
( RGiE) Tasty Treats?

Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon, and you are still unsure if it is something in the water or if it is the ponies themselves
  2. >But even after living in Ponyville for a month after they found you unconcious in their fountain
  3. >All the ponies tend to treat you like some pet to be looked after
  4. >The mares would force some food into your shopping basket for no reason and act all excited if you ate it right in front of them
  5. >The stallions on the other hand sometimes refer to you as a monkey still, they shut up once Twilight heard of it
  6. >You should still go and thank her for that
  7. >However you are now looking down at some earth pony mare before you
  8. >She has this cheesy grin on her face as she places some pears into your basket
  9. >Looking down at it you smile at her
  10. "Uh thanks miss, I'll be sure to eat them."
  11. >Walking around the pony as fast as you could you pick up the pace and get out of there
  12. >This routine continues on for a little while, like always
  13. >Mares try to give you some food, mostly relating to their talent and you happily accept and move on
  14. >One of the them was a bag of cupcakes, looking up when you saw it you were surprised to see Mrs Cake
  15. >"Oh deary me, I hope you don't mind, but my dear Carrot wasn't home and I just thought you'd like something straight from my oven."
  16. >Okay, this mare needs to get a hobby if she is baking cupcakes to give you
  17. >However she put your favourite icing and flavours on it and feeling like she deserved it unlike other mares who just gave you something without so much as a word or expected a 'thank you'
  18. >You kneel down somewhat and pet her on the head for a little bit, feeling her mane and head on your fingers, it was soft
  19. "Thanks Mrs Cake, I'll be sure to enjoy them."
  20. >Doing the usual you just continue on your way, you don't notice the blush on her face, nor the blush on several of the mares who saw that exchange
  21. >You don't even hear one mare shouting at Mrs Cake "what was that magical looking thing he just did to you and why did he not do it to us?!"
  23. >Funnily enough no more mares give you food after Mrs Cake gave you those treats
  24. >Shrugging you are a little saddened that you don't get any more free food, but you are happy that you don't have to deal with weird mares
  25. >Seeing the 'Castle of Friendship' off in the distance you decide to pay the local Princess a visit to thank her
  26. >Still, the Castle of Friendship is such a dumb fucking name, you can't help but laugh everytime someone says it out loud
  27. >Seeing two guards stationed outside the gate they salute you as you approach
  28. >It was always a sight to see that all these guards looked the same, even funnier when you saw that Twilight's guards were all mares
  29. >You almost want to call them out on their Nurse Joy bullshit
  30. >"Greetings Sir Anonymous, what can the bravest and most strongest ponies in Equestria do for you today?"
  31. >Both of the guards beam at you, puffing their little chests out, obviously being the prideful bunch that they are, you feel the inate urge to take them down a peg
  32. >For comedic purposes of course
  33. "So are you going to ignore you work for one of THE strongest and bravest ponies in the world right now?"
  34. >Both of them avoid looking at your face, wanting to say something but were unable due to the embarrassment you gave them
  35. "Yeah, that's what I thought, whelp you two go have fun guarding this door and making sure no one opens it without permission, I'm just going to go ahead and open it."
  36. >Feeling quite happy with yourself you push the gates open and walk inside, after the gates close behind you the guards begin to converse
  37. >"I had heard rumors that he acts like a mare but I didn't think they were true!"
  38. >"Y-yeah, but don't you think that makes him really sexy?"
  39. >"Pfft, is Celestia's flank the biggest one there is?"
  41. >Not as much mares bothered you today and you even got to embarrass some guards
  42. >So far today was looking up for you
  43. >With a spring in your step you make you way to the main hall, where you hope the purple princess is
  44. >Entering the room you see not only her but Rainbow Dash as well
  45. >Seeing you enter the room they do some hoof bumping gesture before the pegasus flies away
  46. "Uh hello Twilight, is Rainbow busy with the weather or something?"
  47. >Getting a good look at her you see she has some kind of red reading glasses on
  48. >"Why yes Anon, something important has just come to my attention and I sent Rainbow down to resolve it, by the way Anon, those are some lovely cupcakes you have there."
  49. "Oh these? Yeah Mrs Cake made them while she was bored and gave them to me."
  50. >"I'm sorry Anon, but please run that by me again, she was bored?"
  51. "Yeah, she told me her husband wasnt home so she decided to bake these, the telltale signs of a mare who needs hobbies."
  52. >"Ah I see, if you'll excuse me quickly that just reminded me of something I must take care of."
  53. >Before you could say anything her horn lights up and, oh! There she goes
  54. >Left alone in this weird 'ponies of the round table' room you decided to place your basket on the table in the middle and eat some of the cupcakes
  55. >They melt in your mouth, she even made them with warm melted chocolate inside
  56. >You have to get more of Cupcakes....cupcakes
  57. >Okay now that you remember her full name it sounds very strange to you
  58. >While you plopped another one into your mouth a sudden flash of light behind you tells you that Twilight is back
  59. >Turning to look at her, you notice she has ditched the glasses and is now sporting some socks on all of her legs?
  60. >"Okay, situation averted, that could have ended badly, need more concrete evidence of acceptance of se-ANON!"
  61. >Apparently now taking note of your presence she almost jumps
  62. >You guess that whatever it was it might have been related to the situation Rainbow went to deal with
  63. >Crossing your arms you offer one of the cupcakes to her
  64. "Welcome back Twilight, I was enjoying these cupcakes and oh boy are they good, try one!"
  65. >Twilight steps back as you hold the cupcake out, she looks a little disgusted, huh maybe it's not her flavour
  66. >"Sorry Anon, but eating one of those cupcakes would be a little much for me to handle."
  67. >You shrug, oh well more yummy cupcakes for you
  68. >Beware cupcake kind, your days are over
  69. >Grinning like a mad man you chow down
  70. >Twilight resettles herself on her, you guess thone
  71. >Watching you eat she laughs as you accidentally spill some of the melted chocolate on your shirt
  72. "Shit, well looks like I need to some washing when I get home."
  73. >Grumbling you wipe it off with a hand and lick it off
  74. >Twilight continues to watch you and even adjust her socks slowly
  75. >Wondering if there was somethign up with her socks you turn to her and were about to speak when Rainbow Dash suddenly bursts back into the room from one of the nearby windows
  76. >She stops just above Twilight, looking from her to you and then back to her
  77. >"Heh, nice socks Twilight."
  78. >You see Twiight flush a little, maybe she isn't used to wearing them without shoes
  79. >"Anyway, thanks for the heads up Twi, if you didn't tell me about it there could have been a few problems."
  80. >"That's quite alright Rainbow, you know I only want to deal with the truth."
  81. >They smirk at each other and do the hoof bump thing again
  82. "Welcome back Rainbow, that was rather quick, what did you go do?"
  83. >"Oh! I was about to go deal with a bit of a problem mare, but thanks to Twilight's information we only had to give her some slight warning."
  84. "That's good I guess, but shouldn't something like an unruly pony be left to the guards?"
  85. >"This was a bit of a personal issue anon, official Princess of Friendship business."
  86. >Twilight interjects this time, and well you weren't one for getting wrapped up in royal business
  87. >However that did remind you of why you're here
  88. "Oh right, Twilight, thanks a lot for getting all of those stallions to stop making fun of me."
  89. >"They what?!"
  90. >Wow if Rainbow had been right next to you that might have hurt your ears a lot more, thank goodness that she was next to Twilight instead.
  91. >"Before you start Rainbow, I already settled it, no stallion likes an anesthetic free gelding."
  92. >You didn't quite hear that last part but you were done with what you had to do here so you grab your basket
  93. "Well it was short but it was nice seeing you guys again."
  94. >As you grab your stuff and head for the door you are stopped as Twilight teleports in front of you
  95. >"Wait!"
  96. >Wow, somethign must be up for her to do something like this
  97. >"I-I'm sorry Anon, but uh what do you think?"
  98. >She motions to her socks, they were a nice christmas coloured, oh right their version of that is coming up soon
  99. >Ignoring the fact that she used magic to show these to you, a small smile spreads on your face
  100. "They look cute Twilight, they suit you, now if you'll excuse me I have to get all of this food home before they go bad."
  101. >Already out of the door and gates you wave to the two guards you passed by earlier, spotting you pass from inbetween them they watch you as you leave
  102. >Maybe you hurt your pide roe than you thought, they seemed cautious around you
  103. >Well on your way home you don't hear the small exhange of words between Rainbow and Twilight
  104. >"Real smooth there Twilight."
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