

Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. Name: Hope Trisha Requiem
  3. Appearance: A tall woman at 6'4" with a light, but muscular nature, almost amazonian. Eyes blue, and Hair golden, reaching to the shoulder plates and then curling slightly, however in combat, it's often kept back in a bun. Her lips are large, and eyes wide. Her feet are rather large as well. However, despite some of her beautiful aspects, her nature itself is almost beast like, that of a warrior that would rip your heart out. She commonly wears a military uniform suited for the cold in all conditions, even the arid desert.
  5. Age: 25
  7. Personality: She is a woman that is passionate about her work, and passionate about combat. She lives for the taste of battle, rather than for any ideology. She doesn't like senseless violence, chaos, or even breaking the law, but loves fighting against what she perceives as evil. She believes that thaumaturgy is a sacred art and to sully it with messing with the dead, or the soul, and tainting it with evil deserves her wrath to no end.
  9. Homeland: Razanik
  11. Any training in the Arcane arts?: Main: Absorbing heat from an object, freezing it, and placing it elsewhere at great speed, or turning mana into heat. This also includes shifting materials phases, stone to lava, water to ice, or water into steam. Combat, boosting her speed and power and utilizing heat to do so by rapidly expanding air behind her for boosts.
  13. Background: Hope was born to two Thaurmaturges that worked within the frozen North. They each saw her as their own hope for survival in their research. They researched heat and frost, hoping to utilize it to help people's lives and wanted to pass on their research to her so she may improve everyone's life. However, with the rise of Kane, they soon had to utilize their research into weaponry. With their fellow researchers they created the Buster Gear and as a group headed off to war. She was left all alone with her grandparents when the news came back that the entire research team had died she she was just 3. Two years later, when she was 5, Kane had died, but her parents would never come back. Growing up, she was sent to military school at the age of 7, when her grandparents were killed at home from a robbery. There she learned combat and doctrine and when she was released she pursued an arcane career with her research notes being leverage to gain apprenticeship. Later she would join as a proper Thaurmaturge, inheriting the Buster Gear from the military who recovered them after the battles, being the only one with the proper knowledge to utilize. She'd refuse to be a Major, and fought from the ground up to it herself to Captain. Some would still look at her strangely as she was given special gateways due to her status, but she still believed in her own way.
  15. Artifacts
  17. Buster Gloves: Two large gauntlets she wears at every waking moment, at this point rumored to be fused to her skin. The Right gauntlet is made specifically to enable the freezing of an object. IT does so by absorbing the heat and transferring it to the wielder as a unique form of mana. The left glove can channel that heat and give it to something else, glowing in the process and at times even lighting on fire. Both gloves enable the user to channel excess flux and mana into heat in battle as well.
  19. Buster Greaves: Two boots that are made exactly as the Buster Gloves, but the left freezes and the right heats.
  21. Buster Plate: A almost plate like chest piece with a medallion made in the center that is made to store heat specifically without burning the user with use of the Buster Greaves and Gloves, just using the body as a secondary storage when it, itself overflows, and the body as a means of transporting the heat.
  24. Thaumaturgical knowledge: Phase Shifting(Plasma-Gas-Liquid-Solid), Heat transfers, Heat capacity, and expansion of heat as well as the contraction of freezing.
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