pact with a nethradin and wasn't even here to day was extremely suspicious.
  619. He'd cross his arms, looking forward said loud enough for others to hear him but not too loud to make it seem as if he was trying to throw in his own judgement.
  621. "If anything this here trial seems to be prosecuting the wrong fella. One was tryna make a pact with some demon, the other known for self-defense? Iunno. Seems like they've got the wrong fella in my books. What say you Jerry boy?"
  622. (Kale)
  623. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  625. [19:59] Cee so far just nods their head in agreement with Kale.
  626. (Cee)
  627. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. [19:59] Peppy walked forward, seemingly nervous. Anyone that knew her she had a terrible stutter when she was in crowds. She how ever took a deep breath and began speaking.
  631. "E-Experimentation s-seems a bit drastic for w-what I actually did..." she sighed a bit, "I-t was as small as a s-scratch I gave a k-kid with my nails." she looked over to Zeno.
  633. "He wasn't involved h-he was j-just there... and t-to be honest Zeno was just...there. Y-Yoshi started accusing him … and he g-got mad. I would be t-to if I was a-accused for something I-I never did. So he attacked." she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth.
  635. "I w-watched it all h-happen. I-if Yoshi didn't accuse h-him he wouldn't h-have attacked." she looked over to Yoshi and back to the crowd. "I-I am sure h-he was u-upset he l-lost.... but y-yeah." Peppys tail started thumping on the floor below.
  636. (Peppy)
  637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. [20:01] Just like that, her eyes are fleetingly set alight by a tender flicker of warmth and delight - granted, it's ragged down by sheer exhaustion, but it is there all the same.
  641. Dulcet laughter gales from her throat as she trusses her body along his shoulder by a palm, resting her chin upon it thereafter.
  643. "You're right."
  644. (Rosemarin Loire)
  645. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. [20:04] "Alright, thank you for your testimony. We ought to continue now." He gestures to Zeno, so that he may continue, and then over to the defense then.
  649. "And once he says his piece, we ought to have the defense speak up then."
  650. (Caster)
  651. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  653. [20:05] With his hands together at chest level, Laurent listened carefully to Peppy's words. Although they weren't close, she not only advised him well on his own safety, but helped him find help at the Academy. Laurent believed that Peppy was innocent, and after hearing her version of the story, he felt relieved.
  654. (Laurent Joubert)
  655. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  657. [20:05] He'd stayed quiet, mostly kept in his own thoughts, however Kale roused him a bit. It was a tough thing to crack. So far, it didn't feel concrete one way or another.
  659. And wasn't the sort to make that sort of decision lightly.
  661. "Don't know... Too early to be sure."
  662. (Jericho)
  663. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  665. [20:05] Haarper glanced towards the newly accused. Then back off towards zeno in the back. They seemed pretty deep into the trial already, but somehow he felt as if it could go on. Less further evidence look to seal the case.
  666. (Haarper)
  667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. [20:07] Yamani's eyes would slowly seem to lower. The look of a tired siren slowly oscillating her facial fins were present. She wanted to find the killer as much as the next person. But she didn't seem too convinced about the murder case.
  671. "Yamani has question. Did student body disperse to even search him for anything. Or collect anything from his dorm room?" She asked. With an eyebrow raised towards the pelleaux in particular. This was an investigation involving him after all.
  673. However her eyes would slowly shift towards Zeno. He was also a likely person that would do something. But this was not enough to put them to death. Even less so to merely convict them of anything. He may very well convict them.
  675. "Because all Yamani hears is that man is Volatile. And that's all."
  678. She stated with a huff. Expecting an answer of sorts.
  679. (Yamani)
  680. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  682. [20:08] Cee says, "I wouldn't even call him volatile.. Seems on par for the average student here."
  683. [20:08] Sylvia would just nod to peppy's testiomony before looking over to each of the jury members and witnesses hearing what has been offered on the table so far she would just close her eyes and give off a slight nod before she speaks up.
  685. Her mind seeming to drive her forward as she speaks. "While enochs testimony...did shed some light on the kind of person zeno is in the end he did spare zekkon according to enoch… And while zeno did come to the headmaster with the information relating to...that incident. while enoch withheld this information." She said speaking up finally.
  687. "Plus this trail is about miyuki's death lest not us forget that. with which as zeno said during the night of miyuki's death he was accompanying me to achyon. As Bruno wanted me for a job and I had planned to discuss him the details of this job. But sadly he was preoccupied and I eneded up wasting zeno's time." She would then wave a hand over towards ariel and Yoshi.
  689. "As for all this 'allegedly' talk I could allegedly say this room is full of occultists who worship hel. it isn't really a whole lot to go on without proper evidence supporting these claims." She said before just dipping her head and taking a long winded breath.
  691. To which she would now remain silently.
  692. (Sylvia Inavyre)
  693. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  695. [20:09] Cee exclaims, "Yeah!"
  696. [20:09] Rosemarin ...dozes, perched against her mirror.
  697. (Rosemarin Loire)
  698. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  700. [20:10] Yet again this classes in which he doesn't have any idea of came up again. So aims to answer that then move onto the next major aspect. Which in all honest he didn't have much to say on the matter.
  702. "I have no idea still of these classes in which you speak of. However, the Yoshi incident is back."
  704. Lets out a sigh, as he continued to be targeted for his anger. These people act like they've never heard of someone getting that way before. Still nevertheless, he spoke.
  706. "Like Peppy said. I was in the area at the time. I stopped to speak to the people whom were there. I never caught their names. --Just that whole conversation stopped when Yoshi came up. Demanding me to stop something I wasn't doing. --I don't take kindly to people making demands of me whatsoever. So I gave him an ultimatum. Leave or fight me. Which I did, again he didn't actually get injured from the engagement."
  708. That was all he needed to really say on the matter. Since it was like Peppy said. He kept it simple.
  709. (Zeno Laskaris)
  710. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  712. [20:10] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  713. [20:11] Her eyes widened a bit at Sylvia's mention of allegedly saying everyone in the room was full of Occultists that worshipped Hel. That certainly garnered Violet's attention and her gaze zeroed in on her, in silence, before she shook her head.
  715. Instead her teeth just ground together. Some of this felt needlessly... What? Over the top? Did everyone need to be included? Perhaps it was the number of people in the room that just made her nervous. Eventually her gaze shifted and she stared off into space.
  716. (Violet Vartuul)
  717. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  719. [20:12] Leonard Mathis says, "I don't know why.....But...Sylvia Sus..."
  720. [20:13] Titus pyr Aertas whispers something.
  721. [20:16] One thing was nagging at the back of Enoch's mind. It was probably nothing, but it was now or never. Still trying not to meet Zeno's gaze, Enoch began to speak once the other boy had finished.
  723. "Um... Excuse me. There is one more thing of note. It does not pertain to Zeno persay, or even that night upon the beach. This was more recent."
  725. "After Miyuki's murder and realising how over my head I was, I sought the help of a fellow student named Dallan. You might have seen him around. He has a stylish hood. But anyway, he agreed to help me try to investigate who might have committed this murder. With the help of Freya Hjarn - who honestly just seemed to be along for the ride - we formed a small party and set out in search of answers. Dallan has contacts in every corner of the world it seems, and he led us into the forest to meet with one which he explained might be able to help."
  727. "Having had a nasty experience of this last time I was sure to be on my guard; and for good reason. It turned out that Dallan's contact with an undead spirit known as a Dullahan. I prepared to fight, but as it turned out this fallen knight in particular was of a peaceful persuasion, seemingly more interested in acknowledging those that have died than in bringing about death in itself. The Dullahan explained that it knew not who the murderer was, but sensed that Miyuki had died with honour in some way. However, it did give the names of two students who it knew to wander the Shadowmire."
  729. "Bear in mind that this is far from the most trustworthy source and should be taken with a grain of salt. However, the Dullahan named Dominik Pyr Docro and Peppy as the students it knew to wander in this land."
  730. (Enoch Brazen)
  731. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  733. [20:18] Cee says, "Okay, now it just sounds like the witness is trying to take blame from his failings and put it unto others as a distraction...."
  734. [20:22] Peppy rolled her eyes , he got information...from a damn monster. Who the frick trusts the words of a monster. It felt as if now they were throwing out names just to.
  736. "Y-you...t-trusted the word of a m-monster... Why the hel w-was your f-friend even talking to o-one." She looked in obvious confusion.
  737. (Peppy)
  738. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  740. [20:22] Cee nods their head in agreement with Peppy. Then again they voiced their skepticism already as well.
  741. (Cee)
  742. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  744. [20:23] Titus pyr Aertas whispers something.
  745. [20:23] Enoch Brazen says, "I know this is not the best information. It seemed that this was the time for absolute honesty."
  746. [20:23] Eztli Meztin says, "It's a spirit trapped in armour, they're not all monsters and they all don't have reasons to lie."
  747. [20:23] Cee exclaims, "Honesty! More like trying to save face for messing up so much!"
  748. [20:23] Hina, who's just been trying her best to pay attention to all of this, chokes on her spit when she hears Dallan's name mentioned in all of this. It was already confusing in the first place, but now it's hit a new level of ties, especially when Peppy calls Enoch one of Dallan's… friends?
  750. "I'm not sure if they're actually friends, but okay, go ahead and say that," she mumbles, looking over towards Peppy's direction.
  751. (Hina Nishimura)
  752. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  754. [20:23] As testimonies were spoke, Ariel would continue to listen. There were points made and everything seemed to be going quiet nicely. To her, Zeno seemed innocent. Circumstantial at best, yet the lack of Zekkon was rather frustrating.
  756. Yet as Enoch spoke once more and mentioned the Dorco's, Ariel would smile.
  758. "Enoch's information aligns with that of mine. It appears that the Docro family has infact made a pact with a Nethradin by the name of Tinyhands. They allowed free passage within the Mires, the monsters apparently just 'ignore' them."
  760. The girl sniffed.
  762. She simply confirmed what Enoch spoke of. Now she just went back to listening.
  766. (Ariel Cirque)
  767. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. [20:24] Nin Kilim says, "Geh.."
  770. [20:24] Ariel Cirque says, "But I'm not sure if that is really relevant."
  771. [20:24] Ariel Cirque asks, "Unless one matches the profile?"
  772. [20:25] Rayleigh Estecairo says, "Hmm.."
  773. [20:25] Yamani will also raise her hand. As she would too clarify this reason as well. "Yamani also can attest to this. Another Docro attacked a Faye and talked about them being removed if they had broken a pact with them. However the Docro attacked the faye anyways."
  775. She stated nodding.
  776. (Yamani)
  777. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  779. [20:27] Trife says, "Somebody who's a friend of the monsters... hmm."
  780. [20:28] Uncertain as to why there was the derailment, the headmaster spoke up to get things back on course; coughging into his fist once before speaking, "Are there any key witnesses regarding the accusations against Zeno, other than Enoch? It seems that is lacking."
  782. "If not, the jury can discuss the evidence provided among themselves and present their verdict, then I will make my call." he encouraged.
  783. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  784. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  786. [20:28] Kale simply shook his head, the more he heard, the more unlikely it seemed for Zeno to be guilty. He'd look over to his friend Jericho and just placed a hand on his shoulder. "Iunno pal, the more I hear less likely that guy be guilty. Just doesn't make much sense to me. If anything this Zek-- " He paused as Enoch began to speak, focusing on what he had to say. After hearing all that was said, Kale would just make a hand motion to Cee and nodded his head in agreement.
  788. "Iunno mate. For some witness, you're sure got your hands dipped in some shit. So far you've mentioned knowing peeps that got connections with two creatures in the shadowmires? One of them sounds like they even had the choice to off you but just decided not to and go for this Zeno mate. If anything I feel like you're just throwing more chum to the sharks to get us all off your buddy Zekkon's tail. You sus mate. Real sus."
  789. (Kale)
  790. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  792. [20:28] Nin Kilim says, "..Entirely, seems as if we've gone from a trial to a witch burning. I'm all game for it, but...! This has quickly turned to nothingness."
  793. [20:28] Kai scratched the back of his head. What the heck did 'sus' mean, and why were people using it.
  794. (Kai Hintze)
  795. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  797. [20:30] Caster does gesture to the defense again. "We should hear an argument for Zeno, should it suffice in bringing us closer to the truth.
  799. Which is why I'd like to also defer to the judges and see what they think.
  801. One more thing. There's a good chance Zeno may still be innocent. In that case, we have a definitive suspect to detain. Zekkon."
  803. A nod.
  805. "In that case, we'll have cleared one's name, and bring another to justice."
  806. (Caster)
  807. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  809. [20:30] "... I've already got my mind set on a verdict. I'm unsure if my fellow peers would like to hear more, though."
  811. Glancing towards his companions amidst their own hushed whispers, having a moment to speak among themselves seemed more wise than anything else.
  813. All such a trial had shown was a mess of information and facts all scattered about, leaving these children to eventually put the pieces together themselves.
  815. "Nin? Titus? Eztli?"
  817. As if looking to see if they were done hearing this mess of facts presented.
  818. (Sanguinius)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [20:31] Sanguinius asks, "... May we have a private room to discuss, Headmaster?"
  822. [20:31] Fennel lays a fist under his chin as he observes the on-goings. He's really just. . surprised.
  823. (Fennel Loire)
  824. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  826. [20:31] Sanguinius says, "Whispering amongst one another seems ah..."
  827. [20:31] Camie steps forward with a deeply tired, frustrated sigh. This was ridiculous. A trial for clowns.
  829. "May I give a rough defense for the poor lad?"
  830. (Camie Vega)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [20:31] Sanguinius says, "Well."
  834. [20:31] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "No."
  835. [20:31] Sanguinius says, "How cheap."
  836. [20:31] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "That was at the girl, go ahead."
  837. [20:31] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "Upstairs."
  838. [20:31] Peppy says in telepathy, Haha... You did it fucker.
  839. [20:32] Eztli Meztin says, "Pfft."
  840. [20:32] Violet leaned against Caster to whisper.
  841. (Violet Vartuul)
  842. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  844. [20:32] Zeno had nothing to say at this point. He just waited to see the verdict.
  845. (Zeno Laskaris)
  846. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  848. [20:32] Nin Kilim asks, "Coming, too, Ariel?"
  849. [20:34] "Refreshment break," Alistair called out, a wave of his black-gloved hand pulling out distant glasses of icy lemonade in the distance and causing them to levitate over.
  850. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  851. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  853. [20:34] Camie Vega whispers something.
  854. [20:34] Trife says, "Oh sweet, drinks."
  855. [20:34] Caster asks, "A recess, then?"
  856. [20:34] Peppy says, "W-where he go."
  857. [20:34] Cee stares at the Lemonade. Feeling the temptation.
  858. (Cee)
  859. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  861. [20:34] Paca Elementa whispers something.
  862. [20:34] Once the recess began coming into motion, Enoch cautiously edged his gaze towards Zeno. It would not do to remain silent like this.
  863. (Enoch Brazen)
  864. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  866. [20:34] Kale asks, "Oh a drink?"
  867. [20:34] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: Oh, um... Hello.
  868. [20:34] Kale says, "Don't mind if i do..."
  869. [20:34] Penny had long since zoned out. But the call of lemonade? Well that was promising!
  870. (Penny Marche)
  871. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  873. [20:34] Peppy slurps that shit loudly.
  874. (Peppy)
  875. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  877. [20:34] Ace Nil says, "..."
  878. [20:34] Kale says, "Thanks Head Honcho. "
  879. [20:34] Kai took the drink, but this time he wasn't drinking it. He will not be poisoned again by a random academy student.
  880. (Kai Hintze)
  881. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  883. [20:34] Zeno Laskaris whispers to Enoch Brazen: Hello
  884. [20:35] Noiret asks, "What are you gonna do about?"
  885. [20:35] Noiret says, "Come on."
  886. [20:35] Camie Vega whispers something.
  887. [20:35] Ermir says, "Thank you."
  888. [20:35] Lucky says, "Thank ya'."
  889. [20:35] Teagan sips the lemonade.
  891. "Ah. They don't make lemonade like they used to."
  892. (Teagan Alankrantz)
  893. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  895. [20:35] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: I wanted to apologise for what happened out on the beach. I should have tried to stop Zekkon with you.
  896. [20:35] Cee hands Camie a glass.
  897. (Cee)
  898. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. [20:35] Violet wished she had some lemonade...
  901. (Violet Vartuul)
  902. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  904. [20:35] Peppy says, "Its aight"
  905. [20:35] Cee hands Violet a glass.
  906. (Cee)
  907. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  909. [20:35] Violet Vartuul says, "Thank you."
  910. [20:36] Cee exclaims, "Y-you're welcome..!"
  911. [20:36] Paca wished he had 100000000000 coin... Maybe Cee could deliver as well?
  912. (Paca Elementa)
  913. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  915. [20:36] Peppy asks, "Does anyone have cheese?"
  916. [20:36] Zeno Laskaris whispers to Enoch Brazen: Its all good. I'm glad your at least okay. --Its in the past.
  917. [20:36] Hina takes a sip of the drink that's been put in front of her- ohhhhhh, that's delicious. She could get used to drinking this stuff, holding the cup in both hands to make sure she doesn't drop it. "Thank you very much!"
  918. (Hina Nishimura)
  919. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  921. [20:36] Camie Vega exclaims, "Hey, thanks!"
  922. [20:36] Cee accidentally drops 1 coin from their pocket while passing paca. Just one.
  923. (Cee)
  924. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  926. [20:36] Little Laurent, still anxious about the whole trial, did not expect a much needed break and lemonade to accompany it. "How sweet!" he expressed, with the glass in his hands.
  927. (Laurent Joubert)
  928. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  930. [20:37] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: Thankyou. That means a lot. By the way, I was most impressed by how you held your own against Grindle.
  931. [20:37] Caster says, "Aaaaaaaaaaah."
  932. [20:37] Sylvia Inavyre says, "Oh thank you for the lemonade"
  933. [20:37] Asher Quinn says, "Wow, free drinks! "
  934. [20:37] Camie Vega says, "Well, this wasn't as interesting as I thought it'd be."
  935. [20:37] Caster whispers something.
  936. [20:37] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: He was clearly more powerful than any of us through raw strength alone but you managed to put up a good fight regardless.
  937. [20:37] Paca notices the dropped coin and rushes for it. Looking to the side, he'd whisper. "Hey you dropped this." He'd say but the coin was slowly moving to his backback.
  938. (Paca Elementa)
  939. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  941. [20:37] Paca Elementa whispers something.
  942. [20:38] Cee doesn't even hear the whisper, blinking a few times and looking distracted.
  943. (Cee)
  944. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  946. [20:38] Zeno Laskaris whispers to Enoch Brazen: I'm sure now I could win in fact! --But I heard his magic is different. Even still, thank you for the praise...
  947. [20:38] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: I was sorry to hear about Miyuki's death.
  948. [20:38] A fresh lemonade? How could he say no? He'd snag a floating glass, before taking a small sip and turning to focus back on the proceedings.
  949. (Jericho)
  950. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  952. [20:38] Trife says, "'s nice..."
  953. [20:39] Yamani would reluctantly take the lemonade. And slowly drink it, She enjoyed the drink in silence once more. Looking around at everyone present. It would seem that people had felt the same for her as well.
  954. (Yamani)
  955. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  957. [20:39] Enoch Brazen whispers to Zeno Laskaris: Having only met her briefly, I cannot imagine how much harder this must have been for you.
  958. [20:39] Zeno Laskaris whispers to Enoch Brazen: I just want this all to be over so I can go back to mourning her...
  959. [20:40] Cee sips at the lemonade.
  960. (Cee)
  961. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  963. [20:40] "A penny from a spirit is good luck, Paca," referring to the ghostly Cee, of course. How many years had she lurked these halls? "Or so they say."
  964. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
  965. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  967. [20:40] Peppy gnaws on cheese.
  968. (Peppy)
  969. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. [20:40] Kale would gladly accept the lemonade from the headmaster and take a sip. It was some real nice stuff and would be the sweetest thing given to him since the start of this here trial. A lot of the stuff just seemed to make this trial out to be unnecessary in Kale's book. Though, at the same time-- it's not like he didn't have his own reasons for being here.
  973. He had to keep informed. Information was real important stuff and allowed one to have an pretty decent understanding of certain things. Well, as long as one connected the right dots. That is. Though as time progressed, Kale simply wanted to see this trial come to it's conclusion. Which seemed ever so obvious... well, at least to him.
  974. (Kale)
  975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  977. [20:41] They were mid-drinking the lemonade when the Headmaster said that. There was a moment where said ghost nearly choked on the drink but managed to hastily recover, and of course the illusionist tried to move in wispy, ghostly ways to further imply that was totally what they were.
  978. (Cee)
  979. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  981. [20:43] Violet sipped on her lemonade that Cee had ended up giving her. She shut her eyes, focusing on the deliciousness of it.
  982. (Violet Vartuul)
  983. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  985. [20:45] Nin Kilim asks, "..Ariel, ye've been the main talking point here. Would you like to speak?"
  986. [20:45] Sanguinius says, "... Ho, hum."
  987. [20:45] Ariel Cirque says, "Okay..."
  988. [20:45] The totally just a spirit of good luck and not an actual kid, would gently lean back and fourth on the heels of their boots. Looking...
  990. Surprisingly happy, all things considered. Camie had been prepared to defend Zeno. Zeno, someone they didn't know at all, seemed to be falsely accused! Someone without lemonade, looked happy about having Lemonade, a professor got a lucky penny, and they were referred to as a spirit!
  992. Which they decided sounded pretty cool. Today wasn't so bad.
  993. (Cee)
  994. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  996. [20:45] Sanguinius asks, "Want some Lemonade, Nin?"
  997. [20:45] Nin Kilim says, "Neh."
  998. [20:46] Charlie sippies on his lemonade, stuffing one into a flash for later...
  999. (Charlie)
  1000. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1002. [20:46] Sanguinius says, "Say aaah."
  1003. [20:46] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  1004. [20:46] Sanguinius whispers something.
  1005. [20:46] Alistair ven Pelleaux says, "Please, stop forward and report your conclusions, Jury."
  1006. [20:46] Nin Kilim whispers something.
  1007. [20:47] Nin idly waves a hand to Sanguinius. Now was not the time...!
  1008. (Nin Kilim)
  1009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. [20:49] Asher wished he had a gavel and a wig so he too could be part of the criminal justice system. For now, he merely tried his best to tippy toe stare over Rosaline's shoulder at the trial.
  1012. (Asher Quinn)
  1013. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015. [20:49] The taskforce of jury would return to the grand hall and gathered before everyone once again. Ariel's nose twitched, as she courageously stepped forward.
  1017. "The Jury spoke, and unanimously decided that Zeno Laskaris is innocent of Murder."
  1019. She would speak plainly, before glancing at Zeno and smiling.
  1021. She then returned into the Jury line.
  1022. (Ariel Cirque)
  1023. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1025. [20:49] Fennel yawns.
  1026. (Fennel Loire)
  1027. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1029. [20:49] Cee claps.
  1030. (Cee)
  1031. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1033. [20:49] Paca Elementa says, "..."
  1034. [20:50] Xenia pyr Docro says, "-- Oh my good. ."
  1035. [20:50] Cee says, "Huh.. I guess she was tired."
  1036. [20:50] Rayleigh nodded at this, because he knew it all along.
  1037. (Rayleigh Estecairo)
  1038. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040. [20:50] Isana pyr Aertas says, "She should sleep more.."
  1041. [20:50] Paca with so many sleepy faces around the trial room, Paca thinks little of another person seemingly nodding off to sleep.
  1042. (Paca Elementa)
  1043. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1045. [20:51] Cee doesn't think about it either.
  1046. (Cee)
  1047. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049. [20:51] Xenia's ears had perked. She turned her gaze towards the sudden fall of the Alankrantz.
  1051. "-- That's how fucking boring this trial is. She really just fell asleep on us all!"
  1052. (Xenia pyr Docro)
  1053. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1055. [20:51] Nin Kilim says, "Nobody's forcing you to be here."
  1056. [20:51] Camie sticks her hands in her pockets once more and steps towards the door upon hearing the verdict. Was that a smile on her face she was hiding? For a happy ending for a complete stranger? Maybe just this once.
  1058. "Kinda glad that defense got shot down. Would have been a hassle all for nothing."
  1059. (Camie Vega)
  1060. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1062. [20:51] Asher Quinn exclaims, "Justice isn't supposed to be fun! It's blind!"
  1063. [20:51] Caster says, "Whew..."
  1064. [20:51] Caster says, "Let's hear the details."
  1065. [20:51] Xenia pyr Docro says, "Actually, someone is."
  1066. [20:52] "... He doesn't seem like some cold hearted killer, just some idiot consistently hung around the wrong people."
  1068. Spoken in addition to the words of Ariel. Though not much more needing offered as their gaze came to a close, though that didn't make him absolved from punishment for even being tied up in all this.
  1070. "Though, he should probably still be monitored for the time being. Something like Dorm Arrest for a month." Just his own thoughts being interjected, though it hadn't really mattered what decision they came to.
  1072. All that mattered was their Headmasters thoughts.
  1074. "What's your verdict, Headmaster Pelleaux?"
  1076. Gaze narrowing ever so slightly as attention locked upon that singular man.
  1077. (Sanguinius)
  1078. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1080. [20:54] Kale would merely nod in agreement with the jury's decision. It seems that the lad named Zeno would be free of any charges against him. A lucky lad indeed, after all it's not all the time the law leans in one's favor. Though with that said, Kale was glad that they were soon reaching the conclusion. Things were getting really drawn out from his perspective.
  1082. Punishments were being suggested, people were even falling asleep. This trial seemed over and yet, the lad stayed to see it to it's end. Why, who knows? Maybe he just didn't have anything better to do.
  1083. (Kale)
  1084. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1086. [20:56] "The jury has spoken; I do not object to their decision," the headmaster declared, "The evidence presented against Zeno was his closeness with the victim, his black hair and use of blood magic, an innocent where he fought Zekkon, and reports of experimenting with dark magic. The latter of which lacked any witnesses," he details.
  1088. "But let us be clear: While there are many other suspicious personalities in their dealings with Shadowmire, none quite fit the description as well as he does. Until such a prospect emerges or more details come to light, we must be vigilant and watchful of those that might seem innocent."
  1090. "Thank you for all attending. Justice, indeed, is not meant to be fun, nor can you cut corners when dealing in life and death. It is a demanding process," with sharp sapphire eyes, the headmaster nodded once, "Enjoy the rest of your night."
  1091. (Alistair ven Pelleaux)
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